Developing Local Advantage and Self Potential Character Based
Teaching Learning Model to Prevent Human Trafficking in West
Kalimantan Borders
Endang Purwaningsih, Yohanes Bahari and Fatmawati Fatmawati
Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Keywords: West Kalimantan Borders, Teaching Learning Model, Local Advantage and Self-Potential Character,
Human Trafficking.
Abstract: Sajingan Besar, one of the Indonesia-Malaysia region border, is extremely vulnerable and has a huge human
trafficking potential. This research aims to develop character strengthening using teaching learning model of
basic school students in Sajingan Besar to prevent human trafficking. Character strengthening of students is
carried out by extra-curricular activities at school through socio-drama. Socio-drama manuscript material is
sourced from local advantage and student’s self potential character. This study used a Research and
Development design. In the first year of study, we explored the values of local advantages and self-potential
before then develop a character strengthening teaching learning model. Data collection techniques were
interview, observation, and documentation study. Data analysis technique used interactive models. The
subjects of study are students, teachers, and headmasters of two elementary schools and two junior high
schools in the border of Sajingan Besar district, Sambas, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The findings of study
show that: 1) there are some values of local advantages, namely "balalek" or mutual assistance (containing
value of caring and solidarity), and a close relationship value (containing value of shared causes). In
addition, there are self-potentials in the form of determination to move forward, motivation to study, as well
as self-esteem 2) Character strengthening learning model is an internalization of local advantages and self-
potential through character based socio-drama extra-curricular activities. In socio-drama extra-curricular
activities, there is an internalization of caring, solidarity, shared causes, determination to go forward,
motivation to study, and self-esteem values through a process of moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral
action. As a result, there, expectedly, are outcomes of self-awareness on continuing to higher education and
determination to face various social problems in society such as human trafficking.
Sajingan Besar is one of the border region in West
Kalimantan, Indonesia which is adjacent to Serawak,
Malaysia. It takes only an hour to go from Sajingan
Besar to Serawak, while it takes approximately 4
hours for 88 KM to Sambas, The Sambas District
Capital Road infrastructure from Sambas to Sajingan
Besar is mostly dirt road, creating less access and
interest for the society to go there. They go to
Sarawak instead.
Many critical problems occur in the border
region. Poverty along with the lack of facility and
infrastructure causing a lot of school-age children to
be dropouts. According to Education Department of
Sajingan Besar, in 2012, Elementary dropout
students are 57% out of 1.698, while the junior high
dropouts are 52%out of 461 students. Dropout is a
phenomenon happening in a lot of developing
countries. It is defined as young children, who enroll
in school and for some reason other than death leave
school before completing the grade without
transferring to another school (Chugh, 2011). There
are plentiful reasons for children to dropout. Nepal is
a primary example where large number of children
dropout from schools due to poverty and social
backwardness (Wagle, 2012). According to
Braveman and Gruskin, (2003) lack of access to
education, especially primary education, is
increasingly recognized both as the denial of rights
and inextricably connected with poverty and ill-
health. Children mainly drop out of school due to
economic and social reasons (Wagle, 2012).
Purwaningsih, E., Bahari, Y. and Fatmawati, F.
Developing Local Advantage and Self Potential Character Based Teaching Learning Model to Prevent Human Trafficking in West Kalimantan Borders.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 99-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Shahidul and Karim’s (2015) suggest that several
inter-related socials, economic, school and cultural
factors affect school dropouts. Research about
dropout has rarely been done, especially in the
border area of West Kalimantan. Harun (1998)
found that geographical, socio-economic, and
cultural factors are among the top influences for the
parents to decide their children’s education. Bunau
et al. (2009) showed that socio-culture, economy,
geography and demography are the main reasons of
dropout students in border region.
This dropout problem is an important
investigation when faced by other critical problems
in West Kalimantan Border, human trafficking.
Thontowi (2012) noticed that immigration-related
violations, illegal logging and human trafficking,
have tendencies to increase in both quality and
quantity. Dasgupta et al. (2006) stated that the
number of trafficking in West Kalimantan is the
third biggest number in Indonesia (West Kalimantan
is the third), 2004). Human trafficking is an almost
untraceable crime, so it is hard to know its exact
number. According to International Organization for
Migration (IOM), identified human trafficking cases
in Indonesia, hitherto 2014, were 7.193 persons.
732 of whom were from West Kalimantan, and had
been exploited while working in Malaysia (Akhir,
Research finding of Kusumawardhani (2010)
obtained the main factor causing trafficking;
education. Kusantati et al. (2009) discovered poverty
and education as the main triggers for human
trafficking. Poverty causes dropouts, low education
level, which in turn correlates to human trafficking.
