Student’s Participatory Skill in Cooperative Learning with Gallery
Walk Type
Nisrina Nurul Insani and Sapriya Sapriya
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Gallery Walk, Participatory Skill.
Abstract: The objective condition of vocational high school (SMK) Teknologi Industri Pembangunan Cimahi
indicated that there was problem in students’ participatory skill namely lack of responsibility in
accomplishing the task, lack of initiative and creativity in learning, and lack of discipline and openness to
acquire new knowledge. This study was aimed to enhance students’ participatory skill. Population in this
quasi experiment were students of class X with sample were students of class X TEI B as experiment class
and students of class X TEI C as control class. The result of questionnaire given after implementing civic
education learning with cooperative learning model with gallery walk type showed that 68 percent of
students chose to often attentive to their friends’ idea during discussion, 44 percent of students chose to
actively take part in discussing learning task responsibly. In addition, 32 percent of students are able to
express the idea both with spoken or written and orally. The high percentage in indicator in this
questionnaire showed that cooperative learning with gallery walk type capable to improve students’
participatory skill.
The objective condition in field find that students of
SMK Teknologi Industri Pembangunan Cimahi had
not performed their participatory skill optimally.
For example, lack of responsibility for learning task
and work assigned, lack of initiative and creativity in
learning and working during on-the-job training,
lack of discipline and openness to search new
knowledge in industrial world. Basically, that
problem occurs because learning process in school
had not optimal to develop students’ participatory
skill. If that problem is not solved, then students
after graduated will find difficulty to compete in
getting the job in work field. Therefore, learning
strategy development is needed which is suited to
develop students’ participatory skill. This study
aims to develop learning strategy which is
appropriate to develop students’ participatory skill.
Learning strategy which is synergy with learning
style indicate interactive influence between learning
strategy and thinking style to enhance learning
outcome in understanding concept and applying
concept (Purwowidodo, 2016). The cooperative
learning model with galley walk type is one strategy
which can be used in civic education learning to
enhance students’ civic skill particularly skill to
understand concept and interaction or participation.
Gallery walk is learning style to asses and recall
what had been learned (Siberman, 2014;
Machmudah and abdul, 2008). Gallery walk method
is intended that each group member has opportunity
to give their contribution and listen to other member
thinking and view (Asmani, 2011; Uno and
Mohamad, 2011). The concept of gallery walks
according to Francek (2006) is that “Gallery walk is
a discussion technique that gets students out of their
chairs and actively involved in synthesizing
important science concepts, writing and public
speaking. The technique also cultivates listening
and team building skills.”
Gallery Walk is an activity that allows the
students to actively generate and display their ideas
around the classroom in an interactive way. These
shared responses are group project in the learning
community. This discussion technique gets students
out of their seats and into a mode of active
engagement. It allows for formative assessment, as
teachers can see students’ levels of understanding
about topics of study. It means that, the students
make a discussion that allows them to gets out from
their chairs in order to get a point of the topics. This
activity helps students to understand the topic by
Insani, N. and Sapriya, S.
Student’s Participatory Skill in Cooperative Learning with Gallery Walk Type.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 20-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
discussing the material together among the
participants in the classroom. It helps teacher to
brainstorm the students to increasing their
knowledge” (Perez, 2014).
The procedure of galley walk among others are:
Divide students into some groups consist of two
until four members. Instruct each group to discuss
the material in the lesson they had been taken. Then
instruct them to make a list in wide paper containing
this learning outcome. Attach that list on the wall.
Instruct students to walk around each list. Instruct
each student to give checklist mark near the learning
outcome which also he/she can obtain in another list
other than his/her own list. Survey the result,
observe the learning outcome which is obtained
most general. Explain the rest of learning outcome
which is unusual or unexpected (Silberman, 2014).
One advantage of galley walk is “gallery walk
facilitate students to create a work based on
understanding and creativity of each student toward
a problem or task given” (Persada, 2015). Whereas,
the disadvantage of this method is if there are too
many members in group, then some students will
rely on their friends’ work, teacher needs to be extra
careful in monitoring and assessing individual
activeness and collectively and class setting
arrangement which is more complex (Gufron, 2011).
Branson (1998) stated that “If citizens are to
exercise their rights and discharge their
responsibilities as members of self-governing
communities, they not only need to acquire a body
of knowledge such as that embodied in the five
organizing questions just described; they also need
to acquire relevant intellectual and participatory
skills.” Civic skills comprise intellectual skills and
participatory skills in the life of nation and state.
