Higher Education Policy Strategy in Acceleration of Research Results
Hamdan Sugilar, Tedi Priatna and Wahyudin Darmalaksana
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, JL. AH. Nasution 105, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Higher Education Policy, Publication of Research Result, Reputable International Journal.
Abstract: The activity of scientific publication not only becomes very important for an institution, but also become the
productivity measurement of scientific publication of a higher education. Every college creatively seeks to
generate innovations that encourage research and publicity, but the results are still not as expected. So if it’s
not handled, Indonesian universities are dreaded to remain at the same level as they are today. The purpose
of this study is to determine the policies and strategic steps undertaken by higher education institution in
acceleration of publication of research results. The research method utilized qualitative approach. Sources of
data consist of: in-depth interviews, documents, and achievements of scientific publications. This study
employs inductive thinking. This research was conducted on two institutions of journal and publication at
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Based on the research, results
obtained as follows: the higher education institutuins make strategic plans in achieving publication of research
results; they form journal and publication teams that play an important role in the output of research results
to the publication of reputable international journals; they set up a Training of Trainer (TOT) team as a
facilitator or coaching clinic of writing scientific report.
The strategic targets of the Directorate of Islamic
Higher Education of the Ministry of Religious Affairs
of the Republic of Indonesia 2015-2019 are "Quality,
Relevance and Competitiveness." This strategic
objective is poured into the program targets
(outcomes), including the creation of professional
resources in the implementation of Tridharma
Perguruan Tinggi (PT). Program target is poured into
the target of activities (output), one of which is
increasing research quality. The quality of research is
characterized by two things: Improving the quality of
research results; and Improving quality of innovation
(LP2M, 2017). Some research qualities are: a)
Number of research and innovation results; b)
Number of accredited national journal articles and
reputable international journals; and c) Number of
IPR / Patent.
Scientific publications in reputable international
journals are still dominated by science and
engineering. It should be encouraged by researchers
in non-science for scientific publications. The effort
to put "Scientific Work" in Higher Education is still
minimal. Scientific work for example: discussing in
the laboratory, sharing writing. The publication of
scientific papers is a great moment that is closely
related to the pride of a country, and as a liaison
between researchers and user communities (Sunarno,
2009) The number of scientific papers owned by a
country impacts on the more respected nation in terms
of scholarship (Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto,
Tuswadi, Huria Haristiani, 2016; Sunarno, 2009).
Efforts to encourage the acceleration of the
number of scientific publications should always be in
line and have one vision, not only in the form of
regulations that regulate technical research but in the
internal campus they must have the mature regulation
or strategic plan to achieve the increased target
number of publications. Lecturers are given facilities
and simplicity in publishing research results and the
rectorate support to the importance of lecturers
publication (General Director of Islamic Education,
Each university seeks to "run" to catch the number
of reputable publications not only to compete with
universities in Indonesia but also to compete with
international universities to increase publication
positions in reputable journals. One of the factors of
the low number of publications in reputable
Sugilar, H., Priatna, T. and Darmalaksana, W.
Higher Education Policy Strategy in Acceleration of Research Results Publication.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 321-325
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
international journals is that the writing culture has
not been well developed in the society in general and
in higher education in particular (Yohandri, 2015).
The higher education immediately sets up a binding
regulation for all academicians to accelerate a
scientific publication in reputable journals and
analysis of policy reviews appropriate with those
needs (LP2M, 2017).
Currently the need to publish the results of
research has been very urgent and become a
mandatory thing, along with the release of the circular
of the Director General of Higher Education. 152 of
2012, where every Bachelor (S1), Master (S2) and
Doctorate (S3) must publish the final assignment in
national, accredited and international journals as one
of the requirements to graduate. In addition, the
increasing in the rank levels of some functional
positions has required to be able to publish research
and thought results in scientific journals (Lukman,
2016). The policy must be responded positively by all
civitas academica through the establishment of a
study center or special institution that handles the
output of research results. There is only one choice of
increasing or stagnant publication number even
position of publication amount of international
reputation is at the bottom if higher education does
not respond to the policy. The focus of this study is to
examine what strategies and policies conducted by
universities in accelerating the publication of research
results, especially in reputable international journals.
