(Nazir, 2005). The purpose of this study are make
systematic desription, factual, accurate, about facts,
characteristic, and characteristic between
phenomenoms observed. The site was in Panglipuran
Village, Ubud Bali. Research subject choose by are
indegenous people and their customary leader.
Research instrument using observation, interview,
literature study,and documentation study.
3.1 Indigenous People
In Indonesia, indigenous vocabulary became popular
since the last 10 years. Non-profit (obvious) have a
huge contribution in the popularization of this term as
the equivalent of, especially since the meetings were
organized by the Indonesia (WALHI) in Tana Toraja
in 1993. From the meeting that the term indigenous
peoples later agreed that indigenous peoples are
ancestors (hereditary) in a specific geographic area,
and has a value system, ideology, economic, political,
cultural, social and the region itself ( Muhammad
Mulyadi, 2013). The notion of indigenous peoples
cannot be released from the lacking customary
law. According to Hazairin in Soekanto (2005) that
the customary law Community is a viable unity have
completeness to able stand on its own, namely has the
unity, the unity of legal authority and unity of the
environment life based on shared rights over land and
water for all its members, legal forms families
(matrilineal, patrilineal people, or bilateral) affects
the system his administration mainly based upon
agriculture, livestock, fisheries and the voting results
of the forest and the water, and also small poaching
wild animals, mining and handicrafts.
Indigenous peoples have the wisdom that height,
depth of knowledge of life which was awesome as
well as the socio-economic system
resilient. However, in reality it happens a
contradiction between the cultures of indigenous
peoples that is based on the balance of nature and the
system of production that put more emphasis on
subsistence economy (tillage, hunting, gathering,
gardening etc.), with the policy Governments that
exploitative to natural resources. Indonesia's
economy expanded macro with emphasis on large
scale plantations, mining, logging, and others as a
primary source of national development. The
Government, the media and private parties build on
indigenous culture as the backward, ancient,
primitive, uncivilized and a variety of other negative
stamp. According to Abdurrahman (1997) that
"indigenous peoples living with civic life patterns
where the law is working and at the same time also is
the result of a process of development which is the
source of the law." The life of indigenous peoples
always grew out of a need of a real life, a way of life
and Outlook on life, which is the whole culture of the
Since the 1950s, as can be read in Redefining
Culture: Perspectives across Disciplines (2006)
edited by John R. Baldwin et al., Social scientists and
humanities already formulating more than 300
definitions of culture. One of the latest definition of
culture, which was formulated by R. Maxwell and
published in 2001, describes it as follows Culture is'
the sum of stories we tell ourselves about who we are
and want to be, individually and Collectively. Culture
also works as the staging ground of Reviews these
narratives identity and of our daily routines. Culture
comprises and constitutes the places where we live; it
is the built environment and the peopled landscape. It
also works in the memories that reside in the flesh,
from the spark of recognition, an uncanny
remembrance, to the dull reflex of Forgetting and the
dogged reminders inhabiting bone and muscle of a
body once stretched in sport, childbirth, dance, labor,
and lovemaking. Culture works in the traditional
sense as well, as sources of cultural wealth-the
Patrimony of the state, nation, people-commissioned
and collected through private and public patronage
and stored in museums, galleries, movie archives,
corporate offices, or displayed in parks, plazas, and
other public spaces. Finally, culture works in the
ordinary sense of the work taking place in the
factories, studies, warehouses, schoolrooms, and
other sites of cultural realization. Culture works
building where people work the material fund, or
hardware, from which we draw sustenance
conceptual and narrative to understand the
world. (Baldwin et al., 2006: 194) Indonesian people
themselves know about the culture and cultural
understanding of at least two sources of knowledge,
which is the source of the West, especially Europe
through the Dutch and then the English, and the
source of the East, especially through Sanskrit. From
the sources of knowledge of Europe, people familiar
with the word culture in English or in Dutch
culture. The term comes from the Latin word, derived
from Colere word whose meaning is related to the
activities of tilling the soil. Later this sense evolved
to include all available sources and human activities
to process and manipulate nature. From the sources of
knowledge of the region of India, people familiar with
the word mind and power, also said cultivation which
means love, intention, and flavor. Budhaya word is