Optimizing Social Capital of the Community of Suku Dayak Hindu
Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
Elly Malihah, Wilodati Wilodati, Siti Komariah and Puspita Wulandari
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
{ellyms, wilodati, sitikomariah}@upi.edu, puspitawulandari@student.upi.edu
Keywords: Ethnoeducation, Ngaula Ning Anak, The Role of Parents.
Abstract: Uneducated does forge Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu not to participate actively in
formal education. The concept of ngaula ning anak as a shape of dedication from the parents to children is
like a ‘’two-edged sword’’. The decision making is completely delivered to the children to have them educated
so that the education is unfamiliar before the young generation very eyes in this community. The study is
using a qualitative approach by observing, interviewing, and literature examining that aim to figure out about
the role of the parent in raising awareness on the importance of education amongst the children. The result of
this study shows that it takes a depth meaning about the concept of ngaula ning anak through ethno-education
so that it can be a positive stimulant for the education of the community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu.
The qualified human resource is the important aspect
in developing a nation. There are a plenty of attempts
in inventing human resource which is through
education. Education teaches how urgent human
being is to lifelong learning. It can be performed not
only limited in formal education but also in non-
formal education. A human being can learn
everywhere and whenever they wish to. However, it
cannot be denied that the school plays an important
role in the education process in the traditional
The school is one of the three places for people to
carry on their education. The first thing that we
should know that is the family as a primary institution
for people. Through family, the human being has their
initial education in life. That is why the so-called
family as the first and primary institution which push
for the development of human being. The family
introduces human being various ways to recognize
about themselves and others. To be a man that can
socialize with others through interaction in a society.
The family becomes a foundation in forming a
society that comprehends how important education is.
Without a family which is aware of education from
the start, the value of education could not be applied
in people’s life, particularly in a society. As we have
discussed before that the urgent education could be
performed in daily life, not only limited in formal
education. The family familiarizes about a value and
a social norm in living in society. How a family
delivers education is how the development of the
nation can be accomplished.
The second is a school. As a formal institution, the
school also plays an important role. The school
teaches and guides people to recognize about value
and norm and various sciences as a basic application
to live in society. In school, people learn how to
interact with others, in “miniature” of society life.
People socialize with one another where all
characteristic of individuals meet together. School
roles to plant a value of togetherness and how
important is to fit in diversity (Arifudin, 2007). The
application of value and norm can be applied in a
teacher’s counseling so that it is possible for people
to comprehend how to live a life in a society.
The third is a society. Society as a wider
education not only a place for human being to learn,
collect information relating to value and norm of life
but also as a place to implement all knowledge that
has been taught from the two institutions before.
Society is a social control for an individual, not only
allow people to learn about life but also control
people to behave as ‘’human being’’. Society delivers
education in a direct or indirect way which means that
Malihah, E., Wilodati, W., Komariah, S. and Wulandari, P.
Optimizing Social Capital of the Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 407-411
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
anything could occur, whether it is realized or not by
the society will affect individual’s education.
“Education is the important thing”. This statement
can be meant in a different way by the society,
especially in traditional community. The importance
of education is implemented in a different way with
general society. If the education is an identic with a
school, the community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha
Bumi Segandhu Indramayu is more familiar with the
education that their family teaches. The parent plays
important role in allowing informal education in the
community. It is based on the school is unfamiliar to
the children of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu.
Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu
Indramayu has a concept of life which is ngaula ning
anak which means that “dedication to the children”.
This concept requires the parents to not only show
their compassion but also dedicate their whole life to
their children by delivering happiness. The parent’s
effort allows their children happiness is not limited to
one or two things, naturally they try as hard as they
could to make their children delight. The parents in
the community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu will let their children have a
freedom in education.
The children of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu are given a freedom to continue
their education especially in formal education
(Wulandari, Hufad, and K, 2016). They could not be
forced by their parents into anything even education
too. No wonder, a bunch of children in this
community drop out of school. When they feel
unwanted to go to school, their parents will say yes.
Whatever their parents do is an implication of the
concept of ngaula ning anak as a concept of life in the
community. The children are accessed to choose their
path, their parents could not force them. When the
parents are able to do so, at the same time the children
are going to be what they wish to be.
The education for the community of Suku Dayak
Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu probably is
not the same as the general society does. The
education is performed by a cultural approach as a
creative pedagogy stimulant in education inside and
outside of class (Petre, Sierra, and Tanggaard, 2015).
