Development Impact: Managing Reconciliation through Conflict
Hilman Nugraha, Bunyamin Maftuh and Elly Malihah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Community, Social Conflict, Development, Conflict Resolution.
Abstract: Jatigede reservoir is one of the national developments that have the advantage for irrigation, water supply,
electricity, and flood control. However, the essence of development that should be resulting from a progress
and increase the people’s prosperity, on the other hand, allowing a social impact due to a social conflict that
occurs in the people. The aim of this study is to figure out the social conflict due to the development of
Jatigede reservoir and the conflict resolution that has been carried out. This study is a qualitative approach
with a case study method, it aims to comprehend, explain, and analyze the social conflict that occurs and
describe an effort of the conflict resolution that has been performed. The result of this study shows that the
development of Jatigede reservoir has a potency to produce a social problem, one of them is triggered by the
unfulfilling the primer needs.
The development is one of the attempts in
generating a change, improvement and supporting
needs for a society. The government as the agent of
development has a strategic role in escalating
people’s prosperity through economic growth which
is expected to support the needs and also increase
the income (Prasetyo & Firdaus, 2009). Generally,
the national development is a human source
development and the whole elements of people
development that contains a meaning that the
national development is reaching for balance,
sustainability, and harmony between the physical
development and the spirituality development
(Mering, 2015).
The aims of development are to escalate the
productivity growth, and economic efficiency,
second, social justice, equality, equity, and third
environmental protection (Campbell, 1996). The
development needs to consider several aspects of
life, one of them has to base on continuity where
fulfilling the needs for today without resulting in the
impact on the needs for the future (Brundtland on
Mawhinney, 2002, pg. 3). So that the sustainable
development is a base in determining a success,
where not only considering the economic and social
interest but also assuming ecology aspect as the
most important aspect, or knows as “perceived as
compatible” (Van der Ryn & Cowan, 1996).
The principle of sustainable development is
produced by focusing on three axioms which are a)
now and then treatment that puts a positive value in
the long term, b) realizing that the environmental
asset allows a contribution to the economic well-
being, and c) recognizing the barrier due to
implication that comes up on the environmental
asset (Fauzi & Oktavianus, 2014).
The implication of development has not always
resulted in a positive impact, what needs to be
observed and concerned seriously is a negative
impact of a development that inflicts a problem or
even social conflict. A social conflict is a situation
that is confronted with a new thing and
unpredictable condition so that it makes the people
unprepared for every change (Coser, 1957). A
conflict that occurs in a society does not appear just
the way it does but, there is a trigger which is a
different individual, culture, interest, and social
change (Soekanto, 2006, pg. 91).
The development of Jatigede reservoir in
Sumedang Regency leaves some issues which are
about the livelihood reorientation that causes
reducing the economic condition of the impacted
people. So that it lets the impacted people down
because they feel unsatisfied also injustice where the
Nugraha, H., Maftuh, B. and Malihah, E.
Development Impact: Managing Reconciliation through Conflict Resolution.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 335-340
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
development of Jatigede reservoir produces the more
negative effect than the benefit (Amila, 2016).
The process of dissemination of the impacted
people are not prevalent that generates
administration issue so that they do not have
residence identity. It appears an assumption that
social mobilization that has been performed will
bring a pressure on the psychological condition of
the impacted people (McCharty & Zald, 1977). The
adaptation process of the impacted people in the new
neighborhood invents a problem that cannot be
separated from the development. The long-term
psychological consequences experienced by the
community in the process of acculturation,
depending on social variables of each individual,
community and residential environment and changes
after development (Berry, 1997).
The compensation issue is not finalized and the
way to solve the effect that is not maximal generates
a disappointment for the impacted people. The
impacted people are anxiety due to the process of
land acquisition is not running effectively and occur
some mistakes such as the missing asset, wrong
calculation for land acquisition, and payment delay
(Setianto, 2014).
A conflict resolution that has been carried out by
related several sides or stakeholders consist of the
government’s role in planning a development which
is that they have an authority and ability to manage,
implement region development programs so that the
government plays a role to determine a success in
implementing their agenda and development
programs in the region (Armando, et al, 2015). It is
one of the indicators in recovering a problem that
happens to the impacted people due to they need a
special attention and quick treatment.
