Evolving the Values of Organizational Culture through Character
Education Based on Residential College
Djoko Murdowo
, Dasim Budimansyah
and Yadi Ruyadi
Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: The Residential College, organizational culture, grounded theory, value, character education.
Abstract: This study reviews about the organizational culture of PRIME values (Professionalism, Recognition of
achievement, Integrity, Mutual Respect, Entrepreneurship) as core values in Telkom University that is evolved
through character education in the Residential College. The design of this study is a qualitative research with
the grounded theory which is right to be used for the study of social life including behavior and the student’s
character in the Residential College. The participant consists of the stakeholder of a hostel in the university,
the hostel management, senior resident and the residents. The result of this study recommends that the
Residential College could be utilized as an alternative to character building by crystallizing four character
values which are spiritual value, individual, social, and entrepreneurship that is developed and implemented
through some programs and activities in the academic field, social, religious and religion, interest and talent
(ASRAMA), with various planned programs, structured, and targeted the developing and character building.
Even though the character education has been
delivered and planted since early stage until in
college, however, there is a degradation of moral and
character in the students, also dishonest behavior in
the college such as cheating during the exam,
plagiarism and other deviations. There are plenty of
efforts in implementing character education that has
been carried out through four bases in the education
institution consist of activity by learning, daily
activity in the form of school culture, extracurricular,
and daily activity in the family institution
(Kemendiknas, 2010). In the university, the
implementation of character values are designed by
education institution in the class with the subjects that
are grouped into general basic subjects such as moral
and Islamic education (PAE), civic education (PKN),
literature study, and entrepreneurship but, those are
not enough because the learning activity is yet
classical in the academic activity also dominated by
the development of cognitive. We would think better
of it and examined the student hostel area as the center
of values character building to enrich and practice
affective and psychomotor by monitoring much
longer intensively and sustainability.
The values character that is evolved in the hostel
life is yet inconsistency in selecting the value in the
hostel. In selecting the values character in the lives of
hostel student is required to define and set as a
guideline and reference in arranging the hostel activity
program. Telkom University as the education
institution obligates all students to stay in the hostel
for training about the character national so that they
have positive values and organizational culture with a
five core value which is professionalism, recognition
of achievement, integrity, mutual respect,
entrepreneurship (PRIME). However, in
operationalizing that is not completely working as it
expects due to the value system that is developed, the
integration of academic curriculum and the activity
hostel program are not synced yet.
Every organization has the organizational culture
which is a meaning system, value, belief, norm that
have been applied, approved, and followed by the
members as a base and direct the individual to
accomplish a goal (Sutrisno, 2015, p. 2). The
Budimansyah, D., Budimansyah, D. and Ruyadi, Y.
Evolving the Values of Organizational Culture through Character Education Based on Residential College.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 225-231
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
organizational culture associated with belief,
assumption, value, norm, behavior, ideology, custom,
and expectations that are had by the organization
including the university (Soetopo, 2012, p.123).
Besides that, the organizational culture has several
key characteristics as a differentiator; identity,
commitment, meaning and controlling that guides and
forms in an organization. Furthermore, the
organizational culture also functioned to enacts the
limitation of value and behavior, delivering a sense of
identity for the members, appearing a commitment,
escalating a stability of a social system, also as a
control mechanism that leads and forms the
employee’s behavior (Robbins, 2006, p. 294). The
organizational culture in a company has an identity
function, limitations determinant and bounded to
maintain the existence of an organization. The
important thing is the values selection which will be a
way of life that transforms into a basic for every rule
and policy in the company and turns into a behavior
guidance from each other and all stakeholders. It can
be summed up that when the organizational culture is
strong then the values can be depth comprehended,
applied, and fought by the majority member of an
organization so that backing the organization goals
(Sutrisno, 2015, p.20). With the strength of
organizational culture that has been evolved and
implanted will be able to push every individual to take
a part consciously, obey and run all policies that have
been set by the management based on the basic values
which have been agreed. It shows that the
organizational culture corresponds with the
employee’s behavior, organization commitment,
work satisfaction all stakeholders in an organization
Telkom University also has an organizational
culture which is a description of their vision and
mission. The organizational culture of Telkom
University as a meaning system, value, and identity
are behavior reference in working and applied by all
stakeholders which are management, employees,
lecturers, and students. In the practice, Telkom
University develops a five core value of
organizational culture which is Professionalism,
Recognition of Achievement, Integrity, Mutual
Respect dan Entrepreneurship (PRIME). One of the
stakeholders from Telkom University is the student,
which is a key element in the educational institution
where the number of students who stay in the hostel is
about 6.000 students consisting of various
backgrounds, ethnic and regions. It is a challenge that
needs to be examined how to civilize the PRIME
values or the values which will be evolved for the
students by living in the hostel as a base for character
The trend of the evolvement of hostel educational has
grown into numerous and it could allow a positive
effect for the education. The model of hostel
educational is designed for the students to shape a
behavior and character that fit the university’s vision
(Papworth, 2014). The educational with a facility of
the hostel has been applied by few the educational
institutions in Indonesia such as traditional boarding
school or modern boarding school (Dirjen
Pembelajaran, 2016, p. 6). From the observation of the
researcher, some universities has hostels for their
students such as Universitas Indonesia (UI),
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Institut
Teknologi Surabaya (ITS), Universitas Gajah Mada
(UGM), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Universitas
Pelita Harapan (UPH), Universitas Kristen Indonesia
(UKI) and President University (PU).
