Effect of Local Wisdom in the Effectiveness of Saving Electrical
Power Supply in the Community
Bambang Priyandono
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Macro Indicators, effectiveness, value of planting.
Abstract: Planting the attitude of local wisdom in saving electrical power supply is a concept of wisdom which gives
an overview of a success in achieving the goals of effectiveness, where the use of electrical energy is now an
important element of that support various activities in people's everyday lives. Almost any activity undertaken
on a daily basis requires electrical energy. Developments of technology, population growth, and economic
activity are currently pushing the creation of a variety of electrical equipment to meet the increasingly diverse
needs of the community, which resulting in increased consumption of electrical energy from time to time.
Several macroeconomic indicators show that our society is still very wasteful in the use of electrical energy,
moreover, supported by the economic ability is increasing, so the consumption of electrical energy to do as
they wish. Electrical energy savings not just about cutting or reduction of electrical energy consumption, but
more associated with awareness and attitude of human.
The presence of electrical energy into human life is
one of the important things that support the rapid
progress of life on earth. Almost any activity
undertaken on a daily basis requires electrical energy.
The use of electrical energy is an important element
that supports various activities in everyday
community life. Almost any activity undertaken on a
daily basis requires electrical energy. Technological
developments, population growth, and economic
activity is currently pushing the creation of a variety
of electrical equipment to meet the increasingly
diverse needs of the community, resulting in
increased consumption of electrical energy from time
to time.
Several macroeconomic indicators show that in
the community, especially in Indonesia today is very
wasteful in the use of electrical energy, moreover,
supported by the economic ability is increasing, so the
consumption of electrical energy to do as they wish.
According to data from the ASEAN Centre for
Energy (ACE) also states that the intensity of the
electrical energy consumption in Indonesia is around
5932.5 megawatt hour (MWh) compared with Japan
that only about 1058.4 MWh. Even our neighboring
country Malaysia is only around 5292 MWh.
Similarly, when viewed from the elasticity of
electrical energy consumption in Indonesia is about
1.84, still worse than Malaysia and Thailand were
respectively 1.69 and 1.16. High elasticity shows that
to spur economic growth by 1% will result in the
growth of electric energy consumption of 1.84%
more than at present. So if the government's target to
grow the economy by 6%, as a consequence if we do
not carry out programs for electric energy savings
will increase the need for electrical energy by
11.04%. (Maryam Ayuni, 2015).
According to World Bank data, Indonesia's
economic growth increased from 5.7 percent in 2013
to 5.9 percent in 2016, and is projected to reach 6.2
percent in 2017's. While the population of Indonesia,
which has now reached 259 million population is
expected to increase to more than 290 million in
2020. All of this growth of course, accompanied with
the increased demand for energy due to the growing
number of houses, a variety of commercial and
industrial buildings. If we assume that the average
growth in electricity demand amounted to 7 percent
per year during the period of 20 years, the electrical
energy consumption will rise sharply, for example in
the household sector, consumption will increase from
21.52 gigawatt hour (Gwh) in 2010 to around 444.53
Gwh in 2030.
According to data from PLN, if the note there are
four main sectors of the electrical energy, namely the
household, commercial, industrial and transportation.
It is currently the largest electric energy is the
Priyandono, B.
Effect of Local Wisdom in the Effectiveness of Saving Electrical Power Supply in the Community.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 137-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
industrial sector with a share of 44.2 percent. And
consumption next largest is the transport sector with
a share of 40.6 percent. The household sector was
ranked third with electrical energy use by 11.4
percent and commercial sectors with energy use by
3.7 percent.
People understand and realize the importance of
saving electricity. However, behind the
understanding and conscious of the importance of
energy saving electricity, it was not accompanied by
behavior that should be done. There are still many
users of electricity, especially for adults who are
negligent and do not care about the excessive use of
electricity. Environmental and financial conditions
can change lifestyle patterns and power users. In
addition, the demands of lifestyle is one factor that
makes the application less energy efficient behavior
at the present time is in addition supported with
complete disregard adolescents. Awareness of
electrical energy skimp on adolescents is still very
low. A series of preliminary studies show this age
group into groups that are considered indifferent to
efforts to save electricity.
