Development of Competence Based Training (CBT) Curriculum of
Sociology Teachers
Lilik Tahmidaten
and Wawan Krismanto
PPPPTK PKN and IPS Kementerian Pendidikan and Kebudayaan RI, Jl. Raya Arhanud Pendem Kota Batu, Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar, Jl. Tamalate I Tidung Kota Makassar, Indonesia,
Keywords: Competence based training, CBT curriculums, Teacher of sociology training.
Abstract: This study was conducted to answer the problem of how the process of developing the Competence Based
Training (CBT) curriculums of sociology teachers. Method used is research development method. The study
was conducted using the 4-D model. The development procedure consists of 4 stages: Define, Design,
Development, and Disseminate. After going through various stages, it can be concluded that research and
development studies in the form of curriculum development have been completed produce a CBT curriculum
of sociology teachers which have characteristics, are: Developed taking into account the evaluation results of
previous year's CBT program implementation and survey study on CBT program on alumni of CBT program,
Developed with an emphasis on the development of pedagogical and professional abilities proportionally and
implemented in an integrative manner, Developed with a focus on developing the teaching skills (how to
teach) which is reflected in the structure, process, and evaluation, Developed with define, design, develop and
disseminate procedures, Developed with steps of diagnosis of needs, formulation of objectives, selection of
content, organising of content, selection of learning experiences, organising of learning experiences and
determination of what to evaluate and how to do it.
One of the boards who are very concerned to improve
the professionalism of teachers in Indonesia is Pusat
Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan
Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan
Kewarganegaraan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
one of institutions on the Indonesian government
under the ministry of education and culture that
serves as center for development and empowerment
of teachers and education personnel for education of
citizenship and social sciences. This institution has
performed the duties and functions of education,
training, development, and empowerment to improve
the quality and competence of teachers and to support
efforts to improve the quality of national education.
PPPPTK PKN and IPS has vision and mission focus
on the development of teachers and especially for
social studies and civics studies. As the
implementation of the mission of implementing the
facilitation and evaluation activities to increase the
competence of Teachers and Education Personnel
civics and social studies, PPPPTK has a Competence
Based Training (CBT) program for teachers PKN and
IPS throughout Indonesia.
At first, the program Competence Based Training
(CBT) aimed at improving the competence of
teachers who have not passed on Teacher
Competency Test (UKG: Uji Kompetensi Guru),
however, CBT should not just be teachers pass
UKG.[1] There are things more important than the
increasing competence in carrying out its primary
task is doing learning process. According to Michael
D Tovey (1997) CBT is a system of training which is
geared toward specific outcomes. So the products
produced through CBT focused on things that have
specific skills and the improvement of performance in
accordance with the systems and work processes are
standardized. [2] More, Tovey explained that CBT is
an approach in training which based itself on the
theory of behavioral learning using training purposes
itself as a reference and measurable results during the
training were over. In addition, CBT is also focused
on the ultimate solution to the problems which have
been the problems in the field. CBT is based on the
specific meaning that can be distinguished from other
training programs since the content and process of the
Tahmidaten, L. and Krismanto, W.
Development of Competence Based Training (CBT) Curriculum of Sociology Teachers.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 545-555
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
CBT should be able to improve competence in a
balanced knowledge, skills, and attitudes. In this case,
the question is the competence of teachers' in teaching
the subject matter of sociology. If talking about the
competence it will not be separated from the concept
of knowledge, skills, and attitudes proportionally.