Swasono (2004), former Women Empowerment
Minister, asserted that school has undeniable role to
prevent human trafficking, by improving children
participation rate in education and maintaining it.
Teacher can provide various information regarding
human trafficking.
This study developed character strengthening
learning model to exacerbate awareness for higher
education and strengthen against human trafficking.
This learning model will develop character based on
local excellence as well as students’ potential.
Through this, students’ character is erected through
role play in extracurricular activities as an effort
taken to prevent human trafficking in the basic
school-age children (Elementary and Junior High).
2.1 Local Excellence and Self-Potential
Based Character Strengthening
Learning Model
Learning model developed in this study is a
character strengthening model through students’
activities at school. It uses several character based
educational approach. Character education is the
deliberate effort to cultivate virtue that is objectively
good human qualities that are good for the
individual person and good for the whole society
(Lickona, 2001). Kristjánsson (2013) defines
“virtues” as morally good character. Benninga
(2003) explains, character education can be defined
via relationship virtues (e.g., respect, fairness,
civility, tolerance) or performance virtues (e.g.,
diligence, self-discipline, effort, perseverance) or a
combination of the two. In correlation to Lickona
(2001), character education intentionally instill
righteousness whether it is related to performance
based on local excellence and wisdom or potential of
the society itself. For each society, especially in
Sajingan Besar border, there are a lot of local
excellence or character potential. We can dig each
value as a virtue to be instilled at school.
Local excellence is the value of the local wisdom
owned by the society. It can be defined as a
collection of knowledge, practices and beliefs that
evolved through adaptive process (adjustment)
passed from generation to generation through
culture, associated to the relationship between living
beings (including humans) with the surrounding
environment (Dahliani et al., 2015). Local wisdoms
point to local knowledge, practices, and beliefs
which are valued positively by the society. Wagiran
(2012) categorizes local wisdom into two, non-
physically and physically. Above definition is non-
physical. Physical wisdom includes artifacts that
adorn and have symbolic meanings. Furthermore,
Wagiran (2012) explains that local wisdom includes
(1) thoughts, behavior, and action towards arts, and
literature, such as philosophic literatures (wulang),
(2) thoughts, behavior, and action towards cultural
artifacts, like keris, temple, decoration, painting, etc.
(3) thoughts, behavior, and action towards social
relations, like politeness, decency.
According to Character Education Partnership
(2008), human maturity includes the capacity to love
and the capacity to work. Character strengths such as
empathy, fairness, trustworthiness, generosity, and
compassion are aspects of our capacity to love.
Character strengths such as effort, initiative,
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
diligence, self-discipline, and perseverance
constitute our capacity to work. Character Education
Partnership (2008) views ability to love as having
moral character strength, while ability to work as
having performance character. Further, it explains
“The moral and performance aspects of character are
mutually supportive. The moral aspects, besides
enabling us to treat each other with fairness, respect,
and care, ensure that we pursue our performance
goals in ethical rather than unethical ways”
(Character Education Partnership, 2008). Moral and
performance aspect in a character are supportive
towards one another. Moral character cannot only
make us fair, decent and care; but also ensure us
using ethical ways to obtain our goal.
In the context of this study, self-potential means
capability to love and work, but are still dormant
inside the students. These capabilities, which are not
visible and require nurturance, need to be improved
to shape smart and decent students. Such process in
character education will actualize students’ potential
as the real capacity. The learning model deliberately
develops good virtue to protect both elementary and
junior high students against human trafficking. The
material is selected based on the study of local
excellence and students’ potential.
2.2 Character Strengthening Model
through Socio-drama
Extracurricular Activities to
Prevent Human Trafficking
According to Indonesia’s Grand Design for
Character Education (2010), one of the strategy for
character development is extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities are all form of activities
conducted outside the classroom or school, and are
optional for students. These activities aim to enrich
students’ life throughout various activities such as
art, sports and others. In the extra-curricular
activities, we can develop the character of students.
