The Sociology Literature Study of The Main Character in Novel Nun:
Pada Sebuah Cermin Through The Philosophy of Tembang Macapat
and The Compatibility with The Marginal Community
in Surakarta
Yusuf Muflikh Raharjo, Herman J. Waluyo and Kundharu Saddhono
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Sociology Literature, Marginal Community, Nun: Pada Sebuah Cermin.
Abstract: This study aims to describe the main characters contained in the novel Nun: Pada Sebuah Cermin by Afifah
Afra and its compatibility with the marginal life communities in Surakarta associated with the philosophy of
the tembang macapat that became the storyline of this novel. This novel takes place in Surakarta and tells the
marginal life people in the city who have different social and job backgrounds. This research is a qualitative
descriptive research using content analysis method with literature sociology approach. The result of this study
prove that the novel is able to tell a concrete picture of the marginal society and social condition in Surakarta,
with the setting of places around the bus terminal, river banks, and dumps. Through the eleven of tembang
macapat presented as the storyline, the novel is full of noble Javanese values, such as (1) ethical values, (2)
aesthetics, (3) religion, and (4) social that can be a tool of life reflection for every human.
Novels as one type of fictional prose are many in
adding messages in life because novel elements raise
issues about social life, society, and culture. The
novel works as the most dominant literary works in
displaying social elements (Ratna, 2007). Besides
that, the author's authorship is also the driving factor
for expressing himself through literary works
(Sarjidu, 2004). Novel is very appropriate if studied
with the study of sociology of literature to discuss
about social phenomenon shown in the novel (Cohen,
The previous research by Fatimah (2008) and Asri
(2011) revealed the relevance of literature in society.
Fatimah said, the extent of the literature can reflect
the condition of society. Beside, Asri also give the
explanation, if the level of socio-cultural relevance of
the literature with the socio-cultural realities is high,
then the quality literary works is high.
Along with the emergence of new novels that are
very significant, there are several novels that lift the
characteristics of the certain community. One of the
novels is a novel Nun: Pada Sebuah Cermin (NPSC)
by Afifah Afra. This novel tells the story of Nun, a
teenager who has to help his mother to make living
through playing ketoprak, a traditional performing
arts in Java Island that tells about the Babad Tanah
Jawa stories (Ulya, 2017).
The novel NPSC is a novel contained of culture
and describe the live of marginal community in
Surakarta. It is characterized by the plot that using the
philosophy of the macapat traditional song. As usual
us known, the eleven of tembang macapat symbolizes
the journey of the human life from birth to death, but
in this novel become the novel’s plot. Therefore, the
authors examine this novel by the sociology literature
approach to describe the main characters in the novel
NPSC and its compatibility with the marginal life
communities in Surakarta.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research with
the sociology of literature approach. Novel is one of
the literary works that have the structural, the
sociology of literature that can be evaluated through
Raharjo, Y., Waluyo, H. and Saddhono, K.
The Sociology Literature Study of The Main Character in Novel Nun: Pada Sebuah Cermin Through The Philosophy of Tembang Macapat and The Compatibility with The Marginal Community
in Surakarta.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 243-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the content analysis. The triangulation is used for the
theories and the sources; this study is validated
comprehensively until the results are credible. All of
the processes are systematically with the flow
analysis model (Miles and Hubberman, 1992).
This study begins with reading the whole story of
the novel NPSC. Having read and understood the
contents of the novel, the researchers choose the data
purposively, that is by chosen the consideration of
this literary sociology research focus: intrinsically,
extrinsically, and compatibility with marginal
community’s live. Furthermore, the data source is
also in the form of secondary data obtained from the
informants who enrich the data in this study.
Sociology and literature are always related to society.
