point 1 Act of RI No. 25 of the year 1992 concerning
Cooperative above, if it is not supported by easiness
presented in an application utilizing Information
technology. Training on MS. Excel 2007-Based
Accounting Application System by Saving and Loan
Cooperative that has been joined under the
supervision of DEKOPINDA Sukabumi City by the
HadiantoTanjung and WidyaiswaraMadya as the
presenters from Cooperative and Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Office, creates conclusion that
the application of MS. Excel 2007 in managing
transaction and preparing Accountability reports is
less effective because it yet utilizes Information
technology and Research conducted by(Atikah, 2014)
with the title of System Savings and Loans On
Employees Cooperative Republic of Indonesia
(KPRI) Dwija work of the District Tulakan 2014
concluded that cooperatives in Indonesia growth is
Static Expantion means quantitative growth because
cooperatives are not managed with good
management, so thatneeded a computerized system to
manage transactions and facilitate the preparation of
the cooperative management.
Thus, from this reality, it is necessary for a
research to have the ability to solve difficulty by the
management performance in creating an application
system by utilizing Information Technology, namely
E-Cooperative Application in facilitating the
accountability reports by Cooperative Management.
2.1 E-Cooperative
E-Cooperative is a description of the word
Electronic Cooperative meaning that the cooperative
uses electronic facility utilizing computer network
through internet as its operation supporting
equipment. From the definitions above, it can
conclude that the E-Cooperative can mean as that the
Cooperative Management using internet media in
managing its activities.Research and journals that
discuss about E-cooperatives are still limited so that
researchers are interested to raise the theme of E-
Analysis and Design of E-Cooperative System On
Cooperative Savings and Loansby (Andini,
2014)Research results: The content of the application
that there are 3 websites to be analyzed. The 3
websites are the Cooperative MakmurMandiri,
Cooperative MajuBersama and Cooperative
ElitsMitraSetia. Of the three websites analyzed will
get results related to the shortcomings and advantages
of each cooperative tailored to the needs of making
web design in accordance with Law no. 17 of 2012 on
Cooperatives. The launching of E-cooperative by PT
Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk joint to Economic
Welfare Bank (BKE) launched E-Cooperative is a
solution to support cooperative and SME program
that is healthy, strong, independent, tough and
empowered high competitiveness (Antara News,
2.2 Cooperative
The main foundation underlying the establishment of
cooperatives in Indonesia is provision of the Act of
RI No. 25 of the year 1992. According to the Act of
RI No. 25 of the year 1992, it states that: Cooperative
is formed with the purpose to prioritize particularly
its members’ welfare and generally the society as well
as contribute to develop national economic system in
order to realize an advanced, fair and prosperous
society based on Pancasila and Constitution of
1945.The reason for is formed of cooperatives by the
community because they want to obtain greater
benefits than if they have to do business with non-
cooperative organizations because the main purpose
of the cooperative is from and for members with the
principle of familiyer
Meanwhile the Organizational Tools consist of:
Member Meeting;
Tasks of Cooperative Management (Board Of
Director) According to the Act of RI No.25 article 30
point 1 in(Irawan, 2014) determine the tasks of
Cooperative management are:
Manage Cooperative and Its business;
Propose work plan design as well as revenue
and spending budget plan design of the
Held the Member meeting;
Propose Financial Statements and
Accountability report on its task
Implement financial accounting and inventory
in a regular manner;
Maintain list of member and management
Financial Statements as determined by Financial
Accounting Standards (IAI, 2013) is also applied in
the Cooperative consisting of :
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy