The Correlation between Resilience and Emotional Intelligence on the
Learning Achievement of Primary School Student on Social Studies
in the Remote Areas
Aji Fauziana Ridwan and Mubiar Agustin
Basic Education Studies Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Street. Dr Setiabudi No.229, Bandung,
Keywords: resilience, emotional intelligence, the learning achievement of primary school student.
Abstract: The learning achievement of primary school student especially in remote areas has not greatly improved. If
the students were not able to survive on these hard conditions, the student could be stressful and that was
highly correlated to their learning achievement. Therefore, resilience and emotional intelligence plays an
important role as the solution. Respondent of this research amounted to 30 people consisted of primary school
students in remote areas located at Subang residence. This research uses quantitative method. The data was
obtained using questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis was used as the research data analysis
method. As result, it can be obtained that: 1) the resilience provides real correlation to the change of student’s’
learning achievement by 24.2%; 2) the emotional intelligence provides real correlation to the student’s
learning achievement by 14.6%; 3) there is significant correlation between resilience and emotional
intelligence by 47,4%; and 4) there is positive and significant correlation between resilience and emotional
intelligence on students’ learning achievement by 27.1%. Therefore, to improve the students’ learning
achievement by making improvements on resilience attitude and emotional intelligence of student in
educational institutions concerned.
The data from Education Authorities of Subang
Residence from 2010 to 2016 on the development and
improvement of education quality, at primary level
increased 3% compared to 2010, level of
kindergarten and junior high school increased more
than 100% and at high school level increased 76%
compared to 2010. From the data implied that the
quality of education in Subang residence, especially
at primary level has not greatly improved.
Besides that, many assumption that schools in the
city are better than schools in the remote areas. That
is caused by differences between of them for example
infrastructure, how to teach, learning achievement
and others. That is a few problems should be faced,
especially by students in the remote areas.
Therefore, resilience play an important role as the
solution. According to Reivich K. and Shatte A. in
their book "The Resilience Factor", resilience is an
ability to overcome and adapt to severe events or
problems that occur in life. Persisting in a state of
distress, and even dealing with the misery or trauma
experienced in his life (Reivich and Shatte, 2002: 1).
The effect of the student’s resilience was greatly,
because with the ability to survive it will bring
changes to students’ lives as well as student’s
learning achievement.
Emotional intelligence play an important role as
well as resilience. John Mayer and Peter Salovey
(1997) have defined emotional intelligence as the
ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate
emotions so as to assist thought, to understand
emotions and emotional knowledge and to effectively
regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and
intellectual growth. In every learning the student must
have intellectual intelligence ability, and the last but
not least is emotional intelligence ability too.
Therefore, resilience and emotional intelligence plays
an important role as the solution, especially in the
remote areas.
Based on these description, this research was to
obtain the correlation between resilience and
emotional intelligence on the learning achievement of
Ridwan, A. and Agustin, M.
The Correlation between Resilience and Emotional Intelligence on the Learning Achievement of Primary School Student on Social Studies in the Remote Areas.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 516-519
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
primary school students on social studies in the
remote areas. The research hypothesis as follows:
a. There is correlation between the resilience on the
learning achievement of primary school student
b. There is correlation between emotional
intelligence on the learning achievement of
primary school student
c. There is correlation between the resilience and
emotional intelligence of primary school student
d. There is correlation between them on the
learning achievement of primary school student
This research uses quantitative method that could be
interpreted as research methods based on positivism
philosophy, used to examine the population or a
particular sample, sampling techniques were
generally done randomly, data collection using
research instrument, quantitative / statistical data
analysis with the aim to test the hypothesis that has
been set (Sugiyono, 2016: 14).
This research uses three variables, namely
independent variable consists of resilience and
emotional intelligence while the dependent variable is
learning achievement of primary school student.
2.1 Subject Characteristic
Respondent of this research amounted to 30 people
consisted of primary school students of SDN
Pasanggarahan III in the remote areas located at
Subang residence. Samples taken from the population
were 5th graders. This sampling was based on cluster
2.2 Data Collection Process
In this research, the data was obtained using
questionnaire. The data collector used three scales,
that was the resilience scale, emotional intelligence
scale and learning achievement scale.
