Psychologycal Analysis of Novel Entitled Kerumunan Terakhir by
Okky Madasari
The Influence of Social Media to Construct a Personality and Reflection of
Character Education
Rio Devilito, Nugraheni Eko Wardani and Kundharu Saddhono
Universitas Sebelas Maret
{devilitorio, kundharu.uns},
Keywords: Psychological analysis, novel, constructing personality, character education.
Abstract: This study aimed to describe: (1) the inner conflict experienced by the main character; (2) psychological
aspects that influence behaviour leaders to address the problems of life; (3) the influence of social media to
construct a personality and describe character education based on the novel. The method used in this research
is discourse analysis with qualitative descriptive explaining the data that has been found in this research. The
main data sources in this study the quotations contained in the novel and the results of interviews with literary
experts and learning experts. The results of this study that the inner conflicts experienced by the main
character is closely related to human life. Novel entitled Kerumunan Terakhir have a conclusion that the
power of the technological revolution is as strong as the power of the industrial revolution in the world.
Through this novel, the author wants to invite us to think more critical, not just follow up the others, and
follow something normative. In addition, reading this novel will create sensitivity to the surrounding
environment so that it will shape tolerant attitude, make a good deeds, respect, and peaceful living in the
Learning process is the activity establishing the
meaning within students who will form personal
characterless and ahead. In this regard, the
government, educator, and the community needs to
build character in the soul of students early. Character
education in the soul of students can be done through
learning literature. Learning literary laden will
character education that is learning literary that is
appreciative. Activities appreciation literary covering
read, his, and watch a literary work those to whom we
have will appoint character persevering, think
critically, broad-minded, and so on.
Literature as a form and the results of a creativity.
In basically, it is a media make use of language to
express human life. A literature, in general containing
about problems and many experiences surrounding
human life. Literature appear based on the impulse
basic human to express existence himself (Sarjidu ,
Every man constitutes an individual different to
the others individual. Humans have character
temperament experiences, point of view, and feelings
own distinct with another. But, people do not take a
vacation from another human being. A meeting
between man and man other not uncommon caused
conflicts. A man too often find conflicts with himself
or conflict inner because problems or their
complexity. Literary work need help psychology side
because in substance literary work is the product of
something the state of psychiatric and it is thought
author (Semi, 1993) .
A literature closely related to psychology
(Hardjana, 1994). This cannot be separated from view
the principle that maintained that the human basically
consists of soul and sport. A kind of research using
psychology of literatures a form of understanding of
interpretation literary work from the other side.
People can observe the behavior the characters in a
romance or drama with the help of psychology to
explain and interpreting literary work.
Devilito, R., Wardani, N. and Saddhono, K.
Psychologycal Analysis of Novel Entitled Kerumunan Terakhir by Okky Madasari - The Influence of Social Media to Construct a Personality and Reflection of Character Education.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 490-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on the discussion can be said that literary
work (novel) have scope own. There are the figures
are had different character. Character the figures can
be observed in the reflected in a literary work.
Psychology is discipline and standard. Object of
psychology man is real, whereas the object in
literature is imaginative or an imaginary author.
Psychology having theories that can be used to help
study the characters figures in a literary work, so that
psychology and literary work have something equal
to studied is man. Therefore, in this novel tell us about
psycological analysis of the novel and the influence
of social media’s activities for the main character who
face a problem in his life.
This research is discourse analysis with descriptive
qualitative approach to psychological analysis of
literature. Novel as of a literary work who have a
structural, psychological of literature, and character
education capable of examined in the contents of
analysis. Through “triangluasi” the theory and
speakers, this research validated in comprehensive so
that get the data is credible. The whole process are
systematic with a model analysis flowing (Miles and
Hubberman, 1992).
