learning contents that can satisfy both cognitive and
affective needs of the students.
The current study focuses on students’ affect and
teacher evaluation. In this part the authors would like
to review some references and other works related to
the study.
2.1 Affective Learning
As previously mentioned, Affective domains are
more often associated with a taxonomy introduced
first by Karthwohl, Bloom, and Masia (1964). It is
called affective taxonomy because it is based on the
principle of internalization between both behaviors
and values in an individual. This Internalization is the
basic concept for understanding the taxonomy
because the more values and attitudes are internalized
the more it affects one's behavior.
These values and attitudes components then were
categorized by them into five levels of hierarchical
taxanomy. They are ranged from receiving
(awareness or willingness to attend to an instructional
message), responding (willingness to respond and/or
actively engage instruction), valuing (seeing the
significance of a particular behaviour, idea, object, or
phenomenon, organizing (comparing and contrasting
competing value systems in an effort to relate and
synthesize values), and characterization by a value or
value set (value system, characteristic life style).
The set of categories was the underlying support
for the authors in the current study to measure the
affective learning experienced by the students. As
mentioned by , (Thweatt & Wrench, 2015) Affective
learning should be viewed as multidimensional with
a series of measures that tackle various aspects of the
construct and should also cover the internal value
changes that persist long after the learning event
occurs. Moreover it should be clear then that students’
affective experiences in the classroom impact their
subsequent behaviours, perceptions, and outcomes in
important ways. Thus, despite not measuring
affective learning itself, the assessment of students’
affective experiences serves to operationalize an
important variable for investigation (Bolkan, 2015).
Based on these assumptions, the authors then conduct
the study by measuring the affective learning based
on the students perception toward their learning
2.2 Teacher Evaluation
This study also take teachers or lecturers performance
as the center of attention. In this case, the students
affect toward their teachers/lecturers is measured.
One of the reasons to include teachers’ performance
as part of the measurement is that a teacher is a
prominent stakeholder in the learning process. That
is why in order to improve student learning, an
evaluation becomes a must for improving teacher
As argued by Goe and Little from the National
Education Association (2017), the core purpose of
teacher assessment and evaluation should be to
reinforce the knowledge, skills, emotions, and
classroom practices of professional educators. This
goal serves to promote student growth and learning
while also inspiring great teachers to remain in the
Teachers need to be evaluated to see the teacers
performance and how they can relate to their students
affectively. Evaluation concerns itself with more than
how well a teacher teaches. It is also about how a
teacher works with the classes of students that make
up a teacher’s teaching assignments. Teaching also
concerns itself with the rapport a teacher has with the
whole class, and not just with those in the class who
understand and comport themselves in the manner
thought by the teacher to be most appropriate
(Coulombe, 2011).
In other words, a teacher’s responsibilities should
include respect for all students, attention to best
teaching practices, and dedication to the cause of
teaching all of the students in class so that they will
achieves mastery.
2.3 Related Studies
Numerous previous studies indicate that affective
component and teachers communicating style are two
of the most influencing factors in fulfilling the
students’ needs in any level of education including in
a higher education setting.
The authors initial study on freshmen students
communication anxiety indicates that one of the
factors that can ease their anxiety is the teachers
interpersonal skills (Effendi & Sukmayadi, 2016).
The study analyzed fresmen students communication
apprehension from 11 departments. The conclusion
showed that one of the important factors aside from
having a suitable academic environment is the
fulfillment of students' affective needs.
In case of affective learning measurement, a team
of researcher from Texas Shave analyzed how