Revitalization Model of Multifuctional Posyandu
An Intefrated Service Post
Leni Anggraeni, Muhammad Halimi and S. W. Tanshzil
Departemen Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, FPIPS, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Keywords: revitalization, multifunctional posyandu, community.
Abstract: Posyandu is one of the vital aspects in the development and empowerment of rural communities. However,
in its implementation, posyandu only plays a role in basic social services in the form of the services for
children under five years old and pregnant women. Therefore the posyandu function is considered beyond the
expectations and objectives set by the Indonesian government. Therefore this research aimed to know the
revitalization of multifunctional posyandu program as an alternative to the empowerment of rural
communities in Jayamekar Village, Padalarang District, West Bandung Regency, Indonesia. This study adopts
a qualitative approach of case study, with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observation,
and documentation studies. The findings indicate that multifunctional posyandu is not only focus on health
services, but also able to touch the field of education and family economy as well as can be a strengthening
of social services that can become embryo of service learning in the rural community’s environment.
Integrated Service Post or often called Posyandu is a
form of effort in improving health sourced from the
community (Soedirham, 2012; Leimena, 1989) and
managed from, by, for, and with the community. In
the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2011,
Posyandu plays a role in basic social organization
related to (1) nutrition and health development of
mother and child; (2) disease control and
environmental sanitation; (3) clean and healthy life
behavior; (4) elderly health; (5) BKB; (6) PAUD
Post; (7) acceleration of diversification of food
consumption; (8) the empowerment of the poor,
remote indigenous communities and persons with
social welfare problems; (9) adolescent reproductive
health; and (10) the improvement of family economy.
In connection with the function of Posyandu,
since 2001 the government has instructed the
Posyandu revitalization program. The background of
the Posyandu revitalization program according to the
General Guidance of Posyandu Revitalization made
by the Minister of Home Affairs and Regional
Autonomy in 2001 is the lack of the functioning of
Posyandu so that its performance is low, partly due to
the low ability of cadres and guidance from the
elements of the Village Government and the related
offices/agencies/institutions, which then resulted in
low public interest to use Posyandu. Therefore,
efforts should be made in empowering the cadres to
be more professional in monitoring the growth and
development of children, as well as building
community partnerships to enhance support and taps
Posyandu optimally. The effort has been initiated
through various activities such as socialization,
training and Posyandu Revitalization Workshop
during 1999-2000.
From the revitalization program that has been
running for many years, there are still many problems
related to Posyandu. The problems need to get more
attention so it will not become an increasingly
difficult problem to overcome. One thing that can be
done is to activate the program of multifunctional
Posyandu. The implementation of multifunctional
Posyandu is not only focused on health service, but
also able to touch other fields such as education and
family economy. In the economic field, Posyandu can
be a community tool to empower the pre-welfare
family (Soedirham, 2012), people with social welfare
problem in order not to be in the low life quality
Anggraeni, L., Halimi, M. and Tanshzil, S.
Revitalization Model of Multifuctional Posyandu - An Intefrated Service Post.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 531-536
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
forever. Moreover, Posyandu can be a tool of learning
for service based community (service learning).
2.1 Revitalization of Multifunctional
Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) is one form of
Community Based Health Efforts (UKBM)
implemented by, from and with the community, to
empower and provide convenience to the community
to obtain health services for mother, baby and toddler.
Posyandu in general can be divided into four levels,
namely: (1) Posyandu Pratama; (2) Posyandu Madya;
(3) Posyandu Purnama and (4) Posyandu Mandiri.
Revitalization is an attempt to revive various
programs of activity that existed in the past. Posyandu
is an appropriate container for revitalization in the
development of the program, because Posyandu is
one form of Community Based Health Efforts
(UKBM) managed from, by, for and with the
community in obtaining basic health services. The
development of Posyandu revitalization program
related to the Minister of Home Affairs and Regional
Autonomy Letter dated 13 June 2001 on General
Guidance of Posyandu Revitalization. Its success
indicators include the fulfillment of basic health
needs and the improvement of the nutritional status of
the community by empowering the community in
every activity that focuses on the approach strategy of
Community Based Health Efforts (UKBM) with
access to socio-cultural capital of the community
based on the values of gotong-royong tradition rooted
in the life of the community toward independence and
self-reliance community. In the area of West Java
Province, revitalization of multifunctional posyandu
is one of the government's missions contained in the
Strategic Plan of Community Empowerment Official
and Village Government (BPMPD) of West Java
Province which has a goal to create posyandu that is
not only engaged in health, but also in the other fields
such as education and economy.
