infrastructure development. This thing is persuaded
by how big development impact that can deliver to
the people. The bigger positive impact that is allowed
the more people open their minds to the development
but, the impact must be based on equality and
prosperity (Jamaludin, 2016).
The people of Citali Village is a subject and also
the object of a development, where the people play
the role of the workers and the owners of a land. Their
lands are acquired for the construction of Cisumdawu
Toll Road. Therefore, the people are the success
factor in the development process. Sometimes, the
factor of people’s preparedness becomes a failure
reason of the development. The people’s readiness is
“the degree to which a community is ready to take
action on an issue” (Marry Ann Pentz on (Edwards,
Jumper-thurman, Plested, Oetting, & Swanson,
2000). The development can be said success if the
people have been ready otherwise if the people were
not ready for the development then it would probably
fail. Therefore, in the process of development
requires well-planned and concern all aspects that
relate to people’s lives so that the development can
run as it is expected and minimize the negative impact
that possibly happens due to the development.
The people of Citali Village show various
responses to the construction of Cisumdawu Toll
Road based on what they feel. This study is expected
to present a description about the people’s
preparedness of Citali Village on the construction of
Cisumdawu Toll Road so that there will be an attempt
to prepare the people in dealing with the development
by improving the human resources.
This study about the people’s readinessness in facing
the construction of Cisumdawu toll road is performed
in the people of Citali village. The informant selection
in this study is purposive by determining the number
of informant corresponding with data adequacy. The
informant is selected by certain consideration such as
they feel directly the impact of Cisumdawu toll road
construction including local government agency and
local figure. Through qualitative approach with a case
study method, this study is not about to examine the
hypothesis but, try to sum up some different
information from every informant about people’s
readiness in facing the construction of Cisumdawu
toll road so that obtaining obvious describing. Data
collection is by observing, interviewing, literature
study and documentation study. And data analysis
was performed by data reduction, data presentation,
and data verification.
Citali village is one of the villages located in
Pamulihan District, Sumedang Regency, West Java.
Monograph data in 2013 exposed that the total
population in Citali Village was about 4.075 people
with the population density about 365 per Km
. The
people of Citali Village have different preparedness
on the construction of Cisumdawu Toll Road. The
variable of people’s preparedness can be detected
from knowledge, perception, and individual
motivation on the issue and handling the issue
(Wijaya & Wiryawan, 2013). In this study, the
people’s preparedness is viewed based on cognitive
aspect, affective/ reaction, and response. The three
aspects are the basic component that is expected to
deliver a description about the people’s preparedness
of Citali Village in dealing with the construction of
Cisumdawu Toll Road. Utilizing the compensation is
one of the attempts and reactions in self-prepared on
the construction of Cisumdawu Toll Road.
The three-level categories of people’s
preparedness consist of unready (no community
awareness and unavailable of project information),
collective support (becoming aware of collectivity
role, leadership, community forum, local wisdom but,
the communication network and channel is not
optimized yet to support the development), and
proactive (where the people and the project
management evaluate and modify the development
implementation for effectiveness of the next
program) (Edwards et al., 2000).
3.1 People’s Readiness Based on
Knowledge and Comprehension
The human has a precious potency as a capital to
involve in the process of development that is backed
by their intelligence and comprehension to the
development (Lintjewas, Franklin, & Rate, 2015).
The knowledge and comprehension is a capital to take
an action and create something.
The more the people of Citali Village shows their
level understanding of the construction of
Cisumdawu Toll Road then it will bring influence on
their interest in the process of development so that it
can be detected that the people have been ready to
deal with the development. The indicator that is used
in determining the people’s readiness of Citali Village
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education