Women Participation in Ponggok Tourist Object Development

Arif Rahmanto, Argyo Demartoto, Mahendra Wijaya



Water tour is one of potencies to be developed into a superior tour in Ponggok Klaten. The role of village government and society in the development of water tour potency is very desirable. This research aimed to find out the participation of public and Village-Owned Enterprises (thereafter called BUMDes Ponggok) and factors inhibiting and supporting the development of Ponggok tourist object potency in Klaten Regency. This study was a case study research supported with qualitative data. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and documentation study. The informant was selected using purposive sampling consisting of Tourism Development and Tourism Marketing Division of BUMDes organizer, Culture and Tourism Service, sellers around Ponggok Tourist Object, some visitors, and people surrounding. Data validation was carried out using data triangulation, while technique of analyzing data used was an interactive model of analysis. The result of research showed that water tour in Ponggok Klaten included umbul ponggok, umbul pongggok ciblon, umbul kapilaler, umbul besuki and umbul sigedang. The development of Ponggok tourist object potency was conducted in the form of planning the development of supporting facilities and infrastructure in water selfie, cooperating with other government institutions, private, and community, developing promotion and marketing through booklet, tourist potency of Klaten Regency, website, social media and artistic event. The role of institution in improving human resource includes training and building the developer of tourism development regulation and facilitator in developing tourism in Klaten Regency. The inhibiting factors in developing Ponggok tourist potency included village’s financial ability not focusing yet on planning on object only, limited role of employers, very limited land the village government has for public facility and the inadequate number of competent human resource in development. The factors supporting the attempt of developing Ponggok tourist destination were: abundant potency, good accessibility, support and inspiration from Village Government in the form of BUMDes, opportunity of opening new job vacancy, and support from private in the form of CSR, land existing for the tourist object, professional management in the form of BUMDes, society’s care and the opening the job opportunity for the citizens.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Rahmanto A., Demartoto A. and Wijaya M. (2017). Women Participation in Ponggok Tourist Object Development.In 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE, ISBN 978-989-758-316-2, pages 90-95. DOI: 10.5220/0007093500900095

in Bibtex Style

author={Arif Rahmanto and Argyo Demartoto and Mahendra Wijaya},
title={Women Participation in Ponggok Tourist Object Development},
booktitle={2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE,},

in EndNote Style


JO - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE,
TI - Women Participation in Ponggok Tourist Object Development
SN - 978-989-758-316-2
AU - Rahmanto A.
AU - Demartoto A.
AU - Wijaya M.
PY - 2017
SP - 90
EP - 95
DO - 10.5220/0007093500900095