between regions and the disunity in the planning of
the border development. These problems have created
inconsistencies, which lead to disruption of
development programs (Budianta, 2010). Outer
Island, like Southwest Sumba, is also categorized as
border area. The detrimental characteristic of the
outer islands is usually one of the main challenges to
develop those area. In addition to geographically
distant from the capital of the country, outer islands
are generally isolated and have limited access to
facilities (Sciascia, 2013). From socio-cultural
perspective, the people who live there are generally
very bind to their traditional identity and often
resistant to change. Under such circumstances,
transnational crime is most likely to occur.
President Jokowi seems to understand the
problems of the people of outer islands. His
government has prioritized the construction of
connecting infrastructure, such as port harbors and
airports, in outer islands, including Sumba Island. In
the past, Sumba received renovation and expansion
projects of several ports and two airports. Nowadays,
Tambolaka Airport in Southwest Sumba can be
landed by large-bodied aircraft. Besides economic
development, the government has also emphasized
the importance of education since education can
accelerate the development and overcome various
problems in the outer island borders.
Gender difference is not an issue if it doesn’t lead to
gender inequality. Gender inequality per se is the
system and structure in which both men and women
are potential in becoming victim of injustice (Fakih,
2008). The understanding about gender inequality can
be deepened through existing manifestations
(Soekanto, 2002). There are five forms of gender
discrimination according to the Ministry of Women’s
Empowerment (2010): marginalization,
subordination, stereotype, violence and workload.
The first form of gender discrimination is women
marginalization. It is a term to describe the low status,
access and control of a person to economic political
resources in terms of decision-making (Hafidz,
1995). Marginalization, though is related to gender
injustice, is caused by gender difference. Many jobs,
namely kindergarten teachers or secretaries, are
claimed to be inferior to men's work and often affect
the salary differentials between men and women.
Besides marginalization, subordination is also
considered as gender discrimination. It is commonly
believed that one sex is considered more important
than the other. Tradition, religion and bureaucracy
often place women under men’s domination. The fact
also shows there are still community values that limit
the space and movement of women.
Marginalization and subordination are highly
correlated with the third form, stereotype, which
defined as a standard image of an entity inconsistent
with existing empirical reality. The stereotype based
on the gender notion shows that one particular sex is
inferior to the other. This condition leads to higher
number of discrimination and injustice. Stereotypes
can be found not only in the household level but also
in the workplace and society, even the government
and state level. The standard of value about the
women and men is quite different, yet such standard
is much detrimental to women. Women being labeled
as "housewives", are greatly disadvantaged once they
involve in men's activities, such as politics and
business. On the other hand, men being labeled as the
"breadwinner" tend to be overlooked.
The stereotypical view usually leads to the forth
form of gender discrimination, violence. The word
"violence" means an attack on the both physical and
psychological integrity of a person. Therefore,
violence is not only about physical attacks, such as
rape, beatings and torture, but also non-physical, such
as sexual and emotional harassment. The
perpetrator(s) can be any individual or group coming
from the household or society. The last form of
marginalization is in equal workload between men
and women. In a typical household, some types of
activities are performed by men, and the rest are done
by women. Current studies show women do almost
90% of the household work, but receive in equal
treatment when engaged in public sector
(KemenPPA, 2010).
The discussion above shows that gender
discrimination has spawned various inequalities in
family, society, nation and state. Apparently, women
experience inequality much more than men do. As a
result of gender discrimination, women's economic,
socio-cultural and political conditions are at a
disadvantage. This unfavorable condition will still
exist unless the people do something about it
(Lingam, 1994). According to the study of Gender
and Development, the important concept that must be
studied is women’s empowerment. Women who
undergo structural subordination are often hampered
in developing innovations. Therefore, in the context
of social relationships laden with gender construction,
women’s empowerment often has to be supported by
empowerment itself (Ebrahimi-far, 2007).