obedience to the entire contents of the broadcast
(broadcast). Rating is suddenly used as a benchmark
to determine how far the level of community
adherence to the "religion" is. Another impact, the
media created a popular culture, popular culture only
sells dreams. Television in this context being that
hides media tyranny agenda (hidden tyranny) at once,
said Hannah Arendt, space to practice kejumawaan
guile powerful desire to produce impressions and
communications that are not real, that completely
artificial and deceptive.
Anticipating the negative impact of the media, it
is necessary with the defence of religion and culture,
boarding school as the centre of religious knowledge
and worship activities can be a model. As the United
States, "the importance of local culture in the face of
the media's impact, with local culture. In the midst of
pessimism, optimistic attitude must be nurtured.
Religion and culture must be re-presented as a moral
force (filter), to restore the media to its original
khitah, as an instrument to spread goodness and
virtue. There must be a common movement and
awareness that there is something wrong in our view
of the media. So wisdom Sunda, minimal through the
maxim that we can read as a legacy of the ancestors,
very clearly teaches the necessity us to speak (see) is
not the origin of the way, (Abong biwir teu
diwengku, abong letah teu tulangan) emphasize so as
not to forget the land (Adam lali tapel), not hypocrisy
(Budi santri, legeg lebe, ari lampah euwah-euwah ),
Must know the self (ngukur ka kujur, nimbang ka
awak), consistence in truth (ulah unggut kalinduan,
gedag kaanginan), transparent (Ngadek sacekna nilas
saplasna), have emotional intelligence (Ari umur
tunggang gunung, angen-angen pecad sawed),
Intellectual intelligence (asak warah), does not need
to be arrogant with something that is not really ours
(Adean ku kuda beureum); , Do not be swept away
(Ulah kabawa ku sakaba-kaba) and do not keep
fantasizing about something that we can not achieve
(Ngudag-ngudag kalangkang heulang, Ngeunah eon
teu ngeunah ehe, ngajul bentang ku asiwung, piit
ngendek-ngendek pasir) , and away from sense
Misguided ((akal bulus).
Anticipating the impact of this media, it is
necessary to understand the media in the perspective
of Islamic ethics and communication. Boarding
school is a religion educational institution that teaches
ethics and morals, including in communication ethics.
As ZZN conveys the need for the Principles of
Reward and Sins in viewing the media, he says "this
principle explains that every message or statement
that comes out contains consequences of reward or
sin. Oral, as well as writing have a key role in
communicating, whether leading us to success or
destruction. "The media must also have a province of
honesty, in Islamic communication according to
ZZN, among the form of honesty in communicating
is not twisting facts, and not spreading lies or lies. So
that the media needs to be monitored, examined and
scrutinized, it is in accordance with the opinion ZZN,
that the media scrutiny as a form of communication
in Islam, the "man fal yughoyyiruu ro'a minkum
munkaron biyadihi, wa ilamyastati 'fabilisanihi, wa
ilam yastathi' fabiqolbihi".
According to the Commissioner of West Java
KPID, boarding school already has a good filter
potential i.e. religious defence and morality, it
becomes the capital to be a savvy audience.
According to him, the literacy model becomes a
savvy audience, which is Make watch as an activity
of choice, Limit the time (best ideal time is 2 hours /
day), Select age-appropriate, good & beneficial
programs (see left or right corner codes) Letters A =
child, R = adolescent, D = Adult, SU = All Age) BO
= Parental Guidance), Watching with a mind that is
not empty, Critical if there is bad content broadcast,
Complain to KPI if there is any information about the
content of the broadcast.
It is necessary and important to address the
spectacle clearly, the agreement with the family about
the pattern of watching TV, make parents as family
models, invite parents to accompany and guide while
watching TV, set TV family watching schedule to
watch TV as a conscious choice of purpose, watching
TV According to need not out of desire, choose TV
shows that educate and informative always watch TV
according to segment of event and age classification.
Literacy media is needed involving the base of
mosques and boarding schools, so that people become
smart. Communities must have the ability to access,
analyze, evaluate and communicate messages, so as
to choose which media are good and which are bad
Democracy today will be difficult to enforce, if the
community is not media literate. Mass media, as one
of the pillars of democracy, can play an optimal role
if the people are media literate.
Mosques and boarding school can be the basis of
media literacy in religious approaches in building
literacy communities in mosques and boarding
schools. Local culture-based literacy models, local
wisdom that is dug, polished, packaged and properly
maintained can serve as an alternative to the
guidelines of Indonesian human life today and can be
Media Literacy Model in Forming Smart Community