In concrete terms, research started with read a
whole of novels entitled Kerumunan Terakhir by
Okky Madasari. Then, researchers continue by
choosing data by means of purposive, namely chose
him based on consideration from a focus research
psychological analysis for this literary, among other
elements intrinsic, extrinsic, and implications in the
community of the novel. Then, through data sources
also from informants obtained secondary data enrich
data in this research. Test validity in this research
completed in three triangulation. Third triangulation
these include: (1) triangulation theories; (2)
triangulation data sources; and (3) triangulation
The object of psychology and human thought is the
dealerships in living life in the environment of the
community. The community is the people who live
together and produce culture. The difference is, when
sociologist describes human life and community
through scientific and objective analysis, poets
expressed themselves through emotion, subjectively
and evaluative. Both of the science it has the same
object, namely human beings in society (Ratna,
2010). The differences is the sociology of literature
and the distinction itself, as the difference in
characteristics, as indicated through the difference
between fiction and reality, fiction and fact.
There are two main trend in the study of the
sociology of literature. First, the approach based on
the notion that literature is a mirror of the socio-
economic process. This approach moves from factor-
factor beyond literature to discuss his core literature
in this approach considers literary texts not the
headlines, he is only an epiphenomenon (symptoms).
Second, the approach that prioritizes literary texts as
research material.
Literature and psychological analysis have closely
related. Psychology and literature have ties indirectly
and functional (Endraswara, 2003). In indirect
relation, due either literature and psychology having
the same object that is human life, while the
functional relation because psychology and literature
equally to study the state of psychiatric others, the
difference in psychology symptoms the real, while in
literature is imaginative. The properties of man in
psychology and literary often exhibiting resemblance,
so that psychology literary is right done. Although
literary work is creative imaginary, author often
utilize the law’s psychology to animate character the
3.1 The Story of the Main Character’s
Journey as a Case of Psicologycal
with His Social Media’s
The character analysis is part of the intrinsic
elements. Students are required to be able to analyze
the literature based on intrinsic elements.
Competence was stamped on the unit level Education
Curriculum in high school. Competency standards
reading requires that students understand various
saga, the novel Indonesia/translation and competence
is essentially analyzing elements of intrinsic and
extrinsic novel Indonesia/translation.
The study of psychology literature can not be
removed from the structure of the developer. The
study of the psychology of literature which is only
focused on this aspect of psychology is feared will be
a review of psychology course. Therefore, research
psychology literature must be preceded by a literary
theories will analyze literary text contains characters.
The novel entitled “Kerumunan Terakhir” is told
in a first person perspective named Jayanegara. In
this novel that tells of a main character named
Jayanegara. A name very condensed history of Java.
Jayanegara told in the novel is Jayanegara who live in
two souls and two worlds. Jayanegara is a young man
who grew up in a village far from the noisy and
Psychologycal Analysis of Novel Entitled Kerumunan Terakhir by Okky Madasari - The Influence of Social Media to Construct a
Personality and Reflection of Character Education
exuberant city. He trained and taught the meaning of
life by his grand mother from childhood through the
meaning of life by reading and friends with nature.
Jayanegara has been chosen his life that always
you never thought possible. He wanders the flow that
leads to a new world through his girlfriend, Maera.
With confusion and loneliness, was that always beat
him, he stripped the street to a budget in Jakarta, a city
of dreams since her boyfriend after graduating from
college in her hometown. He succumbed to anxiety
because they could not cope with the conditions in her
tent that just makes it even more murky.
He left his hometown to wander and eventually
met his girlfriend, Maera. From here he started to give
birth to him through another soul. He became the
independent spirit of the soul though still bobbing
among the crowd his mind. He was born again and
gave birth to a name and a new life in a new world of
his stops and wants to settle in it, which is a virtual
world that he used as a second real world. She gave
birth to a new life and named Matajaya!
Matajaya born trying to drown Jayanegara are
considered less useful lives. He began to crawl and
walk in this new world and meet with many faces and
characters. His adventures in a new world led him to
become a revered social media’s activity. Aside from
being a vehicle for a new world of adventure for
Matajaya is a tool to train and satisfy themselves with
a variety of sites they are browsing. This is the
incarnation of the hatch of Jayanegara on Matajaya.
He has no other purpose in his life, feel
subsequently lost, and succumb to the crowd for a
moment that brought him back to the figure he
considers has made as it is now. With bleary heart he
received the temporary defeat with turbulent feelings.
