Social Problems and Family Education Role to Build Family
Viena Rusmiati Hasanah and Yoyoh Jubaedah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Family Resilience, Social Problems, Family Education.
Abstract: Family is the smallest social unit in the society. It plays a significant role in building a nation. Family is the
first education institution and is crucial for every individual within it as also mentioned in *Tricentra
Pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara (Three philosophies of Education of Ki Hajar Dewantara). Many
challenges are faced by families as resulted from globalization. This study aims to find out social problems
and challenges faced by societies, how family education plays its role to build family resilience. This
research uses qualitative approach with descriptive method. Data collection using document studies, and
discussion forums through the media WhatsApp on the family activist group (GiGa) Indonesia. The results
of this study indicate that social problems such as juvenile delinquency, sexual violence, drug abuse,
addiction of online games and pornography addiction, high rates of divorce and other social problems that
occur in Indonesia become part of the concept of family resilience so it is necessary efforts to strengthen
family education in building family resilience.
Globalization means no boundaries among nations
both in terms of time and place. No boundaries also
give challenge, whether we are ready to receive
rapid flows of information. The increasing of social
problems has caused fear for family as the first and
crucial institution for every human. Has family still
become the main pillar in building human? Why are
there so many social problems related to the
character of the nation and even right now there are
problems related to the existence of this institution.
Where is the function and role of family? Is it
important for family to be resilient?
The concept of family resilience has the
definition that the family is a functional system
useful to provide defence in the face of life
challenges that always appear and strengthen in line
with the development that occurred. This functional
system is influenced by highly diverse social events
and contexts and in turn can facilitate positive
adaptation of all members and strengthen the family
unit. A map of information about the key processes
in family resilience lies in the synergism of the
transactional processes within their family and social
environment (Walsh, 2016). Resilience is usually
defined as the ability to achieve positive results
regardless of the level and type of different threats in
one's life (Masten, 2001). Threats from within and
outside individuals and families need to be dealt
with in the best possible manner. Social problems
occur as a result of the inability of individuals and
families to resist threats with the best attitude. The
family has a major role as a qualified individual
builder institution (one of which is a characteristic
component), which then becomes the foundation of
a civil society builder and further becomes the
foundation of a characterized nation (Sunarti, 2017).
This paper would like to reveal on matters
related to various conditions of social problems that
occur and the role of family education to build a
resilient family. The study is conducted in order to
answer the following research questions.
What are those social problems and challenges
emerged at the present state in Indonesia?
How does Family education play its role to
build family resilience?
Hasanah, V. and Jubaedah, Y.
Social Problems and Family Education Role to Build Family Resilience.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 306-310
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Social Problems
Social problems are all types of behavior that violate
customs of society. It also refers to a social situation
that is disturbing, forceful, dangerous and put people
in adversity (Lemert, E. M., 1951; Kartono, 2005).
Basically, social problems constitute structural
functions of all social systems in the form of
unexpected products or consequences from one
sociocultural system. Sociologists state that social
problems are resulted from maladjusted behavior
(not to be able to adjust oneself) and therefore
general societies cannot accept it. Further, this type
of behavior is also against social norms.
Behavior deviation can be divided into three
groups, namely 1) individual deviation, refers to
personal symptom deviation, private and individual
attributed to anomalies (deviation from laws and
disorders), biological variations, psychological
abnormalities since birth; 2) situational deviation is
caused likely by situational/ social power outside of
the individual him/herself, for example stealing
because of poverty, becoming a prostitute because of
dissatisfaction with previous jobs; the money could
not meet his/ her wants, and students involving in
school fights, and etc. Situational deviation
accumulates when cultural conflict occurs. Cultural
conflict is defined as a social situation filled with
social groups that are in dispute and pressure groups.
Some examples include corruption culture,
teenagers’ rebel, adolescent revolt, sexual deviation,
LGBT; 3) Systemic deviation is when all deviated
thoughts and deeds are rationalized and righted by
all those members who have deviate behavior. Those
deviate groups generally have unique pattern
organization, with ethical codes, norms and strange
habits to uphold their prides and social statuses.
Some examples shown these types organizations are
labor unions, mafia gangs, drug smugglers, LGBT
groups, robbers, and so on (Lemert, E. M., 1951;
Kartono, 2005).
2.2 Family Education
Family is the smallest social unit in the society
undergoing changes both internally (in the family)
and externally (outside of the family) (Sunarti,
2014). As the smallest social unit in the society,
family has become one of the pillars to run
important functions and role in social life widely.
Family has tasks and functions for internal and
external surroundings. Functions and roles of family,
according to Department of National Family
Planning Coordination, among others are; religious,
social cultural, love and care, protection,
reproduction, socialization and education, economy,
environment fostering functions. Family has basic,
development, and crises tasks that should be
conducted successfully in order to attain welfare and
In relation to education, family is the first
institution for each individual to know in his or her
life cycle. It is through the family that most
individuals get to know about the world, and so
according to Jones and Wilkins, the first children’s
socialization takes place in their families and thus,
parents are first and important social agent
(Sudiapermana, 2012). Those aspects strengthen the
existence of family education’s term since it is
actually difficult to separate education and family.