2.2 The Overview of Rural Community
he concept of empowerment has emerged since the
1970s and continues to grow to present time. In
writing, Adams (2013) states that the concept of
empowerment is a tool to help individuals, groups and
communities so that they are able to manage the
environment and achieve their goals, so as to work
and help themselves and others to maximize the
quality of life. In this case, empowerment is able to
cover the concept of community development,
community-based development and then
development performed by community.
The three processes of community empowerment
(Pigg, 2002), firstly, the awareness stage, the target is
the poor who should be given "enlightenment" by
giving awareness that they have the right to be able to
face the problems faced. They must be motivated that
they have the ability to escape from the cycle of
poverty. Second, the stage of expropriation, this stage
consists of three types of exploitation, namely
expropriation of human, organization and value
system. Third, the awareness stage, at this stage the
target is given power or strength, dictionary, authority
or opportunity adjusted to the capabilities so that the
target can run the given power and cab bring better
The approach used in this research is qualitative
approach with case study method (Baxter and Jack,
2008; Yin, 2009; Baskarada, 2014). Research
location is in Jayamekar Village Padalarang district
West Bandung regency. The subjects in this study are
the Board and the Implementer of Posyandu
Jayamekar Village, Community, Village Government
officials of Jayamekar and West Bandung Regency
Health Office. Data collection techniques were done
through interview, documentation and observation.
Data analysis techniques consists of three streams of
activity that are done simultaneously namely: data
reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion/verification (Miles, Huberman, and
Saldana, 2014).
4.1 The Planning Multifunctional
The implementation of planning is an important
program implementation stage. That essentially
planning is a conscious, organized and continuous
effort to choose the best alternative from a number of
alternatives available to achieve a particular goal. The
planning undertaken in the development of
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Multifunctional Posyandu is illustrated in the
following figure 1.
Figure 1: Planning stage of Posyandu development program.
Source: Processed by Researcher, 2017
The explanation of the planning chart of the
development of Multifunctional Posyandu
Revitalization above is analyzed in the following
4.1.1 The Assessment of Values, Vision and
Mission of Posyandu
The development of Multifunctional Posyandu
Kuntum Mekar 18 Jayamekar Village is conducted by
organizing innovation and development activities
without leaving the obligation to carry out the main
activity. The implementation of the revitalization
development of Multifunctional Posyandu Kuntum
Mekar 18 has various values development. The
values developed are self-reliance, concern, social
responsibility, democracy, and hard work. The
existence of character value and community
competence development in Posyandu program
explains that Multifunctional Posyandu Kuntum
Mekar 18 becomes a forum that organizes Civic
Education for the cadres and the community
involved. That conceptually, in the context of the
development of the scientific structure, civic
education is a vehicle of democratic education
containing three conceptual interactive dimensions,
namely civic scientific studies, civic curricular
program, and civic socio-cultural activities.
Multifunctional Posyandu is a vehicle formed by the
community to perform various socio-cultural
activities (Chiu, 2004). The community conduct
direct learning to develop themselves as well as
contribute to solve various problems.
4.1.2 The Mapping of Social and
Community Needs
This mechanism is carried out by polling in the Focus
Group Discussion (FGD). In the concept of
community empowerment, social mapping is
systematic process of community depiction and
involves the collection of data and information about
the community, including the profile and social
problems that exist in the community. The potential
and problem mapping activities are carried out with
the steps that include: (1) the description of Posyandu
condition that will integrate basic services; (2) the
number of families with children aged 0-6 years; (3)
cadres willing to assist in activities; (4) community
awareness and participation to support activities; and
(5) facilities and infrastructure. Then community
needs assessment was conducted. In the field data, the
needs of Jayamekar Village community are not only
in the health sector, but also in the areas of religion,
education, hygiene, living environment and economy.
The programs developed from this needs analysis
create various thoughts to create innovation program.
This program covers the needs that can not be
achieved by the implementation of the main program
and the development program.
