Social Changes in Economy and Politic During the National
Movement Period in Indonesia (1900-1942) from the Historical
Novels Perspective
Ayi Budi Santosa and Wildan Insan Fauzi
Department of History Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
{ayibud, wildaninsanfauzi}
Keywords: Imagination, a historical fact, the Indonesian national movement.
Abstract: Historical novels help fill some shortages in exploring social facts or mental facts which are not recorded in
the document sources. The macro formulation of this study is How was the narration of national movements
in Indonesia (1900-1942) in the field of economic and politic from historical novels perspective?” The
researches chose historical method as the research methodology and literature study as the research technique.
The finding of the study showed that: First, The described economic setting was about: industrialization,
regents’ tyrany, anxiety of China’s arrival, jealousy of indigenous economy, as well as capitalism octopus in
the Indies after the enactment of the Agrarian Law 1870. Second, Political setting described in historical
novels themed Indonesian national movement, were: the emergence of educated class, the emergence of
various national movement organizations, revolutionary awareness, the struggle of educated class towards
Indonesian’s political rights, the appearance of volksraad, left ideology, the authority of Netherland queens,
indigenous’s conflicts and their invaders, concerns about the yellow’s dangers (China and Japan), the
expansion of Japanese Military, stratification in politics, and the bureaucracy of colonial government. The
implication of this research is that the historical novel has its own narrative of history that enriches the
knowledge of Indonesian history.
Stories can give meaning to various experiences in
social and cultural setting systems and various other
abstract things. Furthermore, stories can sound
unheard voice in the historical pattern which is said
Grand History(Hertz, 2009). The use of historical
novels, as long as used together with text books and
primary sources, have made history more pleasing
and correlated to the students’ life (Lindquist, 2008).
The researchers found that the setting where people
enjoy history is in the form of story whether family
history story, electronic cinema or historical novels.
Novels are useful to rectify the past because the story
can help othersin the history so it can be felt to be
real and present in the class (Lindquist, 2008).
The historical novel is one of a kind of complex
novel as it is one of complex genres because it
includes both fiction and nonfiction (Barone, Oswalt,
Barone, 2014). The historical novel lies at the
crossroads between fiction and nonfiction. The
readers would likely experience some difficulty in
comprehending the complexity in historical fictions
and this is also experienced by the students who face
some obstacles in understanding the duality of
historical fiction (Barone, Oswalt, Barone, 2014).
Historical novels are included into two broaders
forms, they are; those which tell about various events
in a historical or periodic setting; and those which use
historical “facts” to tell the story. Each of these genres
and approaches will have certain forms (Young,
Novelists construct society’s culture through their
literary works. Every novelist pictures and interpretes
the life around him which is then expressed through
their literary works. Henceforth, every literary work,
produced by anyone, is very important, regardless of
whether the literary works are considered to be
serious literary works or popular ones. It is because
every novelist has a unique and diverse perspective
and way of speaking.
The macro formuation of this study is How was
the narration of national movements in Indonesia
(1900-1942) in the field of economic and politic from
historical novels’ perspective?” Given the vastness
of the formulation study, the writers stacked in
Santosa, A. and Fauzi, W.
Social Changes in Economy and Politic During the National Movement Period in Indonesia (1900-1942) from the Histor ical Novels Perspective.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 112-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
several research questions as follows: How was
economic setting described by historical novel during
Indonesian national movement period (1900-1942)?
How was political setting described by historical
novels during Indonesian national movement period
Hertz (2009) defined a historical novel as an
amalgamation of historical facts with imagination and
creativity to show its art elements and the use of
public figures and events occuring in the past and the
social conditions which are based on historical facts
and historical novelists therefore should not distort
from historical data in favor of literary-related
When literature and history are simultaneously
discussed, it immediately arises a question, is there
any fiction in the history and is there any fact in the
literature while fiction cannot simply be rigidly
associated with only one of the two; only related to
literature or only related to history (Purwanto, 2006).
