theoretical abilities (proficiency skills) with the
ability to teach sociology (pedagogical skills). This
becomes important because for them the CBT
curriculum becomes a means of socializing with how
to teach sociology well in high school level. In his
research, Pescosolido and Milkie (1995) argues that
the lack of formal socialization into the teacher role,
especially balanced with the comprehensive training
offered in the research methods, contributes to the
devaluation of teaching among sociologists. [8]
The ability to teach sociology becomes important
for sociology teachers today and in the future.
Sociology should not be taught subject-oriented.
Because sociology materials are not only taught as
theories and concepts, but they could also be used for
analyzing various life problems that exist around us.
Furthermore, they could activate students to have
roles in solving social problems based on their
proportions, positions, and skills as senior high school
students. he purpose of learning Sociology is for
gaining sociological imaginations. By having
sociological imaginations, someone who learns about
Sociology could understand every social symptom in
their society (Strand: 1999, Rienerth:1998, Denison
and Rinehart:2000). [9-11] By understanding social
symptoms in our society, a person could have
individual and social awareness, could have social
sensitivity and care for social problems and be
responsible on solving those problems as well as have
awareness and even strived for creating social
empowerment actions. To realize such learning
requires strengthening the sociology teacher's ability
to teach sociology (pedagogical ability). The CBT
curriculum that has been developed already
accommodates it, so it is worth implementing.
Based on the problems as the starting point of this
study, then after going through various stages of the
study, concluded that research and development in
the form of curriculum development have been
completed and resulted in a product in the form of
CBT Curriculum for Sociology Teachers at PPPPTK
PKN and IPS. The product has the following
characteristics: 1) The curriculum was developed
based on the evaluation results of CBT in the previous
year and survey studies on CBT program at CBT
program alumni. 2) The curriculum was developed
with a focus on the development of pedagogic skills
and professional proportionally and implemented in
an integrated manner. 3) The curriculum was
developed with a focus on the development of
teaching skills (how to teach) which is reflected in the
structure, process, and evaluation. 4) The curriculum
was developed with the procedures define, design,
develop and disseminate. 5) The curriculum is made
by the steps of diagnosis of needs, formulation of
objectives, selection of content, and organization of
content, selection of learning experiences, an
organization of learning experiences and the
determination of what to evaluate and of the ways
and means of doing it. The implication of this
research are: 1) PPPPTK PKN and IPS institutions
need to change the CBT curriculum to strengthen the
competence of education and training graduates, and
focus on strengthening pedagogical competence. The
teacher of sociology needs to change the orientation
of self-development, not only oriented to the ability
of mastering the material (professional competence),
but balanced with the ability to teach sociology
material (pedagogical competence).
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education