Thus, the teacher is not only clever and master the
material to be taught, but also matched his skill in
communicating with the approaches and models that
comply with the direction and objectives of the
curriculum, as well as counterbalanced with his skills
in designing and implementing evaluation learning in
accordance with the competence of a standardized
Based on observation and evaluation on the
implementation of the CBT curriculum, there are
several factors which indicate a lack of effective CBT
program in PPPPTK PKN and IPS particularly on
sociology subject, one of which is a fundamental
factor CBT curriculum itself. In terms of planning and
curriculum development, less mature CBT program
prepared for a top-down approach. Based on
curriculum development that has been done is a
drawn-up plan by the field program and program
information which is then translated and the break
down by a team of Senior Lecturer in the Department
of Sociology. The process of preparation is very low
considering the results of the evaluation of training,
let alone do training need analysis before developing
the curriculum. In terms of curriculum content to be
less attentive to the needs until the existing
curriculum more focused on strengthening or control
material/curriculum content on Sociology subject
(professional competence) and its balance by
strengthening the skills of presentation materials
(pedagogical competence) in accordance with the
spirit and objectives of the curriculum. This can be
seen in the structure of the program where the number
of hours of lessons (JP:Jam Pelajaran) for
reinforcement and mastery of materials (professional
competence) 46 JP (46%) while for strengthening the
delivery of material competence skills (pedagogical
competence) only 22 JP (22%). [3] Whereas if
referring to research Berry et.all (2010), programs
that tend to give maximum results on teacher training
are offer training in diverse pedagogical skills and
rich content, and provide opportunities to apply such
information in real classrooms. [4]
In terms of implementation in the field, the
majority of teachers alumni CBT believes is still not
able to implement the goals and objectives of CBT
itself because of the material subject of sociology
they dominate but the competence to implement the
learning in accordance with the spirit and purpose of
the curriculum (In this case the Curriculum 2013) yet
fully implemented. It can be seen from the lesson plan
that they develop, for example in the development of
the lesson plan component core competence / basic
competence where the majority are still not able to
develop as expected. If the development of the core
competence / basic competence them trouble,
descend are they too will have difficulty in
determining the approach and model learning, the use
of appropriate media and preparation of learning steps
(implementation syntax approach and model), the
preparation of Group Worksheet or Student
Worksheet and device evaluation.
Based on the above, it is important that PPPPTK
PKN and IPS reformed curriculum for teachers CBT
sociology. Reforming is done from the development
process to CBT curriculum content itself. Therefore,
the research will conduct a study regarding the
development of CBT curriculums of sociology
teachers at PPPPTK PKN and IPS. The main
objective is to produce CBT curriculums for
sociology teacher which standardized and tested in
terms of the development process and in terms of
contents. Thus, CBT program on sociology teacher
will be a program that would be able to improve the
competence of sociology teachers to become the
flagship institution at PPPPTK PKN and IPS.
In general, this study was conducted to answer
problems on curriculum development CBT sociology
teacher at PPPPTK PKN and IPS. To make it easier
to solve the problem, it can be break down into the
following problems: 1) How do the characteristics of
CBT curriculum sociology teacher at PPPPTK PKN
and IPS?, 2) How procedures development of CBT
curriculum for sociology teachers at PPPPTK PKN
and IPS? 3) How the component development of
CBT curriculum for sociology teachers at PPPPTK
PKN and IPS?, 4) What level of CBT curriculum
validation for sociology teachers at PPPPTK PKN
and IPS that have been developed?
The research used Research and Development (R and
D) design. The study was conducted using the 4-D
model by Thiagarajan (1974). [5] The development
procedure consists of 4 stages: 1. Definition Stage
(Define), which defines the CBT curriculum
sociology teacher expected. 2. The planning stage
(Design), the plan outlines the components of CBT
curriculum subject teachers according to the
characteristics of sociology curriculum has been
prepared in the previous stage. 3. Development Phase
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
(Develop), is compiling a curriculum document good
purpose components, component content,
components and component evaluation process. The
preparation will be based on a step-by-step model
Hilda Taba (1962: 347): 1) Diagnosis of needs, 2)
Formulation of objectives, 3) Selection of content, 4)
Organization of content, 5) Selection of learning
experiences, 6) Organization of learning experiences,
7) Determination of what to evaluate and of the ways
and means of doing it. At this stage, nor do the
validation. [6] 4. Deployment Phase (disseminate), is
the dissemination of information about CBT
curriculum sociology teacher who has developed.
Dissemination of this information by Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) was held at PPPPTK PKN and
IPS office on July 25, 2017. Attended by 4 lecturers
of sociology department of PPPTK PKN and IPS, 2
lecturers of education department of sociology of
Universitas Negeri Malang, 4 high school sociology
teachers and 4 principals of high school. Research
procedure above can be described in the following
figure 1:
Figure 1: Model design research.
