Information Systems for Semeru Mountain with QR Code and RFID
Kadek Inten Sari and A. A. Gde Satia Utama
Accounting Department Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia,
Keywords: Operational Informations System (OIS), Registration, Control, Mountaineering Semeru, QR Code, Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID).
Abstract: The natural beauty of Indonesia undoubtedly received great attention from foreign tourists. Provides
fascinating views of the ocean, mountains, and plains make Indonesian tourism sectoral contributed US $
10.69 billion or equivalent to Rp136 trillion, through its foreign exchange. That makes tourism sector the
mainstay of national income. One of attractive Indonesian tourism sector is mountaineering. Not only climbed
by local tourists, mountains of Indonesia attract foreign tourists to subdue. This leads to the need for more
attention to the comfort and safety of climber during the ascent of mountains in Indonesia. So its become the
need to design a system that is more integrated with technology utilizing the QR Code, Operational
Information Systems (OIS), and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), to potentially reduce the number of
accidents while climbing. This research proposes system design starting from registration to operational
control. The results of the study are proposing a system for integrating due to mountaineering activity from
registration to climb operational control. In addition this reasearch find that, when there is a mismatch on the
climbing trip there will be a Search and Rescue (SAR) operation.
The beauty of Indonesia’s nature has undoubtedly
gained great attention from foreign tourists. Providing
beautiful views of the sea, mountains and terrain
makes the Indonesian tourism sector able to
contribute US $ 10.69 billion or equivalent to Rp136
trillion through its foreign exchange. This makes the
tourism sector a mainstay of state income.
Mountain hiking is one of the interesting tourism
sectors in Indonesia. Not only hiked by local tourists,
but the mountains of Indonesia attract foreign tourists
to conquer it. This led to the need for more attention
to comfort and safety during mountain hiking in
Referring to the description, the problem
formulation in this research is 1) how the information
system of Mount Semeru ascent which is integrated
by using QR Code and RFID technology. The
purpose of this research is to produce the integrated
information system design starting from the
reservation, payment, and supervision of Mount
Semeru hiking activities, as an effort for a safe hike,
preventing the visitors to get lost and create a
structured tourism.
The research approach used in this study is a
qualitative approach by taking the benefits and cost
of the proposed flowchart into account.
3.1 Reservation Process for The Mount
Semeru Hiking Visitors
There are two processes, namely the registration
process for the Mount Semeru hiking visitors and the
operational process of searching for lost visitors.
Based on the exposure of the Head and the
Registration clerk of Resort Ranu Pane, visitors can
choose the ascent path online or offline then
complement the data and terms, and settle the
payment. After that, come to the counter leaving their
identity cards as an insurance and receive briefings
from the officers, and the hike begins.
Sari, K. and Utama, A.
Information Systems for Semeru Mountain with QR Code and RFID Technology.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 818-822
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
3.2 Operational Process of Searching
for Lost Visitors
The operational process of searching for lost visitors
starts with the visitor reporting to the clerk. Then the
advanced team will go to the location to start the
search. When the search is done, the news will spread
and the area will be closed. Searches are done
together until the visitor is found/not found or until
the visitor status is clear.
3.3 System’s Superiority
The detailed rules and requirements are
available on the web, making it easier for
potential visitors to do the preparation earlier;
Booking can be done in advance making it
advantageous for the visitors to not run out of
The payment system that already utilizes the
bank's cash transfer system, so no one needs to
carry excess money when doing the hike;
There is a briefing about SOP that adds
visitor’s insight about hiking;
When the detailed check of the proof of
payment has been done, the date of the hike as
well, if they do not meet the condition they
have to buy additional tickets;
Real time report on the number of the visitors
to the big hall;
They don’t keep the cash from the ticket
admission process for too long;
The search system for lost people has advanced
teams trained for early action.
3.4 System’s Weakness
The total quota of 500 people per day can not
be viewed entirely on the web, because on the
web only presents the online registration quota
information, so when visitors come directly to
the registration post there are no information
about the availability of quota. The quota on the
web is also often less updated with how it
When payment has been made visitors still
have to make their own confirmation and is not
automatically confirmed;
There is still a lot of paper use in the
registration system;
The absence of an integrated database of the
resort managers with the large hall, so they
have to do a manual report every day;
The absence of an adequate surveillance
system, relying solely on the initial guard at the
entrance gate, and from the precision of taking
the identity cards. The search for lost visitors
also usually starts from a visitor's friends
Announcement to close up the hike is quite not
fast, that makes some visitors got rejected to
hike because they themselves lack of
information about the closing of the hike.