The example of intellectual skill is skill in
responding various political problems such as
designing dialog with Regional Representative
Body. The example of participatory skill is skill in
using right and duty in law, such as contact and
report to the police when they know the criminality
(Muchtarom, 2011; Sadeli and Wati, 2013).
The National Standards for Civics and
Government and Civics Framework for the 1988
National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP), (Branson, 1998) “categorize these skills as
identifying and describing; explaining and
analyzing; and evaluating, taking, and defending
positions on public issues.” Those skills can be
categorized as interacting, monitoring, and
influencing” (Branson, 1998). This participatory
skill can be described as interaction, monitoring and
This study used experimental quasi type with Non-
equivalent Control Group Design as method of
study. Quasi experimental method is the study
which almost the same with real experiment, the
difference can be seen in its control which only done
to one variable (Sukmadinata, 2005). Whereas The
Non-equivalent Control Group Design divide subject
into two groups which will be given pre-test, then
given treatment, and finally given post-test(Emzir,
2009). Population in this study are students of class
X (tenth) in SMK Teknologi Industri (TI)
Pembangunan Cimahi. Sample consist of two
groups namely class X TEI-C as control class with
total of 25 students and class X TEI-B as experiment
class with total of 25 students.
Data collection technique used in this study is
test and questionnaire. Test used in this study is
achievement test made by teacher (researcher),
consist of two stage of test namely pre-test and post-
test. Test is multiple choice test which is adapted
from the item made by Muttaqin (2016) for Civic
Education item about the right and duty in
democracy. The questionnaire used in this study is
closed questionnaire. The questionnaire in this
study is arranged based on questionnaire adaptation
which had made earlier by Sulianti (2015) and
Yulistian (2015) about questionnaire which measure
“participatory skill.” The form of questionnaire use
Likert model with SSHA (Survey of Study Habits
and Attitudes) type from Brown and Holtzman
which had been adjusted with study theme with
scale as follow: 5 = Always; 4= Often;
3=Sometimes; 2 = Seldom and 1 = Never.
3.1 Students’ Participatory Skill in
Cooperative Learning Model with
Gallery Walk Type
Participatory skill can be outlined as interaction,
monitoring and influencing. Interaction relate to
communication ability and cooperate with the
others. Monitoring relate to ability in influencing
political and governmental processes. Participatory
skill is found in learning by using gallery walk
demand students to work collaboratively, discussion,
and correct their understanding toward learning
material learned directly to enhance student’s
activity particularly in group discussion and
presentation of group work result. Students can
Student’s Participatory Skill in Cooperative Learning with Gallery Walk Type
work individually and in group, and able to
responsible for all individual and group tasks
(Yusnidar, 2014; Kahayun et al., 2015). Wood and
Janis (2001), there are two benefits that can be
delivered by Gallery Walk strategy. The first benefit
is to provide participants with the opportunity to
think about and share the process that is used to
read, write, or speak. The second benefit is to
facilitate a comparison between the participants’
descriptions of their reading, writing work with the
presenter’s work. It can be concluded that Gallery
walk let the students to share idea with other about
their own opinion of the work. Therefore, learning
model of gallery walk indirectly will be able to train,
develop and enhance students’ participatory skill
because the learning process fulfill participatory
skill indicator namely interaction, monitoring and
The result of questionnaire analysis for
experiment class explains that 68 percent of students
in experiment class choose to attentive to their
friends’ idea during discussion in group, 44 percent
of students choose to actively discuss learning task
responsibly, and express the idea during discussion.
In addition, observation result during learning
process shows that students’ learning activity both
individually and in group is enhanced. Learning
activity done by students among others are attentive
to teachers when explaining learning material, read
learning material, discuss together in group, write
discussion result in carton paper then attach it on the
class wall, and assess work result of another group
by giving checklist on writing they agreed as correct.
That data proves that cooperative learning model
with gallery wall type capable to enhance students’
participatory skill. Laura (2011) explains that there
are some procedures that involve in gallery walk
strategy as follow: start from teacher explain about
the component of Gallery walk, and teacher give the
brainstorm about possible roles that related with they
discuss, after that the students divide to be some
group give the time to show what they know on their
poster or images. The students work together to
show what they know about their posters, after that
the teacher call each group to front of the class and
express the result of discussion their posters around
the room, and show what they know about it”.