4.1.3 The Determination of Action Plan
The last stage of planning is the arrangement of
programs or action plans. Multifunctional Posyandu
Kuntum Mekar 18 undertakes the determination of
the program by involving various elements of society
to determine the following aspects: Needs felt by the
community, types of programs to be implemented,
The study of vision & mission va
ues Ma
ping of community potention & needs
Determination of action plan
value i
2. Determination
3. Relation
cial ma
Revitalization Model of Multifuctional Posyandu - An Intefrated Service Post
potential human resources available, supporting
elements of the implementation of program activities,
program implementation strategies, and monitoring
system and Program evaluation. From the
determination of the action plan, there are three
classifications of the program, namely the main
program, the development or optional program, and
the innovation program.
4.2 The Implementation of
Multifunctional Posyandu as
Community Empowerment
The existence of Multifunctional Posyandu provides
opportunity to every community (cadres) who are
volunteer and have time to develop self-competence
through the provision of health services and other
services. Posyandu became the forerunner of the
implementation of service-based learning and create
Jayamekar community as social learner. If it is
analyzed from the perspective of community
empowerment, the implementation of
Multifunctional Posyandu is part of community
empowerment using Participatory Learning and
Action (PLA) method. PLA is a new form of
community empowerment formerly known as
"learning by doing" or learning while working.
Associated with Multifunctional Posyandu, PLA is a
method that principle is the same with the service of
Posyandu. Cadres as Posyandu managers are first
given basic skills training on how to serve the
community. Furthermore, the cadres are given the
freedom to learn by performing services directly
monitored by expert cadres or partners outside
Posyandu such as Public Health Center or even
higher level of Posyandu. In relation to the work
program implemented, Multifunctional Posyandu has
implemented various activities in accordance with the
planned. Activities that have been implemented
include the main program, development program, and
innovation program. As for the classification of the
implemented program is presented in the following
4.2.1 The Main Activity Program
The main activity program is an activity program that
must be implemented by Posyandu as a forum in
Community Based Health Effort (UKBM). There are
five main programs implemented by Multifunctional
Posyandu Kuntum Mekar 18, including:
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) that is a
program implemented to provide services to
people who are pregnant and have just given
Family Planning (KB), that is a program
launched to reduce birth rates and to prepare the
community to become qualified family.
Nutrition, that is a program implemented to
improve the quality of health by providing
awareness to the community about food
Primary Immunization for Toddler, they are
BCG, DPT, CAMPAK, POLIO Immunization
and Tetanus Toxoid Immunization, for Couples
of Breastfeeding (PUS), Women of Fertile
(WUS) and Pregnant Women that are provided
by Health Officers.
Diarrhea Prevention is done through
environmental health counseling and personal
counseling, as Prevention well as providing
insight into Oralite use.
4.2.2 The Developmental/Optional Activities
Multifunctional Posyandu Kuntum Mekar 18
organizes several developmental programs, some of
them are as follows.
Family Building that is an activity which is
carried out specifically to provide family
strengthening. The implementation of this
family building includes Toddler Family
Planning (TFB), Elderly Family Building
(EFB), and Youth Family Building (YFB).
Early Childhood Education (ECE) in RW 18
was established on October 10, 2009 under the
name Nusa Indah. Early Childhood Education
(ECE), had been established according to the
Head of Jayamekar Village Decree number
PIK-Teenagers, which is a container for running
PKBR (Family Service for Youth) which is
managed by, from, for adolescents to provide
reproductive health counseling service and
preparation of family life.
Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), Nutrition
Awareness (Kadarzi), and Environmental
Health are a series of activities to improve the
quality of public health.
Family Medicine Park and Nutrition Park that is
an activity of exploiting empty land of RW to
plant various medicinal plants.
