Khatam Quran Tradition in Nagari Gurah Hall is one
of the traditions that express a religious culture of
Minangkabau society. The interaction between Islam
and local culture is a Sunnatulllah that has a
meaning that no religious doctrine down to the
world in the context of the absence of a culture in
which man is where there is a culture, when Islam
came to the Minangkabau, would have to make
contact with the local culture that has become a set
of knowledge, rules, norms as a guideline to act for
the locals. There is a process of mutual enrichment
and formed some distinctive culture variations. So
there has been a reconciliation between Islam as a
religion and culture in human life. Khatam Quran
tradition of these children is one of the Minangkabau
Islamic tradition and part of the process of
acculturation form that brought Islam as the Great
Tradition with Minangkabau culture as Little
Tradition which becomes the basis for the main
living philosophy of Minangkabau society are Adat
basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah.
Khatam tradition in public view is a form of
gratitude for the blessings of God and the social
recognition of the achievements of children learning
to read Al-Quran by the family and society as well
as the recognition of the child`s identity.
Khatam tradition has an impact on the discourse
of the knowledge society and economic resources of
society in terms of development and the economy of
the family.
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Traditon of Khatam Quran is a Aculturation Between Islam and Local Culture in West Sumatera Indonesian