Purwanto further revealed that literature is generally
associated to an imaginative fiction while history
cannot be seperated from facts to discover the truth of
the past and as a conceivable reality. History and
literature are often considered to be in the same level
(Purwanto, 2006). Kuntowijoyo (1995) is however
different from his previous opinion stated that history
is different from literature in case of: work, truth,
overall result, and conclusion. Literature is the work
of imagination, the truth is in the hands of the authors;
in other words, it is subjective. Literature can end
with a question while history should provide as much
information as possible.
Regarding the positioning of novels and history,
Sugito (2008) stated that if a novel is used as a
historical source in a historiographic work, the data
used is usually not concerned with the details about
the description of the place, time, or the chronology
of the events (5W+1H) but it is used to get a picture
of the awareness of the era or spirit of the era growing
at the time. A novel which is able to depict the spirit
and situation of an era (and not its 5W+1H accuracy),
it is something enabling us to get the picture of the era
(not the accuracy).
To be considered a qualified novel in this genre,
an author must share accurate time details, including
artifacts and beliefs about the world at that time. A
novelist should own mannered realistic character and
speak as if they were living at the time. Writing
expectations for historical fiction are so great that
authors must create a credible story that accurately
reflects the time-period in thought, action, trust,
artifact, and language (Barone, Oswalt, Barone,
The historical narrative uses evidence,
manuscripts and testimonies that build the past as a
representative framework. As a form, it cannot be
said to compromise the legitimacy of the past,
because the story is not fiction - this is a "true"
representation of a time or an event that refers to a
different form in the final work. The historical
narrative distinguishes itself from the history being
studied, or "right", by making its form known -
openly imposing the narrative tool in the past,
highlighting its discursive function and providing a
series of chronological events solely with the
necessary continuity (Young, 2011). Through the
application of various approaches and strategies,
teachers then bring historical novels to their classes.
Teachers’ guidances are needed if they are going to
use hisctorical novels in learning process because
these genres are complicated, through the intersection
between nonfiction and fiction (Barone, Oswalt,
Barone, 2014).
This study applied a qualitative approach, which
starts from data and leads to conclusions. The
researchers’ objective of using qualitative approach
was to find out complex and holisitic pictures of the
subject matter investigated, in this case about the
Narrative of the National Movement in Indonesia
(1900-1942) from the Historical Novel Perspective.
The researchers chose the historical method as the
research methodology and literature study as the
research technique. Historical method is a method of
research which is commonly used in historical
research because the problem being studied was one
of events that was the object of historical research.
According to Gottschalk (1986:32), The historical
method is the process of critically examining and
analyzing the records and relics of the past”.
The historical novel themed national movement
of Indonesia is the main instrument in this study
which theoretically can be categorized as a document
while another instrument used in addition to a novel
as a document is an interview. The purpose of the
interview is to explore how the novelists’ views on
historical events during the national movement.
The data used was in the form of text or historical
narrative in a historical novel. The applied data
processing and analysis is through content analysis
towards the text
Social Changes in Economy and Politic During the National Movement Period in Indonesia (1900-1942) from the Historical Novels
This section would describe the political and
economic settings on the novels that are themed or
appearing during the national movement of
Indonesia. The novels that describe the atmosphere of
the national movement era are: Tan (Hendri Teja),
Max Havelaar (Multatuli), Bumi Manusia, The Earth
of Man (Pramoedya Ananta Toer), Anak Semua
Bangsa, The Children of All Nations (Pramoedya
Ananta Toer), Salah asuhan (Wrong Care/Abdoel
Moeis), Layar Terkembang, Expanded Shade (Sutan
Takdir Alisjahbana), and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van
Der Wijck, The Submersion of Van Der Wijck Ship
4.1 The Overview of Historical Novels
about Economic Settings during the
National Movement Period
The arrival of modernization in the East Indies region
accompanied by industrialization was followed by the
entry of various western insights into the land of the
Indies through ethical politics. It brought a lot of
changes to the Dutch Indies society at that time, one
of them was that women started to enter industrial
There were some new jobs emerging in 19-20
century which were considered to be prestigious
among the indigenous, one of them was a paymaster
or a cashier. People preferred being civil servants to
entrepreneurs. At the Dutch period, stratification
level and status as a civil service was much higher
than that of wealth, and so is in the present time that
the level of stratification is considered to be
something important. In addition to civil service,
another honorable job in the early days of the national
movement was to become a teacher. However, the
most prestigious occupation for indigenous people at
the time was a position relating to the feudal power
maintained by the Dutch for the benefit of the
economy. One of them was the position of a regent.
