these arguments students are encouraged to inform
progress the intensive class. Through the technique of
conditioning the teacher claiming the construction of
honest value appears in the students. Marked in the
absence of false information about the data and
signatures of parents submitted.
Teacher claims are validated to three students
through the interview stage. Obtained facts as
follows: The first participant revealed that often
discuss with her parents about the participation in the
intense class. In an explanation revealed when the
team managed to qualify for the Olympics,
participants saw her mother more enthusiasm than
herself that made more excited for her. Seeing her
mother's attitudes, the participant thinks she should
try not to let her mother down. The second participant
revealed that his father gave a lot of encouragement,
he also wanted to boast parents by getting a
scholarship to Deutschland, a career, winning the
Deutsch Language Olympics. Disclosed that his
father always asks developments in the intensive
class. The third participant revealed that, she told her
mother about her activities, her mother always asked
about the progress in the intensive class. Participants
feel happy to see the attention of his mother.
According to the three students the intensity of the
discussion took place on a regular basis.
The results of the study were assessed in value
education sciences. It can be concluded that the
construction of honest values belongs to a kind of
universal value. According to Hakam and Nurdin
(2016) seen from fundamental side, the types of
values are divided into three classifications: first, the
universal value that has been recognized by civilized
nations, the two absolute values recognized according
to religious beliefs, and the three objective values
which is recognized by certain groups of people. In
the context of the Deutsch language Intensive Class
program, the teachers construct universal values as
one of the values whose essence is recognized by
various nations. The premise is based on the social
liberation argument advanced by Suseno (1987) that
social freedom is seen as the negation of existential
freedom. When the meaning of individual freedom
'for what' contradicts reality, then freedom is
automatically reduced. Furthermore, according to
Suseno (1987) there are three social freedoms:
physical freedom is limited by coercion in the
understanding that others may resort to coercion in
the physical realm (1), spiritual freedom can not be
restricted directly because the spiritual is not open
directly present in the physical world but through
coercion from outside the spiritual freedom can be
reduced through pressure (2), command and
prohibition, this is illustrated as the following
premise: "if I get a ban, my abilities are still intact,
then what is missing is my right to do."(3). the
description confirms the boundaries of the individual
while strengthening social dominance at the level of
individual concrete existence. Social freedom implies
the construction of value as a manifestation of
"dominance" that affects the existential realm. Social
interpreted as a universality whose conception of
"freedom" is approved by all parties. The truthfulness
included into the universal value is based on seven
strong moral personality attitudes that can lead
individuals to the value of universality. According to
Suseno (1987) the seven values are: honesty,
authentic values, responsible, moral independence,
moral courage, humility, realistic and critical.
Construction of value through the Deutsch
language intensive class program involves the
participation of parents in Stakeholder Relations
activities. As stipulated in Law No. 2 of 1989
concerning the National Education System in Chapter
IV, article 10, paragraph 4, "Family education is part
of the educational out-of-school education run in
families and which provides religious beliefs, cultural
values, moral values and skills. "Conditioning
procedures involving parental involvement are
conducted by teachers on the grounds to help students
avoid unexpected behaviors that interfere with the
school process; In order to create the desired behavior
through the conditioning pattern or framework
adopted by Eyesenck (Ward, 1971; Downey et al,
1982) is to evoke feelings associated with "pain"; fear
/ anxiety, and with the hope associated with his future,
the child can restrain himself. Praxis theory that
Eyesenck disclosed practiced teachers by
conditioning the immediate environment and
student's daily life to play a role in the construction of
value that encourages students to be honest. The
teacher's appeal to students responded positively, as
evidenced by the ongoing process of personal
discussion between students and parents about the
activities in the intensive class, while textual evidence
in the form of a signed letter of approval to prove the
correlation of honesty at the level of deed
The results of validation of teacher claims to
students is done through the stage of in-depth
interviews of students who then studied through the
perspective of psychoanalysis Freud which included
into the study of science value education. According
to Freud (1933, Downey et al, 1982) consciousness
depends on the unconsciousness of human behavior.
Freud considered the area of morality to be the
ultimate impulse of a rationality endpoint. For Freud
the acquisition of morality is a process of the