Socio-dramas is one of the role play extracurricular
activities that can be the media to develop the
student's character. 'Socio-drama is a group learning
process focused on providing practice in solving
problems of human relations' (Sternberg and Garcia,
2001). Socio-dramas can be used as a method to
strengthen student's character threatened by human
trafficking problem. Students involved in socio-
dramas can practice a variety of roles defining the
character of the figures involved for problem
solving. To carry out their roles, students can
express thoughts and feelings. Socio-dramas process
provides an opportunity for students to express their
thoughts, feelings, and at the same time realizing the
action (acting). During socio-dramas process,
thoughts and feelings are involved directly with
issues or stories being portrayed. Similarly, students
who observe the process socio-drama will be
involved with the story and the characters. In
accordance with Lickona (1991) socio-dramas
process involves three components of character
development; moral knowing, moral feeling, and
also moral action. Characters can be formed through
a process of knowing the good thing (moral
knowing), feeling and believing the good thing
(moral feeling) and realizing those into action. Thus,
it can be said that socio-drama is a suitable method
for developing students' character.
This study used research and development approach,
which developed local excellence and self-potential
based character strengthening learning model to
prevent human trafficking, carried out over two
years. The research approach used research and
development of Borg and Gall (2003), adapted by
Sukmadinata et al. (2011) in the first year of
preliminary studies (research), literature review
necessary to develop a learning model were
conducted. The next stage explored the values of
local excellence and students’ character potential
and drafted a reinforcement learning model
character using socio-drama extracurricular
activities, as well as drafting the socio-drama
manuscript. Taking Photographs and exploring the
excellence of local values and character potential
would produce an objective picture of social
phenomena in order to draft a reinforcement learning
model character. Research was carried out in the
Sajingan Besar border region, West Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Subjects consisted of principals, teachers,
and students of SD Negeri 1 Aruk, SD Negeri 3
Sajingan, SMP Negeri2 Sajingan and SMP Negeri 3
Sajingan. SD (elementary) and SMP (Junior High)
students are those who belong to the nine-year basic
education. Data collection techniques during the first
year were observation, study documentation, and
interviews. Analysis of data using the following
stages: data reduction, data display, and conclusion
drawing (Moeleong, 2002).
Developing Local Advantage and Self Potential Character Based Teaching Learning Model to Prevent Human Trafficking in West
Kalimantan Borders
4.1 Digging Values of Local Excellence
and Self-Potential Character
Sajingan Besar community is classified as a
traditional society who upholds the values of local
wisdom. Local wisdom values are the advantageous
values of the local community (local). Local
excellence values are noble values considered its
ability to survive for generations to guide people's
lives. The values of local advantages are a long-
lasting value highly cherished by Sajingan Besar
society during their togetherness in the region. The
excellence local values are well proven to survive
and to filter out the effect of contrast values coming
from the outside, especially in of globalization era.
The existence of the Sajingan community local
values can be a tool or a means of establishing the
public character, especially young people and
children in primary school (Interviews with teachers,
April 2015). The diversity of these values are very
relevant for character building. Character
development that comes from the local excellence
value and potential through internalization and
personalization process is needed to form the
foundation of students’ education with strong
willpower and high motivation to study.
Balalek is one of the excellence local values in
Sajingan Besar (Interviews with principals, April
2015). Balalek is the value of mutual cooperation
that has been passed down by the ancestors of the
Sajingan community. This value has been
internalized and personalized by Sajingan Besar
society. Balalek value is embodied by caring and
solidarity. The value owned by Sajingan community,
especially Dayaks whose religions are Christian,
Roman Catholic, and traditional (indigenous) belief,
addresses to the natural environment both human
and non-human (such as ancestral spirits, and
spirits). Concern towards non-human beings is a
form of respect and honor conducted through rituals
(prayers) and sacrifice.
Even more, the value of caring and solidarity to
human values are embodied in the daily life of
Dayak community (Dayak Salakoand Bekati’) as
well as Malay, Javanese, and Flores communities.
These values are shown in the form of activities such
as raising funds to help alleviate the cost of
treatment for the families who got unfortunate
illness. Similarly, the values are realized through
community events by raising donations to be given
to families who will hold a wedding party. Such
activities are the realization of a great sense of
caring for the people around who are in need of help.
Balalek value describes moral character value, the
hallmarks of the Sajingan Besar society.
The state of education in the Sajingan Besar is
lacking behind other regions in Indonesia and
particularly even further striking difference with that
in neighboring Sarawak, Malaysia, pushing the
wishes and expectations of citizens of border
communities, especially in the future, to be
developed further. They want to be able to pursue
higher education. Comparing a more advanced
levels of education in neighboring countries,
Sajingan Besar border communities feel envious.
They want to obtain a good service in education, so
they do not fall far behind compared to neighboring
countries. Sajingan Besar society hopes that they
are able to improve their lives (the interviews with
teachers and students, April 2015). Sajingan Besar
community expectation for education services
illustrates the strong desire to go forward. A strong
desire to go forward, especially students of basic
education is the potential in the form of a
determination to progress and motivation to study.