Interaction among family members will highly be
influenced by education elements, in line with the
tasks and functions of family in order to attain
family welfare.
2.3 Family Resilience
A family is considered resilient when it is able to
fulfill its roles, functions, and tasks. Further details
on family resilience can be seen in the following
characteristics (Lee, 2003; Sunarti, 2017).
Physical-economic resilience refers to an
ability to fulfil objective welfare in the forms
of the fulfilment of basic needs including
food, clothes, houses, education, and health;
Social resilience is an implementation from
religion orientation, value, and goals of family
making, it is an ability to manage nonphysical
resources and social relation;
Psychological resilience refers to an ability to
manage, mature personalities, satisfaction
with needs or subjective welfare.
Family resilience is reflected in some abilities to
anticipate, predict, prevent vulnerability and risks to
prevent from crises, and when undergoing misery
and adversity, a family is able to get up and recover
and even more powerful (Sunarti, 2017; Oh and Sun
2014). All those features are known as family
resilience, and as a specific resilience when a family
can access assets that can be used to protect when
needed and to face hardship or disorganization.
Duvall, an expert in family development, since 1957
has illustrated what constitutes vulnerability that can
be predicted during the whole life of family, among
others are economy, and when women are working,
Social Problems and Family Education Role to Build Family Resilience
conflict between work-family, and the unbalanced
task among family members (Sunarti, 2017).
This paper conducts studies on social issues through
literature and documentation studies and
participatory discussions through family activist
forum (GiGa) forum through WhatsApp media.
Participatory discussions were conducted by 5
persons’ active group members discussing social and
family issues. Various data collected from the
discussion, literature study and document, then
analyzed using qualitative analysis, based on the
topic then determined the categories that connect
each topic discussed so that the pattern builds.
Conflicts between culture and the flow of
globalization cannot be avoided and it has been a
rhetoric existed in many kinds of social conditions
occurred recently.
Many kinds of social problems and deviations
occurred recently in Indonesia are associated with
nation’s characters that have been faded and unclear.
Spirit of mental revolution that has been sounded in
the program of “Presiden Jokowi dengan Nawa
Cita-Citanya” still left us some questions; what does
it look like and where does it head to. Some studies
regarding the social cases and phenomena occurred
will be analyzed and are then related to the functions
and tasks of family as the smallest unit in the
society, to be then confirmed by using the concept of
family resilience used as guidance to attain family
4.1 Existing Social Issues and
Based on the results of the participatory discussions
in the group WhatsApp the Indonesian Family
Activist group (GiGa) Indonesia, it was revealed
about the cases that occurred around, among them
on the topic: Respondent 1: Wow ... this case ... "A
man, zoya, burned alive by the masses "....
Respondent 2: How can?... the public have the heart
to let humans be burned alive ... where does it feel?
Respondent 3: This nation has lost its identity. You
have the heart to let God's creature die in that way ...
even if he is guilty. Respondent 4: In this info ... it
was just suspected yes ... not necessarily wrong. Pity
his wife ... Zoya burned alive just because allegedly
stealing amplifiers from mushala al hidayah hurip
jaya village babelan district of Bekasi, West Java.
(Tribunnews, 2017). Respondent 5: how this nation?
... issue of LGBT is now increasingly crowded.
There is news about Miss Transgender Sumedang
make a scene (Sumedang Ekspress, 2017).
Respondent 2: This social issue shows our nation
losing its character. Respondent 1: Agree ... must
start from the family. every parent and individual
cares for members of his family
Based on policy of the Ministry of Women
Empowerment and Children Protection of Republic
of Indonesia, there are some social phenomena and
cases happened lately in Indonesia as can be seen
From Year 2010 until 2014, women workers
as professional have kept increasing from
44.02% in 2010 and 45.61% in 2014;
Cases on children abuse also get increasing
from 2178 cases in 2011 until 5066 cases in
The number of cases on violence to women in
Indonesia reaches 293.220 cases (based on the
Data taken from twitter explain that cases on
prostitution, sexual crime and pornography
have been increasing until 2014;
Level of divorce in Indonesia, according to the
data in 2016, reaches 1000 divorces on
average per day.