This research uses qualitative approach or method.
Sources of data consist of: in-depth interviews,
questionnaires, documents, and achievements of
publications of scientific papers. This study applies
inductive thinking. The subjects of this research are
the journal and publication teams of Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and UIN Sunan Gunung
Djati Bandung.
3.1 National Standards of Research
The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education (Kemristek Dikti) established 8 National
Standards of research as follows: result standard,
content, process, assessment, researcher,
infrastructure, management, financing and funding
(Ristek Dikti, 2016). Furthermore, national standards
of research are elaborated into operational standards
of research. Each submitted research must meet the
research standards: standards of direction, process,
outcome, competence, funding, infrastructure and
outcome (LP2M, 2015b).
Content standard is the depth and breadth of
research material which consists of basic research and
applied research. Basic research material: oriented to
explanations or inventions to anticipate a new
phenomenon, phenomenon, rule, model or postulate.
Applied research materials: oriented to innovation
discovery and development of science and
technology that benefit society, business, and / or
industry. Each college sets the standard of research.
At the standards of university researchers through
research institutions selecting proposals through the
stages as follows: prospective researchers make
proposals based on selected cluster criteria with the
conditions that have been determined; submit the
proposal file to the research institute; review the
proposal by a competent reviewer in the field of
expertise; proposal seminar tested by reviewer;
announcement of graduated proposal; the researcher
handles both research contracts and outputs
consisting of research documents and financial
reports, published outcome releases in journals in
accordance with pre-determined research clusters
(LP2M, 2017).
3.2 Policy Direction
UPI's strategic plan includes creating a university
research policy development program that is realized
with the establishment of the University's Research
Master Plan (Rencana Induk Penelitian - RIP) 2016-
2020. Up to the beginning of 2015 the achievement
of three other targets of the university's policy
research program development program, namely the
acquisition of 50 international publications, and 3
HKI, and. 471 research grants, consisting of 12 DIPA
Dikti funds, 122 BOPTN funds, 130 UPI competitive
funds, 75 DIPA UPI funds, and 132 other funds
providing research facilities support, international
publications and HKI acquisitions have been realized
with the establishment of Sentra HKI in LPPM UPI
(UPI, 2015).
The strategic plan of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung development program is directed to be a
superior and competitive higher education based on
"Revelation Guiding Science". Development policy
of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati in the form of structuring
and development efforts that will be pursued through
policy programs, such as encouraging and facilitating
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
creativity, and innovation of lecturers to produce
works that are beneficial to the society, improving the
quality of research lecturers and students, reviving the
issuance of accredited journals and institutions , and
encourage the publication of accredited national and
international journals (LP2M, 2015a).
In the period 2010 to 2015 research activities have
produced 1,784 research titles. From 2009 to early
2017, it obtained 110 reputable international
publications which are indexed by scopus and 133
HKI. The data put UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
as the rank II PTKIN most publication indexed by
scopus and rank 7 publications with scopus indexed
college in Bandung. LP2M Research and Publishing
Center UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung have a
very strategic role as a leading sector in the
implementation of research activities. LP2M itself
has the duty to implement, coordinate, monitor and
assess research activities and community service
based on Rector's policy (Research Master Plan UIN
Sunan Gunung Djati, 2015).
3.3 Policy Strategy of Research Result
In any policy, there must be attached to three things,
first, substance or problem to be overcome. Second,
the process needs to be done to overcome them,
finally, the context in which efforts to overcome the
problem takes place (Purwo Santoso, 2010). As
shown in chart1 below
Figure 1: Policy Triangulation.
