People’s Readiness in Confronting with the Construction of
Cisumdawu Toll Road
Pradikta Prisma Waris Damier
Sociology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: People’s readiness, The Construction of Cisumdawu Toll Road.
Abstract: There is an incompatibility between expectation and reality in the process of the construction of Cisumdawu
Toll Road appearing various responses from the people of Citali village. The process is not only physical but,
it requires people’s readiness in dealing with the development. It takes a preparation so that generates the
balance of life between people’s condition and the environment. Using a qualitative approach with a case
study method where data is collected by observing and interviewing the people of Citali village. This study
aims to detect how people’s readiness in confronting the construction of Cisumdawu toll road. People’s
reaction is variety, a positive or negative response depending on what they sense. Almost the majority people
are ready for the development, viewed by utilizing their compensation of the acquitting land efficiently.
However, a few people show that they are unprepared. Besides that, the development process affects the
alteration on the people of Citali village in the environment aspect, social and economic.
The alteration is an attempt of change based on a
certain perspective choice that aims to escalate a
standard of living spiritually and materially
(Soekanto, 2006). Nowadays, the infrastructure
availability is getting improved in Indonesia. The
infrastructure sector is one of the vital sectors that can
trigger the economic development which is an
elementary sector that links various economy
activities (Purwoto and Kurniawan, 2009). The
infrastructure construction could role in materializing
people rights basic such as an economy, security,
education, health etc. so that they could lead to a
better nation than it was before. The highway
construction is of the infrastructure development
forms which are planned to do. It aims to decrease the
traffic rate that occurs frequently in Indonesia. Even
though, during utilizing the highway costs more but,
people’s needs of a highway is beyond the cost.
Regarding The Indonesian Constitution No.
38/2004 article 44 on Roads mentioned that:
The highway is a common road which is part of
the roads network system and as a national road
whose users are supposed to pay. Highway as a part
of the road network system is also an alternate route.
But, in certain circumstance, the highway could not
be an alternate route.
The aims and benefits of highway construction
according to Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT
The aims of highway construction:
Unleashing the traffic flow in develop area
Escalating distribution of goods and services to
support economic development
Improving the equity as the result of the
Decreasing government financed by
participating of using toll road
The benefits of highway construction:
The toll road construction allowing an impact on
regional development and economic
The increasing of people mobility and
The users will save time and vehicle operating
cost (BOK) compared to cross non-toll road
Business entity will have a feedback of
investment through toll road income depending
on toll roads tariff
The construction of Cisumdawu toll road which is
one of the toll road projects that crosses Cileunyi-
Damier, P.
People’s Readiness in Confronting with the Construction of Cisumdawu Toll Road.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 81-85
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Sumedang and Cirebon Dawuan. This toll road is a
continually plan from the south that will link
Cikampek Purwakarta Padalarang and Cileunyi
toll to the north Cikampek - Palimanan Cirebon
Dawuan. The construction of toll road in Sumedang
regency is generally one of the efforts to increase and
maintain the infrastructure services in backing the
region growth, especially for the people of Citali
village, Pamulihan district, Sumedang.
The people of Citali village is of the impacted
victim of land acquitting for Cisumdawu toll. Almost
3.207 hectares of Citali village are acquitted but, only
2.747 hectares released. Citali village is a circle
center where the Cisumdawu toll is going to
construct. However, the construction of Cisumdawu
toll is finished yet. The land execution is at 91 %, the
rest of them is in the process of negotiation with the
toll authority. The construction process of
Cisumdawu toll seems to slow even though in the
progress not decline.
People are the success factor in the development
process where utilizing people’s land as an area for
the construction of Cisumdawu toll road will
definitely affect them. Therefore, it requires
cooperation from all sides particularly the people.
