The Influence of Investment Decision, Financing Decision, and
Dividend Policy on Firm Value
Study on Basic Industry and Chemical Sector Company Listed on Indonesian
Stock Exchange from Years 2006-2015
Hana Mardiyah, Umar Faruk and Leni Yuliyanti
Department of Accounting Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Investment Decision, Financing Decision, Dividend Policy, Firm Value.
Abstract: This study aims to identify the influence of investment decision, financing decision, and dividend policy on
firm value in basic industries and chemicals company listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) years
2006-2015. In this study, the investment decision was measured with Price Earnings Ratio (PER), while
financing decision was measured by using Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and dividend policy was calculated
by employing Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), meanwhile the firm value in this present study was examined
by using Tobin’s Q ratio. Purposive sampling utilized to determine the sample of the study. Statistical analyses
used in this research were linier regression multiple with panel data. Based on regression significance test (F
test) showed that regression model can be used to take a conclusion. Whereas, T-test result showed that
investment decision has a positive influence on firm value, financing decision has a positive influence on firm
value and dividend policy has an influence on firm value with negative direction.
The company’s goal in the long term is to maximize
firm value. Maximizing firm value is a very
important, because with increasing a firm value, the
prosperity of the shareholders will increase also. Firm
value is also seen to provide an overview of the actual
company condition and is often used as a tools to
influence investor’s perspectives on company
performance and company’s prospect in the future.
The ups and downs of firm value can be reflected
from changes the stock prices in capital market, the
higher stock price, the firm value will be higher too.
Firm value can be affected by financial decisions
taken by company managers, such as: investment
decision, financing decision, dividend policy. The
financial decisions are intended to increase the
prosperity of shareholders, which is shown by
increasing firm value (Husnan and Pudjiastuti, 2012).
In addition, the existence of financing decision
making by the company can provide a signal to
outsiders about company’s condition. The signal
sends information contained in each company’s
action, where such information was previously only
known by company’s management. Therefore, the
company must be wise and careful in determining
these financial decisions, because the decisions can
affect the firm value.
Basic industry and chemical sector is a sector that
has many roles in proving the country’s economy and
stimulate the productivity of society and become a
support in operational activities of other industries.
Therefore, if a firm value in basic industry and
chemical sector declines, it does not close the
likelihood that it could affect in other sectors.
This study aims to determine: (1) The influence of
investment decision on firm value. (2) The influence
of financing decision on firm value. (3) The influence
of dividend policy on firm value.
Harmono (2016) distinguishes financial management
functions into three forms of corporate policy, namely
(1) investment decision, (2) financing decision, (3)
dividend policy. A financial manager must be able to
optimize the three financial decisions to increase firm
value or shareholder’s wealth. Investment decision
related to allocation of funds owned by the firm into
Mardiyah, H., Faruk, U. and Yuliyanti, L.
The Influence of Investment Decision, Financing Decision, and Dividend Policy on Firm Value - Study on Basic Industry and Chemical Sector Company Listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange
from Years 2006-2015.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 809-813
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
investment project that will be able to provide
benefits for the firm. Investment decision is a very
important decision in an effort to increase the firm
value, because the investment decision has a big
influence on company’s development. With the right
investment decision, the firm can give a new
investment opportunities that give a profit to the firm,
so the firm can increase shareholder’s prosperity. In
addition, investment decision have a long-term
dimensions which can produce long-term
consequences as well later.
Financing decision is related to selected of the
right source of corporate funds that can provide
optimal results for the firm, whether internal funds
(equity) or external funds (debt). Use debt in
financing decision can reduce the tax costs that must
be borne by the firm (tax deductible) and can affect
the investor’s reaction. Investors will assume that the
company is able to fund all company’s activities and
able to increase shareholder wealth. But on the other
hand, excessive debt can reduce the firm value,
because the higher debt can increase a interest
expense and cause bankruptcy risk.
Dividend policy is a policy taken by the
company’s management to decide to pay a partly of a
company’s profit to the shareholders rather than hold
it as retained earnings to be re-invested to obtain
capital gains (Ambarwati, 2010). Dividends are
earnings received by investors in the short-term and
definitely accepted by investors, so dividend
payments can reduce the investor’s risk and can
attract investors to invest in the company.
Bird in the hand theory suggests that dividend
distributed by firms have a positive effect on stock
price and firm value, but on the other hand tax
preference theory suggests that investors prefer
companies to hold most of their profits because the
high dividends payout may result in greater tax
payments. Other than that, any dividend policy taken
by the company can affect the amount of company’s
retained earnings which will be used to fund
company’s investment activities. So in determining
the dividend policy, finance manager should be
consider the company’s re-investment opportunities.