The term sociology of literature applies to the
writings of critics and literary historians whose
primary concern is on the ways in which an author is
influenced by his class status, societal ideology,
economic circumstances related to his work and the
type of intended reader (Abrams, 1981). The main
works of literature and philosophy have a total
cohesion and the elements that make up the text mean
when it can provide a complete and coherent picture
of meaning (Goldmann and Boelhower, 1980). This
means showing that the study of sociology of
literature into a study that has a broad field to study a
literary work (Williams, 1971). Literary works in the
form of poetry and prose of course have a relationship
with the community so that the points in it can have
implications to the community (Saddhono and
Supeni, 2014).
The study of sociology of literature was
introduced in the 1970s to the 1980s (Singer, 2011).
In his writings, it is described that this study is
chronologically shown by Griswold which states that
the study of literary sociology such as amoeba, has no
definite structure but can be attributed to anything
(Griswold 1992). Meanwhile, the study of literary
sociology is a branch of literary research that is
reflective. This research is much in demand by
researchers who want to see literature as a mirror of
community life (Suwardi, 2008). This opinion
reinforces the opinion of researchers related to the
study of sociology of literature, the study of sociology
of literature will basically learn about the study
contained in society and the surrounding
environment. The purpose of a study or study of
sociology in literature is to get a complete picture of
the relationship between authors, literary works, and
3.1 The Background of the Novel
Afifah Afra is a novelist who was a literacy activist.
She is a CEO of a publisher in Surakarta, Afifah Afra
has produced many novels contained with
educational value.
Afifah Afra has the original name Yeni Mulati
Sucipto. She was born in Purbalingga, February 18,
1979. She already have a strong desire to dedicate
herself to cultivate literation.
Afra's contribution to literacy is considerable.
This is evidenced by the acquisition of awards from
some parties on her writings. In addition, her literacy
career has been honed when dabbling in the
Circumference Pena Forum (FLP).
3.2 The Structure of the Novel
The structures of a literary work were divided into
two parts, namely (1) the extrinsic structure and (2)
the intrinsic structure. A literary work contains the
intrinsic and extrinsic structures beside the structure
of formal languages that subsequently it is known as
structuralism genetic approach, that approach gives
attention to the analysis of intrinsic and extrinsic
(Ratna, 2015). The genetic structuralism in the
literary work covered the intrinsic and extrinsic
structure related to the social situation in the novel
(Shaahmoraadiyan and Ebrahimi, 2014), such as
theme, plot, the setting of place, and the main
3.2.1 Theme
The novel NPSC with the theme of social living was
especially the image of marginal society. Marginal in
this context was the place around the bus station that
the society had to be more struggle to make a living.
Afra as the author of packed this novel well
demonstrated by showing the persistence of a young
girl going through toughness of life. Nun had to work
as a Ketoprak player to help her mother to make a
3.2.2 Plot
The plot of NPSC in the novel is a progressive plot.
However, there was the uniqueness in the packaging
of this plot. Afra using the eleven of tembang
macapat philosophy in this novel plot. The eleven
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
songs were Mijil, Sinom, Maskumambang,
Asmaradhana, Dhandhanggula, Durma, Pangkur,
Gambuh, Pocung, Megatruh, Kinanthi. Mijil
Poma kaki padha dipun eling/ ing pitutur ingong/
Sira uga satriya arane/ kudu anteng jatmika ing budi/
ruruh sarta wasis/ samubarangipun//
(NPSC, vii)
Mijil was the beginning of the novel. Mijil was the
start or newborn in Javanesse. Mijil in this novel is
analogous to the introduction of the characters and the
early conflicts that will be displayed in the novel. Sinom
Amenangi jaman edan, ewuh aya ing pambudi/ Milu
edan nora tahan, yen tan milu anglakoni/ boya
kaduman melik, kaliren wekasanipun/ Ndilalah karsa
Allahh, begja-begjane kang lali/ luwih begja kang
eling lan waspada//
(NPSC, 1)
Sinom means youth living, which is defined as the
the beginning of the story. Nun is a teenage girl who
experiences a living problems. A teenage girl who