Sometimes, the factor of people’s willingness
becomes a failure reason of the development. The
people’s readiness is “the degree to which a
community is ready to take action on an issue” (Marry
Ann Pentz on (Edwards, Jumper-thurman, Plested,
Oetting, and Swanson, 2000). The development can
be said success if the people have been ready
otherwise if the people were not ready for the
development then it could probably fail. The people
readiness variable can be viewed from the perception
and motivation of an individual on an issue and the
response to the issue (Wijaya and Wiryawan, 2013).
In constructing Cisumdawu toll road, the people
willingness viewed form their response also
utilization the compensation from the acquitting land.
The response describes how far people knowledge
and response in the development. While utilizing the
compensation is one of the behaviors in preparing
themselves for the Cisumdawu toll road construction.
Surely, either the response or the behavior is showed
differently based on what they feel.
Besides that, the toll road construction is an
attempt planned/policy where the impact is
unpredictable. The effect of policy can be detected
from the change of people’s behavior after the policy
was implemented or the change of people’s condition
(Dye on (Janu Muhammad, Aan Pambudi, 2015). The
alteration affects and directs the people of Citali
village in the environment sector, social and
economy. Moreover, the direction of the change does
not always allow a positive impact on the people.
Therefore, it requires a preparation and readiness in
the process of Cisundawu toll road construction so
that can minimize the negative effect due to the
This study about the people’s readiness in facing the
construction of Cisumdawu toll road is performed in
the people of Citali village. The informant selection
in this study is purposive by determining the number
of informant corresponding with data adequacy. The
informant is selected by certain consideration such as
they feel directly the impact of Cisumdawu toll road
construction including local government agency and
local figure Pamulihan district, Sumedang. The
people of Citali village is one of the impacted people
due to the construction of Cisumdawu toll road.
Through qualitative approach with a case study
method, this study is not about to examine the
hypothesis but, try to sum up some different
information from every informant about people’s
readiness in confronting the construction of
Cisumdawu toll road so that obtaining obvious
describing. Data collection is by observing,
interviewing, literature study and documentation
study. It is expected that there will be an answer also
comprehension about people’s readiness in
confronting with a development.
3.1 People’s Response on the
Construction of Cisumdawu Toll
Citali village is one of the villages located in
Pamulihan district, Sumedang regency, West Java.
Monograph data in 2013 showed that the number
population of Citali village were about 4.057 people
with population density 365 per Km2. Citali village is
one of the impacted villages due to the construction
project of Cisumdawu toll road. The result of this
study shows that the people of Citali village have a
different response to the construction. The responses
are the result of the construction process. The
response will appear when one or a group of people
feel the presence of an object then interpret the felt
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
object. It means that basically, a response is a
comprehension process on what occurs in the
environment, man and their behaviors, are the
symbiosis mutualism to deny the object
(Poerwadarminta, 1993).
The response structures consist of three
components that back one another which is a
cognitive component, affective and conative. From
these components, then, it comes up a response
whether it is a positive or negative (Saifuddin, 2000).
The people of Citali village gives a positive and
negative answer corresponding with what they
recognize and sense due to the construction of
Cisumdawu toll road. Basically, the people agree
even deliver a warm welcome for the construction
because of the positive impact that they will have
after the construction completes. The people realize
that the benefit of the construction of Cisumdawu toll
road is not only sensed by the villagers but, also for
other people who utilize the infrastructure. It cannot
be denied that there is a possibility for some of them
are not delighted with the construction. In this scale,
the study tries to figure out how the people of Citali
village respond on the construction process of
Cisumdawu toll road which is people’s knowledge
(depth comprehensive), participation, and their
reaction to the development.
Based on knowledge category, most people of
Citali village recognize the plan of Cisumdawu toll
road construction but, not all people figure it out
about the construction. It is because the socialization
program is delivered to some representations so that
information would not be socialized very well. Their
understanding of the construction is limited by what
they detect and observe when the process of
construction is still ongoing but, they do not
recognize every detail such as the sides who involve
in this construction.