They actually are embarrassed with that much
different conditions from the citizens of neighboring
countries. They want to live righteously as other
citizens. This community does not want to be looked
down upon by citizens of neighboring countries. All
of these illustrate how they have a proper dignity.
This illustrates the potential in the form of self-
Existing potential in the Sajingan Besar
community in general and especially basic-
education-age students, is in the form of a
determination to move forward, the motivation to
study, and self-esteem. These can be developed into
a capacity performance (Character Education
Partnership (2008), when attempting to deliberate in
the process of character education. Similarly, it can
also develop the capacity to love (Character
Education Partnership (2008) of students of primary
education, such as care and solidarityto be part of
character education. The advantages of local and
potential of basic education students in Sajingan
besar include the values of solidarity, caring and
camaraderie, determination to go forward, the
motivation to study, and self-esteem, which are basic
materials for developing learning models
strengthening character. Local excellence and
potential being personalized are the basis for the
development of moral character and performance
character for the student to overcome various
problems at the border with low level of education
and high number of human trafficking.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
4.2 Developing Local Excellence and
Self Potential Based Learning
Model to Prevent Human
Sajingan Besar is one of the districts in the north-
eastern tip of the Sambas and a part of the district of
Sambas, West Kalimantan. Sajingan Besar is located
in the northernmost area of the Sambas district. It is
isolated, and takes up to 90 km to reach the district
capital. This region is one of the gates of West
Kalimantan borders with Sarawak, Malaysia. Access
roads to get to the location along the border Sajingan
is largely still a dirt road which is under
construction, 82 KM of which is seriously damaged.
Rainy season further aggravate its road condition.
Lack of infrastructure has led to the low quality of
education in this area. Besides, of course, there are
many other causes such as insufficient numbers of
professional teachers, the level of poverty, and the
low motivation to pursue education, as well as the
problem of dropouts. In this area, the mind-set and
awareness for education is still relatively low. They
believe that it is better to work rather than study at
school to make money. This is certainly constituted
by weak economic conditions and a setback mind-
On one hand, the under par infrastructure,
poverty, poor education, weak mind-set and
awareness of parents to improve their children's
education, stand at the brink of Indonesian gate. On
the other hand, magnificent school buildings with
excellent provided facilities and infrastructure of the
neighboring country create huge gaps. Computer
labs, internet, language lab, students’ training hall
stand tall and well in Malaysia. For this reason, and
all the unfavorable conditions, border community
could be the target of human trafficking syndicates
touting around. Due to the difficult economic life on
ones’ shoulder and a lot of promising works in front
of their eye, parents might be encouraged to employ
their children abroad to help the family economy.
Regardless of the difficult conditions, the
Sajingan Besar community has a great noble values
indicating the local excellence. The border
community upholds noble values, handed down
from ancestors, which hitherto remains in the
community. They named it "Balalek", believed to be
a value of mutual help. Society always puts the
balalek value on various occasions, such as working
together to clean the environment, working together
to help the unfortunate, helping to establish the
neighbor's house and so on. Balalek values
embodied in the values of concern for others. This
value is very positive for the younger generations
who are currently in study age. It is very necessary
to develop awareness in schools through learning
and habituation, so that in time it will shape the
caring attitudes of the Sajingan younger generations.
In the long term, care influences the mind-set and
behavior patterns which are very favorable for the
development of Sajingan region. That is, the
implications of the development and habituation
caring attitude impact the formation of a caring
attitude towards the importance of continuing
education, a caring attitude towards protecting
yourself from bad deeds of others.
The majority, 98%, of Sajingan Besar
community is Dayak, who generally are either
Catholic or of Indigenous faith. Similarity of
ethnicity, religion, and culture of this community
shapes it into a society upholding solidarity value.
The value of solidarity is formed because of the
mutual respect toward each other. Mutual respect
encourages the formation of relationships in the
community that bind them together as a unit; so that,
they are protecting each other in dealing with
various things in life. Dayak community regards
high value of kinship. Kinship is based on blood
relationships, family relationships, and marital
relations. High kinship for the Dayak encourages the
formation of togetherness value. Society as a whole
feel that they come from the same lineage of Dayak
Social, economic, and education level of
Sajingan Besar are very much different from of the
citizens in neighboring area, Sarawak, Malaysia. In
difficult conditions, the actual border communities
have great expectations to live comfortably as
communities in neighboring countries. They desire
for economic welfare and to pursue higher
education. Looking at a more advanced levels of
education in neighboring countries, the border
communities feel envious. They want to obtain a
good service in education, so it is not left far behind
to neighboring countries. Sajingan public
expectation towards education services illustrates the
potential in the form of a determination to progress
and motivation to study. They are actually
embarrassed with much different conditions of the
citizens of neighboring countries. They wanted to
live righteously as other citizens. This community
does not want to be looked down upon by
neighboring citizens. Such thing illustrates how they
have a proper dignity, which shows potential in the
form of self-esteem.