It cannot be denied that there is an anxiety that
education will reduce indigenous knowledge and all
things that they have believed in. Therefore,
education for the traditional community could be
applied by giving the community of Suku Dayak
Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu an
opportunity to learn and develop themselves as
possible as they could and believe that education
moves to strengthened indigenous knowledge and the
concept of life in the community. (Schmidt-Behlau,
The education is one of the aspects to escalate
social capital. The intelligent capital of human being
plays a role in forming social and communication
networking amongst the people, excluding the
community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu. Living a life in general society
makes them familiar with formal education such as
school. But, obedient on the concept of life in the
community, unready to fit in the development of mind
with their concept of life invent them to apply their
community concept without considering what the
future holds them if they are uneducated. Social
capital through qualified intelligent is expected to fit
in the development of mind in life. People not only
benefit for their community but also for wider society.
For the community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha
Bumi Segandhu Indramayu, the progress of the era is
not something to worry about and also not a barrier
between them and society but, it takes a
consciousness that a globalization will bring a change
in the way they are thinking about the world (de la
Dehesa, 2008; O’Brien and Leichenko, 2003). They
should be able to respond the globalization wisely,
without turning into somebody else, abandoning
indigenous knowledge that has been their concept of
life in the community.
The study about optimizing social capital of Suku
Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu is
carried out in this community which is located in
Krimun village, Losarang district Indramayu
regency. Using a qualitative approach by collecting
data through observation, interview, and literature
study, this study is expected to find out and also
awareness movement about how urgent social capital
is for the community with no exception.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
3.1 The Role of the Family in Raising
Education Awareness on the
Children of Suku Dayak Hindu
Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
The family has a main role in a process of children
development, especially in education. The first
environment when a child was born is in the family.
The development of a child is the process in the
family, so does their characteristic form could not be
separated from the family. In a family, a child will be
having their initial and primary education process.
The family’s behavior particular the both parents
continually are imitated by the children. The child
learns various things which they find in the family, it
begins with family’s behavior generally until
individual’s behavior of the member of the family. A
child learns various customs that are applied in the
family as a basic for their social life. That is why the
parents are demanded to be able to embed positive
values in the family through the right education for
the children as a self-reflection and society.
A child is a reflection of the family. Everyone in
the family institution must be going through a change
and development according to the type and form of
the institution (Wahy, 2012). The family environment
is the primary place of getting an education for the
children because, for the first time, the children have
an education and guidance. The experience of a child
in the family in having an education will bring an
impact to the children development in the education
process in the future.
Considering the existence of the community
member spreads out, therefore, the discussion about
education in the community of Suku Dayak Hindu
Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu is focused on the
family of Takmad Diningrat who remains as the elder
of this community. Basically, this community has a
majesty concept in the family life. It is a
manifestation of the ngaula ning anak concept in the
family of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu
Indramayu. Ngaula or dedication is delivered by the
husband to his children and rabi or his wife in the
family. As we have explained before that a woman on
this community has the highest status. A woman is
allowed to select her activity whether in a domestic or
public area, and the concept is also valid for the
education of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu community.
A child is free to choose to get the education or
not. The parents are completely allowing their
children to go to school or not. The choice is in the
children’s hands. The parents will be backing the
option that their children pick. As it happens to Nyi
Dewi Ana Mustika Ratu and Sri Panganten Gumilang
Sari as Takmad Diningrat’s daughters.
Nyi Dewi Ana Mustika Ratu and Sri Panganten
Gumilang Sari could not succeed to carry on their
basic education. In addition to they are now married
and having a child, an education is beyond their mind.
Nyi Dewi Ana Mustika Ratu (19 years) is a mother of
a daughter (3 years) and Sri Panganten Gumilang Sari
(17 years) who is her sister also married and have a
daughter (2 years). Both of them could not continue
their school due to young marriage.
This can happen because of one or two things.
First, a freedom that a child has to make their own
decision, second, a belief that Nyi Dewi Ana Mustika
Ratu and Sri Panganten Gumilang Sari are “nature
children” which means that a child was “born” from
nature. This belief convinces them that both of them
are old enough to marry and have no a must to carry
on their education, and third is “dedication” that is
given by the father to their children.