Besides as a homestay and a place of learning, the
hostel has a strategic role which is a social
environment for making the friend and a place that
represents a family institution. The lives in the
Residential College convert the students into
independent, active, achievement, disciplined,
tolerant, skilled, sharing a space and facility
(Khozaeai dkk, 2012, p. 295). Boarding school
delivers character education for the students by
performing several activities such as developing
academic and social skill through a natural process
(Jampel, 2016, p. 30). The parent’s concern will
reduce when their children stay in the Residential
College where the level of security is safer than living
outside the Residential College (Suki and Chowdhury,
2015, p. 45).
The effectiveness of hostel in evolving character
has been studied by some researchers, with a different
focus and locus such as: first, a research that is
researched in one of the boarding schools showed that
the correlation reality between boarding school
(variable x) on forming the student’s character
(variable y) were at high category level (Rizkiana,
2012, p. 18). Second, other research showed that the
character education through boarding school would
succeed if supported by the management of boarding
school that related to the process of program
arrangement by staging, organizing,
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
departmentalizing, work division, and student
mentoring; work improvement, formal and informal
communication; controlling (Sujarwo, 2012). Third,
the contribution of Residential College in forming
social climate and academic process in the students
because during practice occurred a cross cultural
interaction naturally that could be strengthened by the
mentoring and parenting system (Utari, dkk, 2014, p.
23). Fourth, the learning system of the hostel could
generate an educational holistically in accomplishing
the student’s character. So that, it requires a
management strategy that comprised curriculum
qualified, innovative, based on student needs: for the
management of student factor required a parenting
dormitory system (Noveliza, 2016, p. 99).
By looking at some benefits above, Telkom
University obligates new students to stay in the
Residential College for a year and utilize the
Residential College as a base for character building.
Based on the complexity of the hostel’s issues that
relate to behavior, values character system, hostel
activity program, therefore, it is important to solve the
issue of character education at the university level
through the Residential College, which will be
examined by using grounded theory.
This study is a qualitative approach with a grounded
theory method so that the researcher is free to examine
and analyze various phenomenon which is found in
the field. According to Straus and Cobin (2015, p. 5)
that a qualitative method can be used to reveal and
understand something behind an unknown
phenomenon. The selection of grounded theory
method aims to invent a theorization data which is a
method of theory arrangement that orients on action
or interaction from the research that is why this
method is used to study about social life including
behavior and the student character in the Residential
College. The analysis in the grounded theory is carried
out by axial coding and selective coding. Regarding
Strauss and Cobin (2015, p. 51), a process in the
grounded theory consists of parsing, concepts, and
rearranging a concept with a new concept.
The participation in this study involves the sides
that are considered can give a depth describing the
issue which is researched. The candidate of a
participant is selected by using theoretical sampling
approach, where the sample is selected based on the
concept that connects to arranging theory. The
participant is identified in this study which is: (1)
students who are part of staying in hostel program for
the first year, (2) stakeholders for the program,
arrangement, and hostel rule, (3) hostel supervisor
who assist and mentor the students in the Residential
College such as Senior Resident (SR).
The research model based on grounded theory
involves data collection by observation, interview,
documentation, and triangulation to get data
validation. The data analysis in a qualitative research
consists of data reduction, display data, and
The result of this study by observing, interviewing,
documentation study, and benchmark will be
constructed in the conceptual categories where they
will form a core dimension such as the selection of the
evolved values, arranging activity program that can
develop character values.
