SME Economic Empowerment through Vocational Village Program
in Ngunut Village, Jumantono Sub-District, Karanganyar Regency
Alan Sigit Fibrianto
, Badrus Sholeh
and Syamsul Bakhri
Sociological Postgraduate Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Economics Education Department, Universitas Pamulang, Indonesia
{alansigitfibrianto53, senjabarat12},
Keywords: Vocational Village, Economic Empowerment, AGIL.
Abstract: Ngunut Village is one of vocational village in Karanganyar Regency, some of government’s themes are
related to tailoring, payet, snack, instant medicinal herb, and ear and oyster mushrooms business groups.
There are some agents involved in it with the corresponding villagers being the object of vocational village
empowerment program, the government being the policy makers related to the program organized in
vocational village, and the students of college being the facilitators attempting to develop and to facilitate the
government’s vocational village program. This study aims to explore problems in vocational villages and
attempt to solve existing problems with four Talcott Parsons imperative concepts gradually starting from
adaption (A) process, goal attainment (G) process, integration (I) process, to latency process (L). This research
employed a qualitative method with case study approach, and observation and interview as the main
techniques of collecting data, and source triangulation to validate the data. The result of research showed that
there were some constraints in which the programs released since a long time ago had been vacuum. In
addition to those constraints, there was a new challenge in which individual elements, both government and
college along with society, develop the new existing potencies. Thus, the vocational village is created with
clear programs adjusted with community’s business and creativity and capable of synergizing the related
elements in its development.
Micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs)
have important and strategic position, potency and
role in achieving the objective of economic
development. SMEs are a business activity
attempting to expand job opportunity, contributing to
the process of distributing and improving the people’s
income evenly, encouraging the economic growth
and contributing to realizing stability in economic
sector. SMEs contribute substantially to gross
national product establishment, export improvement
and job and business opportunity expansion, evenly
income distribution and improvement. The existence
of SMEs is inseparable from national economic
growth as small-scale enterprise is the manifestation
of economic life of most Indonesian people, in the
attempt of building micro-, small-, and medium-scale
enterprises or called SMEs sub-sector of national
economy. SMEs get priority to be built and developed
in order to reinforce pro-people economy. The
existence of small and medium employers is the
manifestation of most Indonesian people’s economic
life. Such position puts the sector onto main way of
developing pro-people economic system. In realizing
the development of national business, small- and
medium-scale enterprise should be built in order to
develop independently and efficiently to improve the
people’s income, to create job opportunity, and to
improve its role in supplying product and service and
various domestic or foreign components. Industrial
sector including both large and micro-, small-, and
medium-scale ones are one sector contributing to the
national economic growth. Therefore, the
development of individual subsectors should be
conducted sustainably and building program should
be developed continuously corresponding to the
character and problem encountered.
In the presence of problems faced by Small- and
Medium-Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Ngunut
Village, Jumantono Sub District, Karanganyar
Regency, the participation of government,
particularly Cooperative and SMEs Office of
Karanganyar Regency, is required in growing and
Fibrianto, A., Sholeh, B. and Bakhri, S.
SME Economic Empowerment through Vocational Village Program in Ngunut Village, Jumantono Sub-District, Karanganyar Regency.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 54-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
developing SMEs especially in Karanganyar
Regency Area, thereby becoming a productive and
developing small enterprise in the future. Ngunut
Village is a Vocational Village, in which there are
some business groups, the existence of which has
faded and been extinct today. In addition, there is a
role of College students in collaboration with
government in conducting Kuliah Kerja Nyata
(KKN) (Student Study Service) program themed
vocational village taken place in Ngunut Village. This
study aims to explore the existing problems and focus
on solving problems with the concept of theory used.
The analysis is conducted using Talcott Parson’s
structural functional theory with AGIL concept.
Discussion on Parson’s structural functionalism is
inseparable from the four functional imperatives for
all action systems, with its famous scheme called
AGIL (Adaptation, Goal attainment, Integration,
Latency) Concept. Adaptation means that a system
should deal with the urgent need that is situational
external in nature, in which the system should adapt
to its environment and adapt the environment to its
needs. Goal attainment means that a system should
organize the relationship of components, and that
between three other functional imperatives (A, G, I).
