The Reaction of Pesantren Al Mukmin to Radicalism and Terrorism
Mahbub Hefdzil Akbar, Moeflich Hasbullah, Jaenudin Jaenudin, and Sulasman Sulasman
The Department of History of Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, {moef_has, sulasman}
Keywords: Radicalism, deradicalization, moderation education.
Abstract: This study discusses the reaction of Pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki to radicalism and terrorism. Shortly after
the Bali bombings in 2002, the world's attention turned to Islamic institution namely Pesantren (Islamic
boarding school) for the suspected radical perpetrators graduated from Pesantren, such as Abu Bakar Ba'asyir,
Imam Samudra, Amrozi, and Mukhlas. Among Pesantrens considered promoting radicalism and terrorism is
Pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki Solo. The purpose of the research is to find out the reaction and steps taken by
Pesantren al Mukmin to dismiss the negative stigma of it’s allegedly involvement in radicalism and terrorism.
Methodologically, the research is based on a qualitative research with a multi-case and cross-sectional
research design and in-depth interview. The results of this research show that Pesantren al-Mukmin is like
other Pesantren in Indonesia with national curriculum. Therefore, as an institution it cannot be said that it
supports radicalism and terrorism. The serious efforts of the Pesantren al Mukmin have been made to dismiss
the negative stigma by moderate education, actively open to outsiders having better relation with government.
The increase of radicalism and terrorist attacks in the
recent decades in the Southeast Asia and other parts
of the world has attracted much attention of world
leaders on Islamic Schools for the suspected
perpetrators are said to have graduated from radical
Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School). The clear
examples are 9/11 attacks and Bali Bombing (Hefner,
Pesantren al Mukmin Ngruki in Solo is one of the
pesantrens labelled as the school producing Muslim
militants due to involvement of its alumni in some
radical movement and terrorist attacks in Indonesia
and Southeast Asia such as Amrozi, Imam Samudra
and Mukhlas (Misra, 2003).
Sidney Jones stated that most people who commit
acts of terror in the country have estuary to the
Pesantren Al Mukmin Ngruki as termed "Ngruki
Network" (Jones, 2002)
This negative image has prompted the pesantren
to make some efforts to dismiss the stigma since
Pesantren Ngruki is generally like other pesantren
having curriculum to master Islamic knowledge.
Thus, this study is trying to find what are the reactions
and steps taken by Pesantren al Mukmin to dismiss
the negative image. Hence, the general overview of
the pesantren, its effort and moderation education
strategy will be discussed.
This is a qualitative research with multi cases and
cross-sectional research design with participative
observation. Data is collected through in depth
interview and library research concerning previous
studies on the topics. In this study, the researchers
interviewed leaders of Pesantren, staff, teachers,
students, alumni and surrounding society. The data
sought to find in Pesantren is related to two things.
Firstly, the written documents such as curriculum,
books, activity schedule which is obtained from
Pesantren office. Secondly, the reaction, response and
effort of pesantren to counter the stigma. This is
found by in-depth interview and participatory
research during researcher’s stay in Pesantren al-
Mukmin Ngruki. The information obtained is
compared, examined with other relevant sources on
the topics. This collected data is then interpreted and
used to answer the research questions above.
Akbar, M., Hasbullah, M., Jaenudin, J. and Sulasman, S.
The Reaction of Pesantren Al Mukmin to Radicalism and Terrorism.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 565-569
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3.1 Pesantren Al Mukmin and the
Possible Cause Factors of
Pesantren Al Mukmin is founded in 1972 by six
persons. They are Abdullah Sungkar, Abu Bakar
Ba'asyir, Yoyo Rosywadi, Abdullah Baradja, Abdul
Qohar, H. Daeng Matase, and Hasan Basri. The
whole process of education in Pesantren Al Mukmin
Ngruki guided by a single entity ruh (spirit) is called
"Panca Jiwa Pesantren", namely Sincerity, Modesty,
Self-Reliance, Muslim brotherhood and the
willingness of Sacrifice. In addition, Pondok
Pesantren Al - Mukmin Ngruki has motto Shalih,
Viewed from its curriculum, it does not differ
from other pesantrens and even the program is in
accordance with the Government Program both the
Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry
of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
Therefore institutionally, there is no political
paradigm of high politics and low politics into a target
the goal in boarding school education.