Based on an affective category, cannot be denied
that there some who are apathetic about the
construction of Cisumdawu toll road so that they do
not concern on the construction process. Some of
them agree forcedly with the construction because of
the negative effect that they sense. However, there
some get involved in the construction process in the
form of material, idea, and energy. It can be seen from
their participation in the construction. Sometimes the
villagers provide some foods or shelter for the
workers. To bridge the aspiration between them and
the toll road authority, the villagers form a group that
is called “the ninth Committee (panitia Sembilan)”.
Viewed from the field, the people’s responses are
quite different. Some feel delighted with the
construction because they benefit a lot.
3.2 People’s Readiness in Dealing with
the Construction of Cisumdawu
Toll Road
The readiness of Citali village people on the
construction of Cisumdawu toll road viewed from the
compensation. How efficient they are in utilizing the
compensation of the acquitting land. The result of this
study shows that almost most people have been
prepared for the construction.
Before the construction, the people have not
prepared themselves, the preparation is performed
physically and mentally after the compensation is
approved. Before the compensation, the people
conciliate with the toll road authority to meet an
agreement for both sides. The people demand more
money but, the finance is minimum. Until the
conciliation completed, there was still barrier during
the acquitting land. The compensation is
corresponded with the central government regulation
and based on the decision of local government
Sumedang regency. The people are disappointed with
the compensation which has been agreed and
There is a different compensation for the
acquitting land, replaced by an empty land for the
shelter or farm. The difference is viewed from a zone
of a construction or the area is located. There are five
zones, to determine the location and land which is
impacted for the acquitting land, consist of Zone 1 is
also an expensive zone because its location in the
roadside of Regency road; Zone 2, the villagers
shelter; Zone 3 is located in the alley; Zone 4 is the
farm in the roadside; and Zone 5 is the farm far from
the road. Besides that, for the productive land, the
compensation costs more due to the plants grow the
land. A small tree or wood is priced 5000 IDR per tree
and for the large tree is priced 25000 IDR per tree.
The calculation for the compensation is measured by
the meter for the shelter while for the land is measured
by hectare.
In 2009, the compensation was priced cheaper
than in 2014. In 2014, the compensation for the
shelter was priced 3 billion IDR per meter while for
the land was priced 2.5 billion IDR. In 2009, the land
was priced 850.000 IDR per meter while for the
shelter was priced 1.350.000 IDR.
In utilizing the compensation, almost the majority
people utilize it for a new house. The compensation
that they get is enough but, not enough to spend the
money on the other secondary needs. In addition, a
house that they buy costs more than the house that
they release for acquitting. To press the cost, they are
likely to buy cheap material for the house so that there
is a little compensation to be saved. Sometimes they
choose to utilize the compensation for venture capital.
People’s Readiness in Confronting with the Construction of Cisumdawu Toll Road
The people realize that the construction of
Cisumdawu toll road does not lead them to the low
level instead bring them to the high level. Even the
people of Manco hamlet (RW 02) in Citali village
utilize the compensation to open their home industry.
But, it depends on the individual self. How clever
they are to utilize the compensation efficiently for the
important thing. There is a possibility that some are
going to be consumptive because they have money in
their hand and spend money on the secondary needs.
Until there is an expression for the people of Citali
village “Ninja heula karek imah” (Buy expensive bike
then house). Their behavior is led by social climber
behavior where they will not be perceived inferior to
other villagers.
The type of those people tends to go hard with
their sustainability lives. Proven by the property that
they own. The bike is broken, the payment is ongoing,
money run out and the house is not completed yet.
Sometimes to cover the shortfall, they borrow some
money. Besides that, there few people who are
courageous enough to build a house around the
boundary of Cisumdawu toll road or the villagers call
this phenomenon as “Rumah Hantu” (ghost house).
They purposely build “Rumah Hantu” (ghost house)
so that they can get another compensation to cover
their shortfall.