And he will repay on another day, he thought. Sure
enough, after he buried Matajaya in memory and back
into Jayanegara with his defeat he returned looking
for ideas to punish and beat his father. He did it by
putting his mother as the last bastion which finally
succeeded yet. This novel also described that social
media and human life also have closely related and
Matajaya proved it. Literature is the work of people
that are imaginative side. The result of being
imaginative, literature serves as reading materials
pleasant, in which loaded with culture value which
useful add wealth human inner, humanity, and their
life (Nurgiyantoro, 2005). From this novel, we can
read and see a part quote as follows.
“Teknologi memberiku hidup baru. Aku lahir kembali
sebagai pencerita ulung, sebagai tokoh baru di dunia baru.
Dari seorang yang bukan siapa-siapa aku bisa menjadi
seseorang yang didengar dan diikuti banyak orang.”
(“Technology gives me new life. I was reborn as a master
storyteller, as a new figure in a new world. From a nobody
I can be someone who is heard and followed by many
3.2 The Relevance of the Study of
Teaching Materials with Novel
Each novel has a positive and negative value
contained in it (Devilito et all, 2016). The novel
entitled “Kerumunan Terakhir” also had such a
thing. A positive value can be a guideline to be
applied in everyday life and the negative value can be
a lesson to abstain from behaviour deviant. The
character in the novel entitled “Kerumunan Terakhir”
through the method of telling and showing is the
character that is used in describing the character of
the author's character. The method of telling show
that figure has a lazy, dissidents, and high social sense
of the use of the method of showing this as a character
analysis can be reviewed through dialogue and
behavior. Characterization of the character through
dialogue covers what are said to be native speakers,
identity, location and situation of the conversation,
the intended character of identity, mental qualities
and the character, the tone of voice, the emphasis, the
dialects, and the vocabulary of the character while the
character through facial expressions include
behavior, and motivation that informing the action
figures (Minderop, 2011).
The character comes from the United Kingdom
characterization which means delineation of
character. The character is the desire, emotion, and
moral principles of the individuals featured in the
story (Stanton, 2007). Each character has a
motivation in the Act that sometimes the characters
themselves do not realize why he reacted that way.
Study of characters through the psychology literature
is one way to deepen characters.
Some of the functions of the psychology of
personality can be described more can be understood
in accordance with dogmas and realities (Koswara,
2011). The first function that is owned by any theory
of personality is a descriptive function (elaborate or
explain). This makes the descriptive function of the
personality theory can organize and describe the
behaviour or incidents experienced by individuals
systematically. In essence, a good personality theory
is a theory which is able to explain behavior
consistently and interpreting it case.
Readers or students will be felt easily learn and
understand novel as meteri learning if before serving,
teachers consider various things in the serving. These
include: the selection of the editions of the novels,
initiated talks with the fun, give a phasing study,
make the story more lively, varied methods, make
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
notes, and quick start redenomination.
Implementation of learning a good mature
preparation required and obviously, one being the
selection of the material taught.
Therefore, every teachers of Indonesian language
must include matter appreciation literature in subject
of Indonesian language, especially items pertaining
by an appreciation novel. Competence basic it aims to
get students can take values contained in a novel that
got taken in his life. Ironically, the basic competence
has not been implemented optimally at school (Abma,
2006). This is due to that learning literature not yet
optimal is would have to beam. The incompatibility
learning literary can come of a system, matter, and
teachers. In line with opinion in over, Rahmanto by
national conference of language and literature is also
suggested that teaching about literary the eliminate
them students from a literary work (Rahmanto, 2009).
Teaching language and literature are not
comparable but both the teaching are inseparable. The
teaching of literature are affective if added more
students to experience quick response against the
events that happen around him. The ultimate goal of
the teaching of literature so that students are able to
instill, foster, and develop a sensitivity to the
problems of life, and can know and respect the values
of life. Whereas, teaching analytical study on aspects
of language skills-speaking, namely listening,
reading, writing, and speaking are integrated with
teaching literature, therefore the teaching of literature
and languages are unable toseparated.