In Max Havelaar's novel, regents were depicted to
be very bad figures because their position was made
to be their primary source of income of indigenous
officials by exploiting society’s potency and property
arbitarily. According to most Asian’s common sense,
people and their possessions belong to the prince. The
descendants or relatives of former princes were fond
of exploiting people’s nescience, who hadnt yet
understood that their recent "tumenggung", "duke" or
"prince" were the paid-officials who had sold their
own rights and people's rights in order to earn fixed
income, henceforth the tax they paid to their master
or leader had changed to be low-paid jobs in coffee or
sugarcane plantation. Then, it was not strange that
hundreds of families were called to work in remote
places, without being paid in regents’ fields. It had
been too common to see that free of charge stuff was
provided for the regents’ palace necessity, and it was
known that the regents were fond of a horse, a buffalo,
a girl, or a wife of a poor man, whoever the owner
had to submit the desired things or persons
unconditionally. Fortunately, there were still regents
who used their authority wisely, and they didn’t take
beyond what they really needed to mantain their
position while some regents did more than their
authority, then injustice happened here and there.
Nevertheless, it was difficult or even impossible
to abolish such arbitrariness as it was the nature of the
inhabitants themselves that constituted or created
arbitrariness. The Javanese were known to be very
generous, especially when they had to prove their
loyalty to their master, to the descendants of those
who had been obeyed by their ancestors. They even
regarded themselves to be unrespectful to their
master, from generation to generation, if they
happened to come to the "palace" without bringing
any gifts. These gifts were often so insignificant but
refusal would be regarded as a humiliation. This
custom is more likely the respect of a child who seeks
to express his love by giving a small gift to his father,
and not a tribute to a despicable and despotic ruler
(Multatuli, 2016).
Economic progress in the early 20th century was
also marked by the emergence of indigenous workers
anxiety towards the arrival of foreign workers,
especially from China (Toer, 2009). In addition, the
economic life of society also showed the emergence
of the indigenous’s economy jealousy toward the
Dutch and the foreign east’s economy.
The life dynamics of society in the plantation
could not be seperated from various descriptions. In
the novel of Anak Semua Bangsa (The Children of
All Nations), forceful effort of Dutch Indies’
entrepreneurs in order to make the farmers submit
their agricultural land to be made as plantations. Due
to the pressure of the Nederland politicians, forced
cultivation system and corvee labor had long been
abolished and recently, the companies have to hire
their workers officially, voluntary basis, by not
forcing as they had ever done before. Nonetheless, it
didn’t mean that the life of workers was much better
in the Indies period. In the novel of Tan (2016), Goed
Bericht plantation was described. This tobacco
plantation company was a company whose capital
was owned by foreign bourgeoisie of Europe-
America and China. There were also from indigenous
people, Sultan Serdang and Sultan Deli, and as for
honor, they obtained a number of empty shares. No
wonder that Geod Bericht plantation area was so vast
that it had to employ thousands of the Indies.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Novel Tan also described the plantation
entrepreneurs ignorance of thier laborers’ welfare,
education, and health. Even when vomiting epidemic
happened in their labors’ settlements, those
entrepreneurs almost did nothing for their workers’
recovery. Meanwhile, novel Max Havelar described
about the famine hitting Java island.
