institution under the legitimate government remains
in effect. The zakat management institutions
established by the community are maintained
because the government is not able to solve the
social problems that exist, especially the welfare of
the poor (the poor). Especially with the many fraud
committed by government officials related to
financial issues (such as taxes) will be as difficult for
the government to attract trust (trust). The role of
zakat management institutions managed by the
community is needed to help the government.
An important issue that needs to be considered in
order to improve the quality of zakat institutions is
the existence of institutions that function to
supervise the performance of zakat management
institutions. Cross-sector cooperation in government
institutions is very important. The supervisory body
responsible for overseeing the activities of the zakat
institution shall be an authoritative institution and
composed of persons who have expertise in the field
of zakat such as Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). As
it is known that MUI exists at every level starting
from the central level, regency / municipality, sub-
district level, and village. Similarly, the existence of
many Amil Zakat Institutions in government or
private offices or banks is in synergy with the Amil
Zakat or LAZ Board that has received official
permission. It is very important that efforts to
improve the welfare of the poor can be easily done.
The selfish nature of inter-agency must be
eliminated by putting forward the goalA collective
zakat management encourages independent socio-
economic movement and establishes the
advancement of people’s welfare without any
waiting time for the government to subside with its
welfare programs. In its management, this collective
zakat management by transparent and professional
managers, so that it could raise the effectiveness of
zakat as a socio-economic institution. Through
responsible, effective, and efficient management,
zakat is closer and more effective to its main idea as
an instrument for minimizing the unfortunate people.
There is strong rationalization of collective zakat
management through the LAZ, that is: First, LAZ
functions as intermediate institution between the
givers and receivers of zakat, so that it could
preserve the dignity of the receivers (mustahiq) as
well as urge the givers (muzakki) to be sincere in
performing zakat. Second, LAZ actively reminds the
givers to fulfill their obligation as well as helps them
to count the amount of the zakat to be obliged.
Third, LAZ could be able to identify and classify the
receivers objectively and accurately so that the
redistribution and effectiveness of zakat could be
realized well and effective. Fourth, LAZ is needed in
order that the givers could not feel any more to the
zakat and could prevent the receivers’ position as the
Regarding the aspect of usage, zakat
management experiences a significant
transformation marked by such phenomena as
follow: Firstly, the revitalization, innovation, and
diversification of zakat managerial program to the
people’s welfare. The inclination of usage of zakat
fund by the LAZ focuses on development and
empowerment programs. Through the programs of
development and empowerment, the people would
have human capital, physical capital, financial
capital, and social capital needed to open up the
opportunities and better income. As the result of
Focus Group Discussion method with the managers
and volunteers of zakat management, it is known
that social capital usually forms a network with
others. This network functions in widening and
enlarging the supports for LAZ development,
building cooperation in accumulating and operating
zakat fund, and applying Islamic law based norms
and values.
By way of root definition, institutional relation is
a system of influential relation between levels (from
institutional level to organizational level, from
organizational level to individual level, from
individual level to organizational level, from
organizational level to institutional level), from
formal to informal elements in an interrelated way
(P), by way of recognizing policies, customs, shared
belief, conventions, norms, and rules (Q), in
fulfilling actors’ interests (R).
Conceptually, there are 11 (eleven) forms of
institutional relationships, that is: Firstly,
understanding the forms of institutional level
(macro) organizational level and social relationship
between individuals (micro). Secondly,
understanding the forms of institutional level of the
institutional environment (macro), organizational
level, and social relations or social networks
between individuals (micro). Thirdly, understanding
the influence of institutional level formed as
regulations or institutions, policies or state
intervention or free market to the organizational
level. Fourthly, understanding organization to be
survived by arranging formal rules suitable with the
demands of institutional environment. Fifthly
understanding organizational adaptation in
managing individual actions in the organization in
order to be suitable with the attainment of
organizational goal. Sixthly, understanding
individual responds to the organization in the forms