Governments in some countries experiencing a surge
in the number of elderly populations such as China,
Thailand, South Korea, Singapore, Germany, and
Japan have made various strategic policies and have
sided with the elderly.
The increasing number of elderly is not only
responded by various policies issued by the State, but
it also increases the interest of academicians to
conduct research on the elderly. In recent years,
researches on the elderly have begun to emerge,
although they are still limited in number compared to
studies about children, women, or adolescents.
Taking closer look, researches on the elderly can be
mapped into 3 (three) aspects, namely; health,
psychology, and welfare.
Health aspect, is the most frequently studied and
discussed focus both in Indonesia and in the world,
because during the elderly phase, the immune system
begins to weaken, causing the elderly becomes more
vulnerable to various diseases. Research conducted
by Kamble (2014) reveals a problem of elderly’s
weakening visual abilities in Mumbai, India, with the
finding that 65.54% of elderly have problems with
their visual abilities which make them dependent on
others. This condition is the elderly’s general problem
that should be anticipated with better facilities, long-
term services and care, to minimize the level of visual
dependence of the elderly. It is similar to a research
conducted by Borda (2015) which focuses on long-
term care of elderly in a nursing home. It reveals that
the officers or staffs working in nursing home must
have the technical skills to take care of the elderly,
and this is their duty. In Indonesia, there have also
been various researches on health of the elderly, for
example, what Andria (2013) found in her research
that the number of elderly who suffer from
hypertension is 45.79% with less level of sport
exercise. Some of the results of this study illustrate
that health problem, is something that must be
addressed and anticipated, especially in facing the
elderly booming.
In terms of psychology, the main problem of
elderly lies precisely on psychological aspect, known
as psychogeriatric, that is branch of medical science
which studies mental health of elderly. Some of the
researches on this aspect, are, for example, what Ho
(2015) reveals that the elderly involved in voluntary
social activities has a higher level of psychological
well-being compared to the elderly who is not
engaged in voluntary social activities. Trivedi (2015)
also conducts research on the psychology of the
elderly, which links spiritual and mental health of the
elderly. The study conducted to 120 elderly reveals
that the level of spirituality is closely related to the
level of depression experienced by the elderly,
because spirituality is the main control for the elderly.
There have also been several research results on
welfare or social security aspect. One of them is what
was revealed by Darmawan (2014) the research
finding shows that there has not been any law
specifically intended to regulate social security in
Central Java province. Elderly welfare derived from
Law Number 13 (1998) on Elderly Welfare.
Likewise, with the results of research conducted by
Indrawati and Sayekti (2013) which reveals that State
responsibility is often interpreted as the political
responsibility carried out by the Minister or related
officials, and is not a part of the State's systemic
policy of the elderly.
Several results of those studies provide an
overview of a series of problems experienced by the
elderly, both in terms of health, psychological, and
social security (welfare) by the State. In the midst of
an increasing number of elderly population, the social
security provided by the State remains at an alarming
rate, as revealed by a key informant in the preliminary
study, that until this time, the government is only able
to help 0.3% of displaced poor elderly because the
State budget is indeed very limited. This is due to the
lack of commitment and attention of the government
towards the elderly who are still underestimated by
various parties. With these limitations, the Ministry
of Social Affairs should press in such a way the
standardization of the elderly category that deserves
help. In terms of health, the elderly, similar to other
population groups, already have Health Insurance
(BPJS), but in its implementation, it has not been
followed by decent and friendly elderly service.
Referring to the above conditions, the author
assumes that a series of problems faced by the elderly,
including neglect, harassment, sickness, and State
policies that have not sided with the elderly is due to
the re-orientation of socio-cultural values, thus makes
the elderly no longer respected and considered as
unimportant, which in turn will affect the way the
State views the elderly. Thus, this study aims to fill
the research gap on how is the effort to re-glorify
elderly in the context of socio-cultural structure as a
local wisdom of collective Indonesian society. The
knowledge construction about it must be inherited
and socialized to the next generation so that the
society will honor and respect the elderly more. If this
condition is achieved, thus the State is expected to
create respect-based policies towards the elderly.
Socio-cultural is a context that cannot be
separated from the life of elderly as a part of the
community members. Gerden (2000) study deeply
about the meaning of elderly in individualistic and