5.1 The Character Values Evolved in the
Residential College
The organizational culture has a value system that
transforms into a guide of behavior and action for all
stakeholders. Including Telkom University has also
core values. PRIME is utilized as a guidance,
reference and behavior for their stakeholders such as
the management of Foundation, lecturer, staff, and
students. From the findings in the field figured out that
the organizational culture of PRIME value has not
been implemented completely. It is because the
PRIME value is not used yet as a reference by
stakeholders, comprehended yet properly, also there is
a need for other values that are more dominant which
can be implemented in the hostel. Besides that, there
is a different and various perceptions about the value
needs which will be prioritized by the management,
residents, and other theory references about character
To seek for what values that could be evolved in
the hostel life at Telkom University. The researcher
puts the values of an organizational culture that has
been had by Telkom University, utilized as a guidance
and reference by the stakeholders including their
students. Furthermore, it is urgent to examine the
expert’s opinion about the theory of character values
besides interviewing the institution and the hostel
Based on the observation and interview about the
character values that are developed in the hostel at
Telkom University, figured out that there is an
inconsistency phenomenon in selecting the value
Evolving the Values of Organizational Culture through Character Education Based on Residential College
which will be applied by the students. Each person
whether the management or a student perceives the
needs of value differently depending on the needs or
things that are sensed. There is a perception that the
character values which would be developed accorded
to Lickona (1992) with a ten essential policy that is
required to form the good character which is wisdom,
justice, fortitude, self-control, love, positive attitude,
hard work, integrity, gratitude, humility). On the other
hand, to utilize the value reference that is evolved by
the ministry of education (2010, p. 9) through an
eighteen character values which is religious, integrity,
tolerant, disciplined, independent, creative,
democratic, curiosity, nationality spirit, homeland
love, achievement, communicative, peaceful, love
reading, environmental care, social care and
responsibility. The management expects that the
organizational culture in the PRIME values could be
used as a primary reference of values that are
The result of discussion in this study found that the
character values which is right to be evolved in the
Residential College that can fulfill the institution
expectation, students, parents, and all education
stakeholders. The values which should be developed,
the researcher recommends the seventeen of values
character is required to evolve in the Residential
College. The values consist of (1) believe in God; (2)
independent; (3) disciplined; (4) appreciate diversity;
(5) care to each other; (6) never give up; (7) integrity;
(8) responsibility; (9) politeness; (10) respect each
other; (11) mutual assistance; (12) tolerant; (13)
creative; (14) innovative; (15) leadership; (16) brave;
(17) confident which are grouped into four values
which is spiritual, individual, social, and
entrepreneurship. The values have been set to be a
reference in arranging a curriculum program and
activity in the hostel.
5.2 The Activity Program Developes
Character Values
The researcher analyzes and observes how the hostel
management at Telkom University designs the
curriculum structure in the academic or activity hostel
program that strengthens character values. The result
of this study identifies that the arrangement of a
curriculum in the first year at Telkom University
managed by vice rector 1. The subject in the first and
second semester is practice subject, theory, and
general basic subject. The subject in the first semester
is arranged into a package program but, not focus on
the subject that relates to character building and
integrated with the hostel program. The basic subject
in the first year has six credit semester systems from
total 33 credit semester systems or only about 18%. It
seems ambiguous with the concept of character
strengthening and developing where the basic
curriculum as a base to equip the students to have a
survival character and the ethos of learning.
Therefore, it is required to strengthen and synergize
with the hostel program.
Basically, Telkom University has arranged the
activity program in the Residential College in a
curriculum which is a part of their vision and mission
and described structured, gradually, and
sustainability. The result of this study reveals that
Telkom University has designed a mentoring program
for the students since entering the college until
becomes an alumnus. At least, there are four primary
pillars of character building that have been
implemented which is
“Know about University”
“Build the Character”
“Practice about Organization”
(Valuable Activity) -“Show the Quality”
The researcher is focused on the second pillar
which is the Residential College. Telkom University
develops a framework of “ASAS” (adaptive, spiritual,
academic, and social)- Build the character”. The four
frameworks convert into a concern in arranging a
program and mapping the resident’s competency so
that it will be more directed and fulfilled the target for
the various residents. This activity is expected to be a
mark for the residents to train and learn in exploring
their skill also finalizing their character. However, the
program that has been designed is not arranged
properly yet if it relates to kind of activity, period, and
target of value strengthening. Basically, the hostel
program is a mentoring program for academic and
cross-cultural with a four pillars development consist
of mental spiritual, academic knowledge, talent, and
sociocultural (Dirjen Pembelajara dan Pembelajaran,
2016, p. 3).
