Each category has the unique characteristics of the
origin of its own related, the factors causing took to
the street, the activities of the streets, and the purpose
of life on the street. Economic activities or living with
a community street become the daily activity for
street children. In this research all forms of the life
patterns of the and the activities of street children in
the capital regarded as a result of a social construct
built in the public about the figure of street children
in itself that then give them a major influence for by
the individuals who were forced to live on the streets.
Limitations of life on the streets cause the child
suffered dehumanizing or oppression in the form of
concrete or abstract of being imperceptible in plain
view. For the identity of the suppression of street
children happens and regenerate through life forms of
In each category street children actually have
awareness of self with full of to be able to meet basic
needs, in order to survive are often street children
have more concept externalization with indicated
fatalistic on the fate of being endured and assume the
street life as a last resort for his life. In the context of
dehumanizing, externalization street children to exert
an influence in an activity a child who department
limited due to isolation, discrimination, access to
education that is difficult and criminal behavior a
result of the limitation of the fulfillment of a need.
This has happened in the process of externalization
street children who with self-awareness formed the
reality that they are indeed marginalized in the
structure of the community, streets become the final
The form of objectivation also provided the major
influence on the process externalization.
Objectivation is the stage where human activity
results in an objective reality that is out man. Status
earned street children as the low-income classes give
the concept of objectivation this understood by
several categories street children. In the concept of
objective reality it can be seen that street children
impressed withdraw from a process of development
life which in this case entitled to championed by the
individuals. Street children have a perception that
they are not required to occupy or enter in various
access that they could only hold by society middle to
upper class. This is shown to the low-interest street
children to follow formal education. The reason was
given by influenced by an awareness of position street
children who objectively they consider and
understand as a basis inability. Objectivation also in
the low passive response street children to fix the
economy. Street children feel that in their reality
cannot fight for life and only hope help from among
other. Awareness of reality this is giving major
influence on objectivation street children.
Simultaneously, the process externalization and
objectivation run in at the same time as
internalization. Internalization in the problem of
dehumanizing this is the process of admission to the
elements in told by street children. Socialization is the
main cause in the form of the process internalization.
Street children get understanding internalization
through a process livelihood his routine. Street
children will have sound judgment obtained in the
concept of externalization and objectivation and
shown through various expression obtained from the
process of internalization. Expression revenue street
children will live the streets formed and can be seen
from various ways street children who have felt so
welcome to spend his time in the streets. Each
category subjected to the process internalization this
is because street children feel there are more things
benefit within the socialization process. When life on
the streets children will assess all forms of activity,
this would become the basic street children to learn
how to survive well. social street children about
poverty which eventually become patterns activity
life leading to the process dehumanizing. The theory
social construction used to help explain social
construction street children about poverty which
eventually become an activity the leading to the
process dehumanizing.
Based on the research was in the context of street
children before, this study found a different
perspective in see cases of children street. The
process of poverty, in fact, the burden street children
do not only come from limited economic but also of
the process dehumanization experienced by children
when life on the streets. This is considered writer as a
novelty in this research. Certainly this support to
better understand forms poverty on the context street
children. In terms of pattern activity, street children
which are conducting work near the town of
Yogyakarta understand that the selection of the
decision to live in the way of because children not
having other choice.The impact is children will be
difficult to meet such needs as have to find a public
place being at ease in around the town of Yogyakarta
to rest, as at the fort vredeburg, stations, about fly
over jombor, some traditional markets, etc. Meeting
the needs of other also be established with the
condition of being in limited, but for the son of
enjoying these activities, therefore, dehumanizing
appear as a result of construction child socially
related life street.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education