Cases reported by media are as follows:
Sexual abuse to a kindergarten student in
Bogor, school still employs the suspect (The
Asianparent Indonesia, 2017);
Sensational news about a sexy belly dancer in
the book launching of former deputy of BI
Governor (JawaPos, 2017);
Being addicted to watching porn movies,
three boys have sex with sheep. It happened
in Karawang West Java (News Republika,
Many existing social problems are forms of
deviation, likely resulted from internal and external
factors of individuals. These may rather be related to
cultural lag than individual deviation. It is because
societies are not ready to face all changes resulted
from globalization. It is certainly a serious challenge
for all Indonesians. Situational deviation, at the
present state, is actually really heart-breaking. It
includes such as porno actions among teenagers,
divorce, moral poverty leading to individual and
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
group crimes, fights between schools, misuse of
narcotics, psychotropic, and other addictive drugs,
sexual violence, homosexual, lesbian, gay, human
burnt a group of society and so on.
This type of situational deviation needs a serious
handling and can result in systemic deviation. Even
so, in some cases, the symptoms have been
appearing and leading to systemic deviation, such as
LGBT group who demand for same-sex marriage to
be legalized in Indonesia, mafia gangs dealing with
drugs have conquered all important lines in
Indonesia that it can penetrate educated levels,
campuses, actresses and professionals. This
condition is really heart-breaking and therefore a
systemic movement needs to be formed in order to
prevent and solve social problems and characters
problems of this nation.
4.2 Roles and Functions of Family
Education to build Family
Function of education and socialization is one of
activities needs to be conducted in family level to all
family members. The theory of ecology of
Bronfenbrenner explains that every individual is
under other social system around him or her.
Therefore, it is certain that it forms a microsystem, a
family particularly parents and close relatives have
the biggest influence in providing education function
and socialization. This opportunity is not used by
parents due to many conditions.
Family is supposed to be a social unit that can
influence its surroundings. What happens is on the
contrary that external neighborhood has influenced
family. Other than that are mass media, social
media, and gadget in which in the theory of ecology,
the position of those are in the macro system.
However, because their interests and sophisticated
characteristics, those aspects have become the
closest one to every individual, from the early age
children to senior citizens.
We need to realize these phenomena and
conditions since we are parts of this country and
have responsibilities to ourselves and societies. It is
of course easy to say that family is supposed to be
the main pillar to give education in family level in
order to cleverly act on existing flow of
globalization and challenges. However, the huge
challenges that exist, sometimes has made the family
institution no longer important. Needs level of each
individual and other family member have sometimes
become no longer important. Making a long distant
to become a close one because of electronic media,
has caused meeting and networking have no
meaning. Interactions between husband and wife,
children and parents, seem no longer meaningful
when everything can be done by the touch of the
fingers. Entertainment and physical health recreation
that may involve other family members are no
longer interesting because of other more attractive
entertainments through TV or wireless network that
has been famous in the world and is sophisticated.
Those pressure and different kinds of
encouragement if not anticipated, can make family
lose direction in running functions and tasks. If the
smallest unit in the society such as family has
become less important and less appreciated, it is
very hard for us to appreciate bigger institutions. If
children no longer want to hear their parents and
their parents are no longer care for their children, or
even husband and wife do not know each other, it is
impossible to build a nation. This discussion
concludes that family institution needs to be
strengthened by multi directions, approaches and
4.3 Building Family Resilience
Family resilience is defined as a family ability to
manage resources and problems faced in order to
attain family goals, which is a qualified and
prosperous life (Masten, 2001). Further, a resilient
family has an ability to anticipate, predict, and
prevent susceptibility and risks to prevent from
crises and when undergoing misery and adversity,
then family is able to get up and recover and even
more empowered (Sunarti, 2017). Paying attention
to the above conditions with all different kinds of
social problems occurred lately, family is expected
to be able to become one of the pillars that are able
to defend from the outside attacks and from those
swallow anyone who is not ready in the era of
globalization. Many strategies are carried out to
carry out a resilient family, done by the principle of
velocity, through innovative breakthrough and have
a great leverage power (Sunarti, 2017). Many efforts
are done by many families by, for example, fostering
a family room spiritually and emotionally and by
being able to be independent and by having
economic stability. (ACTNews Bogor, 2017).
Approaches to realize those efforts are done through
many lines and are organized well to get together to
build societies’ welfare through the building of
family resilience. Many lines including policies,
direct programs to society through areas in the level
of city, sub district and village. Apart from that, the
movement should be done through advocacy and
Social Problems and Family Education Role to Build Family Resilience
implementation of program in the level of
educational units in all types of educations,
including formal, nonformal, and informal. It is also
done in the levels of elementary, secondary and
higher and tertiary education and with collaborations
with different kinds of institutions, not only
governments, privates, and business and industry
worlds to start paying attention to the movement of
building a better family.
Social problems have become the parasite for the
country to move forward and become a prosperous
country since a developed country is determined by
good human resources. Abundant human resources
are not as important as strong and characterized
human characters. Efforts to maintain and handle
many problems should be started from family
institution as the smallest social unit in order to run
its functions and tasks as expected. It implies that a
new and precise strategy needs to be developed in
order to build family resilience in an organized way
using fast, precise, innovative principles and with
optimal leverage power so that social problems can
be solved.
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education