3.5 Mount Semeru Ascent Integrated
Operational Information System
3.5.1 Flowchart Proposal
Figure 1: Flowchart Proposal.
Source: Processed data, 2016.
Information Systems for Semeru Mountain with QR Code and RFID Technology
3.5.2 QR Code
QR Code is used to facilitate the detection of direct
visitors, so that visitors will not have to bother to go
to the registration counter. Visitors who have signed
up online after paying will get QR Code by e-mail.
3.5.3 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) using
RFID reader paired with two antennas on each reader
to be able to identify RFID tag. Tag used is an active
tag, to save the RFID reader power, so that the reader
used is a passive reader. This is also because the
active tag and passive reader can reach a wider area.
Figure 2: RFID Reader Location Scheme Integrated
Source: Processed data, 2016.
The overall integration of Mount Semeru ascent
system are not separated from database technology or
database. Integrated databases can be interconnected
between the parties using it, the Ranu Pani Area
Management and TNBTS Regional Park
Management. Utilization of the database system is
expected to provide solutions to facilitate Mount
Semeru ascent operations.
3.5.4 Operational Information System
Design Mount Semeru Ascent
The operational information system requires input
from several activities, so that it can produce the right
output, with the elaboration in the following chart.
Figure 3: Operational Information System Design
Mount Semeru Ascent.
Source: Processed data, 2016.
Figure 4: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).
Source: Processed data, 2016.
3.5.5 Operational Information System
Design Mount Semeru Ascent
The benchmarking method used is the payback
method which compares the cost to be spent on the
annual income, resulting a payback point which is a
turning point that has not reached a year. This means
that the designed system costs can be covered with
revenue in less than a year, resulting in a system with
an estimated age of 10 years is very feasible to apply.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
No Hardware Qty Price Amount Total Price References
1 RFID bracelet (tag) 1,500 Unit 39,000.00Rp 58,500,000.00Rp (access date 26 July 2016)
2 RFID reader 5 Unit 70,200,000.00Rp 351,000,000.00Rp (access date 26 July 2016)
3 O utdoor antenna 10 Unit 2,686,500.00Rp 26,865,000.00Rp (access date 26 July 2016)
4 Fiber optic (15m/unit) 23.5 km 440,000.00Rp 689,333,333.33Rp (access date 26 July 2016)
5 Device server 1 Unit 73,900,000.00Rp 73,900,000.00Rp (access date 26 July 2016)
6 Computer 5 Set 4,700,000.00Rp 23,500,000.00Rp (access date 26 July 2016)
7Printer 2 Unit 1,250,000.00Rp 2,500,000.00Rp (access date 26 July 2016)
Pipe (4m/unit) 23.5 km 35,640.00Rp 209,385,000.00Rp (access date 26 July 2016)
Total 209,385,000.00Rp
Routine training for one month 20 days 500,000.00Rp 10,000,000.00Rp 10,000,000.00Rp Estimated
Maintanance 20 years 1,000,000.00Rp 20,000,000.00Rp Estimated
Insurance 20 years 1,000,000.00Rp 20,000,000.00Rp Estimated
Domestic Visitors Overseas Visitors
Amount Ticket Price Amount Ticket Price
186,211 17,500.00Rp 1,466 207,500.00Rp Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Statistic 2015
3,258,692,500.00Rp 304,195,000.00Rp
Recurring Cost
Total Cost
Total Visitor in 2015
Total Reve nue
Cos t
One-time cost
Ha rdwa re Ac quititio n
The Instalation Site Preparation
Executor Training
Figure 5: Details of Costs and Income (Benefits).
Source: Processed data, 2016.
Figure 6: Payback Method Diagram in Cost and
Benefit Analysis.
Source: Processed data, 2016.
3.5.6 Human Resources
Each information system needs to be run by human
resources who certainly can understand the system
well enough, as well as Mount Semeru ascent
information system that is integrated requires
employees who understand about the system being
designed and implemented. So that the system can
function as it should be.
Utilization of Mount Semeru ascent Operational
Information System (OIS) based information system
is used as the basis of Mount Semeru ascent system,
so it can optimize the surveillance and action on the
operational activities of Mount Semeru ascent.
Manual supervision results a less rapid rescue, which
can lead to fatalities including death. Delivery of the
entire quota in real-time will provide up-to-date
information, so there will be no more visitor buildup.
Registration with the help of QR Code will make it
easier for visitors and officers. QR Code is formed
automatically and visitors can directly perform their
own scan. The use of Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) technology is a form of direct control from
the management to ensure that visitors are in line with
their hikes. Handling the case of strayed visitors can
also be quickly done, thus reducing the possibility of
visitors straying for too long and occurring death,
because life can not be purchased with anything.
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