Latency means that system should provide, maintain,
and reform both individuals’ motivation and cultural
patterns creating and supporting the motivation
(Ritzer, 2012). From the scheme, it can be concluded
that the classification of system function can be
summarized as follows: Latency (internal tool),
integration (internal result), Goal attainment
(external result), Adaptation (external tool) (Susilo,
Considering the elaboration above, the author is
interested in conducted a research entitled SME
Economic Empowerment through Vocational Village
Program in Ngunut Village, Jumantono Sub District,
Karanganyar Regency”.
In this research, the author employed a qualitative
research method with case study approach. The case
study approach is a research conducted intensively, in
detail, and in-depth on an organization, institution or
certain phenomenon (Arikunto, 2006). Case study
can be defined as a research method or strategy and
the result of research on certain case, all at once. Case
study is understood as the approach to study, to
inform, and to interpret a ‘case’ in its natural context
without outsider intervention (Salim, 2006). Overall,
the case study design can be justified in certain
conditions: (a) the case raises an important test on the
existing theory, (b) is a scarce or unique event, or (c)
is related to disclosure objective (Yin, 2014). This
research was taken place in Ngunut Village,
Jumantono Sub District, Karanganyar Regency, as
one of Vocational Village. Techniques of collecting
data used are observation, interview, and
documentation. Data validation was carried out using
source triangulation technique. Technique of
analyzing data used encompassed four stages: data
collection, data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing or verification.
The result of research shows that there is a main
problem pertaining to vocation program application
in Ngunut Village. This government’s vocational
village program aims to explore the natural resource
potency and to develop the local human resources,
that later will end up with the improvement of
villagers’ economic quality. Government applies five
vocational programs in Ngunut Village including,
among others, tailoring, payet, snack, instant
medicinal herb, and ear and oyster mushrooms
business groups. Government cooperates with college
to contribute to developing and facilitate the society
as business performer in vocational village. It is
expected that any program implemented by
government can run well and can improve not only
human resource but also family income thereby
leading to improving the economic quality of society.
The college involved in vocational village
development, among others, is Sebelas Maret
University located in Surakarta City, by holding
Vocational KKN. Vocational KKN program in
Ngunut Village is designed to facilitate the business
originally has been established by government
through developing Vocational Village. After the
business group has been established, it is expected
that currently it still run well and can be an
independent business group. There are five business
groups established by government: tailoring, payet,
snack, instant medicinal herb, and ear and oyster
mushrooms business groups. However, in fact, those
five business groups have long been vacuum. It was
because primarily there is no periodical facilitation
from government, and capital becoming the main
problem. Because the government’s program, has
long been vacuum, to restart it from the beginning,
capital and facilitation are required for the business
performers, when the program wants to keep being
implemented. Meanwhile, some business groups
SME Economic Empowerment through Vocational Village Program in Ngunut Village, Jumantono Sub-District, Karanganyar Regency
develop in the village, some of them are the surviving
ones and some others are new business created by the
local people themselves. Some business groups have
run well. Some business groups still run well
corresponding to the government’s theme in
vocational program, tailoring, instant medicinal herb,
and mushroom. However, those three businesses are
not consistent with vocational program intended to
create group corresponding to the original design.
Originally, when business groups were established by
government through vocational village, many people
of Ngunut people attended the program
enthusiastically in throng and operated the business
by creating joint venture (Kelompok Usaha Bersama
= KUBE). Initially, this activity ran smoothly when
direction and socialization was done by government.
However, the inadequate comprehensive and serious
facilitation from government made joint venture
groups created originally fade and cease. There are
only some individuals still surviving, for example:
tailoring, instant medicinal herb, and mushroom.
