As a strategic process in women's economic
empowerment program, small groups called as
Business Learning Group (KBU) were formed.
role of leaders to build group dynamics is essential for
the creation of productive learning and organizational
Forming groups and the election of a
leader, based on the characteristics of the group, with
bottom-up approach or in line with the needs of the
group and its members.
Members have the right to
choose and determine leaders who are in accordance
with their group climate, so members need to know
deeply about the profile of leaders in their daily
The existence of women leaders in running and
supervising the organization, also affected by similar
conditions, the same hope and feeling
of kinship.
Because the majority of the development
program are those with the economic status
low education, the academic competence and
economic status are not a major concern
like a leader is chosen. But a leader who
is trusted,
responsible, have experience, be a
motivator for members, can communicate well
effectively solve problems.
It may be possible to find another model of female
leadership, because the character of the leader built in
each group needs to be in line with the vision of the
mission or the program of activity and the character
of its members.
The larger the group it builds, the
more complex the leadership character will be
Acknowledgments to the Institute for Research and
Community Service, University of Indonesia
Education and Ministry of Research and Technology
Higher Education Republic of Indonesia who has
funded this research.
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