Developing E-Module Based on Islamic Values
C. Z. Subarkah, A. N. Qolbi, F. S. Irwansyah, W. Darmalaksana, and Mahmud Mahmud
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H Nasution no 105, Bandung, Indonesia
{zenabsc, ferli, yudi_darma, mahmud},
Keyword: Learning materials, Islami characters, Learning.
Abstract: Very few studies have examined the use of e-module that develops Islamic values accompanied by an
animated display of chemical processes. Thus, it is important to develop such module as an effort to form a
character in learning chemistry. The purpose of this research is to describe e-module validation results as
teaching material to develop Islamic values. E-module is developed using Research and development method
with ADDIE model. Validation is done by three experts on the aspects of learning and development of Islamic
values by filling out validation form in the form of comments, suggestions and simultaneously giving score
for every aspect. Aspects of learning and Islamic values on E-Module have presentations of 78% and 85%
respectively so that all aspects are declared valid. E-Module that has been prepared is feasible to be used to
develop Islamic values in chemistry learning. The development of this module is expected to support the
process of character formation of learners through the learning of chemistry.
Learning activities carried out in the classroom need
teaching materials as a tool to support the learning
process. The teaching materials used so far only
contain contents to master the knowledge and skills
only and have not provided good values of attitudes
in order to prepare learners thoroughly (Anggela and
Darvina, 2013). For example, chemical modules in
addition to discussing corrosion material as part of
electrochemistry also discusses the concept of
corrosion associated with Qur'anic verses that through
the story of Zulkarnain which is chanted in Surah al-
Kahf. Through the integration of chemistry and
Qur'anic verses it is also expected that the values of
character can be formed, such as religious, curiosity,
communicative, cooperation and responsibility in the
story of Zulkarnain and can be instilled to the
students. Al-Qur'an is loaded with the concept of
science and moral values contained therein. Al-Quran
is very relevant to be used as a reference in character
building, especially on the younger generation
(Nugroho, 2008).
The development in technology has encouraged
the integration of printing technology with computer
technology in learning activities, such as the
development of printed media or module. The module
is a specially designed learning unit used by learners
without teacher attendance (Smaldino, 2008). As the
development of technology, module is also
transformed into a more practical form of electronics
called as electronic module or e-module. Thus, the e-
module is a learning unit, where each learning activity
is provided with links as navigation that makes
learners become more interactive, equipped with
video and animation presentation to enrich the
learning experience (Borcheres, 1999).
Relevant research on learning to develop Islamic
values has been done by Subarkah et al (2016). The
result of research shows the aspects of values of
Islamic character in learning appear in learning. But
this research has not developed teaching materials
using e-module or other electronic media. Therefore,
this study aims to develop teaching materials in the
form of e-learning modules that are integrated with
character education that is filled with Islamic values.
The purpose of this research is to develop a teaching
material in the form of e-module that contains Islamic
values that can be implemented in the lives of
learners. The method used in this research is research
development or Research and Development (R and
D) with ADDIE-Model. The ADDIE-Model is an
instructional design development model consisting of
five stages: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3)
Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation
(Dick and Carey, 2010); (Gall, Borg, and Gall, 2007).
Subarkah, C., Qolbi, A., Irwansyah, F., Darmalaksana, W. and Mahmud, M.
Developing E-Module Based on Islamic Values.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 190-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 The Development Steps
The development steps undertaken with the ADDIE
model are as follows:
2.1.1 Analysis
This stage includes the analysis of the problem of the
importance of electronic materials that develop
Islamic values, the determination of the material
based on syllabus of basic chemistry course II,
concept mapping and concept analysis, discourse
analysis, learning objectives analysis, media resource
collection and software selection used.