However, those businesses operated individually
rather than in joint venture. Even new businesses
arises from Ngunut Village such as leather chips,
animal breeding (cat fish, broiler chicken, egg layer
chicken, and cow breeding), but these businesses also
run individually rather in venture group. College
students contribute to empowering the joint venture
group in Ngunut Village through Vocational KKN
(Student Study Service) under University and
government guidance. So the role of students should
be flexible, as students as the facilitator developing
vocational village program obtaining full support and
help with the involvement of lecturers (as
academician that can contribute their scholarship)
from university and government (as the policy maker
and the provider of facility needed by students in
developing vocational village), in order to implement
the government’s objective and service to society to
solve the existing problem. Students as the ‘agent of
change’ can bridge the community and government,
and university, with any complete component
existing in each of those elements. Thus, the role of
students is very important in exploring any problem
existing, dealing with the existing problem, and
facilitating completely during service period aiming
to focus on developing the vocational village
When related to Talcott Parsons’ structural
functionalism theory, emphasizing on AGIL
(Adaptation, Goal attainment, Integration, Latency)
concept, the implementation of vocational village
program should be conducted synergistically between
many parties for the sake of business sustainability.
Adaptation is desirable; in this case any new
policy indeed needs habituation thereby becoming
common and accustomed. Adaptation can be defined
as self adjustment to something. In the enactment of
certain system or the implementation of certain
policy, one initial step to be taken is to make
adaptation, trying to adapt system or policy to the
existing culture, so that through this habituation
process, individual can adapt well to and can accept
something new or the preexisting one. The
application of vocational village program should
adapt to village potency, either natural or community
potency. Government should adapt any program
enacted to the field and can infer what should be done.
Community as the object of vocational village object
should be collaborative and should move together to
achieve the collective objective, the impact of which
will be felt by the community itself. The students can
also be collaborative not only with community but
also with government and lecturers. Thus, adaptation
process can run maximally.
In addition, the application of a certain policy or
system certainly has purpose and objective to be
achieved and approved mutually (Goal attainment).
Therefore, in this case, every application of policy or
certain system has an objective achievement. There is
a final objective being the collective priority, there is
an expectation of creating a consensus, thus the
idealized objective can be realized through a process
performed together. To realize the objective together,
there should be harmonious thinking from many
elements involved. The essence is the creation of a
view on the achievement what has been approved in
consensus. As such, the objective has been clear, and
then how to achieve the objective through the
program implemented. Every element serving as the
agent should be able to view harmoniously the
program and every design implemented in the
application of vocational village program. The
program should be adjusted with field condition and
situation. In addition, the problem existing considered
as important should be analyzed in order to create
solution collectively. So, the knowledge of all
elements as the agent is very important to field
condition and to give alternative solution to the
improvement of program, so that the mutually
approved objective in one view can be realized
To achieve the objective, there should be an
integration of some elements involved that can move
synergistically. In this stage, other three components
should be managed, from adaptation, objective
achievement and latency. Because this integration
determines how every component runs, adaptation is
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
needed to adapt to any field situation and condition
inseparable from the elements contributing to the
system. The objective will not be achieved
successfully when every element does not run well.
Every defect element will yield a less maximal
output. Therefore, there should be an integration that
can unite everything, from the involvement of all
related parties, agent’s role, to technical matter in the
field related to the program conducted. Everything
should run synergistically, or otherwise the idealized
objective will never be realized as expected. It is
intended merely to create synergy and good integrity
between government, colleges, and society.
Thus, it will eventually create a relationship
between policies, habituation, synergy, integrity, and
the objective to be achieved. Before going to the next
stage, latency, there are some challenges to be coped
with from the problems arising in the implementation
of vocational village program in Ngunut Village,
Jumantono Sub District, Karanganyar Regency.
Because, before the challenge is addressed, the next
stage concerns the maintenance of pattern that has
been able to address the problem occurring.