3.3 Character Education throught
Learning Literature with Novel
Entitled “Kerumunan Terakhir
Moral behavior is human action that is seen from the
values of good and bad, right and wrong, and based
on custom where the individual is located
(Nurgiantoro, 2002). Moral education enables people
to choose between a more thoughtful attitude is right
or not and good or bad. Moral values embodied in
literary work also aims to educate human beings in
order to know the values of ethics and manners. The
value of moral education shows rules of behaviour
and customs of an individual in his community that
includes behavior, manners which upholds the
manners, and social values. The value of moral
education is able to change the behavior, deeds, and
attitudes as well as a moral obligation in the
community that such good manners, morals, and
ethics (Widagdo, 2001). In this novel the writter tells
and describe the main character with those sentences
from it.
“Orang-orang bilang aku ini adalah generasi milenium,
generasi tahun 2000-an, generasi internet, generasi digital!
Semuanya barangkali hanya kata-kata tanpa arti jika aku
tak pernah mengalami sendiri.”
(“People said that I’m a millennium generation, a
generation the 2000s, the generation of the Internet, the
digital generation! All maybe just a meaningless word if I
never experience alone. I want to increase my life with the
strong characters.”)
Many literary works that feature stories or story
that has high moral education value. Such literature is
very potential for use as a means of teaching manners
and exemplary for its readers. The value of moral
education shows the rules of behaviour and customs
of a person from a group that includes behavior,
manners are manners and upholds the values of
decency. Moral values embodied in literary work
aims to educate human beings in order to recognize
the ethical values. Ethical values is a good value an
act bad, what to avoid, and what should be done, so
that nurtures the human relations of order in a society
that is considered good, harmonious, and useful. The
character analysis is part of the intrinsic elements.
Students/readers are required to be able to analyze the
literature based on intrinsic elements (Gnasekaran,
Learning literature is intended to develop
characters on students. Learning literature aims to
infuse more moral value, ethics, the manners of a, and
humanity in students (Hardiningtyas, 2008). The
purpose of learning literary work should be able to
develop qualities of personality students, like an
assiduous, diligent, tenacious, are also trying to do
good for others (Andayani, 2008).
Novel entitled “Kerumunan Terakhir” seems to
give us an idea that does not take over the role in
technology then it's wretched, don't let technology
gripped by stupidity and ignorance. Every individual
seems to have to be responsible for the war against
information, because if the truth silenced so the world
will be dominated by people who are not responsible.
Literature means everything written and invention
and aesthetic value (Wellek and Warren, 1995).
Jayanegara with "Metamorphosis" become Matajaya
become key figures in the crowd according to social
media’s activity. The figure of the real-world
Jayanegara always lose, weak, loser and always be
under the shadow of his father's power makes
Jayanegara so enjoy being Matajaya. Matajaya in the
virtual world, the world of both of them. Matajaya
becomes a figure which contrasts with Jayanegara,
strong, courageous, critical, intelligent and attractive.
Internet world make Matajaya forgotten. Social
Psychologycal Analysis of Novel Entitled Kerumunan Terakhir by Okky Madasari - The Influence of Social Media to Construct a
Personality and Reflection of Character Education
Media represent a revolutionary new trend that should
be of interest to people or any space, for that matter
(Kaplan, A. M., and Haenlein, M., 2010).
Based on reviews on the outcome and discussion in
this research can be concluded as follows. (1) the
structure novel consists of review of dispositive with
the methods showing that may be analyzed through
dialogue and behavior figures and the point of view
of used is the first person leading perpetrator who
gived a moral value from his living. (2) the main
figure in a novel entlited Kerumunan Terakhir
namely Jayanegara/Matajaya are ambitious,
hardened, and has a sense of high social by utilizing
social media for this era. (3) The problems of modern
society in the novel entitled “Kerumunan Terakhir”
by Okky Madasari can be implied to the study of
literature in high school class and society. This novel
could be used as learning materials of literature in the
classroom but remained in the guidance of the
teacher. This novel also give good advise how to use
social media carrefull and keep in wise in the
society’s life.
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