It is quite interesting, why radical thinking among
students and alumni appear, in fact they are never
formally taught about radicalism. There are several
opportunities that could open the mindset of students
toward understanding the thinking of radical
Firstly, books taught informally in Pesantren
Ngruki simultaneously form the mindset of the
students. This pesantren teaches various books
covering field’s faith, Islamic law, Quranic exegesis,
Arabic, and English. Some of the texts written by the
characters Muslim brotherhood movement or known
as Ikhwanul Muslimin (Greg Fealy-Anthony Bubalo,
2005) like in Egypt the works of Fathi Yakan, Sayyid
Quthb and Hassan Al-Banna which are studied
informally by individual (sorogan) or in small group
( bandongan ). Book Al-Wala’ wa al-Bara’ works of
Said salim Al-Qahthani and Tarbiyah Jihadiyah (
Jihad education ) work of Abdullah Azzam are also
used in particular or public discussion. Finally, the
study of this book played a vital role in influencing
the mindset of the students to have a view and a
principle similar to that in the book (Mubarok, 2016).
One of the texts used in Pondok Pesantren Al -
Mukmin Ngruki Solo is written of Hassan al-Banna.
He was the reformer and a founder of one of the
world's largest Islamic movement, the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt. According to him, God
establishes the obligation of jihad to the Muslims, not
to disseminate hostility for personal ambitions, but to
protect and ensure the dakwah of peace.
Secondly, some cases faced by the preachers of
this school or other Islamic leaders when in contact
with the government have always been in the news
and actual theme in a variety of occasions, such as
public lectures, sermons on Friday, the Subuh lectures
and other events in Pondok Pesantren Al - Mukmin
Ngruki Solo. Conflicts with the government raises the
resistance of students against the government
Thirdly, The influence of the ideology of the
movement obtained from study outside of formal
education has influenced the thinking of most
students. Effect of thinking about Islamic movement
ideology has spawned radical movements and terror
in most alumni of Pesantren Al Mukmin Ngruki Solo.
One of the occurences that drag this institution is the
first Bali bombings in 2002. Among the alumni of
Pesantren Al Mukmin Ngruki Solo involved in the
movement of radicalism and terrorism are Farhan
Mujahidin, Firmansyah, and Muchsin Tsani.
According to the International Crisis Group, some of
alumni of Pondok Pesantren Ngruki who are involved
of terorist namely Gempur Budi Angkoro alias Jabir.
Joni Achmad Fauzan, Mohamed Ihsan, Sardona
Siliwangi, Tohir, Toni Togar, .Zulkarnaen. Ali
Gufron and Mukhlas are sibling of Amrozi,
defendants of Bali bombing. From the various names
above, Pesantren Ngruki is always accused of being
Thus, the radicalization of the thought of the
alumni of Pesantren Al Mukmin Ngruki involved
with a network of radicalism and terrorism, is in line
with their experience of seeing and perceiving
oppression, coupled with the justification of the texts
of the Qur'an and hadith understood partially,
literally, and outside the context of the actual verses.