3.1 Results
This study uses research and development (Research
and Development / R and D) and the development
process is performed using model 4-D (four-D model)
by Thiagarajan (1974), which consists of 4 stages:
define, design, develop and disseminate. Here is a
description of the results of the implementation of
each stage.
3.1.1 Define Phase
This phase will define the CBT curriculum for
sociology teacher. The main purpose of this stage is
to obtain a clear picture of the characteristics of the
curriculum that will be developed in accordance with
the previous curriculum evaluation and curriculum
requirements expected by the stakeholders, especially
the sociology teacher. These characteristics will be
the next guide to develop the curriculum. To achieve
this, the study carried out by some of the data
includes: Survey Results about CBT Program
Survey Respondents. The number of teachers who
become subjects of the survey about CBT is as much
as 27 teachers who are alumni of the program CBT in
2016. The age of respondents ranged from the
youngest 26 years old and the oldest 57 years old with
an average of 45 years. The experience of respondents
in teaching sociology in high school subjects ranging
from 3 years to 30 years with an average of 16 years.
Respondents consisted of 13 male teachers and 14
female teachers. Educational background are 10
teachers from sociology science, 2 teachers from
education sociology and 15 teachers from non-
sociology science/ education sociology. Here are
graphs illustrating the background of the respondents
(see in the figure 2 and 3).
Development of Competence Based Training (CBT) Curriculum of Sociology Teachers
Figure 2: Graph gender respondents.
Figure 3: Respondents educational background.
The implementation of CBT. Respondents were
asked to evaluate themselves on the implementation
of the sociology of subjects over the years. The level
of implementation is measured with a scale of 1 =
very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = good, 4 = very good and 5 =
excellent. Based on the data filled by respondents, the
average rate of implementation is currently on a scale
of 4.04 or better. The following table 1 is a summary
of the data.
Table 1: Implementation scale of CBT.
Indicator being measure
The level of implementation
of the sociological study
centred on the learner.
The level of implementation
of sociological study that
develops the creativity of
The level of implementation
of the condition studied
sociology learning fun and
The level of implementation
of the implementation of the
Indicator being measure
sociology of load values,
ethics, aesthetics, logic, and
The level of implementation
of sociological study that
provides a diverse learning
experience through a variety
strategies/learning methods is
contextual and meaningful.
The level of implementation
of the method of teaching
sociology Inquiry, Problem-
based learning and project
based learning.
The level of implementation
of learning that applies a
sociological assessment of
learning by integrating
assessment of knowledge,
attitudes, and skills.
The level of preparation of the
draft regulation implementing
the measures appropriates
scientific approach in
The level of implementation
of the utilization and
development of instructional
media that support contextual
The level of significance CBT Impact on
Learning Implementation. Respondents were asked
to evaluate the impact of the implementation of CBT
after learning of their sociology. The significance
level was measured with a scale of 1 = less
significant, 2 = less significant, 3 = precisely
significant 4 = significant and 5 = significant at all.
Based on the data filled by respondents, the average
level of significance of the impact of CBT on the
implementation of their learning is 3.90 or is at a
significant scale. The following table 2 is a summary
of the data.
Table 2: Impact significance table CBT.
Indicators being measured
The level of significance
professional subject impact
on the broad and depth of
material at the time the teach
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Indicators being measured
The level of significance
pedagogical subject impact
on teacher’s ability
developing the learnings
The significance level
Pedagogical subject impact
on the teachers skill to teach
Weakness Still Feels the Master in Teaching
Sociology Subject. Respondents were asked to reveal
their weaknesses which are still felt in teaching the
subject matter of sociology today. The survey data
show that 14 teachers or 51.85% still felt weak in
compiling the study. Complete data can be seen in the
following chart (see in the figure 4).
Figure 4: Graphic weakness subjects sociology teacher.
Teachers Training Needs of Sociology
Teachers to Improve Their Teaching Ability.
