organizational culture associated with belief,
assumption, value, norm, behavior, ideology, custom,
and expectations that are had by the organization
including the university (Soetopo, 2012, p.123).
Besides that, the organizational culture has several
key characteristics as a differentiator; identity,
commitment, meaning and controlling that guides and
forms in an organization. Furthermore, the
organizational culture also functioned to enacts the
limitation of value and behavior, delivering a sense of
identity for the members, appearing a commitment,
escalating a stability of a social system, also as a
control mechanism that leads and forms the
employee’s behavior (Robbins, 2006, p. 294). The
organizational culture in a company has an identity
function, limitations determinant and bounded to
maintain the existence of an organization. The
important thing is the values selection which will be a
way of life that transforms into a basic for every rule
and policy in the company and turns into a behavior
guidance from each other and all stakeholders. It can
be summed up that when the organizational culture is
strong then the values can be depth comprehended,
applied, and fought by the majority member of an
organization so that backing the organization goals
(Sutrisno, 2015, p.20). With the strength of
organizational culture that has been evolved and
implanted will be able to push every individual to take
a part consciously, obey and run all policies that have
been set by the management based on the basic values
which have been agreed. It shows that the
organizational culture corresponds with the
employee’s behavior, organization commitment,
work satisfaction all stakeholders in an organization
Telkom University also has an organizational
culture which is a description of their vision and
mission. The organizational culture of Telkom
University as a meaning system, value, and identity
are behavior reference in working and applied by all
stakeholders which are management, employees,
lecturers, and students. In the practice, Telkom
University develops a five core value of
organizational culture which is Professionalism,
Recognition of Achievement, Integrity, Mutual
Respect dan Entrepreneurship (PRIME). One of the
stakeholders from Telkom University is the student,
which is a key element in the educational institution
where the number of students who stay in the hostel is
about 6.000 students consisting of various
backgrounds, ethnic and regions. It is a challenge that
needs to be examined how to civilize the PRIME
values or the values which will be evolved for the
students by living in the hostel as a base for character
The trend of the evolvement of hostel educational has
grown into numerous and it could allow a positive
effect for the education. The model of hostel
educational is designed for the students to shape a
behavior and character that fit the university’s vision
(Papworth, 2014). The educational with a facility of
the hostel has been applied by few the educational
institutions in Indonesia such as traditional boarding
school or modern boarding school (Dirjen
Pembelajaran, 2016, p. 6). From the observation of the
researcher, some universities has hostels for their
students such as Universitas Indonesia (UI),
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Institut
Teknologi Surabaya (ITS), Universitas Gajah Mada
(UGM), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Universitas
Pelita Harapan (UPH), Universitas Kristen Indonesia
(UKI) and President University (PU).
Besides as a homestay and a place of learning, the
hostel has a strategic role which is a social
environment for making the friend and a place that
represents a family institution. The lives in the
Residential College convert the students into
independent, active, achievement, disciplined,
tolerant, skilled, sharing a space and facility
(Khozaeai dkk, 2012, p. 295). Boarding school
delivers character education for the students by
performing several activities such as developing
academic and social skill through a natural process
(Jampel, 2016, p. 30). The parent’s concern will
reduce when their children stay in the Residential
College where the level of security is safer than living
outside the Residential College (Suki and Chowdhury,
2015, p. 45).
The effectiveness of hostel in evolving character
has been studied by some researchers, with a different
focus and locus such as: first, a research that is
researched in one of the boarding schools showed that
the correlation reality between boarding school
(variable x) on forming the student’s character
(variable y) were at high category level (Rizkiana,
2012, p. 18). Second, other research showed that the
character education through boarding school would
succeed if supported by the management of boarding
school that related to the process of program
arrangement by staging, organizing,