Seeing these issues would be very difficult if the
application of energy-saving behavior focused on
adults only. It would be better if the notification and
application of electrical energy saving behavior
aimed at teenagers. With so consciousness save
energy in adolescents will grow so that the behavior
will always be applied until later adulthood. Delivery
of electrical energy-saving message that is not
significant at the community level teenagers bias
certainly will not be able to affect change in attitudes,
intentions and behavior of electric energy saving
among teenagers. Needed a persuasive
communication that is appropriate to be able to push
the electric energy saving behavior among
adolescents, electricity is one of the major energy
source that comes from the presence of natural
resources as well. When a society can save electrical
energy use we can assure that the community has
made the form of local knowledge to the surrounding
environment. With the electric energy savings it
stands to reason that energy such as coal and
petroleum is one of the main energy source of
electrical energy could be saved by better and
certainly more wisely.
Electrical energy savings is indeed require the
participation and support from various parties. must
not be assumed that if you have money to pay the
electricity bills of any size, then we can use electricity
no matter how well the magnitude.
electrical energy savings should also be cultivated to
the community, so it becomes a local cultural
communities or indigenous communities that
electrical energy is energy that will quickly run out if
continuously used indiscriminately. also keep in mind
that saving electricity is not just a matter of cutting or
reduction of electrical energy consumption, but will
be more straightforward and efficient if it is
associated with output and attitude (attitude) human.
planting the attitude of local wisdom in saving
electrical power source is a process that adds value
saving power resources fully into the hearts of the
people, so that the spirit and the soul moves based on
that understanding. planting occurs through
understanding the value of savings as a whole, and
forwarded to the awareness of the importance of this
understanding, until the discovery of the possibility to
make it happen in real life. therefore how much and
how far the values of saving electrical power source
internalized in a person, it will become a central value
will treat everything in his daily life, so that the
quality of comprehensive understanding, it is
automatically a person will guided on the mindset,
attitudes and actions, which will represents the
implementation of daily life - the next.
based on the description above, the writer is interested
in making a study entitled " effect of local wisdom in
the effectiveness of saving electrical power supply in
the community
The method used in this research is descriptive and
verification. Descriptive method is a method used to
describe or analyze the results of the study but not
used to make broader conclusions. While the
verification method according to Mashuri (2008: 45)
that check whether or when described to test a way
with or without the improvements that have been
implemented in other places with similar problems
with life. The object of research is the local wisdom
and resource saving electricity in the District
Neglasari Village community Cibeunying Kaler
Bandung. The population in this study were all heads
of families in the Village Neglasari Cibeunying Kaler
Bandung District of the use of power resources by
using the technique of random sampling, and
sampling using a formula slovin at α = 10%, then the
number of samples is as much as 84 head of
Data processing techniques results of the
questionnaire using Likert scale where alternative
answers to a positive value of 5 to 1. Scoring is done
on the respondents' answers were then given a score
by using Likert scale. Where category consists of
strongly agree (5), Agree (4), Ragu (3), not Agree (2)
and Strongly Disagree (1).
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Before the questionnaire used for the actual data
collection, trials conducted prior to the respondents
who have the same characteristics as the
characteristics of the study population. The trial was
conducted to determine the level of validity (validity)
and consistency (reliability) of measuring
instruments of research, in order to obtain items the
questions that deserve to be used as a measuring tool
for collecting research data. (Umi Narimawati, Dewi
Anggadini, Linna Ismawati, 2010: 41).
To analyze the overall data used path analysis (path
analysis). In principle this same path with the
regression analysis as proposed Riduwan and
Kuncoro (2012: 4) that the regression model and path
analysis models is equally a regression analysis, but
the use of these two models is different. This is made
clear by Rashid in (Riduwan and Kuncoro, 2012: 4-
5) that for the purpose of forecasting the value of Y
on the basis of the value of X, the pattern
corresponding relationship is the regression model,
while the objective causality precise pattern is
structural. Path analysis is a method used in a causal
model that has been formulated researchers on the
basis of theoretical considerations and certain
knowledge, in other words, path analysis has
usefulness to check or test the causal model theorized
and not degrade the causal theory of the (Sudjana,
2003: 293) ,
Unlike the usual regression model where the
effect of independent variables on the dependent
variable only form of direct influence. Besides the use
of multiple linear regression analysis needs to be
performed classical assumption or test requirements
so that the multiple regression analysis regression line
obtained can actually be used to predict the dependent
variable or criterion.
