Symbolic Meaning: Lifestyle and Consumptive Behavior of Farmer
Society During Tobacco Harvest Season in Temanggung
Thriwaty Arsal
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Street Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: Lifestyle, Symbolic meaning, Tobacco Harvest.
Abstract: Research Objectives: 1. Discovering the influence of tobacco harvest season for the economic condition of
tobacco farming community. (2) Discovering the pattern of consumptive behavior of tobacco farming
community during tobacco harvest season. (3) Discovering the pattern of economic behavior of community
of farmer after the harvesting season of tobacco. The research used qualitative research method, data validity
technique using triangulation of the data. Data analysis techniques includes: data collection, data reduction,
data presentation, and conclusion or verification. Research result indicated that tobacco harvest season was
able to increase economic income of farmers. The income was able to increase prestige and status and it was
used to pay debt, to overly fulfill primary and secondary basic needs, to build and renovate the house, and to
buy investment goods. After the harvest season, however, tobacco farmers tended to buy basic needs
sufficiently and economize or sell their valuable goods or even owe to fulfill their basic needs. Suggestion:
(1) The community has to be able to manage the income during tobacco harvest season wisely, so that in the
next planting season they will not depend on debt to loan shark or bank. (2) The local government has to be
able to supervise the tobacco trade so that any deception and price manipulation can be minimized.
Characteristics of the location of the research
subjects: Temanggung district is one of the tobacco
producing areas in Central Java Province. The
farmers’ status consists of tobacco traders, farmers
and workers who each have different work patterns,
attitudes, and lifestyles. Tobacco becomes the main
crop in the area because the price of tobacco is higher
than other agricultural crops. The increasing of
income from tobacco leads to consumptive behavior
during the tobacco harvest season.
Life style and consumptive behavior could
happen in rural and urban societies. One impact of
technological, globalization and communication
development is the growth of consumption society.
Consumption society tends to buy goods not because
of their value of benefit but due to the lifestyle and
prestige directed and shaped by advertisement and
mode through media of television, film, drama series,
infotainment and others. As a consumer, people are
no longer look for the benefit of the goods they
consumed instead they would consider whether the
goods or services could give them an image of having
modern lifestyle (Baudrilla, 2009)
This consumptive culture not only brings out the
functional nature of fulfilling human needs but also
the material and symbolic nature, for example, by
only consuming products that lead to the
establishment of identity for the user of the products.
Consumptive behavior becomes polemic for
Indonesian society (Nanang, 2011) stated that
consumption rationality in consumer society system
has changed because currently societies buy products
not as an attempt to fulfill the needs but as a
fulfillment of desire. The only object to fulfill the
desire is a desire object that imaginary and
subconsciously emerge and it has gone and only able
to look for its substitutes in the world of objects of
consumed symbols. The logic is operated in the
current society. Consumer society will buy the
attached symbols of an object, thus the benefit and
exchange values of most consumer objects have
eroded. Image distinguishes an object as having
higher value than other objects. Image is also able to
motivate individual to willingly sacrifice for
consuming an insignificant function good.
Research from Firmansyah, Asep, and Sri Hartati
(2014) on Changes in Consumptive Behavior and
Lifestyle in Vegetable Farming Community: A Case
Arsal, T.
Symbolic Meaning: Lifestyle and Consumptive Behavior of Farmer Society During Tobacco Harvest Season in Temanggung.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 242-246
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Study in Desa Kerinjing, Pagar Alam, South Sumatra
showed that farmers preferred malls or convenience
store compared to traditional markets. In the aspect of
food consumption, people preferred catering system
compared to cooking by themselves. In terms of
appearance, people judged it from the ownership
vehicles or house as social status.
One of impacts of technological and
communication development is the emergence of
consumer society and it occurs in urban as well as
rural societies. Even the traditional rural society with
subsistence farmer as the main livelihood has
affected. Rural society who used to live a simple life
depending on agricultural products to fulfill their
needs now tends to have consumptive behavior by
purchasing various goods to show their identity.