usually full of living in a pleasure should be working,
earning money to help her mother in living her little
family. Nun become ketoprak players who actually
less paid but for some reasons she wants to preserve
the culture. Maskumambang
Nadyan silih bapa biyung kaki nini/ sadulur myang
sanak/ kalamun muruk tan becik/ nora pantes yen den
(NPSC, 63)
Maskumambang in the novel told about the story
of Nun’s stepfather named Mr. Jiwo. Mr. Jiwo has a
strong character, often doing violence to the mother
and Nun. He was well known because he often disturb
the neighbour around. Asmaradhana
Gegaraning wong akrami/ dudu bandha dudu ruoa/
Amung ati pawitane/ Luput pisan kena pisan/ Lamun
gampang luwih gampang/ Lamun angel, angel
kalangkung/ Tan kena tinumbas arta//
(NPSC, 93)
Asmaradhana told about Nun begin experiencing
complications in her romance, between Mas Wir and
Naya. Nun was very likely to close with Naya to make
a relationship is not concerned with possessions or
appearance, it is need a belief. Dhandanggula
Sasmitaning ngaurip puniki, yekti ewuh yen nora
weruha/ Tan jumeneng ing uripe, pangrasane wis
utami/ Tur durung wruh ing rasa, rasa kang satuhu/
Rasaning rasa punika/ Upayanen darapon
sampurneng dhiri, ing kauripanira//
(NPSC, 133)
Dhandhanggula showed the sweet time in the
Nun’s life, she felt comfortable of her. Nun when it
get a chance to take High School Equivalency
Program, right away he took that golden opportunity.
Accompanied by Gatra, Nun immediately carry out
the mandate of his mother to take that High School
Equivalency Program. Durma
Bener luput ala becik lawan beja/ Cilaka mapan
saking ing badan priyangga/ Dudu saking wong liya/
Mulane den ngati-ati/ Sakeh dirgama, singgahana
den eling//
(NPSC, 169)
Durma described about Nun process began to
explore the life. Nun as a female teenagers get
attention from two men, Mas Wir and Naya. They
both always give attention to Nun, whether it was the
counsel or motivation for her. However, Nun need to
know that everything should be thought carefully and
everything, right or wrong have to be returned again
to The Lord. Pangkur
Mingkar mingkuring angkara/ Akarana karenan
mardi siwi/ Sinawung resmining kidung/ Sinuba
sinukarta/ Mrih kretarta pakartining ngelmu luhung/
Kang tumrap ning tanah Jawa/ Agama ageming aji//
(NPSC, 197)
Pangkur was be a sad plot in this novel. Nun was
told that her mother had died buried by garbage in
TPS Putri Cempo. Nun was very sad and angry. She
burst a blood vessel that want to avenge the death of
her mother to Jiwo, her stepfather. However, her
anger can be prevented by Mas Wir. Nun can accept
it, although forcefully.
The Sociology Literature Study of The Main Character in Novel Nun: Pada Sebuah Cermin Through The Philosophy of Tembang Macapat
and The Compatibility with The Marginal Community in Surakarta
245 Gambuh
Rasaning yyas kayungyun/ Ngayomi likitaning kalbu/
Gambir wana kalawan hening ing ati/ Kabekta kudu
pitutur/ Suminingkiring reh tyas mirong//
(NPSC, 231)
Gambuh be a continuation of Pangkur indicated
by Nun roll back her memory of his mother figure
who continues to support her. Nun was reminded of
the clarity of the mother's heart that always gives the
spirit and affection, even though the mother's life is
full of heavy burden. Pocung
Tutur bener puniku/ Sayektine apantes tiniru/ Nadyan
metu saking wong sudra papeki/ Lamun becik nggone
muruk/ Iku pantes sira anggo//
(NPSC, 281) Pocung
Sigra milir/ kang gethek sinangga bajul/ Kawan dasa
kang njageni/ Ing ngarsa miwah ing pungkur/ Tanapi
ing kanan kering/ Kang gethek lampahnya alon//
(NPSC, 315)
Pocung and Megatruh depicts the life story of
Nun in the story that began with moments of despair,
where Nun felt she had lost her spirit in life because
she was left by the ones she loved, including her
mother who had died. She also felt that was no
meaning in life. Kinanthi
Padha gulangen ing kalbu/ Ing sasmita amrih lantip
Aja pijer mangan nendra/ Kaprawiran den kaesthi
Pesunen sariranira/ Cegahen dhahar lan guling//
(NPSC, 363)
However, in Kinanthi, Nun finally rediscover her
path as she can introspect and take lessons from the
problems of life happened in her life. Nun began to
rediscover the rhythm of her life after being engaged
by Mas Wir. Beside, all the twists and turns of Nun's
life that has been passed turns into happy ending, she
got a lot of happiness of life with Mas Wir and also
ketoprak Candra Poernama becoming world-famous
to Europe. That is all because of Nun’s patience and
fortitude to face her life.
