preparedness of community needs to be measured, so
that when landslide occurs, it won’t make any shock
and the victims could be minimalized. Preparedness
are the actions that allows government, organizations,
peoples, communities, and individual to be able in
dealing with disaster situation quickly and
appropriately (Carter, 1991). Preparedness has some
parameters that can be measured which is: knowledge
and attitude, emergency planning, warning system,
and resource mobilization capacity (LIPI, UNESCO,
2006). This means that the higher index number, the
level of subject preparedness that has been studied are
also higher. Level of community preparedness are
categorized into five, namely: very prepared with
index value 80 – 100, prepared with index value 65 –
79, nearly prepared with index value 55 – 64, less
prepared with index value 40 – 54, not prepared yet
with index value less of 40 (LIPI-UNESCO, 2006).
Landslides are a movement of slope forming material
in the form of rocks, debris material, soil, or mixture
materials, move down or off the slopes. Landslides
was a form of erosion that indicated by transportation
or movement of soil mass which occurs at some point
in a relatively large volume. Landslides are the
movement of soil/rocks mass with tilted direction
from original position, so it was being apart from
solid mass, because of gravity with rotation and
translation movement types. The slides it can be
divided into six types, namely: translation slides,
rotation slides, block movement, stone ruins, soil
creep, and debris material flow. Translation and
rotation slides are the most common in Indonesia.
Landslide types that took a lot of victims of
property, objects, and human life is debris material
flow, because it can go through far enough which is
hundred or even thousand meters, especially in
watershed area around volcanoes. This landslide
speed were influenced by slopes, water volume and
pressure, and the material types. Factors that
influence to the occurrence of landslides and erosion
are nature and human factors. The main nature factor
are climate, soil characteristics, main material,
elevation, and slopes, even tsunami, human factor is
all of human activity that accelerate the occurrence of
erosion and landslides (Elliason, 2013). Rainfall is
one of climate element which has the big role to
landslide occurrence. Rainwaters that infiltrated into
soil and saturated the soil determines landslides. Rain
intensity determines the level of erosion, meanwhile
landslides were determined by soil saturated
condition by rainwaters and the collapse of slide
friction. Annual rain fall >2.000 mm/year occurs in
most parts of Indonesia. Soil types was also a factor
that influencing landslide occurrence. Every soil
types has different level of sensitivity to landslides.
The depth or solum, texture, and soil structure
determines the quantity of surface runoff water and
saturation rate of the soil by water. On soil with deep
solum (>90cm), loose structure and dense land cover,
most of the rain water were infiltrated into the ground
and only a small part that being the surface runoff
water. Conversely, in soil with shallow solum, solid
structure, and less density of land cover, only small
percentage of rain water that infiltrated and most of
them are being the surface runoff water.
Characteristics of soil parent material is
determined by the source of rock and composition of
mineralogy that affects the landslide sensitivity. In a
mountainous area, soil material is dominated with
strong rocks from volcanic rocks, sedimentary, and
metamorphic rocks. Soils that formed by sedimentary
rocks, especially clay, calcareous limestone or marl
and limestone, are relatively sensitive to landslides.
Volcanic rocks generally are landslides resistant. One
of characteristics of landslide-sensitive soil is the
width of soil fracture is >2 cm and the depth is >50
cm in dry season. The soil could expand in wet
condition and shrink in dry condition, which was
caused by the high content of clay mineral type 2:1 as
seen on Grumusol soil. At certain depths of Podsolic
or Mediteranic soil there is a clay accumulation which
in saturated water condition can also function as a
glide field in landslide occurrence. Landslides are
common in hilly and mountainous areas, especially in
sandy soils (Regosol or Psamment), Andosol
(Andisols), shallow rocky soil (Litosol or Entisols),
and calcareous shallow soil (Renzina or Mollisols), in
wavy regions especially on Podsolic soil (Ultisols),
Mediterranean (Alfisols), and Grumusol (Vertisols)
that formed from the main rocks of clay stone, marl
and limestone with a high clay content. The altitude
of land based on height were divided into medium
plains (350 – 700 m above sea level) and high plains
(>700 m above sea level). Elevation is closely related
with the types of commodity that suitable to
preserving the environment. National Land Agency
set the land on elevation above 1.000 m above sea
level and slopes >45% as a restricted business area
and prioritized as protected forest areas. While
Ministry of Forestry set the land with the elevation
above >2.000 m above sea level and/or slopes >40%
as protected areas. Grade or land slopes is one of
trigger factor of landslides. When slope are steeper,
the volume and speed of runoff would be increased
Community Preparedness in Dealing with Landslides