This suggests that the regression model necessary
to test the classical assumption of normality test,
autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity which also is
requirement test for multiple linear regression
analysis. Due path analysis is part of the regression
model, the authors test the classic assumption (as
previously described).
The relationship between the variables in the path
analysis was:
1. The direct effect is usually depicted with an
arrow in one direction from one variable to
another variable.
2. The indirect effect is described by an arrow in
one direction on one variable on other variables,
and other variables arrows in one direction to the
next variable.
Requirements needed in the analysis of pathways,
such as (Riduwan and Kuncoro, 2012: 2):
1. The relationship between the variables should
be a linear relationship, additives and are
2. System flow in only one direction and not the
3. All variables residues are not correlated with
each other.
Measurement scale well on variable causes or as
a result of at least a measuring scale interval
before performing path analysis researchers describe
in advance the pattern of relationship between
variables and variable due to causes that are based on
earlier theories.
The shape of the track is the following equation:
= + + + +
Y = endogenus
Ρ = the path coefficient between the causal
variables and variable causes
ε = residue
Steps work path analysis is as follows (Muhidin
and Abdurahman, 2011: 225-226):
1. Describe the first diagram the path consistent
with the hypothesis that will be tested. The point
is to describe the complete path diagram,
determine the sub-structure and formulate
appropriate structural similarities hypothesis.
For example the rise and fall of endogenous
variables (Y) is significantly affected by
exogenous variables (X1).
2. Calculate the correlation matrix between
exogenous and endogenous.
3. Calculating the correlation matrix between the
exogenous variables that make up the sub-
4. Calculate the inverse matrix.
5. Calculate all coefficients
6. Calculate R
y (X
) which is the
coefficient of determination total X
to Y
7. Calculate P
8. Testing the overall significance models (partial)
using F test hypothesis in this test are as follows:
= … =
= 0
: at least P
≠ 0
Test the statistic
( _
Test statistical distributions follow F-Snedecor
with a degree of freedom v
= k and
Effect of Local Wisdom in the Effectiveness of Saving Electrical Power Supply in the Community
= n-k-1. Criteria for rejection:
Reject Ho if: F
> F
9. If the F test significant then further tested each
path coefficient to determine significance
include the following steps:
Determine test hypotheses suppose
= 0 versus H
≠ 0
Using the test statistic:
( )
i = 1,2,…,k
k = cause variables in the substructures
of t, with freedom distribution degrees t-
student of (n-k-1)
Reject H
if t
> t
If Ho accepted means of these variables can we
remove it from the equation. And analysis equation to
recalculate a new path without variables non-
significant. After obtaining a new equation that path
again tested its significance until all variables that
researchers have a significant cause of the causal
variables. This will be a path analysis equation model.
Figure 1: Line Model Analysis.
Figure 1 shows that the path diagram that there
are 4 variables exogenous (variables that so influence
or cause variable), namely Culture (X1),
responsibility, discipline, and self-contained (X2),
honest (X3), and Creative, hard work and unyielding
(X4); an endogenous variables (variables that
influenced or causal variables), namely Effectiveness
Resource Saving Electricity (Y); as well as a residual
variable e which is a combination of: (1) The other
variables, beyond the exogenous variables that may
affect the Y and have been identified by the theory,
but not included in the model. (2) The other variables
beyond the exogenous variables that might influence
Y but not yet identified by theory. (3) Errors of
measurements and (4) Components that are uncertain.
In the diagram also suggests that the relationship
between X and Y is a causal relationship, whereby the
direct influence of the example of X to Y is expressed
by the value of the numerical coefficient ρyx path,
while the path coefficient ρyɛ describes the direct
influence of the residual variable Y.
