educator. This means that teachers have not been
able to properly implement the code of ethics so that
the process of internalization of personality in
students is not perfectly performed. The second
competence relates to social competence which
refers to the relationship with the parents and the
students. A teacher who shows a closed attitude
makes parents think negatively and create distrust to
the educational institution. Parents and teachers
should reconceptualise the authority of teachers as
educators as a meeting point in the meaning of the
educational process itself (Tzuo and Chen, 2011).
As a solution to the phenomenon, teacher
competence should be improved. Teachers need to
know their duties and functions, and must be able to
keep up with changes and know the needs of the
students. Education strategy becomes an effort in
minimizing violence by building a positive image
and culture of peace as a preventive action against
the symptoms of violence itself. The first solution is
that the fulfillment of teacher competence ability
must be based on the code of ethics which become
the reference for the teacher to become an
exemplary figure in the life of society, nation and
state so as to stick to the principle of "ing ngarso
sung tulodho, ing madya mangun karso, tut wuri
handayani" (Aaron, 2016). The principle is
embodied in the understanding and practice of
teacher competence related to pedagogic
competence, personality competence, social
competence, and professional competence.
The second solution is the communication with
parents should be considered as an effort to
minimize violence against teachers. All forms of
child development and problems must be
communicated with parents openly to avoid
misconception. Koesoema (2015) considers the need
for good communication between educational
institutions and parents to foster parents' trust in
teachers in educating their children.
The third solution is the protection of teachers in
the form of law. When teachers impose penalties on
students, teachers are subject to violations of child
protection laws. In fact, teachers have their own
reasons when punishing students, and students
complain to parents who cause parents to anger and
violence. Koeseoma (2015) also reflects the solution
to handle this teacher violence by making a public
lesson about the law that protects the teacher
profession. The ongoing legal process must be
continued because every citizen has equal rights
before the law. The law must guarantee justice and
the truth of a case though this will bring our
educational situation to a dilemma.
A teacher should also reflect the exemplary nature of
the student. Teacher competence is considered the
basis for teachers to support education. The
competencies are a set of knowledge, behaviors and
skills to achieve the learning objectives. According
to Law No.14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers
Article 1 Paragraph 10, it says "Competence is a set
of knowledge, skills, and behavior that must be
possessed, lived and mastered by teachers or
lecturers in performing professional duties".
As a professional educator, teachers have the task
of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training,
assessing and evaluating students with the
knowledge and skills they have in the learning
process. Therefore, as a competent teacher must be
able to understand and apply four highly desired
competencies in order to improve the quality of
4.1 Personality Competence
Teachers should be nice because teachers are role
models of their students in acting. Teachers must
possess advanced knowledge and must possess the
proper personality to set an example for their
students. This is in line with the opinion of
Fachrunnisa (2016) which describes the role of the
teacher as a figure who has a great responsibility that
can be imitated and modeled for his students.
Personality competence becomes the basis for
teachers to determine their attitudes to their students.
In the National Education Standards, the explanation
of Article 28 paragraph (3) point b it is stated that
personality competence is a steady, stable, mature,
wise personality, and authoritative, be an example
for learners, and have a noble character. Teachers
are regarded as substitute parent in the school
environment that guides the students to develop
characters. Teachers not only act as agents of change
in the cognitive domain but affective and
psychomotor spheres as well.
The learning process needs to instill discipline,
which means to be able to be assertive. This attitude
is one example that can be imitated by students in
order to discipline and spirit in learning. It is also an
attempt to be a good example for his students. For
example, the use of good language and showing
mutual respect and respect between teachers and