Considering some arguments above, it can be
concluded that social construction is the
establishment of individual’s mind-set departing
from an action and social interaction ending up in an
individual’s perspective on what the public thinks of
generally and experienced subjectively, created as
social reality.
So, it can be said that social construction is a
concept explaining that social structure abides not
only outside but also inside human beings or
objectified in their subjective consciousness. Social
construction shows that (socio-cultural, social order,
religion) in human consciousness is something not
acceptable mechanically but interpreted by human
beings as a rational creature into subjective
2.2 Religious Life Concord
The attempt of achieving such concord needs time
process and dialogue, being opened to each other,
accepting and appreciating each other, and loving
each other. Meanwhile, the religious community
concord is the relationship between fellow religious
communities based on tolerance, understanding each
other, respecting each other, appreciating each other
in the equality of religion tenet implementation and
cooperation in living within society and state. The
basic guideline of religious life concord of religious
community life concord building project guides the
religious community life corresponding to and
harmoniously with Pancasila and 1945 Constitution,
to make every religion adherent, either individually
or as members of society and citizen, in addition to
complying with and implementing their religion
tenets, simultaneously implementing, conceiving,
and applying Pancasila.
From the elaboration above, it can be seen that
establishing religious life concord and developing
religious life, not only respecting and appreciating,
building and developing and giving guidance and
direction for the better development of nation life,
corresponding to government policy in building life
in nation and state based on Pancasila and 1945
Constitution. It is the objective of religious life in
living within society in which individual can live
adjacently in concord and peace.
The term life concord is often equated with
tolerance, understanding each other, appreciating
each other, respecting each other, and harmony in
inter-human relation. Concord contains recognition
of difference and appreciation to each other. In
social science, the term concord is a part or included
into social integration (Budiyono, 1985).
The concept of concord is the reference to
minimize the conflict cracking the principles of
harmony in the plural community life. Furthermore,
religious community concord in Indonesia involves
three dimensions: internal religious community
concord, inter-religious community concord, and
concord between religious communities and
government. This three dimensions becomes the
focus of government’s and every religious
community’s attention, to build tolerance, concord
and harmony. In bringing the trilogy of concord into
reality, regulation and legislation are published, and
dialogue is intensified to solve the problems related
to religious community relation (Sardy, 1981).
Life concord is a social unity of individuals the
members of which respect and appreciate each other
in certain environment so that concord and peace is
created within society (Sardy, 1981).
Life concord is the collective need in living
within society; living within society, individuals
cannot avoid difference. The existing difference is
not hindrance for living in concord and adjacently in
fraternity and unity frames. The awareness of
religious life concord should be dynamic, humanistic
and democratic, in order to be transformed into the
lower class of society or the next generation, so that
concord cannot only be felt or enjoyed by the rich or
those living in the present but also transferred to the
next generation. It is because religion cannot stand
alone and be considered as solving all problems. The
definition of religious community concord,
according to Mukti, is a condition in which all
religious community groups can perform and
undertake their own religious obligation collectively
without reducing their own basic rights and live as
the good religion adherents in peace and concord. It
is manifested into three concords: internal religious
community concord, inter-religious community
concord, and concord between religious
communities and government (Mukti, 2009).
From the argument above, it can be concluded
that the religious community life is a social
condition of individuals or members respecting each
other, appreciating each other, and living in peace
and harmony based on tolerance and cooperation in
their society environment, either internally or
externally to achieve collective welfare in society,
both physically and spiritually.
2.3 Traditional Belief
Paul Radin in his work entitled Primitive Religion:
Its Nature and Origin, cited in Haryanto (2015)