The people include the type of people who could
not manage the compensation properly and can be
said as the unprepared people in dealing with the
construction of Cisundawu toll road. However, it only
happens to a few people of Citali village. The
majority of villagers have been prepared for the
3.3 The Alteration Before and After
the Construction Process of
Cisumdawu Toll Road
Generally, the concept of development is a process or
an attempt of change that is performed purposely to
accomplish a better life than before. So that the
development comprises all change process that is
executed consciously not only progressing economic
aspect but, involving social culture aspect, and
environment (Putra, 2013). To find out the alteration
that occurs in the people of Citali village, the
researcher interviewed the people of Citali village.
This study is carried out intensively so that the answer
is getting clear. The alteration before and after the
process of construction Cisumdawu toll road is not
described completely yet because of the construction
process is ongoing. In this case, a lot of change in the
environment condition, social, and economic. The
findings of this study are displayed in this table 1, 2
and 3 below:
Table 1: The result study of the change of environment
condition in Citali Village.
Environment, cool
weather and shady.
No air pollution
Hot weather, air
polution, erosion
Good Village Road
Poor Village Road if
rain it becomes slippy
and muddy
Good Sanitation
Poor Sanitation
Clean Water easy to
Clean water hard to
The Availability of
The In availability of
Education Infrastructure
Source: Data Result of Qualitative Research (2014)
Table 2: The result study of the change of social condition
in Citali Village.
The number of
population 4. 057
Decreasing the number
of population about 5%
High careness
High careness
Good Social
Not working properly
Source: Data Result of Qualitative Research (2014)
Table 3: The result study of the change of economic
condition in Citali Village.
Income only for
fulfilling daily needs
A permanent shelter
Decreasing agriculture
Improved and
Source: Data Result of Qualitative Research (2014)
Based on the tables that are explained above, can
be viewed that the construction of toll road allows
such an alteration on the condition of the lives of
people of Citali village. For environment aspect, it is
unfortunate that the construction of Cisumdawu toll
road changes into bad condition than before. For
social condition, the construction affects a small
change. Compared to economic aspect, the change
seems large viewed from their income, property and
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
their job. The development of infrastructure impacts
a quite big in the economic aspect. Where the
development as the main trigger to open wide new
vacancy job outside farm sector and it changes the
people income to the high level if compared to before
the development (Iek, 2013).
The development is one of the planned efforts that
aim to improve the quality of people’s lives to be
better than before. The development succeeded if all
development aspects involved. The people is the
success factor in the development, especially the
people’s readiness in dealing with the development
process will allow such an impact on the success of
the development process. The prepared people in
confronting with the development surely will benefit.
Otherwise, the unprepared people on the development
will affect their sustainability lives. At least, if the
people get prepared for the development, they are
expected to be able to minimize all negative effects.
Based on the result of this study, there several
describes are obtained which are:
The response of Citali people on the construction
of Cisumdawu toll road, some deliver positive and
negative impacts. Their positive response when they
tend to approve the construction, otherwise, the
negative response comes up when they disagree or
even deny the construction. They will show their
ignorance or uninvolved with the construction
The people’s preparedness in dealing with the
construction of Cisumdawu toll road can be detected
from how good they are at utilizing the compensation.
It seems obvious that the people of Citali village have
been prepared with the construction, it can be proven
by utilizing the compensation efficiently. There some
are unprepared because they only think of the
temporary pleasure without planning their future.
The construction of Cisumdawu toll road delivers
the change of people’s lives in Sumedang especially
the people of Citali village who are the impacted
victim from the acquitting land. However, because
the construction is in the physic implementation
phase, the alteration still seems small scale. The
environment condition, the change directs to
degradation. In social aspect, the change does not
give a large impact. In the economic aspect, the
before and the after change seems obvious. The lives
of the impacted people of the acquitting land escalate
to fold than before.
The main researcher would like to thank all of those,
who have helped the completion of the research. As
well as deep appreciation was given to the Citali
villagers affected by the construction of the
Cisumdawu Toll Road, especially the Village's
apparatus and their staffs, as well as community
leaders who have been very helpful in providing the
necessary information in this research.
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