Based on the values of local excellence and
existing potential of Sajingan Besar border
Developing Local Advantage and Self Potential Character Based Teaching Learning Model to Prevent Human Trafficking in West
Kalimantan Borders
communities, a character education learning model
through socio-dramas role play for extra-curricular
activities at school is developed. The purpose of the
developed model is to develop character values in
the basic education students of Sajingan Besar to
produce outcomes of young people having an
awareness of education, a strong motivation to
school, a sturdy determination to move forward, and
firm stance in the face of adversity. Through this
extra-curricular activity, students are expected to
explore themselves in the form of sharing ideas and
building confidence, improving commitment to
learning, and developing positive behaviors. Socio-
drama through dramatic activities engages students
to practice the virtue character, build self-esteem and
self-confidence, self-discipline, have collaboration
skills, solve problems, and make decisions. Socio-
drama is a vessel for students to internalize the
character values. In addition, it encourages students
to learn, understand, imagine, as well as practice
social problems that occur in the community, i.e.
human trafficking, as well as understand the effects
of such problem for themselves and society.
Through role play and appreciation of social issues
such as human trafficking, it is expected to form the
firmness on students when they are faced or meet
similar problem. Because, only through such process
can students feel, understand, and comprehend
social problem such as human trafficking.
Local excellence and self-potential based
learning model is built on the existing values of local
excellence and potential of Sajingan Besar society.
Character development is seen to run effectively by
integrating the values of local excellence. This value
as well as self-potential are inputs for the
development of the learning model. Socio-drama is
the method used to internalize the character values
and potential in students. The process of values
internalization in socio-drama activities carried out
in accordance with the Virtues Theory developed by
Lickona (1991). According to Lickona (1991),
character is formed through a process of knowing
the good, feeling the good, and acting the good.
Socio-drama process begins by warm-up in form of
student discussion to understand the values of
characters in the socio-drama text they are going to
act out along with a supervising teacher. This
activity is a process of knowing the good.
Furthermore, students in groups acting the socio-
drama, in which students express their
understanding, feelings/emotions in the process.
Other students who do not get the role are in charge
of observing the socio-drama process. The actors
call and invite observers (students who do not get
the role) emotionally, so the affective side touched.
Through time, students having “knowing the good”
are able to appreciate or believe in the character
values. This process is called feeling the good.
Based on the understanding of character values and
belief in the values of character, the student is
expected to embody the values of these characters in
their daily actions, acting the good.
The process of character development through
socio-dramas are expected to produce awareness of
children to continue their education, improve their
education. Another outcome is that students have a
firm stance in their life. This firm stance will be
helpful when facing various social problems such as
human trafficking. Learning model developed in this
study is depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Character Strengthening Learning Model.
Source: Authors.
Social, economic, and education level of Sajingan
Besar are very much different from of the citizens in
neighbouring area, Sarawak, Malaysia. In difficult
conditions, the actual border communities have great
expectations to live comfortably as communities in
neighbouring countries. They desire for economic
welfare and to pursue higher education. Looking at a
more advanced levels of education in neighbouring
countries, the border communities feel envious.
They want to obtain a good service in education, so
it is not left far behind to neighbouring countries.
Sajingan public expectation towards education
services illustrates the potential in the form of a
determination to progress and motivation to study.
They are actually embarrassed with much different
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
conditions of the citizens of neighbouring countries.
They wanted to live righteously as other citizens.
This community does not want to be looked down
upon by neighbouring citizens. Such thing illustrates
how they have a proper dignity, which shows
potential in the form of self-esteem.
The other hand, the under par infrastructure,
poverty, poor education, weak mind-set and
awareness of parents to improve their children's
education, stand at the brink of Indonesian gate. On
the other hand, magnificent school buildings with
excellent provided facilities and infrastructure of the
neighbouring country create huge gaps. Computer
labs, internet, language lab, students’ training hall
stand tall and well in Malaysia. For this reason, and
all the unfavourable conditions, border community
could be the target of human trafficking syndicates
touting around. Due to the difficult economic life on
ones’ shoulder and a lot of promising works in front
of their eye, parents might be encouraged to employ
their children abroad to help the family economy.
Funding: Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Indonesia
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education