Respondents were asked to fill out the education and
training they need (much needed) to improve its
ability to teach sociology. The result is 59.26%
sociology teachers urgently need education and
training in the preparation of learning tools and
teaching skills. Complete data can be seen in the
following chart (see in the figure 5).
Figure 5: Graphic needs teacher training subjects’
According to the CBT Curriculum Structure
Subject Teacher Sociology. Respondents were
asked their opinions about the structure of the CBT
curriculum. The result is 70.37% of respondents
believe that the proportion of pedagogical materials
and materials professionals are balanced. In addition,
93% of respondents also thought that the material is
not separated strictly professional and real
pedagogical materials are integrated. Complete data
can be seen in the graphs below (see in the figure 6).
Figure 6: Graphic CBT curriculum structure subject
teachers according to sociologist.
Development of Competence Based Training (CBT) Curriculum of Sociology Teachers
Figure 7: Graphic structure subject of CBT curriculum
according sociology teacher
Based on the data in the figure 7, it can be
recommended for the CBT program and structure of
the curriculum that will be developed in this study is:
CBT is very good and needed by teachers of
sociology, data show the level of
implementation of the CBT are significance of
its impact on learning is in good category and
Weaknesses still felt the teachers, as well as a
need for education and training sociology
teacher, is in the preparation of learning tools
and teaching skills. For that purposes, CBT is
aimed at improving those skills. Data showed
that> 55% of teachers feel today these two
things become weaknesses and needs to be
The proportion between the development of
professional competence and pedagogical
competence in CBT curriculum structure should
be reviewed again, referring to the data show
that 70% of teachers expect to have a balance
between the proportion of pedagogical
competence and professional competence. This
could apply in proportion to balance the
allocation of teaching hours (JP: Jam
Pelajaran) and the number of training points.
The separation between the material of
pedagogical material to the material studied
professional's time again for> 90% of subjects
sociology teacher requires two such materials
need to be integrated so that when the material
studied sociology CBT participants also deepen
the preparation of learning tools and strategies
to teach the subject.
3.1.2 Design Stage
This stage aims to design a curriculum outline CBT
components subject teachers according to the
characteristics of sociology curriculum has been
prepared in the previous stage. The expected outcome
of this stage is a clear outline of the content and form
of CBT curriculum components sociology teacher. At
this level also in the validation instruments designed
to validate the curriculum that will be developed later.
Based on some of the recommendations in the
study define that the CBT curriculum design was
developed by its components are as follows:
Background of CBT. The background contains a
brief description of the importance of the
implementation of the CBT program for sociology
teachers. Also associated with the policy of the
Ministry of Education and Culture on competence
development, the background will be linked to the
needs and input from teachers who have studied
sociology at the level above define.
Description and Stages on CBT. CBT
curriculum design contains a brief description and a
compact but able to describe clearly the CBT
programs, goals, process and output. Also discussed
was the CBT step which will be followed by training
Component Objectives and Competencies.
CBT is a curriculum objective to be achieved through
the CBT program. The design is the goal of CBT
curriculum that aligned with the vision and mission
of the institution in PPPPTK PKN and IPS studies
because CBT is one of the education and training
programs for teachers in these institutions. Moreover,
both goals and competencies are aligned with the
needs and inputs of stakeholders have been obtained
from studies in the previous stage.
Component Content. Component content in the
form of an explanation of the design curriculum
structure consisting of the allocation of time in
learning (JP:Jam Pelajaran). The contents of the
components will be designed in the form of a
summary of each training eye in the form of 1) a brief
description, 2) competence, 3) indicators of
achievement, 4) learning material, 5) allocation of
time, 6) learning experience and 7) the reference
Process Components. The components in the
design process of a description of 1) approaches and
learning strategies, 2) instructional materials
referenced, 3) the recommended instructional media,
4) worksheets and 5) evaluation used.