4.2.3 Innovation Activities
Defined innovation as new ideas, new practices, or
objects that can be perceived as something new by
individuals or societies. Basic thought of
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Multifunctional Posyandu Kuntum Mekar 18
organizes innovation activity is to fill daily activities
and accompanied by the effort of utilization of
opportunity and land that can be made effective (Nam
and Pardo, 2011). Some innovation activities
conducted by Multifunctional Posyandu Kuntum
Mekar 18 are: (1) Green House, that is an activity to
create green environment in Jayamekar Village; (2)
Cultivation of Catfish, that is fish breeding activity
jointly managed to increase the economic power of
Posyandu and citizens; (3) Garbage sodaqoh program
is a program to manage garbage so that garbage does
not harm human life and make garbage as medium of
virtue; (4) Biopori, that is the activity of perforating
the ground with the aim of accelerating the absorption
of rain water; (5) Effort of Income-Generating for
Welfare Family (EIGWF) is a program implemented
in the form of a revolving loan program; (6) Reading
House is a program that makes one of the Cadres
house of Posyandu Kuntum Mekar 18 as Education
Development House, with the motto "Smart Child,
Smart Family, Smart Environment", at Reading
House of Posyandu RW 18, called Kuntum Mekar
Reading House; (7) Toddler Mothers Group is a
group of mothers who have children under the age of
five bundled in Mama Dede Pintar dan Aktif (Made
4.3 Program Evaluation
In addition to the implementation, an important stage
of analysis is the evaluation stage. Evaluation
activities always include activities: (1) observation;
(2) comparing the results of observations with the
existing or pre-determined guidelines; and (3)
decision making or assessment on the object
observed. The form of evaluation conducted by
Multifunctional Posyandu is where the evaluation is
done with two types, namely on going evaluation, and
type of ex-post evaluation or the final evaluation. The
first type of evaluation is done by Posyandu a day
after the activity is implemented. In this case, event
activities are always carried out evaluation a day
after. The second type of evaluation is performed
when the annual period of work will be completed or
if there is an evaluation of Pokjanal Posyandu at the
sub-district level as well as in the regency or even the
The criteria of success according to Minister of
Home Affairs Regulation no. 193 on General
Guidelines for Posyandu Revitalization are as
Input Indicators, based on: 1) Number of
trained and active cadres, 2) Number of cadres
who have access to improve their economy, 3)
the availability of financing support from local
communities, government and donor agencies
for Posyandu activities.
Output Indicators, based on: 1) The increased
frequency of Posyandu cadre training, 2) The
increased frequency of assistance and guidance
of Posyandu, 3) The increased types of services
to be provided, 4) The increased community
participation for Posyandu, 5) The strengthened
monitoring capacity of child growth.
Outcome indicators, based on: (1) The
increased nutritional status of children under
five, (2) The reduced number of children whose
weight is not enough to rise, (3) The reduced
prevalence of child diseases (worms, diarrhea,
ISPA), (4) The reduced prevalence of pregnant
women's anemia and nursing mothers, (5) The
steady pattern of good child care at the family
level, (6) The sustainable continuity of
From the various indicators of success above, the
revitalization development of Multifunctional
Posyandu Kuntum Mekar 18 has significant success.
Range from input, output, to outcome indicators are
almost achieved optimally. This achievement is
supported by a variety of factors especially from
internal or external Posyandu.
4.4 The Utilization of Posyandu
Revitalization Program
The result of the character competence (affective) of
society is the existence mindset change related to the
independence, cooperation, caring, creativity and
responsibility (Hoeven and Verhoeven, 2013). The
results of posyandu's intellectual competence
(Chamorro-Premuzic and Furnham, 2005) as a forum
for improving public health provide significant
improvement to public knowledge about ideal age of
pregnancy, the distance of the first child with the
second child, fetal health and so forth. The results of
Posyandu’s skills competencies (Gail Sturgess, 2012)
provide various skills to the community including the
skills of becoming an educator and developing the
learning process in the ECE activities program,
having innovation dissemination skills, and
possessing facilitation skills which means the ability
to facilitate or demonstrate the resources of
convenience to the community. In addition, the cadres
have the skills of consultation and advocation (Rull
and Tidy, 2014), i.e. the skill as adviser or bestower
of alternative problem solving as well as able to
Revitalization Model of Multifuctional Posyandu - An Intefrated Service Post
provide aid role related to decision formula/taking.
Posyandu activities provide many advantages for the
community, either as participants or cadres. The
advantages given by Posyandu is not only on the
increased of the citizens’ competence, but also in the
process of fulfilling the needs of proper health and
life. Multifunctional Posyandu gives strengthening
on family roles as the smallest social system to be
powered and release various dependency on many
things (Tejasari, Nuryadi, and Rokhmah, 2015). The
existence of Multifunctional Posyandu provides
introduction on how the community can have
beneficial to other people (Arviyani, Aryatika and
Suryadiana, 2013).
It can be concluded that the multifunctional posyandu
revitalization model is one of the alternatives to
empower villagers to be more proactive. Because
posyandu developing in the community is still far
from the expectations and goals that have been set by
government. By re-activating the multifunctional
posyandu that has been revitalized, it can be public
health effort managed from community, by
community, and for community.
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