The higher dividend can disrupt the firm expansion,
while the lower dividend can reduce investor interest
(Himawan and Cristiawan, 2016) therefore, dividend
policy should be considered appropriately.
: Investment decision has a positive influence on
firm value.
: Financing decision has a positive influence on
firm value.
: Dividend policy has a influence on firm value
4.1 Research Variable and
4.1.1 Dependent Variable
a. Firm Value
Firm value is the price that the prospective buyer
would pay if the company was sold (Husnan and
Pudjiastuti, 2012) firm value can be measured using
Tobin’s Q ratio. Tobin’s Q ratio is considered to
provide the best information in measuring firm value.
Because Tobin’s Q ratio has included all debt and
equity owned by the firm, so it can describe the ability
of the firm in managing all assets.
4.1.2 Independent Variable
a. Investment Decision
Investment decision are a matter of how financial
manager should allocate funds into a investment
project that will be profitable in the future (Sutrisno,
2012). Investment decision can be measured using
Price Earnings Ratio (PER). PER is used to measure
how investors assess a company growth prospect in
the future, and reflected in the stock price that
investors are willing to pay for each of the company’s
earnings (Sudana, 2011).
 =
 ℎ
 ℎ
b. Financing Decision
The financing decision addresses the problem of how
much capital should be raised to fund the firm’s
operations (both existing and proposed), and what the
best mix of financing is (Pike and Neale, 2009). So
that a financial manager is required to determine the
best composition of company’s funds, namely funds
in the form of debt and equity. Financing decision are
measured using Debt to Equity Ratio (DER). Debt to
Equity Ratio shows a comparison between debt and
equity (Husnan and Pudjiastuti, 2012). The greater
DER value shown the greater amount of debt usage
in the company.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
 =
 
c. Dividend Policy
Dividend policy is decision related a distribution
company profit, whether the profit will be distributed
to shareholders or will be retained as retained
earnings to finance future investment (Sartono,
2010). Dividend policy is measured using Dividend
Payout Ratio (DPR). With using Dividend Payout
Ratio can be known percentage of company earnings
are distributed as dividend and retained as retained
 =
 ℎ
 ℎ
4.2 Population and Sample
In this research, the data used a secondary data from
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and ICMD.
Population in this research is a company in basic
industry and chemical sector. The sample is chosen
using purposive sampling method with the following
characteristics: (1) basic industry and chemical
company listing on Indonesia Stock Exchange on
December 31, 2015, (2) published company financial
report during 2006-2015 period and present it in
Rupiah currency, (3) paid dividends at least once
during 2006-2015 period.
4.3 Analysis Technique
To know the influence of each independent variable
to dependent variable used multiple linier regression
analysis with panel data. The analysis is conducted to
determine the extent of influence given by
independent variable to dependent variable if a
number of independent variable more than one
variable. This study was conducted using panel data.
The linear regression equation in this model are:
Q = β
+ β
PER + β
DER + β
DPR + ε
Pursuant to purposive sampling criterion, obtained
the research sample counted 25 company, but 15
company have outliers data, so amount of research
sample become ten company. After eliminating
outliers data, research data has been problems of
autocorrelation. Therefore it is necessary to heal by
using the first difference method.
Panel data model selection used by Chow Test and
Lagrange Multiplier Test. Common effect model
(pooled least square) was selected as estimation
Table 1: Calculating Result of F-test.
Adjusted R-square
S.E. of re
ression 0.294972
Sum s
uared resi
F-statistic 911.4744
Prob (F-statistic) 0.000000
Source: Output Eviews 9
Based on the result of data processing in Table 1,
it’s known that the F-statistic value is 911.4744 with
significance level 0.0000. F-table at df numerator = 3
and df denominator = 86 with α = 5% is 2.71, so F-
statistic > F-table and significance level < 0.05, it can
be concluded that means of regression, so the
equation model can used to make inferences about the
effect of investment decision, financing decision, and
dividend policy on firm value. R-squared value is
0.969508 shows that 96.95% of firm value is
influenced by independent variables in the model.
Table 2: Multiple Regression of Panel Data Analysis
Variable Coefficient Std. Erro
t-Statistic Prob.
C -0.031372 0.031115 -1.008260 0.3162
0.992241 0.374248 2.651289 0.0095
D(DER) 0.371385 0.007110 52.23166 0.0000
D(DPR) -0.036038 0.008445 -4.267418 0.0001
Source: Output Eviews 9
5.1 The Influence of Investment
Decision on Firm Value
The result of regression analysis shows the value of t-
statistic of investment decision of 2.65 > t-table
1.66277 with significance level 0.0095. The value of
t-statistic > t-table, then Hypothesis 1 accepted,
investment decision has a positive influence in firm
value. Investment decision have a coefficient of
0.992241 on firm value, so if the investment decision
increases by one unit, then firm value will also
increases by 0.992241 units.