The people participation is a tool in obtaining
information about a condition, needs, and people’s
reaction. The people will believe in a development
project or program if they are involved in the
preparation and planning process (Harnoko, 2008).
The participative approach appears as an effort to
solve the weakness of the centralistic approach in
the people that are required in implementing a
development program because, in the end, the
people will implement a development program and
also take responsibility for maintaining the
development (Yunus et al, 2016).
This study uses a qualitative approach with a case
study method. The qualitative approach is selected
because the issue that is researched has a
characteristic and dynamic so that it will grow and
change based on the result that is received in the
field. For the method in this study, Yin (1984, pg.23)
argues that “ a case study is one of the research
methods that require a depth longitudinal
examination of a case”. So that it is an ideal research
strategy because the research is holistic and depth
(Suherman & Dault, 2009).
Data collection of this study consists of
observing, interviewing, documentation study, and
field note. The participant of this study consists of 8
informants, each of them is the local government,
public figure, NGOs who concerns about the social
condition of the impacted people due to the
development of Jatigede reservoir. The data analysis
that is utilized consist of data reduction, data
display, and conclusion drawing verification (Milles
& Huberman, 2009). And the last, data validation
comprises credibility, transferability, dependability,
and confirmability” (Sugiyono, 2014, pg. 366).
A social conflict is a part of the social process and
cannot be avoided because there is a truth about the
human history which is historical of conflict
(Wirawan. 2010, pg. 2). The human being has an
instinct to do things that are assumed appropriate
even though it will be against with other things.
The social problem that is produced by the
development of Jatigede reservoir is that a fast
alteration without preparation. It generates
anxiousness, worry, stress, and depression that have
to be gone through by the impacted people (Toha,
2012). So that it makes the people difficult and lack
primer needs that should be fulfilled. In a society, a
conflict of the livelihood source frequently occurs
and produces a serious problem (Wirawan, 2010, pg.
The result of this study shows that lack a primer
need is divided into two aspects which are an
individual (family) and society. A family life
becomes a problem when the primer needs must be
fulfilled but, the income is at the minimum level.
Because the majority of the impacted people are
farmers and now they are forced to move and leave
their main livelihood. The among and in-group
conflict in a society can prevent accommodation and
habitual relationship where it will impoverish a
creativity (Coser, 1957). So that the disadvantage
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
that has to be gone through by the impacted people
due to the development is larger than the advantage
that can have (Putri, 2015).
The economic factor is one of the reasons that
produce an issue relating to the change of livelihood
reorientation. The unsure income, while the primer
needs have to be fulfilled, becomes a polemic for the
family where the solution is hard to find. So that it
would possibly increase the poverty due to the
weakness of the agriculture sector in a village.
Besides that, this structure reflects the unhealthy
relationship between a people and the environment,
creates a low quality of the employee particularly in
the village due to the weakness of the supporting
institution of economic, social, and infrastructure
(Pranadji et al, 2013).
It would appear anxiousness, helplessness, and
doubt that direct to the problem that produces a
conflict (Budimansyah, 2015). The conflict of value
and interest, a tension among the impacted people is
the implication of the conflict that happens where
the power is becoming a factor behind all of that, the
strong ones will use their power while the demand
ones will fight (Coser, 1957).
The impacted people that involved in the
compensation process are not finalized and then that
would be a problem that they have to deal with. The
issue of invalid data in the land certificate, different
wide area and the change of the farmland, it occurs
because the data recording is not witnessed by the
owner of the land so that producing social problem
(Suwartapradja, 2004).
In the society scope, the primer needs that must
be fulfilled comprises the availability of the basic
facility and social facility. The broken road access,
lack health facility, and the distance to the school is
far, becomes one of the issues that are felt by the
impacted people. It relates to the regulation that
should aim to equalize people’s chances and grant
every form of the replacement, without inhibiting
the region growth potency (Tadjoeddin, 2010).
This conflict will frequently occur in the developed
countries because the development would be carried
out continually for the economic progress even
though allowing an effect in social life (Ray &
The relationship that is obstructed between the
government and the impacted people generates a
communication running unwell. The relationship
between the local government and the people is the
fundamental thing because, at the low level, the
interaction and relation are a social control, the
implementation of policy and also a completely
support will deliver feed back (Cahyo et al. 2016).
The communication factor could create a conflict
such as distortion, unavailable information, a
distance relationship, different communication
behavior that often offends others without showing a
care can cause a conflict (Wirawan 2010, pg. 9).