Evaluation Component. Component design
evaluation in the form of descriptions of evaluation
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
used to measure the achievement of each indicator in
every training. To that end, each training will be
described forms a good evaluation of cognitive,
affective and psychomotor. Evaluation is designed to
be easily used in the implementation on the ground
both in terms of format, technical content, and
Validation Instrument. Instrument validation is
important to do in order to gain votes at the input of
the validator consisting of curriculum development
experts, sociology, educational sociology, lecturers
and teachers of sociology. Instrument validation
prepared by grating validation instrument developed
by CBT curriculum, based on the fulfilment of the
principles of curriculum development. Arifin (2014)
describes the principles of curriculum development is
divided into two general principles and specific
principles of curriculum development curriculum
development. [7] Business Review and then used as a
guide to arrange the grating and instrument
validation. The lattice validation instrument
developed CBT curriculum is as follows in the table
Table 3: Validation instruments of CBT curriculum.
Goal-oriented and competence
contents and
Purpose of the curriculum
Contents of the curriculum
Media and Learning Resources
3.1.3 Develop Stage
Development Phase is compiling a curriculum
document with good purpose components,
component content, component evaluation process so
that in this phase will be developed starting from the
standard of competence, the structure of the program
to process and outcome evaluation instruments. The
preparation will be guided step by step in Hilda Taba
Diagnosis of needs. This phase is to assess the
needs of teachers of subjects related to the sociology
of education and training programs to develop their
competencies. The basis for this study is the result of
the survey shows that the general weakness that still
felt the teachers, as well as a need for education and
training sociology teacher, is in the preparation of
learning tools and teaching skills. For that CBT is
time aimed at improving those skills. Data showed
that> 55% of teachers feel today these two things
become weaknesses and needs to be improved.
Formulation of objectives. This stage is to
formulate goals and competencies to be achieved in
the primary endpoint of maintenance refer to CBT
sociology teacher who then adapted to the needs of
the teacher of sociology. For that formulated
objectives to be achieved through the CBT program
in sociology teachers PPPTK PKn and IPS are as
follows: 1) General Purposes, the general objective of
the training is to improve the competence of teachers
in connection with the acquisition of knowledge,
skills, and professional attitudes of teachers in the
exercise of its functions and duties.2) Special
Purposes, The specific objective of this training is the
sociology teachers should be able to: mastering the
material to be taught sociology at the high school
level, mastering the skills of learning materials
suitable Sociology at the high school level curriculum
demands in 2013 with emphasis on the
implementation of the sociology of contextual
learning, constructivism, attract and develop the
sociological imagination of students.
Selection and organization of content. At this
stage review of those materials will be given to
teachers CBT program sociology with reference to
the competence to be achieved through this program.
Simply put it this level should be able to answer the
question "Given the material (in training) so that any
desired competencies CBT program for sociology
teachers can be achieved?" To organize that, it must
be able to answer the question "how to order the
presentation of the material (in training) and what
proportion? After carefully considering Curriculum
Subjects Sociology in Curriculum 2013 and input
from various parties, especially the results of the
needs and expectations of the teacher of sociology,
namely 1) the desire professional competence and
pedagogical materials in integrated and 2) allocation
of the balance between professional and pedagogic
competence, the CBT program in sociology teacher
training will be presented the following points:
Development of Competence Based Training (CBT) Curriculum of Sociology Teachers
Table 4: The structure of CBT curriculum.
Time Allocation (JP)
Note: JP = Jam Pelajaran
Based on the table 4, it can be seen that 59% of
the time allocated to improve pedagogical
competence that leads to skill or teaching skills of
teachers. It is expected that the ability to teach
teachers how to teach subjects increased in sociology.
The main hope is to teach the sociology of contextual,
constructive, fun and imagination developing
sociology student in high school level. This is
consistent with the concept that CBT is an attempt to
improve the competence of a person through a
program that integrates the needs of the training
program itself. CBT focuses on the achievement of
competence shown by the participants at the end of
the program. Products produced CBT focused on
things that have specific skills and the improvement
of performance in accordance with the systems and
work processes are standardized.
In general stages of this program is that
participants will get a refreshment of their
pedagogical skills through training for Curriculum
2013, Analysis of graduate competence standard
(Core competence / Basic Competence), Models of
Learning, Media Education, Learning and
Assessment of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP).
