reflected carefully. The title of the classroom action
research conducted is “Increased student activity
using Time Token Arends Model on Sociology
Subject, Class XI, IPS 1 in SMA Negeri 4 Solok”.
According to the authors, the model to be used is
suitable for students during the learning process,
because this model requires students to be more
active in learning. Using the Time Token Arends
learning model will encourage students to be more
active, and this model makes student activity a major
concern. Therefore students are always actively
involved. Time Token Arends learning model is a
learning model that is used with the aim that students
actively speak. In the discussion lesson, Time Token
is used so that the 27 students actively inquire in the
discussion. By limiting the time to speak for example
2 minutes, students are expected to fairly get a chance
to speak. Time Token Arends able to encourage
students to increase initiative and participation, help
students to be active in learning activities, improve
students' ability to communicate, and train students to
express their opinions.
Time Token Arends learning model is a learning
model that aims to have each member of the
discussion group get a chance to contribute in
expressing their opinions and listening to the views
and thoughts of other members. Time Token comes
from Time is time, and Token is means sign. Time
learning model Token is a special activity done by an
inner teacher cooperative learning with using cards to
talk with time limits determined. Time Token can
help share more equitably on each student
(Pramukantoro, 2013). The teacher gives a number of
speaking vouchers to each student. Before speaking
students submit the coupon first to the teacher. Each
show speaks one coupon. Students can appear again
after taking turns with other students. Students who
have run out of coupons should not talk anymore. The
student holding the coupon must speak until all the
coupons are gone. So, Time Token in the learning
process besides students discussing each other,
students also have the same opportunity to participate
in groups. This type of learning is expected help
students share actively as well foster effective
communication and passion among group members
(Suprijono, 2009). The steps of applying Time Token
Arends Learning Model in learning (Tukiran, 2012),
1) The teacher explains the purpose of learning in
this first activity, the teacher will explain the
purpose of learning and mentions the learning
steps that will be implemented in the learning
process later.
2) The teacher will condition the students to carry
out classical discussion in this activity. Teachers
will form several groups.
3) The teacher presents the issues that will be
discussed with the group members.
4) The teacher will give you a number of speaking
vouchers. In this activity each student will get a
coupon to speak as many as 2-3 coupons
(depending on the level of material difficulty).
This coupon is used to answer the given problem.
By using this coupon students will learn more to
practice their social skills and avoid students who
dominate the conversation or keep silent
5) The student will hand the coupon to the teacher to
get a chance to answer. Students who still hold the
coupon are entitled to spend the coupon, but
students who are out of coupons are not allowed
to answer again. So that all students will get the
opportunity to participate in the learning activities
take place and will look more alive or spirit.
6) Teacher will do reflection.
Indicators that express student activity in learning,
according to Diedrich cited by (Sardiman, 2009) can
be classified as follows:
a. Visual activities, for example: reading, watching
the images of demonstrations, experiments and
other people's work.
b. Oral activities, for example: stating, formulating,
asking, giving advice, issuing opinions,
conducting interviews, discussions, interruptions.
c. Listening activities, such as listening to a
description, a conversation, discussions,
speeches, music.
d. Writing activities, for example: writing stories,
essays, questionnaires, copying.
e. Drawing activities, for example: drawing, graphs,
maps diagram.
f. Monitor activities, for example: experimenting
with construction, reparation model, playing,
gardening, raising.
g. Mental activities, for example: responding,
remembering, solving problems, analyzing,
looking at relationships, making decisions.
h. Emotional activities, for example: interested,
bored, happy, passionate, passionate, brave, calm,
Based on the activity described above, the
activities that are suitable for sociology subject are
visual activities, oral activities, listening activities,
writing activities, mental activities and emotional
activities. This is because the subject of Sociology
aims to enable learners to have the following skills:
(1) Understanding Sociological concepts such as
Enhancement Student Activity using Time Token Arends Model on Sociology Subject