Topics about corrosion used as a learning medium
because corrosion is one of the concepts studied in the
basic chemistry course II. In addition, this material is
a phenomenon that is very close to everyday life so
that students can train the sensitivity on the
environment. This phenomenon is also related to the
content of Surah al-Kahf verses 83-98. At this stage
the analysis is also done on the content of Al-Kahf
verses 83-98 by reviewing various interpretations to
explore the values of Islamic characters contained in
the verse.
2.1.2 Design
After the analysis phase, the e-module development
stage is done. This stage includes the collection of
materials and various media required such as pictures,
graphics, video, audio and others. At this stage
making flow charts and storyboard was first done.
The design development step follows the flow chart
and storyboard workflow.
2.1.3 Development
At this stage, e-Modules are developed based on the
designs that have been made.
2.1.4 Implementation
Prior to implementation, the e-module is validated.
Respondents for this validity testing consisted of
three experts: chemistry experts, learning media
experts and electronic media experts. This activity is
conducted to review the initial product that has been
developed and to get suggestions of improvement
before the product is tested to the students.
2.1.5 Evaluation
Based on suggestions and validation results, an
improvement on the e-module was developed.
2.2 Data Analysis
The data are obtained in the form of quantitative data
in the form of numbers and qualitative data expressed
in words or symbols. Quantitative data were analyzed
using a five-digit Likert scale. Likert scale
questionnaire results are processed by counting the
checked column, then multiplying the frequency in
each column with the corresponding column values.
The quality of the module is expressed by the value
calculated by the following formula:
 =
The classification of module validity can be seen in
the following table:
Table 1: The interpretation of validation results.
Score Validity Levels
>4.2 s/d 5.0 Highly Valid
>3.4 s/d 4.2 Valid
>2.6 s/d 3.4 Less Valid
>1.8 s/d 2.6 Invalid
>1.0 s/d 1.8 Highly Invalid
(Sunaringtyas et al., 2015)
Then the value of the validity is obtained by the
following equation:
% =
The results of the validity test in learning aspect can
be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: The results of validation of learning aspects of
electronic corrosion module.
Average score
V1 V2 V3
Ease of learning
3.0 4.0 4.0 3.7 Valid
Clarity of learning
objectives to be
4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Valid
The suitability of
video content,
images and other
3.9 4.0 4.1 4.0 Valid
Developing E-Module Based on Islamic Values
Average score
V1 V2 V3
media with the
concept discusse
Overall average 3.9
Validity in percentage 78%
V1 is validator 1 (Professor in Chemistry Learning)
V2 is validator 2 (an expert in Media)
V3 is validator 3 (an IT expert)
The next aspect is the aspect of Islamic values in
the module. This aspect is an aspect that characterizes
the created e-module that is the integration of learning
materials discussed with the verses contained in the
Qur'an. Validation results in this aspect can be seen in
Table 3 below:
Table 3: The Results of Validation on Islamic Values in E-
Average Score
V1 V2 V3
verses that
correspond to
story and
5.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
of the story
5.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
Ease of
the content of
the story
5.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
values in the
4.0 4.0 5.0 4.3
Promoting the
value of
curiosity in
the story
5.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 Valid
Promoting the
value of
ve in the story
5.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
Promoting the
value of
cooperation in
the story
5.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
Promoting the
value of
modesty in
the story
5.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
Average Score
V1 V2 V3
story with
daily life
5.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
Liking the
story with the
topic of
5.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
Overall average 4.27
Validity in percentage 85%
V1 is validator 1 (Professor in Chemistry Learning)
V2 is validator 2 (an expert in Media)
V3 is validator 3 (an IT expert)
EE-module is a source and learning media that
facilitates self-study. The advantages of E-module
compared to the print module are interactive, easy to
navigate, allowing to display various media such as
pictures, audio, video and animation and equipped
with tests / quizzes that allow direct feedback
(Pekdag, 2010). Based on the capability that e-
module can facilitate as a supporter in learning, the
development of e-module that contains Islamic
The quality of the module is determined based on
the validation conducted by three experts such as
chemistry learning experts, media experts and
information technology experts. There are two
validated aspects of learning aspects and aspects of
Islamic values contained in the module. The quality
of the module is determined by the combined score of
both aspects.
