burden will be reduced because of declining reliance
of persons with disabilities, so that the allocation can
be diverted to social assistance and poverty
reduction, as well as increased taxes. Thus, the
embodiment of the inclusion of the labor market for
persons with disabilities that pay attention to aspects
of inclusion in recruitment, vocational training,
attitudes of the working environment, income,
duration of employment and promotion, access to
social protection and health, and voice, become
important as well as the magnitude of the
contribution given both at the individual,
social, private, and state
The appropriate labor market for people with
disabilities is the inclusion that meets the following
aspects: recruitment, vocational training, attitudes of
the working environment, income, duration of
employment, access to social protection and health,
and voice. Where any persons with disabilities are
included to get their rights in the labor market as
those who did not experience disabilities, without
any differences in their treatment. This is important
because inclusion has a major contribution to
economic growth, social capital and the wider
community not only for persons with disabilities
themselves, but also for businesses, and even
countries. Therefore, in order to realize inclusive
labor market for persons with disabilities, there need
a cooperation between government and private
sector to accommodate persons with disabilities in
the workforce. Conditioning work environment is
also important for the people with disabilities to be
working, therefore the need for a positive attitude
from both superiors and colleagues within accepting
and treating the labor with disabilities. In addition,
the regulation in the employment sector for the
people with disabilities need to be sharpened in
every aspect of the job, so that the rights of workers
with disabilities in every aspect can be protected
and fulfilled until they reached an inclusive labor
market for persons with disabilities.
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