Consumption is not only based on needs but also
Mountains areas with fertile soils support the
cultivation of various agricultural crops. There are
various agricultural crops planted such as tobacco,
paddy, corn, and various vegetables. Tobacco is the
superior crop for farmer in mountains areas because
the areas supported with their cool climate could
produce quality tobacco. Society prefers tobacco
farming to food crop farming because the selling
price is higher. This high selling price could give
higher income for farmers. Tobacco leaves are known
as “gold leaves” that able to improve farmer society
economy. Tobacco becomes the main livelihood for
farmers in various tobacco producer areas in
Indonesia. The planting season of tobacco is started
in the beginning of dry season, which is in April, until
the harvest season in August and September. Farmers
mostly look forward to the harvest season.
Arrohman's (2014) study on the economic morals
of tobacco farmers showed that the economic benefits
of tobacco as a commodity crop was because
tobaccos price was much higher than the subsistence
crop. Social and cultural advantages were related to
prestige symbols, there was pride if succeeding in
cultivating tobacco.
Tobacco gives higher profit for farmers and it is a
promising export commodity, thus it could increase
farmers’ income. An increase in income from tobacco
product causes a change in consumption behavior of
society. Markets are more crowded during tobacco
harvest season compare to other harvest seasons.
Farmers visit the markets to spend their profit from
tobacco farming. Stores that sell main necessities,
electronic goods, and motor cycle are busier than
usual. People tend to buy necessity goods excessively
and even buy goods beyond the primary needs.
Khanisas research (2012) on the Analysis of
Tobacco Farmers Income in Desa Menggoro,
Kecamatan Tembarak, Kabupaten Temanggung
showed that the bigger the tobacco agricultural land,
then the higher the income. Factors like land area,
production cost, commodity price, and production
quantity, gave a real influence to the lifestyle and
consumption of tobacco farming community.
Mihic and Culinas article (2006) which was
Buying Behavior and Consumption: Social Class
Versus Income" showed that social status and income
significantly influenced consumptive behavior. High
social class will consume and buy products that
reflected lifestyle values, like products that looked
more expensive which related to class symbols.
The research used qualitative method to describe
consumptive behavior, lifestyle and economic
behavior pattern of farmer society after tobacco
harvest season. Research location was in
Temanggung. The location was chosen because most
of the people worked as tobacco farmer. Data
collection method was based on observation and
interview with the informants. Triangulation was
used as data validity (Denzin dan Lincoln, 2000)
Indonesia is able to increase farmers’ income through
tobacco export because tobacco is a more commercial
commodity than other agricultural commodities, thus
it has an important role for farmer’s economy. Its high
selling price is believed to be able to improve the
prosperity of farmer, especially farmers in
Temanggung Regency. Supported by fertile soil and
cool climate that suitable for tobacco planting has
caused tobacco to be the profitable and a mainstay
commodity for farmers.
Tobacco harvest season was a time that been
looking forward by farmers. In this season, the village
would be very crowded. There were many small
trucks carried tobacco stacks in and out the village.
Farmers were ngrajang (cutting the leaves in small
pieces) or drying the tobacco leaves around their
house and often they had to do overtime work until
the next morning to cut the leaves. This hard working
was worth with the profit gained by farmers.
The income of tobacco farmer was influenced by
the area owned. Farmers with wider area will gain
Symbolic Meaning: Lifestyle and Consumptive Behavior of Farmer Society During Tobacco Harvest Season in Temanggung
more profit. In average, tobacco farmers owned area
of 0.5 to 1 ha. The farm land could be farmers’ own
land or rented. An area of 1 ha was able to produce 24
baskets each contained 33 35 kg; therefore, in one
season farmers were able to produce around 792 kg.
Income was also influenced by season or climate.
Unpredictable rain fall was the obstacle for farmers
because the quality of tobacco depends on the rain
fall. Excess rain fall will decrease the quality of
tobacco and in turn the selling price to the factory. A
good quality tobacco is tobacco that completely dry
with sunshine.