Figure 1 can be determined that ρyx a path
coefficient, and the form of the path equation is as
Y = ρ
+ ρ
+ ρ
+ ρ
+ ε
In Figure 1 shows that the path diagram that
there are four variables exogenous (variables that so
influenced or cause variable) items, namely Culture
(X1), responsibility, discipline, and self-contained
(X2), honest (X3), and Creative, hard work and
unyielding (X4); an endogenous variables (variables
that influenced or causal variables) items, namely
Effectiveness Resource Saving Electricity (Y); as
well as a residual variable e roomates is a
combination of: (1) The other variables, beyond the
exogenous variables that may Affect the Y and have
been identified by the theory, but not included in the
models. (2) The other variables beyond the
exogenous variables that influence MIGHT Y but not
yet identified by theory. (3) Errors of measurements
and (4) Components that are uncertain.
In the diagram Also Suggests that the relationship
between X and Y is a causal relationship, whereby the
direct influence of the example of X to Y is Expressed
by the value of the numerical coefficient ρyx path,
while the path coefficient ρyɛ describes the direct
influence of the residual variable Y.
Responsibility discipline, and
independent (X
Creative, work hard, and nev
give up (X
Effectiveness Saving Power
Supplies (Y)
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Figure 1 can be determined that ρyx a path
coefficient, and the form of the path equation is as
(∑ )(∑ )
(∑ )
(∑ )
The method used in this research is descriptive and
verification. The object of research is the local
wisdom and resource saving electricity in the District
Neglasari Village community Cibeunying Kaler
Bandung. The population in this study were all heads
of families in the Village Neglasari Cibeunying Kaler
Bandung District of the use of power resources by
using the technique of random sampling, and
sampling using a formula slovin at α = 10%, the
overall sample size is as much as 84 head of
household. The results of the study with a small
sample (10%) in getting the data in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Results of the study with a small sample.
Heni S.
Dian H
Sindy S H.
Djadja S
Dani P
Adam A
(CRemarks: Name suppressed)
The result of exogenous variables as shown in
Table 2 below:
Table 2: Exogenous Variable.
Eksogenus Variable
Responsibility, Discipline,
Creative. Work hard, Never
give up
The results of test calculations one sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test with SPSS 20 obtained
value P-value (Sig.) = 0,981 for the independent value
of the control group and the P-value (Sig.) = 0.937.
To independently value the experimental group.
Because the P-value (Sig.) Value is greater than the
value of α = 0.05, so that Ho is accepted, where there
is no significant difference from the average value
and pretest posttest control group and the
experimental group. This statement can also be
interpreted as that of the control group and the
experimental group have different results on the value
of posttest. This statement can be interpreted that the
results posttest experimental group participants were
given a learning model resource saving electricity
better than the posttest control group that was not
given teaching model saving power resources. This is
understandable because the learning model saving
power resources have provided the support to
improving the understanding of power resources
saving activities, one of which is the use of strategies,
exposure, and the selection method that makes
experimental group participants to better understand
the material. Selection of thematic material in
accordance with the experimental group encourages
participants to understand also the meaning of saving
knowledge the power resources
The results of calculations with a small sample get
very encouraging results, which the Village
community Neglasari Cibeunying Kaler Bandung
District of majority of the people always use
resources effectively and saving electricity, which is
the local Indigenous culture. This means that the
model of understanding learning resource saving
electricity has a positive effect on the learning process
and results, in order to reach the expected goals,
namely in the form of an increase in the attitudes and
views of participants about the importance of saving
electricity resources. This is because the model of
understanding learning resource saving electricity has
several advantages as stated by the participants of the
experimental group which is the subject of this
The results of research conducted can be concluded:
1. Local knowledge is formed as a process of
interaction between humans and their
environment in order to meet the various needs of
life, that it contains norms, ethical and religious
2. In the electrical energy consumption, every
human being / society in terms of local
knowledge, instinctively must be willing to use
electrical energy as efficient as possible, but in
reality, it is not as easy as desired
3. The method used is descriptive method
verification with the model explanatory survey,
the method of research which has the objective to
Effect of Local Wisdom in the Effectiveness of Saving Electrical Power Supply in the Community
test the hypothesis that a causal relationship
between two or more variables, with a small bias
and help to build confidence.
4. The results of the study with a small sample (10%
of the normal sample) in get encouraging results,
where the Village community Neglasari
Cibeunying Kaler Bandung District of majority of
the people always use resources effectively and
saving electricity, which is the local Indigenous
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Umi Narimawati, Sri Dewi Anggadini, Linna Ismawati.
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education