Novels taking national movement theme
described a lot about capitalism chain in the Dutch
East after the enactment of Agrarian Law 1870. The
economic conditions in the early 20
century were
marked by the high spread of rampant poverty, misery
and famine which caused Indonesian to suffer a lot of
misery and death. This arose as a result of the massive
degradation of human and natural wealth done by the
Dutch Colonials. The peak of Indonesia suffering
occured when cultuur stelsel or forced cultivation
System was enacted which was then continued during
the era of liberal economic system (Teja, 2016)
In Max Havelaar, the economic policy of the
colonial government during forced cultivation or
Cultuur Stelsel period was described detailedly. The
writer of Max Havelaar (2016) accused that Lebak
regent, Raden Adipati Karta Natanegara, abused his
authority by illegally exploiting his people's
manpower, and suspected the regent to have exorted
people while asking for crop in natura without
payment or by randomly fixed prices. Demang
parang Kujang (Regents’ son-in-law) participated in
those arbitrariness.
4.2 The Overview of Historical Novels
about Political Setting during
National Movement Period
Ethical politics provided opportunity for Indonesian
youth to attend education, although they were still
very limited in number; as a result, there arose
educated class among Indonesian people. The
emergence of the Indonesian educated classes at the
beginning of the 20
century marked the new history
of the Indonesia. They started to realize the misery,
poverty, and stupidity befalling their nation and then
they started to have strong desire to improve the fate
of their people. They did not fight only for the welfare
of their people but also for the independence of
Indonesia. Novel Tan (Teja, 2016) described further
about ethical politics:
The honorable Mr. Van Kol. I was deeply
inspired by the Green Roof Tent Bate van
Nederland movement which became the
forerunner of the Ethical Policy. Now, what do
you think, Sir? Has the government's education
policy towards the Indies people suited to what
you preiously imagined?” (Teja, 2016: 97)
In novel Tan (Teja, 2016), it was also described
that ethical politics made Indies impossible to study
in Netherland and it impacted on the emergence of
various nationalist movements such as Jamiatul
Khair, Jamiatul Al-Irsyad, the organization of Arabs,
Budi Utomo as the gathering place for Javanese
priyayi, Muhammadiyah with Islam its puritans, as
well as the Indies Social Democratic which struggled
for socialism. In addition, Tan's novel also described
the emergence of revolutionary consciousness for
educated class.
In addition to talking about ethical politics with
its various consequences, Novel Tan (Teja, 2016) also
spoke about the struggle of the educated class for
Indonesian’s political rights. One of the discourses
recorded in the novel was the debate about the
proposed emergence of the volksraad:
The reactions of the students' proposals were also
elaborated in novel Tan (Teja, 2016), one of which
was from Pieter Brooshooft, a noted Journalist of the
Netherlands, offering a win-win solution so that the
educated class of Indies endured until they grew in
number to be three to four fold, then the new policy
was enacted. Meanwhile, according to D.M.G. Koch
(the Dutch bourgeoisi), the increasing number of civil
organizations in the Indies was a sign of political
literacy. This phenomenon must be supported by the
presence of an aspiration agency. Reactions to the
political right proposal of Indonesian proposed by the
students sheltered under was revealed in Tan (Teja,
2016), i.e. PPHN has done two fatal mistakes: First,
PPHN was a group which was ignorance for favor as
it had slandered onderrneming entrepreneurs who had
been major supporter of ethical politics this long.
Thanks to the entrepreneurs’ contributions that
irrigation infrastructure and highways were built,
common schools were established, and
transmigration programs were carried out; Secondly,
PPHN had committed a grave sin to have doubted the
good faith of the Queen (Sri Ratu), who promised to
give autonomous government to the people of Indies
when the time came. The last, In the end, the
Volksraad was still formed, but its formation still
attracted criticism from Indonesian students.
The description about the organization of national
movement could not be seperated from novels themed
national movements. Nonetheless, only Tan novel
described much about the of national movement
organizations found both in Indonesia and in
Netherland. In Tan (Teja, 2016), the much-exposed
organizations were Indische Vereninging, Indologie
Students and Indies Union, The Islamic Union
(Syarikat Islam), and PKH (Indies Communist Party).
Left ideologies, such as Marxism and socialism
along with their leaders were much exposed Tan's
novel. In fact, in Tan, it was claimed that the birth of
national movement organizations such as Railway
Social Changes in Economy and Politic During the National Movement Period in Indonesia (1900-1942) from the Historical Novels
Laborer Unions and Arabic Descent Association,
Budi Utomo, Association of Chinese descents,
Indische Partij, Islamic and Muhammadiyah Union
was inspired by the 1905 Revolution in Russia.