Such scholarly transmission process usually occurs in
the context of global political conflicts such as in
Afghanistan, Iraq, the southern Philippines, and Poso
in Indonesia. The network is not formal and non-
specific. Networking among alumni of pesantren al-
Mukmin who have settled in various boarding schools
abroad, often encourage radicalization easily and in
turn influence other alumni. The alumni’s thought is
even more radical if they are connected to Jihadist in
Afghanistan. No doubt, the original understanding of
rational often turns into a radical understanding and
textual literalists. Such knowledge transfer process
also occurs in other Islamic boarding schools, which
have a network with several boarding schools in the
Middle East.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
3.2 The Reactions and Steps Taken to
Counter the Negative Stigma
The Ministry of Religious Affair Indonesia states the
curriculum and Islamic teachings in Pesantren Ngruki
does not indicate the presence of radicalism and
terrorism as well. The advisor of Pesantren Ngruki,
Wahyudin, said the Pondok Pesantren Al Mukmin
Ngruki, as institution, should not be linked, either
directly or indirectly to the criminal acts of terrorism
and radicalism occuring in Indonesia. The director of
Pesantren al Mukmin, Ibnu Chanifah, added that the
pesantren never teach, direct, let alone approve acts
of violence. More specifically, if there are alumni of
Pesantren Al Mukmin Ngruki commit criminal acts
of terrorism or engaging in actions directly or
indirectly in terrorism, the pesantren leaders handed
over entirely to the legal process, so it should be
treated based on legal process in the court.
In the eye of Pesantren Al Mukmin Ngruki,
terrorism and radicalism that have occurred are
closely related to political, religious and economic
interests, and this should be shunned by all parties,
especially by the policy makers and leaders.
Therefore, the pesantren objects to those who commit
radicalism and terrorism on behalf of Pesantren
in Indonesia generally only teaches
about Islam rahmatan lil Alamin since Islam brings
mercy to all mankind not violence and intolerance.
Pesantren Al Mukmin declares that the pesantren is
open to anyone. Guests who come to pesantren could
find out programs, the strategic plans, vision and
mission, as well as a curriculum that teaches students.
The position of Pesantren Al Mukmin Ngruki on
jihad and suicide bombings can be seen in the
"Declaration of Ngruki “. The declaration suggests
that the alumni of Ngruki will always struggle fi
sabilillah (in the God’s path) in enforcing Islamic
law. They declared that jihad here should not be
defined as terrorist-jihad style which permit killing
the innocent people but it is the jihad directed in
accordance with the demands of the Koran and
promoting peace.
One of the efforts of Al Mukmin Ngruki Solo in
countering Radicalism and Terrorism ideology is
deradicalization. Deradicalization in Pesantren is not
only done through a form of discussion and rhetoric
way, but also through concrete action by tolerance,
even to some points provide the students with the
skills to develop their creativity in the framework of
the economic development of the people. This is in
line with their view that radicalism and terrorism is
sometimes caused by social injustice.
Deradicalization must be carried out within the
framework of the strengthening effort to reduce the
gaps of social, economic and political life enabling to
trigger the growth of understanding of violence
leading to acts of terror.
According to Wahyudin, the solutions of
radicalism are: first, respecting the aspirations of
fundamental Islamist by means of dialogue and
democratic way; second, treating them humanely;
Third, not to fight them with the same radical and
violent way. The extremely radical groups should be
pulled to the moderate positions; Fourth, giving
freedom of thought for all the groups that will
manifest a healthy dialogue and constructive
criticism; Fifth, stopping to label infidel (kafir) to
others ; sixth, studying religion properly in
accordance with the methods that have been
determined by Islamic scholars who promote a
peaceful Islam for all. Seventh, understanding Islam
completely not partiallly.
Deradicalization conducted in Pesantren Al
Mukmin Ngruki is trying to use a peaceful manner
and constitutional way through education, dakwah,
economic empowerment, social, cultural and political
efforts which are called the peaceful Jihad. According
to Louay Fatoohi, Peaceful jihad is the approach,
attitude, and practice that ensure Muslim is in
continuous progress toward the ideal state of man:
perfect servant hood to Allah (Fatoohi, 2009). The
failure to recognize peaceful jihad as the main, not
only as one, form of jihad is bound to reflect
negatively on the soul and character of the Muslim
and his spiritual progress. This failure effectively
indicates the person’s willingness to cohabit with
various bad qualities that he has.