The influence of investment decision on firm
value is the result of the investment activity itself.
This is because every investment decision taken by
the company can determine company’s obtained
profit and show the optimal performance. Investment
decisions are very important, because the mistake in
investment selection can disrupt company’s
sustainability. Therefore, financial managers must
The Influence of Investment Decision, Financing Decision, and Dividend Policy on Firm Value - Study on Basic Industry and Chemical
Sector Company Listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange from Years 2006-2015
maintain corporate investment development to
achieve corporate objectives.
In addition, the existence of investment
expenditure by the company can provide a positive
signal (good news) for investors, that the company
has good revenue growth in the future and can
increase the shareholder’s prosperity. This makes
investors more interested and trust with company’s
prospect, so that investors more appreciate the value
of the company’s stock and firm value will be higher.
The results of this study support previous research
conducted by Mursalim et al. (2015), Efni et al.
(2012), Prapaska and Muthmainah (2012), Clementin
and Priyadi (2016), Wijaya et al. (2010), Alipudin et
al. (2014) which state that investment decision have a
positive influence on firm value.
5.2 The Influence of Financing
Decision on Firm Value
Financing decision variable has t-statistic is 52.23166
with significance level 0.0000. the t-statistic value >
t-table is 1,66277, then hypothesis 2 is accepted, so
the financing decision has a positive influence on firm
value. The financing decision has a coefficient of
0.371385, meaning that if the financing decision
increases by one unit, then firm value will increases
by 0.371385 units.
The positive influence of financing decision on
firm value is suspected by debt usage can be used as
a deduction of tax payment. In addition, high debt
usage is a positive signal for investors that the
company is able to fund all of its investment activities
and expected to improve the company’s prospects and
be able to pay its obligations to shareholders, so that
the prosperity of shareholders or firm value increases.
In trade-off theory, using debt can increase firm
value to a certain optimum point, but if the amount of
debt has exceeded the optimum point then the debt
can reduce firm value. Based on the results of this
research and trade off theory, it can be seen that
financing decision applied by the average company of
basic industry and chemical sector has not reached its
optimum point, so that financing decision on the basic
industry and chemical sector has a positive influence
on the firm value. The results of this study support
previous research by Wijaya et al. (2010), Hoque et
al. (2014), Mursalim et al. (2015), Himawan and
Cristiawan (2016), Chowdhury and Chowdhury
(2010), Efni et al. (2012) and Rehman (2016) which
states that financing decision has a positive influence
on firm value.
5.3 The Influence of Dividend Policy on
Firm Value
Dividend policy variable has t-statistic of -4.267418
with significance level 0.0001. The significance level
< α 0.05 then hypothesis 3 is accepted, so dividend
policy has an influence on firm value, but the
influence indicates a negative effect. Dividend policy
has a negative coefficient of -0.036038 it means that
if the dividend policy increases by one unit, then firm
value will decreas by 0.036038 units.
The negative influence in dividend policy variable
is assumed that the high dividend payout can cause
the less amount of retained earnings. It may cause the
company have insufficient funds experience to
funding its investment and operational activities in
the future. Increased dividends can be bad news
because it is suspected that the company has reduced
its investment plant which will subsequently affect
the investor’s perspective on firm value (Haruman,
2008). Investors assume that the greater dividends are
distributed to shareholders, the growth of investment
will be hampered and can lower firm value. In
addition, the tax preference theory states that
investors prefer if the company retained the profits,
because dividend income is taxed higher than capital
gains and the capital gain can make investors delay
the payment of taxes, because the tax of capital gains
will be collected if the shares are sold, but the tax of
dividend must be paid when the dividend is
Dividend policy in one side may reduce investor
risk, but in other side a higher dividend policy can
reduce the amount of retained earnings. The result of
this study support previous research by Clementin
and Priyadi (2016) and Haruman (2008) which states
that the dividend policy has an influence on firm
value with a negative influence.
Based on the results in this research, it can be made
the following conclusions: (1) Investment decisions
has a positive influence on firm value. (2) Financing
decision has a positive influence on firm value. (3)
Dividend policy has an influence on firm value with
a negative direction. Further research is suggested to
examine other sectors or use different analytical
techniques and consider external factors that may
affect firm value, such as interest rates, inflation rate,
currency exchange rate, and others as an independent
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The Influence of Investment Decision, Financing Decision, and Dividend Policy on Firm Value - Study on Basic Industry and Chemical
Sector Company Listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange from Years 2006-2015