The development process of Jatigede reservoir
can be said in decline because it was planned since
1963, in 1981 the development was started which
was, the decree of a governor was signed out No.
593.82/SK.1266-Pem.UM/81 16 September about a
permit of land acquisition of Jatigede (Setianto,
2014). In the end of August 2015, the inundation
process was carried out, so that the planning process
for finalizing process takes 54 years.
Too long in the development process produces
uncertainty for the impacted people so that the
problem is getting complex, where the people who
have received compensation in 1981-1986 denied to
be relocated. The vertical conflict occurs because the
uncertainty of the sustainable development that is
performed by the central government so that at that
time the local government suspect and state that the
development of Jatigede reservoir would not be
continued (Suwartapradja, 2004).
The impact that is resulted after the development of
Jatigede reservoir is divided into the negative and
positive impact. The negative impact comprises;
first, lack supporting power for the impacted people
on the development of Jatigede reservoir. So that the
participative approach actually comes up as an
attempt to solve the weaknesses of the centralistic
approach in the people that are required in the
implementing a development program because, in
the end, the people will carry out the development
program and also take responsibility for the
maintaining the development (Yunus et al, 2016).
Second, the uncertainty about the circumstance
of the impacted people because the majority of the
impacted people have not has new residence identity
and some of them are relocated in the area belongs
to the government. The obscurity in living a life in
the near future due to the serious issue in fulfilling
the basic needs.
Third, the ignorance and distrust manner that is
showed by the impacted people on the government’s
performance creates those who will not participate in
the development programs. It is because of their
disappointment where the government lacks
sensitiveness in resolving social effect due to the
development of Jatigede reservoir. The
government’s role is assumed as the involved side
actively in inventing a problem that occurs due to
Development Impact: Managing Reconciliation through Conflict Resolution
the national development and the government is
perceived to have a dominant power (Marx, on
Setiadi & Kolip. 2011, pg. 369).
Fourth, the economic growth of the impacted
people is in decline. It is a disadvantage for the
people because the development produces less
benefit (Putri, 2015). Fifth, the issue about the
psychological disorder of the impacted people are
getting escalated. It is triggered by the economic
demand and the primer needs fulfillment but, the
income that is obtained is not enough. It is caused by
the fast change so that generate anxiousness, panic,
stress, and depression (Toha, 2012).
Sixth, ruining social order that has been formed
long ago. The traditional integration and unity that
has been intertwined is chaos, conflict of interest and
the declining of the values that have been upheld by
the people, so that triggering the oppression in a new
form of unification and integration (Coser, 1957),
conflict could change a structure and values (Bo &
Bo, 2011).
While the positive impact that is produced by the
conflict after the development of Jatigede reservoir
which is; first, the increase of cohesion (solidarity)
in the impacted people. Solidarity in-group will
escalate and tighten when a group of people
conflicts with other groups (Soekanto, 2006, pg. 95).
It is formed because the people have a moral
foundation that is tied (origin, authority, and loyalty)
based on the group needs to defend order and
cohesion (Malka. et al, 2016).
Second, integration among the people is getting
built with a harmony. It is because the people have
the same feeling which is as the impacted people of
the development, their expectation that they fight
shapes a power for unity. So that one of the sides
that conflicts will grow a sense to be unity and
create a people power (Coser on Setiadi & Kolip.
2011, pg. 372).
Third, creating a new group, due to the impacted
people that are relocated to the new neighborhood,
indirectly they create a new group and in the name
of the impacted people (OTD). The element of social
life is a part of the conflict that generates a change
where both of them influence each other (Setiadi &
Kolip. 2011, pg. 370). From this explanation reveals
that a new group is one of the results due to a
conflict that delivers a change.
Fourth, developing independent behavior
because the people are able to survive in the social
condition that is full of intervention and problem.
The effect of the social conflict is a change on
individual’s personality so that it persuades one’s
personality because the situation pushes and
enforces the people to get used to (Soekanto, 2006,
pg. 96)
Developing interaction between an individual or a
group of people that conflicts with a purpose to
figure out and formulate a solution to every problem
is the most important part in conflict resolution
(Deutsch, on Maftuh, 2005, pg. 47). The conflict
management includes the approach that is oriented
on the process that directs to the communication
(Rusdiana. 2015, pg. 169).