In Indonesia, this peaceful Jihad terminology
popularized by Ronald Lukens-Bull in A Peaceful
Jihad: Negotiating Identity and Modernity in Muslim
of Java. The use of terminology by Lukens-Bull is
motivated by his curiosity to the phenomenon of
Islam in Indonesia and other practices of Islam in the
other countries, which promote the harmony and
Pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki is trying and
working hard in an effort to erode the negative stigma
by a way of press conferences and seminars. Actually,
other things should be done by pesantren Al-Mukmin
Ngruki is to be more open and frequently establish
political communication, and seminars, especially
with parties outside pesantren either by experts,
scholars and even the parties which have negative
view of Pesantren Ngruki, so there is a common
ground and similarities perceptions of those who label
the pesantren as radical school.
The Reaction of Pesantren Al Mukmin to Radicalism and Terrorism
3.3 The Better Relation with the
Government and Openness of
Pesantren Al Mukmin Ngruki to
Government Aids
There are at least three governmental aids showing
the better relation of Pesantren al Mukmin with
government nowadays. This kind of openness also
indicates the moderate thinking and the changing
perception among leaders within Pesantren al
Mukmin Ngruki to cope with the government. This is
because, in the past, the pesantren leaders are well
known for their opposition to the New Order era. The
three grants are as follows: Firstly, The pesantren has
received the grant from the local administration, such
as receiving the fund from the mayor of Solo to build
a bridge connecting Pesantren directly to Solo.
Secondly, receiving the Grant of School Operational
Aid, known as BOS (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah)
from the government. Thirdly, some senior teachers
including the director already receive the certification
fee, an additional salary from the government. This is
interesting to see since the mayor of Solo is a non-
Muslim major and this openness is thought to be in
the moderate position for some radical parties do not
cooperate or receive any help from non-Muslim. The
Grant of School Operational Aid and the certification
fee received by Pesantren constitute their acceptance
to the government for some radicals would not
receive from government not applying Islamic rules.
The better relation with the government is
considered to be a part of Pesantren efforts to raise a
trust from government and at the same time to counter
the negative stigma from the outsiders who accuse
Pesantren of being exlusive and radical.
Apart from that, the students of Pesantren al
Mukmin Ngruki also followed Pancasila education
on April 15, 2016 in collaboration with the Ministry
of the Domestic Affairs. The seminar is on
"Revitalization and Actualization of the identity of
Pancasila in the Framework Strengthening the Nation
"for the faith-based community. This shows a serious
effort of pesantren Ngruki to reduce the stigma that
the school respects the diversity, far from being
radical and is also expected to dismiss the assumption
that the pesantren rejects Pancasila as the pillars of
Indonesian state. There are 116 students attending
this event. The director also suggests that nothing to
fear of Pesantren Ngruki. To establish a good image
in the eyes of the public and the government, one of
the efforts is launching a VCD on learning activities
at the boarding school, so any party could observe
their activities.
As an institution, Pesantren al Mukmin Ngruki has
seriously made an effort to dismiss the negative
stigma. Pesantren al Mukmin Ngruki has a
standardized curriculum like other “Pesantren”
Indonesia and as an institution it cannot be said that it
supports terrorism. Yet, there are some factors could
provoke the students or alumni to have radical
mindset like books of Jihad, provoking words, and
unjust treatment and pressure of New Order
government of Indonesia to their leaders and alumni
who are emotionally associated. The involvement of
its alumni in act of terror occurs after the students
graduated from the school and being close with the
radical alumni, as Sidney Jones, as “Ngruki
Network”. Yet, labelling the current pesantren of
Ngruki to “radical pesantren should be put into
question. The openness of the Pesantren to outsiders
including government aid indicates its effort to
counter the negative stigma. The pesantren is well
received by surrounding society and the number of
student’s increases (1300 students). The field
research also shows the faction within the pesantren.
“The ruling faction” which condemns terrorism is
trying to counter the stigma. Although Pesantren
Ngruki is trying to reduce the negative stigma, the
success of it in the future depends on to what extend
the pesantren is consistent with its step to apply
peaceful Jihad.
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The Reaction of Pesantren Al Mukmin to Radicalism and Terrorism