through family empowerment center (Posdaya).
Posdaya is a place to allow a sustainable service on
the member of the family. The treatment is carried
out to maximize the family’s functions so that they
can improve their quality of life (Satriani et al.,
2011). The people’s empowerment through Posdaya
is considered as the effective program because the
assistance gets involved in approaching and
communicating the people door to door.
The activity of Posdaya empowerment is
designed in four pillars which are education, health,
economy, and environment. The four pillars are the
main focus from the Posdaya empowerment, with an
assumption that if the four aspects are evolved and
empowered properly then they could empower the
people because the four aspects comprise the whole
programs in empowering people particularly
economy aspect. Besides that, the legal foundation
of Posdaya is registered in the Constitution of
Indonesia No. 11/2009 article 12 about social
welfare and Presidential Directive No. 2/2010 about
development that corresponds with equality with a
substantial development for the people, justice for
all, and goal achievement Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs).
Viewing Posdaya status is strategic for the
people and becomes one of the advantages to turning
Posdaya into a model of people’s empowerment.
The presence of Posdaya should not have to form
new institution but, evolve or harmonize the
institution. The institution is the initial capital to be
reinforced so that the people’s empowerment
becomes more dynamic and progressive. In evolving
human resources would be right if it is done through
Posdaya because Posdaya proposes “bottom up
program” where the focus is on the independent and
utilizing the resources and local potency as a
solution (Widyana and Lumintang, 2013). The
empowerment program is through Posdaya then the
people are expected to evolve the local potency
whether it is their circumstance or nature potency.
Empowerment base local potency, the people
surely participate in implementing the program. It is
because the people are given motivation and
stimulus to utilize every local potency so that it will
benefit the people in economy aspect to improve
their quality of life. The local potency in every
region is unique and different so that when the
people are able to innovate by utilizing the local
potency then they will benefit. Therefore,
empowerment base on local potency through
family’s empowerment can produce prosperity that
is expected.
The method that is used in this study is research and
development (R and D) as Borg and Gall have been
developed. Sukmadinata (2007) stated that based on
the experience of doing research and developing
four times, modification the steps of Borg and Gall.
The result of Sukmadinata’s modification can be a
base to arrange the steps of this study, Step 1:
preliminary study consists of literature study and
field study. Step 2: formulating the first model of
Posdaya as a model of people’s empowerment base
on local potency. Step 3: validating the first model
by surveying the field in Posdaya and analyzing
data. Step 4: Validating the model from the
validation result in step 3 by surveying and
analyzing data. The data analysis that is used in this
study comprises data reduction, display data, and
drawing conclusion.
As a people’s institution, Posdaya has a purpose to
empower the family by serving family’s evolvement
continually particularly in religion aspect,
entrepreneurship, education, and environment so that
every family could develop independently (Suyono,
2011). Therefore, to accomplish that mission, it
requires some strategic ways such as delivering
understanding, knowledge, awareness that is carried
out by Posdaya by delivering socializations or
seminar even door to door, this strategy should
correspond with the people’s condition, they become
Posdaya’s role in performing various strategy in
empowering the people.
In generating prosperity for villagers, there are
three pillars that should be implemented by utilizing
village resources such as 1) management of village
resources sustainability in supporting people’s lives
in the village. 2) Utilizing local resources to
reinforce the people’s socioeconomic condition by
empowering villagers, and 3) identifying the local
potency and problem (Astuti, 2012).
A strategy that could be implemented by
Posdaya in empowering people base local potency
which is (a) knowledge, (b) awareness, (c) utilizing
local potency, and (d) habituating in utilizing the
local potency.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education