Foreign students who follow the TISOL program in
Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java have
uniqueness in using language in communication. In
everyday conversation is still hugely influenced by IG
because of language mediation tools that are most
likely for foreign students and lecturers. But because
of the demands in order to use the IN they try to use
it although there are still many non-contextual
speeches although linguistically appropriate. Mother
tongues or native language foreign students
sometimes still influence in their speaking, especially
in phonological fields. Because Java, Yogyakarta,
and East Java are located in Java Island with JW
introductory language, many of the foreign students
are influenced by JW.
Based on the above study, it can be concluded that
sociolinguistics has a dominant role in learning
TISOL. Due to the wide variety of Indonesian
language, TISOL teachers should also teach
Indonesian language based on occasion and social
context in addition to the Indonesian standard. Thus,
foreign students will not have much trouble when
communicating in daily society. Preferably in the
teaching of Indonesian to foreigners is also adapted to
its social context rather than formal Indonesian
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Language Usage of Foreign Students in Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL): Sociolinguistic Studies Based on
Local Culture in Indonesia