The content of it was withdrawal of apanage land
and the replacement of it with giving salary to the
State family.
Eight years later, from the result of his economic
strategy, Mangkunagara IV could achieve successful
economic strategy, even Mangkunagaran obtained
substantial profit. Mangkunagara IV had ever
explained that his economic policy was made due to
his wish to manage his family and servant’s income
and attempt to improve Mangkunagaran people’s
standard of life. Another attempt the Sri
Mangkunagara IV taken was to establish coffee and
sugar company or plant. It is generally a politic and
economic activity are not always like the
expectations. Psychological skills and social in free
market economy values and controlled by demand
and control mechanisms will have control
commensurate with democratic values.
Sri Mangkunagara IV was interested in
improving the position of Mangkunagaran descent
through economy, as shown in some tembang sinom
contained in Serat Wedhatama. In the tembang, Sri
Mangkunagara IV advises his people that earning
living is important in life. After the livelihood has
been sufficed, other needs will be sufficed, for
example religion science. In another tembang
macapat contained in Serat Tripama, it is mentioned
that individual’s life will be meaningful when he has
three things: wirya (position), arta (wealth), and
winasis (intelligence). Those who do not have one of
them will be underestimated (in Javanese term called
aji godhong jati aking).
Sri Mangkunagara IV’s talent as poet and art
protector far beyond his ability of reigning the praja
(territory of jurisdiction). As a king, he had reigned
his people and led them toward advance
successfully. In Sri Mangkunagara IV period, many
high literary works developed. Even Sri
Mangkunagara IV activity in letter area had began
when he had not been the King. Sri Mangkunagara
IV’s literary works were descriptive, didactic, and
didactic-philosophic in nature (Poerbatjaraka, 1952
and Mulder, 1984). Mangkunagara IV as king and
leader always put the interests of others, has no
strings attached, and always be vigilant in dealing
with problems. Thus comply with Indriyanto (2014)
which states that kejawen teachings are two form of
great threat to underlie the attitude of vigilance.
There are aware and vigilant. Otherwise, it will be
able to destroy the principles of humanity, namely
lust and self-interest. Humans should be able to
reduce carnality and release pamrih. Pamrih is a
second threat to humans. Acting because of pamrih
means only priorizing self-interest (selfish). Pamrih
can ignores the interests of others and society.
His work in the form of tembang macapat is
descriptive in nature as it contains description and
impression he got when he visited the local area, for
example when he went to Wonogiri, Giripurno and
Tegalgondo. In addition, many of his poems tell
about important event such as the construction of
Tasikmadu sugar factory and the opening of
Tambakagung and Tirtosworo reservoirs. Some of
his works also tell about deer hunting in the jungle
near Surakarta at that time. In his journey to a place,
he was always followed by the palace officials.
Tembang he had written represent the beauty of rural
land they passed through, the behavior of wild
animals they hunt, and the people’s welcome. Those
works prove their competency in expressing feeling
and impression with beautiful words.
Another poem is created to give piwulang
(lesson), advice about noble character (akhlaq),
decorum, and the relationship between king and his
people, including youths, their family, soldier and
narapraja (Maryeni, 2013). Poem contains this
noble character tenet has been collected and
published as the third edition and some of the fourth
editions was collection of Mangkunagara IV’s work,
consisting of four editions prepared by Dr. Thedhore
Pigeaud, between 1927 and 1934, on the instruction
of Sri Mangkunagara VII, a grandson of Sri
Mangkunagara IV in the attempt of celebrating his
birthday. The poems are Warayagnya,
Wirawiyata, Sriyatna, Nayakawara, Paliatma,
Salokatama, Darmawasita, Ngelmu, Pitutur, Puji,
Wedhatama, Tripama and Yogatama. Out of those
works, the ones making Sri Mangkunagara IV the
famous poet are a didactic poem entitled Tripama
and a didactic philosophical poem Wedhatama. In
Serat Tripama, Sri Mangkunagara IV intended to
give lesson and education about Javanese people,
particularly the soldier. Life guideline he considered
as adiluhung (superb) was taken from three puppet
epochs inseparable from the court’s culture at that
time. Then, Serat Wedhatama containing noble
character tenet is considered as having broad content
than Serat Tripama. All of his works are stored in
Reksapustaka was born on August 11, 1867. In
addition, there were Reksapraja, Reksa Hardana,
Reksa Warastra, Reksa Busana, Reksa Baksana,
Reksa Sunggata, and etc. at that time. Exactly, Sri
Mangkunagara IV issued Decree (pranatan)
reshuffling the structure of Praja Mangkunagaran
government. In Praja Mangkunagaran capital,
according to the pranatan, 9 offices were