Price determined by the factory had influence on
the level of company’s income. The price of tobacco
for each grade has been determined by the factory
based on various criteria. Farmers only estimated the
price and the decision would be in the hand of
employer and factory. Farmers received every
decision of the employer and factory regarding the
The initial capital received was also determined
the income gained by farmer. If the initial capital was
gained by borrowing money to the employer, the
employer usually would apply interest to the capital
owed and cut the price of the tobacco from the famers
who borrowed the money. The interest applied to the
money owed by farmer was highly influenced the
farmer’s income because farmer needed to pay the
interest. Despite the fluctuation in tobacco price and
uncertain dry season, tobacco was still the main
priority for society in Temanggung Regency.
Tobacco is the main crop in Temanggung
Regency due to its high price that brings more profit
for farmers. Agricultural products, such as rice, chili,
cabbage, eggplant, corn and other vegetables, are
usually sufficient for fulfilling daily needs and if the
produces yielded have less quality, the farmers will
experience loss and they might need to borrow money
to fulfill their basic needs. The main influence of
tobacco for the economy of Temanggung society was
that it can increase farmers’ income.
Borrowing money (debt) had been the culture of
Temanggung society. They borrowed money for
planting from their employers (capital owners), bank
and farmer group and to fulfill their daily need they
would owe to the nearest food stalls that often to give
loan to the farmers. Debt was still their option despite
the uncertain production result.
Actually, loans obtained from the employers were
detrimental for farmers because if they borrowed
money of IDR 10,000,000.- they would have to return
for IDR 15,000,000.-. Farmers were also required to
sell their tobacco to the same employers who gave
them loan and sometimes the employers were
cheating by giving a lower price than those
determined by the factory. However, farmers
continued to depend on the loan from the employers
because without it they were unable to plant the
Tobacco harvest season was also used as a mean
to increase farmers’ prestige. There is certain pride if
farmers were successful in planting tobacco. The
success was manifested in form of goods. The society
preferred to buy goods that could increase their
prestige to saving the money for next planting season.
The goods bought were in form of car, motor cycle,
electronics, home furnishing. In addition to buy
goods, the profit was also used to renovate their
The ownership of valuable goods became the
benchmark for determination of social status of
tobacco farmer society. When tobacco harvest season
came, many people appeared to hustle to spend their
profit from farming. Generally, farmers went
shopping to the market. Tobacco was not only
profitable for farmers but also traders at the market
and the whole economic sectors in Temanggung.
Crowded could be seen when tobacco harvest
season came. People raced to present themselves
based on their income from tobacco, such as vehicles,
house renovation and electronic goods. There was
certain pride for the people when they managed to
grow tobacco and it was manifested in form of goods
although they had to borrow money for the next
planting season.
The Symbolic Meaning, Lifestyle and
Consumptive of Farmers during Tobacco Harvest
Season Consumption in the perspective of sociology
is not only the fulfillment of physical and biological
needs but also related to the social and cultural
aspects. Consumptive is related to taste, identity or
life style that could change because it is conducted on
the symbolic quality of the goods and depend on the
perception of taste from others (Damsar, 2000)
The increase in income causes an increase in
consumption behavior of society and vice versa. As
well as within tobacco farmers in Temanggung, an
increase in income gave rise to the tendency of
consumptive behavior among the society. Tobacco
farmer’s income was varied based on the status of
tobacco farmers.
Consumptive behavior pattern of tobacco farmer
during tobacco harvest season was by buying large
amount of basic needs. When tobacco harvest season
came, farmer overly spent their profit for basic needs
such as soap, tooth paste, soy sauce, flour, oil, clothes
and others. At this time, markets were more crowded.
Farmers and farm workers were rented a mini truck
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
to make them easier to bring various basic needs they
bought for their daily supply. When other farming
was less profitable, the goods and other needs could
be paid directly. Profit from tobacco farming usually
used by farmers to pay debt when other farming was
less profitable and the remaining was used to buy
primary, secondary and tertiary needs.
Farmers bought goods based on their income and
status as tobacco farmers. The level of the income
was also influencing a place where farmers went
shopping. Tobacco employers who had the highest
stratification among farmers usually went to the mall
or supermarket for shopping. The goods sold at the
mall or supermarket was different than those at the
market. The goods were branded goods and could not
be found at traditional market. Whereas, owner-
farmers and farm workers chose to go shopping at the
supermarket or traditional market. After tobacco
harvest season, the shopping location was shifted to
traditional market only or even to the nearest small
shops to owe.
