development of the puppet art shows not only the
physical aspects of the puppet itself, but also in the
delivering story to the public, especially attracting the
interest and attention of young generation to watch.
One form of modernization in the delivering story is
in novel form including more global media of
puppetry (Sengupta, 2016: 7).
One of which is novel with puppetry story.
Indonesian novel by Amrih Pitoyo is a form of
renewal in the Indonesian literature that still retains
puppet story. Through easier language works the
purpose to bring young children closer to puppet story
can be realize d. Not only in the form of the novel, has
Singh (2009: 157) discussed the theater in form of
puppetry. Young generations are not only expected to
understand the story but critically judge especially in
character which in turn can find local wisdom in the
story. Concept about local wisdom is found in Singh’s
study (2015: 137).
Deconstruction theory was firstly proposed by
Jacques Derrida (1930-2004). Deconstruction
literature in general is associated with the effort to
change the order of literature has been built through
approach structuralism, looking a phenomenon from
such contrary angle to structuralism angle approach.
Structuralism approach has also been used by
Chakraborty (2015: 87) which was further elaborated
by exploring to generalize studies. Deconstruction is
often misunderstood, for example, as a form of
destruction upon established things. The mistake
because the reader does not understand the ethical
dimension of deconstruction that seeks to open up on
the "other" (Ungkang, 2013: 31). In brief analogy, in
deconstruction view of evil character it is invalid if
regarded as a criminal for so long, so is the
protagonist, as well as all aspects that support the
opinion. Kalra and Kalra (2016: 719) elaborate
literature view as a form of development that is
inseparable from perspective of a literary work.
Supported by Mehra’s work (2015) describes the
comparative study on previous perspective and
modern perspectives in analyzing literary work in
Mahabharata puppet. It is very suitable to be applied
on literature work that carries the puppetry. With the
aim of finding the hidden local wisdom in old
perspective of structuralism in Java classic work
This study uses a literary deconstruction approach,
which tries to see the other side of the existing
characters in a literary work. Deconstruction
approach has been widely applied in the study of
literature (Gohar, 2016: 21-37). The background of
this study that the innermost character portrayed as an
antagonist character in the puppet story still has a
positive side and a background provokes the
appearance of antagonists in these figures.
Protagonist figure that has flaws and later motivates
to pursue goal in every possible way. The Selection
of puppet story is also based on previous research,
Narayan’s study (2000) and Oman’s (2008) which
both provide an overview Ramayana and
Mahabharata explicitly and used by the activator of
literature as an important reference. Sources of data
in this study is Pitoyo Amrih’s novels which concern
about puppetry in his literature work. The story of
puppet written in the novel Pitoyo Amrih delivered in
a more modern language and easy to understand so it
facilitates in making quotation.
In this study took four novels as samples, namely
Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata (PSBD) (2012),
Wisanggeni Membakar Api (WMA) (2013), Cinta
Mati Dasamuka (CMD) (2016), and Hanoman
(HNM) (2014) , The fourth novel are an original work
of Pitoyo Amrih which appoint the journey of
puppetry, both on Epos Ramayana and Mahabharata.
A novel entitled Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma and
Wisanggeni Membakar Api represent the story of the
Epos Mahabharata, while novel Hanoman and Cinta
Mati Dasamuka represent the story from the Epos
Data collection techniques in this research is
studying the document, which is derived from the
articles, documents, and books that have relevance to
the research focus. The focus of this research is
literary deconstruction contained in the puppet story,
in which it was quoted from puppet novel. The focus
was chosen because suitability of deconstruction
approach in examining the stories of puppetry,
especially in the aspect of characters.
Deconstruction is one branch of literature studies that
views literature from a different angle. According to
Ratna, deconstruction is a follow up of the study of
post- colonialism literature, deconstruction is trying
to see the other side of the language and
characterizations that are involved in a literature work
(Ratna: 2014: 69).
Characterizations in a story can be shown
explicitly or implicitly in an ordered plot (Gunther:
2016). Deconstruction study in Ramayana and
Mahabharata especially can be viewed from figure
and character in the story. This is in accordance with