As a reaction from a view contrary to established
views or doctrines so far, the Muslims who are
members of NU Islamic Society, SI Indonesia / PSII,
EXACTLY and Muhamadiyah form "jama'ah"
counter by calling itself as "Jama'ah Qur 'an Sunnah".
The implications of the formation of "Jama'ah Qur'an
Sunnah" spontaneously and culturally, then the
conflict between social groups in Cibunar society
became open and represented by two social groups,
namely "Jama'ah Qur'ani" and "Jama'ah Qur 'an
Sunnah ".
The manipulation of the conflicts of the two
religious social groups was originally only the usual
debates between individuals in the Jamik Mosque.
The debatable issues at the time regarding Islamic
teachings and ritual practices they used to do everyday
such as prayer, fasting and the study of the Qur'an.
Over time, the debate evolved in the principled
Islamic teachings, especially regarding the source of
the law and the basis of tasyri '. Regarding these
conditions reinforce the results of research conducted
by Munajat (2015: 414) which states that the more
fundamentalist a religious adherents then the tendency
to approve acts of violence is very high.
On 21 March 2002 there was a fight between two
young men from each group, between Rohman
(members of Jama'ah Qur'ani) and Dadan (Tarka
Cibunar Girang Chairman). This diversion is triggered
by Rohman's arrogance stance that states that prayers
outside the "Jama'ah Qur'ani" group will not be
accepted by Allah SWT because they are not based on
the Qur'an. At that time a group of youth who are
members of the organization Tarang Karuna (Tarka)
are doing the work gotong royong build ruamah one
of the citizens Cibunar Girang. In the tradition of the
local community, if going to build a house is usually
preceded by a prayer besama. Suddenly Rohman
came from the south while mocking and making fun
of the youths who were praying. He said: "Your
prayer is useless, will not be answered, because you
have many sins". Rohman's words received a response
from Dadan. Dadan disputed Rohman's statement.
The debate was inevitable, and finally ended up in a
fight between Dadan and Rohman.
By the time of sunset, a group of youths not
members of the "Jama'ah Qurani" group gathered in
front of the Ronda Post on Jl. Village. They gathered
to attack the "Jama'ah Qur'ani" group. His motivation
is group solidarity and "jihad" against the teachings of
"Jama'ah Qur'ani". Under the command of Dadan, a
group of youths immediately attacked members of the
"Jama'ah Qur'ani". Homes and mosques belonging to
the group "Jama'ah Qur'ani were stoned and
destroyed. Then replied also by the youth of the group
"Jama'ah Qur'ani", then the fight broke out between
them. In the event there were no casualties, except the
houses and mosques damaged tile.
In addition to solidarity and discrimination, the
attack on a group of youths against the house and
mosque belonging to the "Jama'ah Qur'ani" was also
encouraged by the spirit of opposition to the perceived
heretical groups of Islam. Incidentally, two days
before the attack (19 March 2001 at night), in
Kampung Cijambe (Kersamanah Village) bordering
on Cibunar Village, there was an attack on LDII's
house and mosque. In the event two houses and one
mosque were burned by the masses. This incident was
psychologically motivated by a group of youths who
were anti-Jama'ah Qur'ani groups to do the same.
Since the incidents of attacks and fights between
youths of March 21, 2001, the tension between the
group "Jama'ah Qur'ani" and the group "Jama'ah
Qur'an Sunnah" continues to grow. On November 7,
2002 an open conflict of mass fights between youths
from both groups resumed. This incident was the
result of a heated debate between figures from both
denominations that did not result in an agreement.
Conflicts between the two groups (jama'ah),
especially between the leaders of both sides, are
tapered by their competition in the fight for economic
resources. They compete in the market domination of
craftsmen "palm" (talapok) horses and household
utensils. They also compete in obtaining supplies of
production materials such as copper, silver, iron, steel
and others. Looking at the reality, reinforce the study
conducted by Hilmy (2015: 28) that the conflict is
used as a means to maintain the economic dominance
of the local elites. Eventually the latent conflict turned
into a fight between the two denominations.
In accordance with the facts on the ground, the
recommended conflict resolution model for resolving
conflicts between the two denominations is mediation,
through the pressure of thugs ("jagerism"). In the case
of conflict between "Jama'ah Qur'ani" and "Jama'ah
Qur'an Sunnah" mediation efforts to find a way of
compromise between the two sides of the conflict can
be done by the government. Model "jagerisme",
namely in the form of pressure, coercion and threats.
This "jagerism" is a status possessed by a group of
people who often commit acts of violence. Violent
acts committed in one aspect have a positive meaning,
especially in solving the conflict. This condition is
reinforced by the opinion of Newby (in Nur Kafid,
2016: 60) which states that the "sociological act of
violence committed by an individual has a meaning
and purpose that depends on who gives the meaning".
Those who are at war are forced to reconcile,
respect each other, and if among those who fight
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education