The conflict resolution through legislative
approach is a conflict completion through
constitutions that is signed out by the legislative
institution. After formulating the constitutions, the
government’s regulations are required to implement
(Afif, 2014). Relating to this statement, the
government has signed out a policy as a basic law in
resolving the effect due to the development of
Jatigede reservoir. First, signed out the regulation of
ministry of home affairs no. 15, 1975 about the term
and condition of land acquisition. Second, decided
the decisions of the president no. 55, 1993 about
land procurement for the development for the public
interest. Third, the decisions of the president no. 36,
2005 about land procurement for the development.
Fourth, Constitution no. 2, 2012 about land
procurement for the development and the
presidential regulation no. 71, 2012 about the
implementation of land procurement for the
development for the public interest. Fifth, the
presidential regulation no. 1, 2015 is the solution for
the social impact due to the development of Jatigede
reservoir. Sixth arranged the regulation of ministry
of public work and public housing no.
24/PRT/M/2015 about the compensation for the
impacted people of the development of Jatigede
Besides that, the government’s attempt in
resolving the development impact is to build a
communication by delivering groceries for the
impacted people. Social responsible that should be
carried out is the best reaction in resolving a
problem (Kolk, 2016). To solve the conflict, a
conflict management that is utilized is take and give,
where the government delivers a help and try to get
back the sympathy with a purpose to reach an
agreement for a win-win solution (Wirawan, 2010,
pg. 59).
One of the efforts is known as perceived
common ground (PCG) to create a condition that
invents aspiration from each side that is involved in
a conflict not too high or rigid so that the potency to
develop a solution alternative that is integrative
could be generated (Arofah et al, 2015). The local
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
government Satuan Administrasi Manunggal Satu
Atap (SAMSAT) who has the duty to handle the
social and environmental impact due to the
development of Jatigede reservoir. Helped by the
coordination team and treatment team, SAMSAT
focuses their job to be a facilitator in resolving a
social impact and also making a communication
forum in the level of local government which is
called as Forum Komunikasi Desa (FKD). Building
a collaboration between two sides that aims to
intertwine interpersonal relationship, creative power
for innovation and improvement, increasing
information stream, establishing transparency, a
trust, taking a risk, and integrity (Derr on Wirawan
2010, pg. 140).
For now and then, the impacted people expect an
improvement for economic by creating vacancy job.
The conflict will decrease the economic growth is
invented sustainability, basically, a conflict is
managed by the different economic and not a
similarity (Ray & Esteban, 2017). Naturally, a
conflict tends to utilize available potency for the
interest because the water is able to give a source of
life (Itonaga, 2005). However, in this process
requires a support power from all sides in growing a
motivation for the impacted people as a power to fix
their lives by leading ability and behavior that is
directed to the satisfied needs (Lang, 1987, pg. 85).
The description about the social conflict after the
development of Jatigede reservoir that has to be
faced by the impacted people which are lack of
people’s participation the development. The conflict
source that occurs in the impacted people is
triggered by lack source of fulfillment needs.
Viewed from an individual’s (family) point of view
that relates to the economic factor and from people’s
point of view relates to the availability of the public
facility and social facility.
The unsatisfied factor generates a vertical
conflict between the impacted people and the central
and local government. So that it turns the impacted
people to ignore the government. The development
process is in decline because the time of planning
and implementation take a long time that causes a
problem that happens to the impacted people is
getting complex. The attempt of conflict resolution
that is carried out, backed totally by the impacted
people and has been corresponding with the people’s
expectation. The government has taken a big part in
resolving the effect due to the development of
Jatigede Reservoir, one of the efforts is to sign out
the policy in managing the development impact.
The government keeps trying to build a
communication through various ways, one of them
is to deliver groceries in manifesting a direct help
and also make an interaction with the impacted
people. It aims to rebuild a trust and people’s
sympathy. However, there is the main problem that
is not finalized about the economic improvement
which is creating vacancy job as the source of the
people’s income. in people’s needs, without
oppression, sustainable, continually, started from the
family, so that right on the target. The key success of
community empowerment is people’s participation
and the role of empowerment agent. The agent of
empowerment needs to have an advantage and
dynamic competency in following the change as the
empowerment target requires. Besides that, agent of
empowerment must work and serve well and use
his/her philosophy, because it will lead him/her to
the better result.
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