Both of them are willing to marry without other’s
compulsion even their parents. When they decide to
drop out from school and get married, their will is
backed by their parents and the whole family. Sarini
(the late) was Takmad Diningrat’s wife revealed that
she personally wished their children and
grandchildren to get education until the finish. She
added that “her failure” in carrying on her education
could not be repeated by their children and
Things have changed, getting the education in this
era is not as hard as it was. Even though, her family
was rich but, she exposed that she wished that she
could try to make it happen. But still, she could not
be against with her children when dropping out of
school was the option that her children chose.
The parents are the primary and first education
imitated by the children. The initial shape of
education is in the family life (Daradjat, 1973). The
parents play an important role to teach their children
right or wrong before their children are taught by
others such as in a school or society. The
responsibility of educating in the family from the
parents consists of maintaining and raising,
protecting, and ensuring the health, teaching various
knowledge and skills and also delight the children in
a world and the afterlife. Maintaining and raising are
the basic instinct from the parents. The parent’s
Optimizing Social Capital of the Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
responsibility is a capital for the children to live a life
gradually (Ihsan, 1997).
The parent’s responsibility to protect and ensure
the children’s healthy and spirituality are a protection
for the children from a threat of disease or danger
environment. The children require a guide for living
a life, that is why the parents must teach knowledge
and skill which benefits their children’s life. The
children’s happiness is also the parent’s responsibility
not only in this world but also in the afterlife.
Those parent’s responsibilities are not easy to do.
Therefore, they require awareness and self-
responsible so that they could be able to educate their
children continually. The parents must have a capital
about the theory of education or how to educate their
children very well. Besides, the parents need to
realize that they have to improve their knowledge and
skill as the first and primary educator of their
children. The concept of ngaula ning anak rabi is like
the two-edged sword for the community of Suku
Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu,
between a dedication and ignorance of the role and
function of the family in the education system.
3.2 Ethnoeducation as Optimizing
Social Capital of the Community of
Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu
The community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu is unfamiliar with education but
it does not devise them to feel odd with the education
process. It means that they are aware of the school is
a place for their children to get the education. Their
dedication to their children in the concept ngaula ning
anak makes them powerless in “demanding” their
children for the good. They view that education can
be performed everywhere and with everyone, not
limited to school (Malihah, Komariah, Nurbayani,
and Wulandari, 2016).
Ethnoeducation is of the ways that can be utilized
in educating the community of Suku Dayak Hindu
Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu. The education
will be based on their characteristic, an education that
allows various “adaptations” so that they should not
turn into other people to have them educated.
Ethnoeducation is the key aspect in forming
education in multicultural society (Botero, 2015). The
education practical that is possible for the community
to fit in a society to help one another in inventing
qualified education for all.
Social capital is required as a capital in
establishing a competitive society and also last in
various circumstance through a social network.
Excluding diversity between the community of Suku
Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu and
the people around. As a community, Suku Dayak
Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu has a belief,
mutual trust, similarity value, and bounded behavior
among the members that push them to collaborate. All
of these is a value and informal norm that the member
of a group has together to progress and develop with
their own power (Fukuyama, 1995; Syahra, 2003).
Ethnoeducation as optimizing social capital of the
community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi
Segandhu Indramayu can be applied by analyzing the
concept of life ngaula ning anak rabi. The analysis is
performed to figure out the limitation things that
could be adapted or not by the parents to their
children. Raising the awareness that what is so-called
“compulsion” in education is a shape of compassion
which lasts for now and the future. The awareness of
living together between them and general society is
bringing the same impact on the strength of their
concept of life. When a child as the next generation
does not understand the concept of life maturely
through education, then it is not possible that this
concept of life will be a time bomb for the
Here is the simple picture about ethnoeducation
as optimizing social capital of the community of Suku
Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu (See
Figure 1 in Appendix).
A concept of life ngaula ning anak in the community
of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu
Indramayu is the identity of who they are. An identity
that differs them with general society, and an identity
that makes them “different” in meaning a life.
However, the differentiation is not supposed to be
viewed as an exception between them and others. The
education still remains an importance for whoever
they are, no exception. The concept of life is as an
indigenous knowledge of the community should be a
way for education practical that forms from diversity
in creating education to educate.
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Figure 1: Construction the concept of life of the community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu.
The Concept of life
Ngaula Ning Anak
Freedom to carry on education
Limitation Analysis of the concept of life
The low level of Children’s
participation in education
Education for the children
The decreasing of social capital of
the community
The increasing of social capital of the
Optimizing Social Capital of the Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu