but not true’ is a category of students who have high
confidence but low scores.
The essence of the assessment is to look for a link
between what should be learned in the curriculum and
what students have learned. So the main problem in
the assessment is how to recognize the existing
learning and data about what has been learned by
students (Cumming and Wyatt-Smith, 2009).
Therefore, the assessment should pay attention to the
learning process and learning achievement so as to
obtain accurate conclusions about the condition of the
Students' self-conviction in the claim of writing
mathematical proofs needs to be revealed so that
feedback can be provided for students who are very
convinced that their claims are true, but the claims are
actually wrong. This is where the importance of
assessment, which serves as a means to obtain
information about students' knowledge, motivation
and potential and to provide feedback (Latta, 2007
and Ginsburg, 2009).
In mathematics, proving is the method used to
derive a clear conclusion. The importance of the
ability for mathematics teacher candidates to give
proofs can be described in the function of proofs and
proving acts, such as : (1) verification or justification
on a proposition; (2) explanation to the truth; (3)
systematisation; (4) discovery of new findings; (5)
communication (Bell, 1976 and Villiers, 1990). The
importance of the proofs can also be reviewed based
on the purpose. Renz (1981) describes seven
objectives of evidence in mathematics, namely to: (1)
Clarify the relationships between traits; (2) Giving us
pleasure in constructing arguments and finding out
the proof; (3) Helps remember important and useful
results; (4) Guiding us along the right path formally
where our intuition may be weak or misleading; (5)
Guiding calculations; (6) Exploring the nature of the
formal system; (7) Offering a different perspective.
From a pedagogical point of view, proving is a
process of convincing the validity of a statement
through logical arguments. There are three levels in
the convincing process: (1) convince yourself; (2)
convince a friend; (3) convince an enemy (Mason,
Burton and Stacey; 2010). In the process of self-
conviction, one should be convinced to oneself.
However, self-conviction in the truth of the written
argument does not guarantee that the argument is
The process of learning to practice the ability to
prove at least consists of: (1) providing
counterexamples to claims that are false; (2)
evaluating a statement to know its truth by
justification; (3) analysing the work of another
student whether there is still a mistake in his
reasoning (Thompson, 2012) .Technique used in this
research is self-explanation technique. This technique
provides guidance to students in learning proof by
asking questions: (1) Do you understand the idea? (2)
Do you understand why the idea is used?, (3) How
can the idea be used/linked to other ideas (other
theorems, prior knowledge) in proof? (Hodds,
Alcock, and Inglis, 2014).
The method used in this study was a correlation study
between the level of confidence with the truth of
writing proofs. The subjects of this research were 40
students of mathematics teacher candidates in third
semester. The instruments used in this study were
proving ability test and interview guidance.
This research tries to analyse the results of proof
writing skill test from 40 students of mathematics
teacher candidate. In the test instructions the students
were instructed to write their conviction on each
proving steps in two categories: Sure and Less Sure.
The first data obtained is the scores of writing proofs
and the level of self-conviction. These two data were
tested for their correlation resulting in several
categories of students, namely: ‘sure and true’; ‘Sure
but not true’; and ‘less sure but true’. Furthermore,
researchers interviewed students who categorized
‘sure but not true’. The level of truth consists of two
categories namely high and low. The level is high
(ranging from 70 to 100) and low (ranging from 0 to
60). Level of conviction is divided into two
categories, namely high and low. The high category
is in the range of 70% to 80% and the low category
ranges from 00% to 60% of the standard proof
measures performed.
The correlation analysis between the conviction
levels with the ability to write proofs is presented in
Table 1. This table shows there is a positive weak
correlation between the levels of conviction with the
score of proof writing ability at 0.361. This means
that the relationship between the level of confidence
with the score of writing ability was linear, indicating
that the higher the level of conviction, the higher the
acquired score of the ability to write proofs.
Similarly, the lower the level of conviction, the lower
the acquired score of the ability to write proofs.