Somehow, this pattern maintenance is the final
element of AGIL concept, the presence of which is
needed for the harmony and the sustainability of three
previous imperative concepts, A, G, and I. The first
challenge is that adaptation is needed for the process
of adapting vocational village program to the
businesses starting to develop and survive in Ngunut
Village. It is because the program created originally
has no longer run. So, it expected that there should be
an adaptation of vocational program to the potency
existing in the village, by considering society’s
business and creativity existing in Ngunut Village, so
that the government policy through vocational village
program can adapt to the field condition. Policy is not
absolute and can be changed, so considering the
condition of Ngunut Village, there should be an
improved government policy related to the programs
implemented. Thus, vocational village program can
be harmonious with the existing activity in the field.
Thus, the college students serve to be agent or
facilitator in vocational village program
development. In addition, because the role of students
as facilitator has limited time, because students
service program through Vocational KKN of College
only runs for several months only, so that there should
be a reporting on action result and gain of each period.
Thus, this report is not only a formality requirement
but also a reference for Vocational KKN students to
continue what has been done by the Vocational KKN
students in previous period. Thus, facilitation can be
done sustainably. Because so far the report on
Vocational KKN activity is considered as merely
formality, it is utilized inadequately as the follow-up
action. Thus, the less supporting old pattern should be
abandoned and replaced with the new more
supporting one, using report on Vocational KKN
result as the database for the activity in next period in
the same location, thereby can formulate the further
steps (measures) sustainably. Thus, the result will
improve continuously, and no same error will be
repeated in every period. So the role of students as
facilitator will keep directed. The community as the
performer (actor) of vocational village program will
be helped and motivated in operating SMEs. These
SMEs should be facilitated in vocational village
program. The fact in the field shows that every SMEs
not belonging to the vocational village program
theme, SMEs do not become development priority,
while every SME in Ngunut Village highly needs
support in its business development. Therefore the
next challenge is the government’s seriousness in
implementing vocational village program. The
government should adapt to field condition and
situation and can facilitate every SME highly needing
support. Any vocational program that has been
vacuum should be replaced with SMEs running in
Ngunut Village, and the next step is to integrate any
SMEs developing with the vocational village
program, so that they can be facilitated. It is
conducted to create social envy, to prevent
discriminative assumption from appearing to certain
SMEs, and to generalize any SMEs needing
facilitation. The next challenge is integration,
integrating all SMEs into the vocational village
program, and any same SMEs are classified into an
association or joint venture group (KUBE), in order to
establish mutually supporting relation, as the means
of discussing together to talk about business
performed, sharing information, sharing insight,
giving input and establishing cooperative for the joint
venture sustainability as well as integrating every
elements involved (villagers, government and
college) in order to answer the existing problem and
to give the best solution and to focus together on the
development of vocational village programs
harmonize previously, rather than a means of
competing with each other.
Therefore, a tidily organized behavior pattern will
be created. The next stage is latency. After the pattern
has been established, it should be maintained in order
to be enacted continuously and sustainably. As long
as it is positive in nature, the pattern created will
result in a positive benefit and will likely everlasting.
In this way, AGIL concept can solve this problem.
SME Economic Empowerment through Vocational Village Program in Ngunut Village, Jumantono Sub-District, Karanganyar Regency
Vocational village program in Ngunut Village,
Jumantono Sub District, Karanganyar Regency,
involved three elements: villagers, government and
college students. There are five vocational village
programs in Ngunut Village: tailoring, payet, snack,
instant medicinal herb, and ear and oyster mushrooms
business groups. However, some of those programs
have ceased, and other new businesses grow from the
villagers’ creativity out of the vocational village
program theme. There should be adaptation process,
mutual objective, integration, and pattern
maintenance. Synergy is required between related
elements: villagers, government, and college students
to solve the problem collectively.
Vocational village program is expected to
facilitate any SMEs developing in Ngunut Villages
and to run well by integrating any SMEs, classifying
the similar business groups, integrating the role of
related elements, and having collective objective,
thereby running harmoniously and sustainably and
improving the economic quality of corresponding
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Salim, Agus. 2006. Teori dan Paradigma Penelitian Sosial.
Yogyakarta: PT Tiara Wacana.
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Biografi Para Peletak Sosiologi Modern. Yogyakarta:
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Rajawali Pers.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education