develop the growth of human inclination with the
strength that exists to improve what is crooked to be
straight and educated morals. Education must be
transformed into an optimal process in fostering noble
As for the case, that this research can give birth to
a sociological and psychological approach can be
strengthened also by other research results, among
which what is delivered by Rissanen (2012) in his
research Teaching Islamic Education in Finnish
School: A Field of Negotiations states that religious
education is faced on the challenges of contemporary
multicultural societies that must be effective against
social changes. Therefore, in this research (in this
case in Finland) Rissanen reports that there are three
PAI teachers as a sample capable of negotiating to
establish connectivity among different cultural and
religious groups. They organized the ideological,
pedagogical and interpersonal negotiations between
them to create an amazing curriculum, in which Islam
became the commander of the educational curriculum
and was able to defeat the ideas of liberal democracy
in Finland. This is reinforced by Omar (2015) in
their study Multicultural Education Practice in
Malaysia states that education offers a fair
opportunity in protecting all the differences both
about differences in ethnicity and culture. Education
must also produce a quality generation that integrates
the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual
elements. Of course in relation to the creation of such
a generous generation on the basis of this
multicultural concept, Islam which in this case is the
Qur'an speaks volumes.
Meanwhile, in relation to the necessity of
developing a psychological approach in pursuit of
learning achievement, is what Burde (2015) say
in their research: Islamic Studies as Early Childhood
Education in Countries Affected by Conflict: The Role
of Mosque Schools in Remote that education in the
mosque will be more successful than the Western
education that puts it up in school. Of course, in this
context, the psychological peace that is substantively
found in the mosque becomes the main instrument in
pursuing educational success. As for conducting
school in the hustle and bustle of the problem is
clearly not able to create a conducive atmosphere that
is educative.
As illustrated in advance, this study aims to reveal
that, memorizing verses of the Qur’an can improve
student achievement. This is because the Qur'an is a
miraculous reading tool. The Qur'an in addition to
reading it is rewarded, it can also provide an antidote
to an anxiety that can calm down who reads it. It is
this fact that can ultimately create sociological and
psychological peace. Sociological societal intent is
when he is able to remain optimistic in managing all
his problems. While psychological peace is
characterized by constantly guided them to always be
optimistic in continuing all rights and obligations.
The two approaches created by the accumulation
of memorized verses of the Qur'an (i.e. sociological
and psychological approaches) are concrete
interventions in building a strong learning ethos that
can contribute to improving learning achievement.
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