their basic rights as well as the right to a decent life,
security and prosperity. Besides, they must also be
able to be responsible for their own life as a society
especially in a plural Indonesian society (Rudito et
al.,2013). But basically the responsibility is not the
responsibility of the society itself or the state alone
but is the joint responsibility, namely the government
and all levels of society. It is this awareness that
underlies the creation of a civil society that is the
dream of every country in the world.
One of the efforts in the formation of civil society
is the existence of a CSR program in which one of its
aims is to raise public awareness towards a more
prosperous and civilized order. The community
empowerment model undertaken by the company
through the CSR program is usually in the form of
services, loans, infrastructure development and
financing various events related to community
development and welfare.
One of the models of CSR management that can
be connected with the effort of civil society
manifestation is the management of CSR conducted
in Islamic or can be interpreted the management of
sharia-based CSR and in accordance with t he
principle of Maqashid al-syariah which is termed by
al-ma'aaniallatisyuri'atlaha al-ahkam (Hikam, 1996).
In addition the classical scholars describe the five
main points that must be preserved in human life:
keeping the religion (hifẓ al-dīn), keeping the soul
(hifẓ al-nafs), keeping the mind (hifẓ al-'aql), keeping
the offspring (hifẓ al -nasl) and preserves the treasure
(hifẓ al-māl). Some classical scholars such as al-
Ghazali and al-Syatibi argue that al-Kulliyah al-
khamsah which they mentioned earlier is usūl al-
syariah or general purpose of the making of sharia
(Zein, 2005)
2.1 Civil Society Concept
Understanding the Concept of "Civil Society"
basically refers to the concept of "civil society" of
western society. The person who first revealed this
term in 1995 was Anwar Ibrahim (Rahardjo,1999)
and developed in Indonesia by Nurcholish Madjid
(Madjid, N., 1999; Nurchalis. 2000). The meaning of
civil society as civil society refers to the concept and
form of Medina Society built by Prophet Muhammad
SAW. The Madinah community is regarded as the
legitimacy of history in the formation of civil society
in modern Muslim society.
Meanwhile, according to Alatas (1978) Civil
Society comes from the Arabic language which
consists of two words namely musharaka and madina.
musharaka which means association or communion
of human life, in the Latin language society called
socius which then changed its form to social while
madina meaning city, or "tamaddun" meaning
civilization. This is related to the life of the
community who built the Prophet Muhammad SAW
after he emigrated to Madinah whose population of
various types of ethnicity and religion although the
majority of Muslims.
Based on the origins of that understanding then
the intention of the Civil Society (civil society) is a
society that uphold high values of civilization, the
community that lays the principles of the basic values
of a harmonious and balanced society. According to
observations Maarif (1998), civil society developing
in the Western Society is theoretically entitled
egilitarian, tolerant, and open, the values that are also
owned by Madinullah's community.
Civil society was born and developed in
liberalism so that the result of the Society that
produced more emphasized the role and individual
freedom, the problem of social and economic justice
is still a question mark. While in civil society, justice
is a major pillar. Another difference between civil
society and civil society is that civil society is the fruit
of modernity, while modernity is the fruit of the
Renaissance movement; the secular Society
movement that marginalizes God. So the civil society
has a fragile moral-transcendental for leaving God.
While civil society is born from the cradle and
guidance of God.
From this reason Maarif defines the Civil Society
as an open, egalitarian, and tolerant Society on the
basis of transcendental moral ethical values derived
from God's Revelation (Maarif, 2004). The people of
Madinah, whom Cak Nur used as the typology of civil
society, constituted a democratic society. In the sense
that the relations between the groups of the Society,
as contained in the points of the Medina Charter,
reflect egalitarianism (each group has equal rights and
position), respect for other groups, policy is taken by
involving community groups (such as the setting of
war strategies), and the perpetrators of injustice, from
any group, are rewarded with the punishment.
2.2 Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR can be interpreted as an effort of the company to
raise its image in the eyes of the public by making
programs of charity both external and internal.
External program by conducting partnerships