In Figure 1 there is a relationship between substance,
process and context. The substance is how PT's
efforts encourage all academicians to jointly improve
research output through international journal
publications, foster writing culture, and create
support, participation and policy including journal
accreditation policy and international conference
implementation. The process that needs to be done is
the accumulation of support from universities for
publication activities, the growing spirit of writing
and publication of the lecturers, changing the view
that writing can expand the dissemination, moral
responsibility as researchers do not just pursue
promotion only. In general there are three parts of the
structure of international journals: common parts,
torso and complementary parts (Inggrid, 2010).
The context or process that must or is being
performed is presented in chart 2 below.
Figure 2: Flow of Activity and Policy of Publication of Research Result.
In Figure 2 it is explained that higher education
provides full support to research and publishing
institutions or through the establishment of a team of
journal developers and publications to make a
breakthrough through innovative programs. The
publication acceleration effort is presented in table 1
Higher Education Policy Strategy in Acceleration of Research Results Publication
Table 1: Program of Acceleration Activity of Research
Training of
The existence of
of scientific
articles writing
national and
Trainers team
scientific articles
Writing and
Clinic Articles
Skilled in
creating article
or script of
Article / script
that is accepted in
a journal of
national or
Growing a
writing culture
for lecturers,
skilled in
creating articles
or script
journals, making
slides for
Article / script
that is accepted in
reputable journal
National or
The collection
of journal papers
or proceedings
of international
The collection of
papers that are
accepted in
reputable journals
Table 1 describes several program activities starting
with the formation of TOT teams at the University
level, Coaching Clinic Workshop activities preparing
papers to submit to conferences or international
journals and conducting academic writing classes
conducted on Tuesday.
The acceleration program of scientific publication
conducted by research and publishing center
(PuslitPen) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung such
as Co-Authoring Paper with Professor (CAPP)
program which is a collaboration of writing paper
with Professor as co-author or correspondence writer;
Accelerated publication of effective scientific works
can be pursued through participation in conferences,
whether organized by the university itself or
organized by off-campus professional associations;
The University may provide funding assistance in
conferences with reputable international pending
proceedings; LP2M UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung qualified the proposals for funding for
scientific publications. One of the stages in
publishing the research results is choosing the
journal, preparing the manuscript, sending the
manuscript, communicating with the editor and
revising it based on the reviewer's note (Yohandri,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) has
publication in Scopus since 2002. Total publication
until June 3, 2016 is 221 documents. The average
growth of the last 5 years is 33.67%. About 67.87%
of UPI publications are articles of scientific journals,
while publications in the form of seminar proceedings
are 23.98% (Lukman, 2016). UPI research trends
seen from the subject of publication science are
Social Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Humanities,
Physics and Astronomy and Computer Science. The
author of UPI affiliation in Scopus is 181 people. UPI
collaborated with many institutions at home and
abroad, among others, the most is with the Institute
Technology Bandung, Hiroshima University and
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The collaborations
with other countries are at most with Japan, Malaysia
and South Korea.
University strategy in accelerating publication of
research results in the national or international
reputable journals as outlined in the form of higher
education strategic plan or master plan research. The
higher education institutions through Vice Rector IV
or research institute create an institution that focuses
on the publication of research results that is the
institution of journals and publications. The institute
focuses on the outcome of research results to form
academic writing, higher education TOT team,
coaching clinic, article workshop, and the
implementation of international conferences which
organizers are financed or subsidized by the higher
education institution either as organizing committee
or as a partner. The leadership of the institution is
very supportive to the efforts of increasing the
acceleration of research results publication.
Researchers would like to say thank to the head of
PuslitPen UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung who has
been willing to be interviewed and the permission of
researchers to access the PuslitPen document. Further
thanks to the UPI Journal Developer and UPI
publication team for permission to conduct research
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
and to Dr. Hj. Isma Widiaty, M.Pd. for his willingness
to be interviewed.
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Higher Education Policy Strategy in Acceleration of Research Results Publication