Surah Al-Baqarah / 2: 182, An-Nisaa '/ 4: 62 and 114,
Al-Qashash / 28: 19, Al -Hujurat / 49: 9 -10. Most of
the mentioned verses explain the importance of
reconciling each other, creating peace, and
prioritizing peace because peace is a matter of
bringing people to the ma’ruf (good). This shows the
need for a study of creating a peaceful life in a
pluralistic life.
Atack (2009) says that peace studies is
interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary, and
represents an amalgam of different academic
approaches applied to its core problems of war and
armed conflict. As such, peace studies does not have
its own distinctive methodology, but relies on
methodologies derived from other disciplines. Peace
theory is still very much a compilation of theories and
concepts derived from other disciplines, such as
international relations, political science, sociology,
philosophy and theology. According to Ajala (2003)
who defines peace and tolerance education as the type
of education that impacts in learners all norms, values
and attitudes that can bring about a conducive
environment for human living. Peaceful co-existence
and religious tolerance begins with the individual and
spreads to the family, school, community, nation, and
to the global village.
The study of the theory of peace is very urgent
given the very heterogeneous social conditions in
Indonesia in terms of differences in ethnicity,
religion, race and class. This distinction requires a
structured effort to organize a safe, peaceful, and
harmonious life, even in diversity. The diversity of
Indonesian society also has an impact on the political,
economic, socio-cultural, and religious aspects.
Therefore, efforts to disseminate the values of peace
need to be done in the family, school and social
2.3 Religious Education in the Family
Religious education, especially in Islam, always
strives to cultivate a respectful attitude toward others’
religious beliefs with clear principles and limits set
out in the Qur'an. Islamic education advocates a
tolerant attitude of life (tasamuh) by establishing a
harmonious relationship in life with other people with
different religions as long as it is not related to aspects
of worship. This is what needs to be emphasized in
the fostering of religious harmony in order to achieve
peace and harmony of life in different religions,
tribes, races and classes.
This is in accordance with the opinion of Ismail
(2013) which states that the Qur'an normatively
teaches the basic principles of pluralism in race,
ethnicity, or religion. Plurality in Islam is seen as
sunnatullah. Islam therefore promotes tolerance,
prohibits any form of religious coercion.
Similarly Effendi (1994) mentioned that in Islam,
doing good deeds, especially creating peace is not
only seen as a logical consequence of plural social
facts, but actually more than that; it also seen as a
religious teaching that contain the values of God and
humanity. Therefore, defending freedom of religion
to avoid a form of coercion of religion, and to
recognize religious pluralism, and to respect it with
which all are the prerequisites of a peaceful and
harmonious life, is part of the Muslim world.
One of the ways to instill the values of peace is
through religious education as a means of cultivating
the consciousness of living peaceful in different
beliefs. Through religious education, based on the
values of peace, it is expected to awaken the
understanding among the followers of religion
concerning beliefs and obedience that embodied in
daily attitudes, prays, rituals and religious
Although the majority of Indonesian population
embraced Islam, there are several other religions also
embraced; Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism,
Buddhism and Confucianism are examples of
religions that are also embraced by Indonesians.
Every religion has its own rules of worship. However,
this diversity is not a reason to be divided. As a
brother in the same homeland, we must organize the
religious community in Indonesia and build this
country to be better (Daradjat, 1996).
In Indonesian society, not a few families have
different religions either from father or mother
lineage. Religious differences between parents and
children, brothers and sisters, and other family
relationships have often been encountered. Therefore,
the religious differences that exist in family
relationships need to be well managed in order to
have a positive impact on family life. It does not
create conflicts and divisions and cracks in the family.
One theory that can be used in assessing the role
and function of families in religious education is the
theory of Functional Structural. Ritzer (2009) states
that the main concepts in this theory are function,
dysfunction, latent function, manifest function, and
balance (equilibrium). According to this theory,
society is a social system made up of interrelated and
unified parts of equilibrium. Changes that occur in
one part will affect and also bring changes to other
parts. The basic assumption is that any structure in a
social is functional against another. This indicates
that the family structure functionally impacts the
formation of a social society. While the theory of
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education