Lifestyle and consumptive behavior of tobacco
farmer was also seen when they bought goods to show
their identity. The goods they bought have symbolic
meaning that show about their success as a tobacco
farmer. This symbolic meaning could also construct
their identity and relationship with others who were
in the same symbolic world.
Consumption expresses one’s social position and
identity in the society due to the change in one’s
perspective toward respected status. Consumption is
no longer an object but also social meanings in form
of hidden symbolic. According to Weber (1947),
consumption of a good is an image of certain lifestyle
of a social status group. Consumption of a good is an
indicator of farmer’s stratification and status; the
distinguished is the relationship to production and
goods bought. Farmer’s consumption of luxurious
goods was a certain lifestyle of the stratification and
status of tobacco farmers. During the tobacco harvest
season, farmers bought home furniture and electronic
goods such as table, chair, cupboard, refrigerator,
washing machine and TV even though they already
have the goods.
According to (Mead and Blumer, 1982)
Consumption was no longer based on the need with
functional values but based on merely desire and
satisfaction. Buying furniture was done only for an
ornament without considering the utility value of the
goods. The good was only use for prestige symbol
with symbolic and stratification meaning. Mead and
Blumer (1957) stated that one’s opinion is not made
toward others’ act but based on the meaning given
toward the act itself. In this case, tobacco farmers
conducted consumptive behavior in a hope that it
could increase their prestige and stratification among
the tobacco farming society to a level similar to those
of tobacco employers (capital owner).
Consumption is the amount of expense of a
household to buy various goods and services for a
certain level of income and period. Consumption is
no longer the fulfillment of physical and biological
needs but it is related to the social and cultural
aspects. Consumption is the use of goods and services
to fulfill daily needs it can be related to taste,
identity, symbol or lifestyle that could increase
prestige and solidarity within a group. The lifestyle
and consumption behavior of farmers during tobacco
harvest season was no longer based on the fulfillment
of physical and biological needs but based on the
desire related to social and cultural aspects, identity
and symbol. When they bought certain goods, they
expected an appreciation from the society as a
successful tobacco farmer.
3.1 The Symbolic Meaning and Lifestyle
of Farmers after Tobacco Harvest
After the tobacco harvest season or rainy season,
farmers planted rice, corn, chili, eggplant, cabbage
and other vegetable crops. Rice planting will need 4
months for one planting season. The cost for the
cultivation during rainy season was also gained from
a loan from the capital owner or the Bank because the
profit they gained from tobacco farming had spent
consumptively. After tobacco harvest season, farmers
no longer had consumptive behavior and tended to
saving. Sometimes they had to owe or sold their
valuable goods that they bought during the tobacco
harvest season, such as car, motor and electronic
goods, to fulfill their daily needs.
Managing a farm land that depended so much on
nature had caused farmer to have uncertain income.
When the weather was bad, the crops were attacked
by pest or the price of tobacco decrease farmer would
experience a loss. Due to the loss, farmers were
unable to pay the debt and they had to owe again by
mortgaging their land certificate and vehicles
document. The debt will be paid with profit gained
from the next tobacco harvest season. The unstable
price of tobacco and unpredictable season had forced
farmers to have strategy in managing their income
that gained during tobacco harvest season.
Consumptive spending would make farmers continue
into debt.
Symbolic Meaning: Lifestyle and Consumptive Behavior of Farmer Society During Tobacco Harvest Season in Temanggung
The main influences of tobacco harvest season in
Temanggung were the ability to increase farmers’
income that can be used to pay debt and to fulfill their
basic needs, the emerge of consumptive behavior by
buying various valuable goods, improving prestige by
buying primary, secondary and tertiary goods such as
car, motor and electronic goods. Tobacco harvest
season was also used as a mean to improve symbolic
status, lifestyle, consumptive and identity of tobacco
farmers. After the harvest season, farmers tended to
buy sufficiently basic needs and they did not buy any
goods that show their identity. Moreover, when the
agricultural product was less profitable, farmers
would owe or even sold their valuable goods to fulfill
the basic needs.
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education