Figure 16: Graph of Sukamukti Village officer’s ability on
internet before and after training.
The average ability of Sukamukti village officers
in social media before the training were 2.45 to 2.64
(Figure 17). These scores are categorized into poor to
fair. After the training, the score increased into 3.64 to
4.27. These scores are categorized into good to very
good criteria.
Figure 17: Graph of Sukamukti Village officer’s ability on
social media before and after training.
The result of community service activity is
similar with the activity conducted by Harahap, Lubis
and Effiyanti (2017) and Somantri (2017).
Harahap, Lubis and Effiyanty (2017) conducted
community service activity in 2016 by training and
guiding in bookkeeping and marketing based on ICT
in Melur Entrepreneur Community. The activity
found that the participants in this program faced
computer anxiety, so that for marketing strategy the
participant needed other reseller who was familiar
with ICT. Somantri (2017) conducted
community service activity in SMAN 1 Subah by
implementing internet learning. The evaluation result
showed that the average increase of e-learning skill
was 91%.
Similar condition to Pangauban and Sukamukti
Village is the study in Bangladesh. Islam and Mannan
(2014) found that ICT’s skill of senior civil servant in
Bangladesh were poor. The study was conducted to
modify the ICT curriculum for senior staff course
The opposite result was shown from the study in
Northern Ontario and Kenya. The study in Northern
Ontario conducted by Carpenter (2013) to
investigate women in rural communities in using ICT.
The women who lived in remote and rural area were
asked their thoughts and experiences about ICT use in
daily life, ICT for health and wellness, ICT for
cultural preservation. The findings showed that the
women were active user of ICT, using internet for
communication with other communities and they
were familiar with telemedicine.
The sudy in Kenya conducted by Boit, Menjo and
Kimutai (2012) to evaluate the implementation of ICT
to support learning, school administration and use of
e-communication between cooperating rural
secondary school in Western Kenya. The study found
that ICT had been implemented in the schools. There
was an evident that the quality of teaching, learning,
and students’ level of interaction, reasoning, recall,
synthesis and evaluation had improved.
This article is a report of community service activity
with the scheme of science and technology for
community. In 2015, we planned and proposed to
create management information system for
Pangauban and Sukamukti Village, because both
villages did not have the system. However, early in
2016 they were given village management
information system by the local government.
Therefore, we shifted the program into computer
application training for village officers and
assistantship in managing and using the Basic Service
Based on Demographical Data Application (Aplikasi
Pelayanan Dasar Berbasis Data Kependudukan or
Yandas) and Village Finance Management
Information System.
Pangauban and Sukamukti Village Officers had
lowest ability level on computer application before
and after the training was in MS Power Point.
However, the officers had the highest level in before
and after the training was in MS Word. In general, the
increase of ability level on computer application was
about one point. Thefore, village officers in both
villages are more confident with their ICT’s capabilty.
In conclusion, they will be more capable in using and
managing village information system.
Before Training
2,27 2,45 2,36
After Training
3,73 3,91 3,73
Facebook Instagram
Before Training
2,64 2,45
After Training
4,27 3,64