In the novels of Anak Semua Bangsa or The
Children of All Nations and Tan, the a Dutch’s
perspective about the high price of colonialism was
depicted in the Dutch East Indies which depleted the
government's savings and the blood of soldiers who
died because of the war and malaria that they had to
be defended furiously:
The novel of Anak Semua Bangsa captured the
situation of inner spirit of Indonesian society and the
government in the late 1930s which was the anxiety
of yellow dangers (China and Japan). Anak Semua
Bangsa/Children of All Nations, (2009: 56) recorded
Japanese military expansion in the early 20
which did not want to be left out of the white nations:
to share the world for themselves. Japan began to
invade Mancuria, attacked China and its regions. And
the Dutch, the Indies by itself, declared neutral to the
war happened. Neutral! The neutrality that really
helped Japan.
The historical novels taking national movement
theme also reviewed the stratification of politics. The
consequnces of the political stratification in the
colonialism system had resulted in some things which
still find in Indonesian society, they were: People’s
general assumption which judged that the Europeans
occupied a higher position than that of the indigenes.
This assumption led to inferior feeling in our society
to whether high officials or ordinary people. Even in
the current development process, we tend to use
western concepts and methods with the assumption
that they are developed nations which are appropriate
to be imitated. Thus, the process of modernization is
only the process of westernization.
Max Havelaar novel (Multatuli, 2016) gave some
notes about the political stratfication during colonial
administration, i.e.:
a. The Javanese were Dutch citizens. The King of
the Netherlands was their King. The descendants
of former princes and Javanese aristocrats were
the Dutch officials. They were raptured,
transferred, promoted, and fired by the governor-
general who ruled on behalf of the king.
b. They were not only made up of tribes whose kings
and princes acknowledged by the Dutch authority,
but also retained by direct rule where authority
was in their hand, whether small and large
c. Criminals were prosecuted and punished under
the laws made in Den Haag (The Hague). Taxes
paid by the Javanese flowed to the treasury of the
d. All those residents were the representative of the
Dutch rule in the eyes of the Javanese - who did
not know the governor-general, the members of
the Indies council, nor the directors in Batavia;
They only knew the residents and the officials
who ruled below them.
e. Residency (some of them with one million
populations) was divided into three, four, or five
departments or districts, where each of which was
headed by a resident assistant.
f. Dutch politics did take advantage of
princesancient feudal influences, generally vast
in Asia and it was regarded as a part of their
religion by most of the tribes. Because, by
appointing them as paid employers, a hierarchy
was created which was headed by the Dutch
government and viced by the governor-general.
The complicated relationship between the
assistant resident and the regent, between European
officials and indigenous officials was best illustrated
in Max Havelaar's novel. Max Havelaar (Multatuli,
2016) also provided a detailed description of the
indigenous rulers, the bupati. The description was as
The regent’s wealth is much greater than that of
European officials; and this is indeed the case.
The Europeans, if called to govern a province
whose surface area is equal to that of owned by
German Dukes, were generally middle-aged or
older, married and they have children; abd he
worked for a living, and they were usually paid
mediocrely which was not sufficient to buy what
his family needed. A
regent was a"tumenggung", "duke", yes, even a
"prince", that is "prince of Java". The problem is
was not how to earn a living; but the way he must
live according to his position.
It was depicted a little bit different in the novel of
Anak Semua Bangsa (The Children of All Nations)
where the real power in the land of the Indians was
the capitalists, and one of them was the owner of the
sugar plantation. It was they who actually controlled
the residents’assistant, the residents, including the
regent. In addition to providing an overview of the
colonial government bureaucracy, the novel-themed
national movement also contained many critics of
bureaucracy, especially on pangreh praja as follows:
a. The bureaucratic behavior that justified
everything only to fight for and defend the
position. In the Children of All Nations, positions
are valued higher than property, family, and even
name. The pribumi or the indegenous would fight
hard to get a position in the European government
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
b. ABS bureaucratic style (just to make father happy)
contained fraud and data manipulation in order to
get a praise from superiors or just to survive from
superior’s anger. Shortly, the functionaries’
official reports to the government and official
reports sent to the Dutch government were mostly
unreal or incorrect (Multatuli (Max Havelaar),
2009: 303-304).