Based on analysis and finding, the researcher
recommends a model of program management that
has been implemented in the hostel from “ASAS”
program, has not explained detailed about talent and
interest. It requires continuation in the interest and
talent area which has not described obviously in the
ASAS program. So that the hostel program in Telkom
University transforms into four pillars that comprise:
academic, social, religious and religion, interest and
talent that is abbreviated ASRAMA. Per field in
ASRAMA program is designed a measured and
targeted program. Each program is arranged per
activity, period, numerous activity, and value target
which will be evolved from these activities. The
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
formulation of program and hostel activity are
described in this concept below.
Figure 1: The Formulation of Progam and Hostel Activity.
The activity program as it is explained in the
picture above aims to accomplish the hostel vision of
Telkom University which is “transforming a
Residential College into education integral which is
qualified for the development process in academic,
social, religious, and religion, interest, and talent so
that becoming a characterized bachelor”.
The values classification which will be
developed consist of religious value, individual,
social, and entrepreneurship that would be evolved
through the academic pillar, social, religious and
religion, interest and talent, with few activities are
purposed to build the value character of the students.
Substantially, if the seventeen programs are shorted,
could evolve four character values comprises a
spiritual value, individual, social, and
entrepreneurship. Every substance of character value
that is developed and built by several programs in
every field.
The spiritual value could be built and evolved
through religious and religion pillar, where the
spiritual value focuses on the implementation of
religion value, learning and understanding the
belief or each religion. The programs that are
developed in this activity consist of:
Dorm comic religion, performed every
three or four months in a year, aims to lead
the students to interest in learning their
Dorm spiritual discussion, performed every
month to increase sensitivity on the
phenomenon of religious lives;
Dorm percussion, performed every three
months, aims to cultivate how important
harmony and collaboration is;
The hostel reciting and congregational
(Fajr) prayer, twice in a week and based on
national event, with a purpose of building a
consciousness in praying optimally;
The individual value could be developed through
the academic pillar, focusing on the student’s
personality that is held on through several
activities and programs:
Dorm response, performed per three
months, to build the preparedness in
confronting with academic demand;
Dorm academic week, performed in the
early study with a purpose to socialize the
academic activity;
Evolving the Values of Organizational Culture through Character Education Based on Residential College
Dorm tutor, performed when the mid test or
final test would be held on, and some
consultations relating to difficult subject;
Dorm academic competition performed
structured during studying to grow
academic culture competitive.
The social value could be evolved through few
programs in the social pillar to learn and build
the student’s care on society and environment.
These programs are:
Dorm saving trash, performed per three
months, with a purpose to increase the
consciousness on keeping environment
Dorm environment performed per semester
so that the student’s responsibility for the
cooperation in maintaining the
Dorm pattimura ranger, performed per
quarter, aims to build caring to each other
Dorm food festival, held on with a large
capacity in the hall, with a purpose to
maintain a national culture in art and
traditional food;
Dorm identity to build togetherness and
ability to accept diversity.
Entrepreneurship value through several
programs in interest and talent pillar is an aspect
that associates with self-competency, social
competency, and entrepreneurship. The activity
and program could be developed by:
Dorm sport and art, performed per three
months with a purpose to develop the
student’s potency in sport and art;
Dorm team and entrepreneurship, to build
a leadership and entrepreneurship;
Dorm UKM expo, an event for the units of
the student’s activity in Telkom University,
performed every semester;
Dorm fun games and performance day,
held on after the final exam to evolve
togetherness by appearing talent in sport,
art, leadership.
Generally, the result of this study shows that character
education based on Residential College allowing a
new offer in evolving the character of the student,
faith and moral that consists of:
The PRIME values of an organizational culture
will be developed in the Residential College at
Telkom University but, cannot be applied
automatically. There are four values found
which is spiritual, individual, social, and
entrepreneurship which is a crystallization of the
17 character values in the hostel at Telkom
The hostel program is a mentoring program for
academic and cross-cultural with a four base
developing which is mental spiritual, academic
knowledge, talent, and sociocultural that will
evolve the value of spiritual, individual, social,
and entrepreneurship.
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Evolving the Values of Organizational Culture through Character Education Based on Residential College