That 68 percent of students attentive to their
friends’ idea during discussion in group is part of
interaction in participatory skill. This is in accord
with the idea which explain that “interaction skill
comprises listen attentively, question effectively,
express thinking and feeling, and manage the
conflict through mediation, compromise and
agreement” (Winarno, 2013). Actively discussing
learning task responsibly can be categorized as
monitoring ability. This is in accord with the study
which explained that “the ability in monitoring
public issue comprise research public issue through
literature study and field study, attend public
meetings, and observe political and court process”
(Winarno, 2013). Discuss together learning task
can be means that students learn to research the
issues emerged in literature study. Express the ideas
during discussion in front of group or class is part of
the ability in influencing. This is in accord with
literature study which state that “the ability in
influencing public issues comprise make petition,
public speaking, make testimony for the public
bodies, involve in advocacy group, build alliance,
and vote” (Winarno, 2013).
3.2 Participatory Skill Difference in
Students Who Use Cooperative
Learning Model with Gallery Walk
Type and Concept Map
Based on questionnaire result of students in two
classes in this study, both experiment class and
control class had showed good participatory skill.
Civic participatory skill in the form of interaction act
is showed by 52 percent of students in experiment
class and 44 percent of students in control class who
state that always monitor and tolerate or understand
among each other. Then monitoring skill is showed
by students who often attentive to their friends’ idea
during discussion in group, 68 percent of students in
experiment class and 48 percent of students in
control class. Civic skill in influencing is showed by
44 percent of students in experiment class who
choose to express the idea during discussion, and 52
percent of students in control class who choose to
build cooperation with the others.
After seeing data of questionnaire result above, it
can be known that there is significant difference in
participatory skill between class who use
cooperative learning model with gallery walk type
and class who use concept map. That there is no
significant difference due to two learning types are
categorized in cooperative learning model which
have advantage and disadvantage characteristics
which are almost the same and not much differ in its
application process in learning. The advantage
which can be showed in cooperative learning with
gallery walk type and concept map is that learning
process together in group result in interaction among
students so peer’s tutors can help and tutor each
other. The task which is done together by rewriting
learning material in the form of table in galley walk
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
learning or drawing it in thinking map containing
concept in concept map learning, both help students’
memory and understanding toward the material
Evaluation of limitation of this method found
that there are some members of group who are very
active in doing most tasks and less able to cooperate
with their friends in group. There are also some
members of group who are less active and less
attentive in learning process. In addition, there is
group who less able to explain the material or
concept learned in depth. Basically these limitations
which had been explained in literature study should
be anticipated. Another limitation of cooperative
learning is: if learning is not designed well and
appropriately, then this cooperative learning method
can make some members of group to do all or most
tasks (in learning), whereas the other members doing
nothing and just following the task result which had
been done (Slavin, 2009).
“Cooperative learning groups can offer
potentially valuable learning opportunities, but
teachers need to be aware that simply adopting one
of the cooperative learning structures does not
necessarily promote deep engagement. On the
contrary, teachers should expect some resistance,
and the following issues should be carefully
considered” (Herrmann, 2013).
3.3 The Effectiveness of Cooperative
Learning Model with Gallery Walk
Type to Enhance Students’
Participatory Skill in Civic
Education Learning
Learning is said effective if achieve the desired
target, both from learning goal and student’s
achievement which is maximal. Some indicators of
learning effectiveness are: achievement of learning
accomplishment, achievement of student activity
effectiveness namely suitability between material
content and student ability, achievement of teacher
ability effectiveness in managing learning such as
learning time proportion dedicated to teaching
learning activity, and students give positive response
to learning in which in average they do the task
(Sinambela, 2006; Baroroh, 2009).
If seeing the result of finding and analysis,
cooperative learning model of gallery walk type is
effective in enhancing students’ participatory skill in
civic education learning. This is evidenced by
effectiveness of student’s activity between material
content and student ability, in which students can
give checklist mark to their friend’s result as
agreement and they are equally understanding the
material given. The effectiveness of teacher ability
in managing learning is by high percentage of
learning time dedicated to teaching learning activity,
and students give positive response to learning
which is showed by student’s excitement in writing
and drawing concept material on carton paper by
using color marker accompanied by creativity by
adding another picture and symbol as supporting
Civic education learning by using cooperative
learning model of gallery walk type had fulfilled the
indicator of effective learning in enhancing students’
participatory skill. Gallery walk can make students
attentive to their friends’ idea during discussion,
express their idea during discussion, and tolerate and
understand among each other. It had showed that
students had possessed good participatory skill
namely interaction, monitoring and influencing.
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