Refreshment will be further developed during the
following professional training. After studying the
subject matter of sociology, trainees will be provided
with learning experiences to develop learning
strategies and tools related to learning the material
taught to students in the classroom. Thus trainees not
only learn the material but also learn about how to
teach it. The process of competence development
through various training eye will lead to the training
eye Enhancement of Teaching Ability.
Selection and Organization of learning
experiences. This stage examines the learning
experience suffered by the participants during the
program CBT sociology teacher. Taking into account
the main objectives and competencies to be
developed, then the learning experience felt by the
participants during the program CBT teacher of
sociology is 1) refreshment, as well as exchange ideas
and experiences on how to teach the materials, are
available on the curriculum of sociology at the high
school level over the years, 2) explore the concept of
good pedagogical competence development and
learning materials sociology in high school, and 3) to
explore the concept of learning-matter of sociology at
the high school level by implementing the sociology
of contextual learning, constructivism, attract and
develop sociological imagination of students.
Determination of what to evaluate and of the
ways and means of doing it. This stage is a
comprehensive study on the evaluation that is able to
measure the achievement of objectives and
competencies achieved during the program
participants CBT subjects sociology teacher. The
focus is on developing CBT program of teacher
competence, for the evaluation should be done in a
comprehensive knowledge, attitudes, and skills
regarding pedagogical materials and subjects to be
taught sociology at the high school level. Therefore,
in this CBT program will be evaluated tangible
outcomes: 1) Pre-Test and Post-Test, This test is
mainly to measure the ability and capacity of the
participants. Initial tests are used to determine the
ability of the public held by participants prior to
getting training materials. While the ultimate test is
the test that will determine the performance of the
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
finalists training, this test measures the absorptive
capacity of the participants to the material that has
been given. 2) Teaching Ability Test, This test is
performed during training called Stabilization
Teaching Ability. Each participant will be viewed
comprehension retractable implementation of
contextual learning concept sociology, taught
constructively, fun and develop a sociological
imagination of students. A comprehensive
assessment will be carried out starting from the
studies until the implementation of the learning itself.
In accordance with the concept of Competence Based
Training (CBT) is training that is designed to allow a
learner to demonstrate their ability to do something,
and then this assessment will be the focus of the
assessment of each participant. CBT is an attempt to
improve the competence of a person through a
program that integrates the needs of the training
program itself for the CBT focuses on the
achievement of competence shown by the
participants at the end of the program. Products
produced by CBT focused on things that have specific
skills and the improvement of performance in
accordance with the systems and work processes are
standardized. The aspects assessed were as follows:
Table 5: Aspects of teaching ability assessment tests.
Aspects being assessed:
The ability to open a lesson
Preparing Students to learn
doing Apersepsi
Presenting Objectives / Indicators
Mastering Learning Materials:
Mastering the learning material
Delivering material clearly
Associate creatives with other knowledge or with the
reality of life
Approach / Learning Strategies:
Coherently implement appropriate learning
Implementing learning methods / contextual
approaches, constructive, fun and develop their
imagination on sociology students
Strategies/approaches used to encourage students to be
more active, creative and innovative
Implementing appropriate time allocation
Utilization of Learning Resources / Learning Media:
Media used accordingly and generate compelling
Using media and learning resources effectively and
Involving students in the use of medium / high learning
The style and use of language:
Using language spoken properly and accurately
Using written language for good and effective
Shows appropriate style
Assessment Process and Outcome Study:
Monitor the progress of learning during the learning
Making a final assessment of the student
closing the learning:
Doing reflection and conclusion by involving students
Provide follow up with referrals, activities or chores.
Individual Assignment. This assessment scores
obtained from the tasks assigned by the facilitator,
both individually and groups. Indicators of each point
are determined by the respective training facilitators,
training because in each training has its own
characteristics. But in general indicator of assignment
of individual/group has guidelines in accordance with
evaluation standards. 4) Discipline. Rating discipline
gave by those responsible for academic or homeroom.