Overall macapat in the plot of this novel
illustrated that the phase of a man's life does not end
when it became pocong, but after that there is a
process of the separated between the spirit with a
human body and waiting for the reply of our good
works in living in the world (Supajar, in Afra, 2015).
3.2.3 Setting
The novel NPSC has the setting of place and
dominant situation. The setting of place was located
on Surakarta, including the building of Ketoprak
show, which is intended Ketoprak Building
Balekambang Solo, settlement around Terminal
Tirtonadi, and the cultural park building of Central
Java (TBJT). While the setting of the atmosphere is
often raised is an atmosphere of anxiety and affection
experienced by Nun.
3.2.4 The main characters
The novel NPSC has a main character named Nun
Walqolami. Nun has a persistent character in dealing
with problems of life as an adolescent girl. Nun was
a Ketoprak player should play every night to help earn
a living. Moreover, Nun also faced with the problem
of her romance with Mas Wir and Naya. However, in
the end Nun was married to Mas Wir, a male figure
that older than her.
Another character in the novel were Mas Wir and
Naya. Mas Wir and Naya had a role to make the
conflict in the story. Mas Wir always been a mature
figure and often helps Nun solving problems. While,
Naya present as a competitor of the story of Mas Wir's
romance with Nun, but Naya have different social
class with her, so he did not marry him, as his father
had suggested.
3.3 The Suitability of Marginal
Community Overview of Surakarta
in The Novel
Marginal communities are identical to the conditions
of the layers of society in a city where they live in
poverty. Marginal residence is common in
riverbanks, around bus stations, as well as public
places. They live by making buildings attached to the
walls of public facilities. As for some of the marginal
people are also not separated by the nomadic system,
or move from one place to another (Swift, 1978).
The marginal societies who were living in poverty
are urging them to struggle against the rigors of life
(Park, 1928). The environment around bus station is
very hard. It is full of criminal practices, such as
prostitution and even murder. Nun who lives around
Tirtonadi bus station, has a prostitute's neighbour, an
ustaz who opens the practice of contract marriage,
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
and his own mother becomes a murder victim by her
Nun in her young age should be make a living by
working as an artist, a ketoprak player. Ketoprak
player was paid less that adds the marginal people life
more exhausting. However, there is a mission the
author discloses through this novel about the marginal
image. Although, they are not as fortunate as the elite,
but they still have a mission of preserving their
culture, in this case ketoprak art.
The NPSC has a main character named Nun. Nun told
be the embodiment of the marginal community in the
city of Surakarta. Through this novel, the author
succeeded in bringing a picture of the reality of
marginal society in Surakarta City, those who live
around the Tirtonadi Bus Terminal and the landfill of
Putri Cempo. The NPSC novel plot is also unique, by
using the philosophy of eleven tembang macapat. For
example, Mijil which is defined as birth, can be
associated as the stage of recognition of characters
and problems in the story.
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The Sociology Literature Study of The Main Character in Novel Nun: Pada Sebuah Cermin Through The Philosophy of Tembang Macapat
and The Compatibility with The Marginal Community in Surakarta