In the learning aspect, table 2 shows the
percentage of validation on this aspect of 78%. Based
on this, it can be seen that all aspects of learning in
this electronic module has been valid so it is worthy
to be used as a medium of learning.
Table 3 shows the percentage of validation on the
aspect of values of 85%. This shows that all aspects
of Islamic values in the module have been valid. The
pages in the module containing the verses of the
Qur'an, stories, wisdom and relationships with
learned concepts have been worthy of use as a
medium of learning. The story relation with character
values and corrosion material has also been valid so
that the module is feasible to be used as instructional
media in order to assist the educator in developing the
students’ character values. At the college level to high
school level the learners are more sensitive and caring
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
about ethical questions based on examples of certain
stories they have heard or learned (Lickona, 2013).
The Qur'an contains concepts and moral values
that are very relevant to serve as a reference in
character building. This is very reasonable because
the Qur'an proved to have changed the character of
Arabs. The character of society that was originally
colored with various deviations transformed into a
civilized society (Rahman and Kasim, 2014). One of
the stories in the Qur'an that is full of moral values
and character is contained in the story of Zulkarnain
in Surah al-Kahf verses 83-98. In addition, the story
also contains a concept of science studied in
Chemistry subjects contain many values of order
that lead to the exaltation of Allah SWT. If the
chemical phenomenon is dug deeper and
accompanied by the Qur'anic verses that explain it, it
will get religious values that can be used as the
foundation of character development in learning.
Based on the studies that have been done, Islamic
values are raised based on the story of Zulkarnain in
the Qur'an QS. Al-Kahf is religious, curiosity,
cooperation, responsibility and communicative. The
e-module also designed an attitude assessment that
measures the five characters so that learners can
measure the extent to which the characters appear in
their moral judgment.
In fi zhilalil Qur’an (Quthb, 2003), Qutb puts
forward the story of Zulkarnain describing his
character. The characters that Zulkarnain raises in his
story can be inspired in shaping the character of the
learner. More specifically, details of the religious
character and other characters in the story can be seen
in Table 4 below:
Table 4: The Content of Zulkarnain's Story and Character
Maker Values.
Content in the Story
Dzulkarnain is tawadhu and humble with
his intelligence and power.
Ecrets of the strength of iron walls artificial
Zulkarnain copper is revealed after the
knowledge of electrochemical reactions,
namely copper that can protect the iron due
to the standard reduction potential. This led
to Zulkarnain's fortress being more
protected. This story proves that Iskandar
Zulkarnain was a king who liked science.
Zulkarnain led the construction of a fortress
by cooperating in its manufacture in an
effort to avoid the damage caused by
Yakujuj and Makjuj.
As a leader, Zulkarnain carries out his
responsibilities in leading and working.
Zulkarnain always convey the command of
Allah in a wise and diplomatic way.
(Subarkah, CZ., Rahmawati, and Dalli, 2016)
Based on the table, there is a correlation between
corrosion material in chemistry learning with Islamic
character-forming values in Zulkarnain's story. Thus
the chemistry concepts studied can be integrated with
Islamic values in the Qur'an.
There is a relationship between academic
achievement and character education (Benninga,
2003). Some American schools that have conducted
character education programs show that the
achievement of students' academic achievement is
relatively increasing. Therefore, the effort to integrate
the values of the characters with the material studied
is very relevant as an effort to improve the academic
achievement of learners.
Developed modules are integrated with the
character values so that learners not only master the
material in cognitive level only but have character
values so that the development of this module is
expected to support the process of character
formation of learners through learning chemistry.
Based on the result of the research, it can be
concluded that the E-Module that has been arranged
is proper to be used to develop Islamic values in
chemistry learning. The developed characters are
religious, curiosity, cooperation, responsibility and
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education