c. Residents’ behavior which used to defend the
regent in case of people’s complaint of his
arbitrary acts. The worst, the complaint must end
with a whip.
d. Residents’ behavior which seemed to allow the
regent’s arbitrary acts to his own people. It even
made the writer, Max Hevelaar, confused, why it
e. The regent’s lavish and luxurious way of life,
including in the case of visits among regional
officials. The description was clear in Max
Havelaari below:
f. Max Havelaar criticized frontally the Governor-
General behavior who was in fact his own boss.
g. Criticism on the performance of the Dutch East
Indies Policy.
Bumi Manusia (The Earth of Man) and the
Children of All Nations gave a picture of the
indigenous view of the Dutch colonialism.
a. The novel compared and questioned the Dutch
colonization with British colonialization (2008:
b. Europeans were regarded as money-servants
(2008: 490)
c. The occupying nations would never care about the
importance of the country they colonized. The
Dutch were considered being afraid of China and
being jealous to Japan’s advance. (2009: 127).
Facts in politics and economics, for example,
were found in the De Winst novel, i.e. the economic
gap, the hard politics of de Jonge, and the fact of
ethical politics in Bumi Manusia (The Earth of Man).
The Submersion of Van der Wijck's Ship on October
28, 1936 was a fact found in the novel of The
Submersion of Van der Wijck's Ship. The facts in the
cultural phenomenon were depicted from the
hierarchically bureaucratic culture in Gadis Pantai
(The Coast Girl) novel and the influence of western
education on the social life of the Minang people was
depicted inin Salah Asuhan.
Facts and fictions can also be distinguished from
the authors' notes (footnotes) which in some novels
are always made. In the novel of Di Bawah
Lindungan Kabah (Under the Shelter of Kabah), the
students found some facts sfor example about the hajj
pilgrimage of Hamka in 1926, the hajj Cokroaminoto
and Mas Mansur and the power transfer in Mecca
from the hands of Sharif Hussein to the hands of Ibn
Saud who made the pilgrimage more secure so that
the number of pilgrims increasingly boomed.
A historical novel is a romance which tells about a
period in a history and tries to present the spirit of the
era, manners, and social conditions of a past by
describing in detail the historical facts so as to seem
realistic. A good writer of historical novels tries to
recreate the past as well as to provide historical
explanations with no haste and not a mere fiction.
Thus, the novelist is expected to have a perspective in
explaining the reality described in his novel.
Economic settings depicted in historical novels
themed national movement of Indonesa were about:
industrialization, women who had begun to get into
industrial work, new jobs emerging in19-20th
century which were considered to be prestigious
among indigenous people, the regents who were
depicted as very bad figures as to be the main source
of income for indigenous officials, the emergence of
indigenous workers' anxiety on the arrival of foreign
workers mainly from China, the jealousy of the
indigenous economy to that of the Dutch and the
foreign east, the forced attempts of Dutch colonial
exploitation so that peasants rented theie agricultural
land for plantation, the ignorance of plantation
entrepreneurs on the welfare, education and health of
their workers, and the octopus of capitalism in the
Indies after the enactment of the Act Agrarian 1870.
Political settings depicted in historical novel
themed Indonesian National Movement were: the
emergence of educated class of Indonesia, the
emergence of various national movements, the
emergence of revolutionary awareness in the
educated class, and the educated class’s struggle for
the political rights of Indonesian society, the debates
about the proposed emergence of the Volksraad, left
ideology like Marxism, socialism along with their
figures, the role and authority of the Dutch queen in
the colonies, indigenous conflicts and their colonists,
the Indonesian’s inmost atmosphere and their
government’s in the late 1930s due to the anxiety of
the yellow’s danger (China and Japan), Japanese
military expansion in the early 20
stratification in political sphere, as well as an
overview about the colonial government bureaucracy.
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