customs that are different from the general public
that surrounds it.
Lubis (2009) further details the definition of the
pesantren community in two. First, in a narrow
sense, the pesantren community consists of two
main elements, namely 1.) Kyai with all teachers,
pedagogues, mentors and instructors; And 2.) Santri
from various levels. Secondly, in a broad sense, the
pesantren community encompasses all living
citizens and their life are influenced by the
pesantren world.
In the sense that (Lubis, 2009):
‘every person who seeks to obtain guidance
on the norms of life from the world of
pesantren and strives for his life in line with
these norms can be said to be part of the
pesantren community, even though he is
permanently or temporarily living outside the
pesantren's territory.’ (p.3)
As a community different from the surrounding
community, pesantren has a special tradition that is
attached and run by the pesantren community. The
traditions of the pesantren community include,
among other things, the scientific rihlah tradition,
researching, writing the book, reading the kitab
kuning, the practice of tariqat, memorizing, politics,
and other socially religious traditions (Nata, 2012).
Pesantren community has a life pattern that is
naturally formed by the process of values
internalization complete with its symbols. The
pattern of pesantren life is also influenced by the
attraction outside the community. In addition to the
process of values internalization and attractiveness
outside the community, the pattern of pesantren
community life is also influenced by a process that
interrelated and influence each other between the
outside community and pesantren community
(Syatibi and O, 2014).
The process of values internalization is primarily
the internalization of the basic value of all life in this
world that is believed as worship to Allah SWT
(A'la, 2006). In addition to the basic values, the
pesantren community also internalize Islamic
characteristic values exemplified by the Prophet
Muhammad such as the internalization and
development of infitah (inclusive), tawassuth
(moderate), musawah (equality) and tawazun
(balance) values (Abdullah, 2014).
Furthermore Askar adds values that are also
developed within the pesantren which is based on
the teachings of Islam namely salam (peace),
'adalah (justice), hurriyah (freedom), tasamuh
shura (discussion) (Askar, 2009).
3.2 Social Capital Dimension in
Pesantren Community
Pesantren Al Muayyad Windan located in Windan,
Makamhaji, Kartasura, Sukoharjo is well-known as
institution that active teach peace education.
Pesantren Windan was founded in October 15
1996. Pesantren Al Muayyad Windan is a branch of
Pesantren Al Muayyad Mangkuyudan located in
Mangkuyudan, Purwosari, Laweyan, Surakarta.
Pesantren Al Muayyad Windan accommodates
santri that all of them are also scholars at the same
time. They are student of higher education in
Surakarta and its surroundings. Recently, the santri
of Pesantren Al Muayyad Windan consist of 42
male santri and 22 female santri. They live at the
same area but in separated building.
Life in Pesantren starts at the dawn of the day.
Kyai, nyai, and santri start their day with praying
Fajr together in Mosque. After doing the prayer, all
santri do the next activities which are reciting the
Qur’an led by Nyai and studying the kitab kuning led
by Kiai. When finished, all santri get prepared to go
to their campuses.
The activities in pesantren Al Muayyad Windan
will continues again at Maghrib, starts with praying
Maghrib together. Subsequently, they will continue
to the next agenda which are reciting Quran and
praying Isha together. Thereafter, they will be busy
studying either religion or thematic which is directly
guided by particular santri who are chosen to play a
role as ustadz.
The santri are not only required to pray and
study. Instead, they are also required to fulfill their
duty as the member of pesantren “family”. They are
also taught to build self-awareness. For instance, all
santri need to keep the whole area of pesantren
clean, so they must sweep and mop the floor and
keep the front yard clean every morning. Besides,
they are taught as well to cook and prepare meals for
the whole community members. They make a
specific daily schedule involving all santri so that all
the above activities are done regularly.
Thus daily activity in Pesantren Al Muayyad
Windan that has been renowned for conducting
several program such as conflict resolution,
reconciliation, peace, interfaith dialogue, conflict
mediation, negotiation and peace education
(Sasmita, 2017).
Peace education which has been carried out by
Pesantren Al Muayyad Windan is developing peace
education by establishing several institutions such as
PATIRO (Pusat Telaat Informasi Regional/Regional
Information Research Center) Surakarta, PSP (Pusat