2.3 Data Analysis
Data analysis was performed using multiple linear
regression analysis. Multiple linear regression is a
regression in which the dependent variable (Y) is
connected or explained by more than one variable,
possibly two, three and so on the independent variable
(x, x1, x2 ...... ..xn) but still showed a linear
relationship diagram. This analysis using SPSS
(Statistical Package for Service Solutions) computer
program for Windows Release19.0, 2012.
3.1 The Correlation between the
Resilience on the Learning
Achievement of Primary School
The resilience provides real correlation to change of
student’s’ learning achievement by 24.2%. People
who have learning toughness are characterized by
their fighting power, diligence, and patience in
solving learning problems (Lapper, Corpus and
Iyengar, 2005). Thus it was concluded that if the
primary student have good resilience, then it will have
an impact on the increase of student’s learning
achievement. Fundamentally, resilience refers to
positive adaptation, or the ability to maintain or
regain mental health, despite experiencing adversity
(Herrman, et al 2011: 259). However, resilience was
not a guarantee for a person to be able to successfully
achieve high learning achievement, if not
accompanied by adequate learning ability.
3.2 The Correlation between
Emotional Intelligence on the
Learning Achievement of Primary
School Student
The emotional intelligence provides real correlation
to the student’s learning achievement by 14.6%.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to sense,
understand and effectively apply the power and
acumen of emotions as a source of human energy,
information, connection and influence (Suan Chin, et
al. 2011). Basically, the students were not only used
the intellectual ability but also emotional skills too in
learning activities. According to Thaib's (2013: 398)
opinion that emotional intelligence can be expressed
as one of the important factors that should be
possessed by students who have the need to achieve
better learning achievement in school and prepare
them for the real world.
The Correlation between Resilience and Emotional Intelligence on the Learning Achievement of Primary School Student on Social Studies
in the Remote Areas
3.3 The Correlation between the
Resilience and Emotional
Intelligence of Primary School
There is significant correlation between resilience
and emotional intelligence by 47,4%. This value
indicates that the correlation between the resiliency
variable and emotional intelligence was moderate.
The remaining 52.6% was contributed by the other
factors represented by the independent variables in
this example. Then, there is a positive correlation
between the resilience and emotional intelligence
students in remote areas of Subang Residence.
Patton (2001: 1) states the emotional intelligence
needed to overcome problems in life and become an
important basis for be a human being full of
responsibility, caring, productive and optimistic in
dealing with and solving problems. According to
Bar-On (in Cooper, 1999: 73) states that emotional
intelligence is an ability that every individual should
have in order to be able to adapt in his work.
Therefore, resilience attitude can bring changes to the
surrounding environment as well as the influence of
emotional intelligence is also able to give well or bad
effect on the surrounding environment.
3.4 The Correlation between Them on
the Learning Achievement of
Primary School Student
There is positive and significant correlation between
resilience and emotional intelligence on students’
learning achievement by 27.1%. Resilience and
Emotional Intelligence plays an important role in
improving student’s learning achievement.
Resilience is a basic construction that gives the power
of school leaders to rise up and grow from difficulties
(Patterson dan Kelleher, 2005). According to
Setyowati, et al ( 2010:72) that managing emotions is
an aspect of emotional intelligence that influence of
resilience’s aspects by creativity. Therefore,
resilience and emotional intelligence plays an
important role in improving student’s learning
achievement. It’s mean that, if resilience without
supported by good emotional intelligence were not
able to influence on student’s learning achievement.
And the other way if a good emotional intelligence
without supported by resilience, it would be difficult
to improve the student’s learning achievement.
Based on the results is known that in this research
more clearly proved that resilience and emotional
intelligence plays an important role in improving
learning achievement of primary school student in
remote areas at Subang Residence. There is a very
strong and significant correlation. These findings
indicate that resilience and emotional intelligence that
runs well in a school is something that should be a full
attention both for teachers and principals. This is
because it will affect the learning achievement of
primary school student and the quality of education in
Learning achievement of primary school student
is the result of a learning process. So, the good result
should be balanced with the good process. As a
suggestion, principals and teachers should be evaluate
of the student’s learning achievement with
continuously and always innovate the learning
activities to improve the quality of education as well
as the quality of learning achievement of primary
school student and the quality of graduates. And the
last but not least, the local government should pay
attention to education in remote areas at Subang
Residence such as provide the learning facilities to
supporting learning process and provide public
transportation for the students to go to school.
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The Correlation between Resilience and Emotional Intelligence on the Learning Achievement of Primary School Student on Social Studies
in the Remote Areas