Rate this discipline assigned individually to the
participants. This judgment was given by
observations during training activities conducted. The
maximum score that can be obtained is obtained a
score of 100. Score is based on the average on
discipline, attendance, and the collection of
assessments. 5) Participation, Ratings are given by
those responsible for the activity of academic /
teacher and facilitator. This assessment is given
individually to each participant. This assessment
consists of an assessment scores active participant in
the process of training and activity assessment scores
of participants in response to a particular problem
related to the quality of the material delivered
opinions. The scores of the participants are the
average of the two scores. The maximum score that
can be obtained by the participants is 100. Indicators
assessing the quality of the material in the classroom
and opinions. To participants who have completed the
whole program properly, given STLPP (Surat Tanda
Lulus Pendidikan and Pelatihan).
3.2 Discussion
The CBT curriculum has been developed for the
sociology department at PPPPTK PKN and IPS. This
is done to strengthen the sociology teacher's
competence in high school. In accordance with the
CBT concept, the CBT curriculum strengthens
teacher competence in how to teach sociology
materials at high school level.
The concept of strengthening pedagogical skills is
an attempt to balance the study and the deepening of
material conducted by sociology teachers through
various trainings other than CBT. For newly
employed sociology teachers or for teachers who are
not background from sociology or sociology
education, the CBT curriculum will balance their
Development of Competence Based Training (CBT) Curriculum of Sociology Teachers
theoretical abilities (proficiency skills) with the
ability to teach sociology (pedagogical skills). This
becomes important because for them the CBT
curriculum becomes a means of socializing with how
to teach sociology well in high school level. In his
research, Pescosolido and Milkie (1995) argues that
the lack of formal socialization into the teacher role,
especially balanced with the comprehensive training
offered in the research methods, contributes to the
devaluation of teaching among sociologists. [8]
The ability to teach sociology becomes important
for sociology teachers today and in the future.
Sociology should not be taught subject-oriented.
Because sociology materials are not only taught as
theories and concepts, but they could also be used for
analyzing various life problems that exist around us.
Furthermore, they could activate students to have
roles in solving social problems based on their
proportions, positions, and skills as senior high school
students. he purpose of learning Sociology is for
gaining sociological imaginations. By having
sociological imaginations, someone who learns about
Sociology could understand every social symptom in
their society (Strand: 1999, Rienerth:1998, Denison
and Rinehart:2000). [9-11] By understanding social
symptoms in our society, a person could have
individual and social awareness, could have social
sensitivity and care for social problems and be
responsible on solving those problems as well as have
awareness and even strived for creating social
empowerment actions. To realize such learning
requires strengthening the sociology teacher's ability
to teach sociology (pedagogical ability). The CBT
curriculum that has been developed already
accommodates it, so it is worth implementing.
Based on the problems as the starting point of this
study, then after going through various stages of the
study, concluded that research and development in
the form of curriculum development have been
completed and resulted in a product in the form of
CBT Curriculum for Sociology Teachers at PPPPTK
PKN and IPS. The product has the following
characteristics: 1) The curriculum was developed
based on the evaluation results of CBT in the previous
year and survey studies on CBT program at CBT
program alumni. 2) The curriculum was developed
with a focus on the development of pedagogic skills
and professional proportionally and implemented in
an integrated manner. 3) The curriculum was
developed with a focus on the development of
teaching skills (how to teach) which is reflected in the
structure, process, and evaluation. 4) The curriculum
was developed with the procedures define, design,
develop and disseminate. 5) The curriculum is made
by the steps of diagnosis of needs, formulation of
objectives, selection of content, and organization of
content, selection of learning experiences, an
organization of learning experiences and the
determination of what to evaluate and of the ways
and means of doing it. The implication of this
research are: 1) PPPPTK PKN and IPS institutions
need to change the CBT curriculum to strengthen the
competence of education and training graduates, and
focus on strengthening pedagogical competence. The
teacher of sociology needs to change the orientation
of self-development, not only oriented to the ability
of mastering the material (professional competence),
but balanced with the ability to teach sociology
material (pedagogical competence).
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Development of Competence Based Training (CBT) Curriculum of Sociology Teachers